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The War

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  • OOT-Oh, that's so sad.
    Nothing Martina, Ged said I mean, this WAS supposed to be the perfect trap but now it isn't because YOU got yourself trapped. Look around you. All the enemy's army is inside that fortress. GET OUTTA THERE!

    "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." -Bilbo Baggins (The Fellowship of the Ring: J.R.R. Tolkien)
    "Not all who wander are lost"- J.R.R. Tolkien
    "Thanks, you don't look so hot yourself." - (Yogi Berra)after being told he looked cool
    Comradely, Diego

    Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
    "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

    "Be a real


    • OOT: wow i've been gone for awhile. jesus, alot has happened, i'm still slightly confused. Nightshade was killed off? oiy! hope i don't mess this all up....

      Alyra got up and looked around grogily. At first she thought she had lost her mind....but everyone out here?! what the hell happened? she frowned and entered the mind of the nearest soldier (which was only a few feet away) and found out that the enemy was trapped inside the fortress. She shook her head and picked up her sword to lean on, I really gotta stop falling asleep and going unconcious

      "It was my turn to save you, that's all. Now I want a few weeks off..."

      it's not dying for a friend that's, what's hard is finding a friend worth dying for.
      Call me Q :-)

      you never know who your real friends are until the hard times come. When it isn't all happy laughs and fun. sometimes your old friends will rough it & stay. but usuall they tend to fade away. If they fade, do not fear, bcuz better fr


      • Oh. OK, then. Thanks.

        Blinking and shaking her head, Martina looked back at the mercenaries. She though fast.
        "Right. We're going to go out of the castle now. Your're both going to turn around and walk in front of me, and I'm going to walk behind you, with my sword. OK? Now, turn around."

        "We are philosophical geniuses [sic] who will one day rule the world!"
        --Agent M
        Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha!
        Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


        • Letalis soared above the clouds, when she felt an iron squeeze tighten her heart. "Nightshade," she whispered. "Ice! Go back!" Ice turned in a sweep across the sky. Letalis' heart beat faster and faster as she raced towards the fortress. One thought recurred through her mind: Nightshade Nightshade Nightshade Night-- Ice landed and Letalis hopped off. She looked into the turmoil...straining her eyes...Finally she found it. The body of Nightshade, cast carelessly in the dust. She raced toward it, killing off three troll vampires as she did so. "Nightshade, Come back!" Letalis shook Night's shoulder. She muttered a spell in the speech, and Nightshade remained still. How had she known Nightshade were dead? What was connecting her to Night? (NS from now on) NS' power had given out. Letalis could only think of refilling it with her own. She poured out memory after memory, soul after soul, love and love. She grew weak and began lopsidedly tilting to one side, as Nightshade's chest began to rise and fall. "Di--Dieg--Diego!" Letalis murmured before she collapsed. He knew this bond between Nightshade, him, and Letalis. And he would tell them. If they lived.

          (er, PAPERCRANE COME BACK!!!!!!!! WE LOVE NS!!!!!!! COME BACK!!!!!!!!!)

          the crinkled paper bag
          "Life isn't like the movies, Toto."
          --Alfredo, Cinema Paradiso
          the crinkled paper bag
          "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow, "Pirates"


          • Rysadeh's demon eyes lit up. "What're we gonna do, toots? Walk through that army?" Roux started to chuckle, and hopped up on the battlements.

            "Let's go." He leapt off the wall.

            Rysadeh gave Martina a look. He scooted to put his knees to the stone ledge that surrounded the landing they stood upon, which in turn surrounded the keep's inner courtyard. Martina circled, pointing the blade at his neck, wondering what he was up to. Rysadeh grabbed her around the waist, and fell backwards off the wall, laughing manically all the way down.

            They landed catlike on the ground, quite intact.

            "Took you long enough. If you're done hitting on her, can we go kill somthing?"

            Rysadeh set down the squirming Martina, winked at her, and set off to the Wizard's army.

            --Dai Stihó

            Foam Poet
            "It was a bad line and a prank call, someone spouting insane babble; I couldn't make sense of it. But I had an overwhelmeing sense of deja vu, and the caller's voice sounded oddly familiar."


            • Martina spluttered. And glared at the swiftly retreating backs.
              "You come back here!" She strode after them. "And no, you can _not_ kill something! And what exactly-" turning to Rysadeh-" do you think you are doing? I can get myself down a wall, thanks ever so!" She waved her sword uder his nose. "Also, I just lost all the dignity I once had!"

              <OOC: *amused* Martina really did just lose all her dignity, though... *shakes head*>

              "We are philosophical geniuses [sic] who will one day rule the world!"
              --Agent M
              Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha!
              Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


              • The demon sighed. Difficult women were a problem for him. He was used to them swooning in his presence. How to get around this? On an impulse, he batted aside the sword and tried what usually worked...


                It always worked. Marveling at his genius, he backed off, looking into her wide eyes, and smiled, certain of what he would see there. He marveled for about a quarter second.

                Rysadeh went pale, and his knees went out underneath him. Roux turned, wondering what was going on. "Hey, what's going on here? Lady, you mess with Rysadeh, you mess with me!"



                "Look..." Rysadeh pointed at her eyes. Martina looked slightly confused. Underneath, that, though, Roux saw. "It's... Mar..."

                Roux fell, going prostrate.

                "I'm SO sorry, M'lady..." said Rysadeh, his head bowed. He looked up. A burning tear fell from his eye. "Please forgive us! We didn't know! Spare our lives..."

                <OOC: She's Mars, isn't she? The Moon's sister... Mar-tina. Martin the warrior (redwall) Mars, red, The Goddess of War. If not, then: OOPs! Some other explanation then...>

                --Dai Stihó

                Foam Poet
                "It was a bad line and a prank call, someone spouting insane babble; I couldn't make sense of it. But I had an overwhelmeing sense of deja vu, and the caller's voice sounded oddly familiar."


                • "DIEGO!!!!!!!" a scream pierced the air. Letalis and Nightshade were still on the ground. Ice roared from the side, a sound of fury mixed with night air. A small token burned at Letalis' neck. The star. The burn. It was small and piercing white, like a night star. The rise and fall of Letalis' chest kept it piercing rhythmicly. It winked out. Like Letalis' soul.

                  the crinkled paper bag
                  "Life isn't like the movies, Toto."
                  --Alfredo, Cinema Paradiso
                  the crinkled paper bag
                  "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow, "Pirates"


                  • OOC, not that I need to say it anyway as I don't have any characters except Marama who is currently sitting in the 'freebies' box at the door: Lentalis died too? How sad.

                    "That's right," he said. "We're philosophers. We think, therefore we am."
                    -- (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)
                    *Look kindly upon the decaffienated one*
                    My art place thing -
                    OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
                    --Douglas Adams, HHGG


                    • (Papercrane--Letalis isn't dead yet. Neither is Nightshade. Please come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Letalis is sacrificing her power for YOU!)
                      (Also--Diego, db--same dif--you're supposed to come along and save us now! Hint hint nudge nudge. Or make up some dramatic end...we are in your hands...)

                      the crinkled paper bag
                      "Life isn't like the movies, Toto."
                      --Alfredo, Cinema Paradiso
                      the crinkled paper bag
                      "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow, "Pirates"


                      • OOT, which is much more accurate because one can be OOT and otherwise even when one doesn't have any characters: bc, that's so sad. I was trying to kill Nightshade...but you can have her if you want. Lentalis doesn't really have to sacrifice her power.

                        "That's right," he said. "We're philosophers. We think, therefore we am."
                        -- (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)
                        *Look kindly upon the decaffienated one*
                        My art place thing -
                        OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
                        --Douglas Adams, HHGG


                        • Lilly alighted expertly and sheathed her two small but extremely sharp knives. Grinning mischievously, she looked around for more action. Being in vampire form always made her a bit...wild, to say the least.

                          OOC: Sorry for writing so little but I'm very tired - exhausting weekend and all that, don't you know?

                          "Food for thought requires a mind with teeth" Vollys the dragon, "The Two Princesses of Bamarre"
                          "Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!" Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean
                          WHO CARES IF LEGOLAS IS GIRLY OR NOT???
                          Nurse Foxtail has returned!!!


                          • <OOC: *SNICKERS* HAHAHAHA. Yes. Hahaha. hahaha. AHAHAHAHAHAH. (That was insane hysterical laughter. Just so you know. Ahahaha. She is going to _kill_ you.>

                            Martina looked very, very taken aback, for about five seconds. Then she appeared to come to her senses.
                            "I- uh. Yes. That's me. I did warn you not to mess with me, didn't I?" She laughed. "See, if you don't pay attention, you get surprised. Just... uh. Don't do it again, OK?" her far-too-familiar glare reappeared. "Stand up, please! Don't grovel. It's very unbecoming."

                            She folded her arms, and waited as Rysadeh scrambled to his feet. "better. No, where were we? Ah. The good guys. Interrogating you. I had forgotten. We want to go that way, I think you'll find." She gestured, and bent over to pick up her sword. "Oh, yeah. Never touch my sword again. I mean that. Never."

                            <OOC: Actually, she's a lesser aspect. But that's why her strengths are in war... it's also why she's glaring all the time. it's not _just_ because I can't think of anything else for her to do. (It's also, uh, porbably a normal reaction? ) It's at leasat partly in character. She's very competent interms of warmongering, but everything else comes a little harder. I love playing characters who are allowed to kick @$$. >

                            "We are philosophical geniuses [sic] who will one day rule the world!"
                            --Agent M
                            Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha!
                            Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                            • (Papercrane--the whole point was so you would come back to this topic! We love NS. You should stay! PLEASE!!!!! Come back! Db, where are you? I can't do anything! Hurry!

                              the crinkled paper bag
                              "Life isn't like the movies, Toto."
                              --Alfredo, Cinema Paradiso
                              the crinkled paper bag
                              "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow, "Pirates"


                              • *sigh* Ok, the 'Freebies' box outside the door now has both Nightshade and Marama in it. If you want them, figure out how to ressurect them yourself. (When I say 'you,' I mean the forum in general)

                                "That's right," he said. "We're philosophers. We think, therefore we am."
                                -- (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)
                                *Look kindly upon the decaffienated one*
                                My art place thing -
                                OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
                                --Douglas Adams, HHGG

