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Freaky (lucid?) dreams!!! (post them here!)

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  • #76
    I had the strangest dream...i was using one of those new fishing rods where you actually shoot the hook out like a gun, and shooting it into a bathtub, with grass, and fish, that was actually a pond somehow,and looking for where the hook was, just for the sake of seeing if it actually came out...there was something else too, but i don't remember it...
    oh, and for the dream that was not a dream by, but weird...i've had day dreams so real, that when i move, in the day dream, i i'm lying down, lost in my thoughts, daydreaming, and my daydream self thing i know i'm jerked back to reality by my body hitting the floor. at another point, i was going to my room...and there was this door where my room was. this wonderous door with stained glass panes in it, and you know something wonderous is behind it...but i was called back to reality before i could open it. *sighs*
    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
    For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


    • #77
      that was weird. do any of you have an idea of how I could reprogram a staples easy button to say ?"that was random" or "that was crazy" ???
      *sigh* another beautiful dream. Kit and Dairine were there, and Tom had started working for NASA, and somehow, he was letting Kit and I set of shuttles and space probes in my driveway. then the space station flew over our heads, along with air force 1 and the hubble space telescope. after that, Kit and I were heading out into the sea to try to discover islands of another world. at the point in my dream where Kit and Nita started liking each other, i woke up. *is veeerrry veeerry sad that she didn't see the end of that dream*
      Dif-tor heh smusma.


      • #78
        I had a very bizzare dream the other night. Napolean Bonaparte was in it and for some reason, he wanted to marry my best friend. We were in a house full of ghosts that we had a feast with, that lasted the entire "night" and in the "morning" they disappeared and then after that there were contests for my friends hand in marriage and someone ran a ferris wheel into a wall. Oh, and for some odd reason Napolean had blonde, curly hair. I know where the Napolean part of the dream came from, I had just been reading a book with him in it, but still, it was odd.
        Tourist, Rincewind decided, meant "idiot".
        Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic
        Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.
        Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)


        • #79
          Napoleon Bonaparte is not the best person to be marrying trust me. I read a lot of history preferably medieval, American, and African American history so I know he is not someone your friend wants to be marrying.
          Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
          Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


          • #80
            I had a dream last night, that I was visiting an underwater version of washington D.C. or otherwise, D.C. had become underwater. It was like I was going to join some secret government spy operation, when I found out that I had cancer, and I needed to be operated on to save my life. The surgeon was Raven, from that's so raven. I woke up veeerrry confused.
            Dif-tor heh smusma.


            • #81
              I had the wierdest dream...where nothing made sense. I'm at a ski resort. In my head I believed it to be Glen Eden, but it didnt look like that. The hills are nicely coated with snow...and I see a group of people ready to start a lesson, but they dont have skis or snowboards; they are wearing their boots.

              I ignore that and go down the hill, and when I reach the bottom, I lose a ski, and realize tha I've forgotten my poles. Then I look back at the hill and find patches of green, andl ook in disappointment. After that, I decide to go to another...I walk this massive hill (which isnt really the setup of Glen Eden) and find one of my friends trying to start a fire with a pencil and a stick...and it works? Yeah, wierd. That it.

              I am so befuddled!


              • #82
                anyone ever have those weird dreams that seem to be in the same dream world as some other dream you had?
                the other day i had this dream that i was trying to make a sandwhich, and buying things at the store, but was remembering from this other dream that the deli only gave italian bread if you bought a sandwhich with it, so got bread from across the street, but ate a lot of it before i bought it, and forgot to buy it, so i had to run back from the deli where i got salami, buy the bread, tell them waht i had done, and was forced to count to make sure all the bread was there, since there was now a number on the bag of how much there should was weird.

                i also had a dream a long time ago, that a girl was calling me spongebob, and her name was jenifer, and she was doing a dive into a pull, for a few minutes i was spongebob, or something, and she dived out of a clam, was spinning, and i was throwing her soda to drink out of the air in mid dive...
                did i mention i now have a friend named jennifer who calls me spongebob? long after the dream.../
                I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                • #83
                  i had a dream that my next-door neighbors where out riding their bikes behind our house and then 5 seconds later one of them came over to see if my sister and i could play and my mom said i couldn't but my sister could and when i went into my room outside of my window there was this patio with really green grass and one tree smack dab in the middle and i climbed out the window and there was one of my next-door neighbors and his girlfriend (he's a 6th grader) and i mistaked his girlfriend for his sister who was actually playing with my sister. when i woke i was actually at the window trying to open it.
                  -"Though speach be unlearn'd, The wisdom be earn'd,"
                  Cairpre, the bard, The Lost Years of Merlin book 3


                  • #84
                    I will now describe this forum:

                    this forum/discussion is
                    psyconoronically disturbing
                    Dif-tor heh smusma.


                    • #85
                      I once had this dream that one of my best friend was actually my twin (we do look alike people get us confused all the time) and that two of my other friends were twins and our (my best friend and I) cousins and their mom was this really mean teacher at our school. Oh and another of my friends was really an enchanted dog. It was really weird.


                      • #86
                        Kaila Kirchner: had a dream that my next-door neighbors where out riding their bikes behind our house and then 5 seconds later one of them came over to see if my sister and i could play and my mom said i couldn't but my sister could and when i went into my room outside of my window there was this patio with really green grass and one tree smack dab in the middle and i climbed out the window and there was one of my next-door neighbors and his girlfriend (he's a 6th grader) and i mistaked his girlfriend for his sister who was actually playing with my sister. when i woke i was actually at the window trying to open it.
                        weird...i usually only see the movements happening as the result of my dreams when i wake up already in bed. (they usually last long enough for me to find my way back, if i moved at all.)
                        I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                        For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                        • #87
                          i had a dream that I bought a wizpod at big lots for ten dollars.
                          Dif-tor heh smusma.


                          • #88
                            I had a dream that dragons were alive with the dinosaurs and a scientist had brought a specimen that was frozen in the polar ice caps back to life with cryogenics. It was a pregnant specimen. The dragon and its babies escaped from the lab and reproduced really fast. Then they started killing of the human species. Very good dream. I wrote a story based on it.
                            I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


                            • #89
                              hah! i WISH that was real! *wants wizpod* i don't even really care about the music, just that it would mean i had a manuel. :P
                              I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                              For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                              • #90
                                I wish the wizpod was real also.
                                Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
                                Writing is an art, and words are like colors.

