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Freaky (lucid?) dreams!!! (post them here!)

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  • that is weird. I dreamt that everyone in the world had turned to skeletons. I know, clique, but true. I woke up (in my dream. I ALWAYS wake up in my dreams.) and went into the kitchen where a skeleton whereing my grandfather's cap was sitting at the table. This of course was my grandfather. i looked at my skeleton hand and started to laugh. then I fainted. then i woke up. (for real.)
    I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


    • Now that is weird. At least the dream that I had about the book "Shade's Children" by Garth Nix didn't have skeleton's in it. But, I was freaked though and running not laughing.
      Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
      Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


      • Iv been haveing some weird dreams (weirder than normal). The one I rember the best my boyfriend's friend who I dont like is in jail. The guy in jail really freaks me out and in my dream he found out I was going out with the guy i am going out with and he was mad. So he got out of jail some how and was comeing after me. I was literaly running from him and I woke up just as he was about to catch me.
        The Answer to life the universe and everything: CREW 42!!!!!!!!
        DON'T PANIC!!!!! *two seconds later once the plan does not work* OK PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        I have a spelling problem. SYWTBAW


        • I'm starting to think I have a past life or something, I keep having these brief dreams about like...I'm really not sure about how to explain it. It's like normal days. I think I was a guy though because I was holding a led bullet in my hand once and I felt a gun on my back. (note I am a girl so that is kind of odd)
          I keep having them, and its more every time, it's like a t.v. show, to be continued every time. I afraid when I reach the end of my "season" the 'me' will die. I don't want 'me' to die!
          I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

          Call me nasa, it's a tradition.... don't ask...


          • I only remember this fragment of a dream I had Friday night. I was walking passed the floor heater in my house before I went to bed. Well in my dream I looked and the heater was on the wall in the hall way. I remember that I wasn't me, in fact I was a ghost. I was really jumpy before I went to bed that night. The t.v. in my grandma's room just popped on. And, other weird things have been dissapearing or happening. I don't believe my house is haunted. I just think that after my grandma's t.v. came on I was freaked.

            Not so silent one, I personally don't believe in reincarnation. But, that doesn't mean it isn't possible. I know on Dateline or 20/20 one of those, they did an episode showing a little seven year old who could remember things from his past life. I don't remember who reported it so you could send an email to the journalist and get the contact info to the doctors that were helping the little boy see his past. When the were told by the boy and his parents what he was seeing, it comes to find out he use to be some wealthy dude in the early twentieth century. But, it was a long time ago. So, I don't know if I remember the whole story well. But, I do know the boy would see things in dreams of his past.
            Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
            Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


            • This dream I had last night probably falls under "freaky". For some unknown reason, my sister and I were babysitting for Bill Clinton. I don't remember what happened during that "day" too much. Anyway, early in the evening, he came home, and I was somewhere else in the house. When I reentered the living room, he had fastened a bomb on his wife and one on his baby (????). He then passed out, I think. I managed to get the bomb off his baby daughter and scurried out the door, for some reason leaving it behind as it ticked down. My sister was working to get the other one off his wife (by the way, she wasn't Hilary). I gestured her to get out and flew across the street. Me and the girl had gotten about five houses away when the whole Universe seemed to go quiet except for the final beeps of the bombs before they detenated.

              Then, somehow, I was at my church, minus the baby. There was apparently some huge meeting being held for members of the parish because Bill Clinton was dead. This was when I first learned that that was his name. My mom was talking to some of my friends when I walked in, about my sister's being okay. I told her that I had been at the house that day. The dream probably would have carried on to something truly more bizarre if my alarm clock hadn't then gone off.

              That dream made absolutely no sense whatsoever, but it was creepy. He didn't even look like Clinton. *shudders*
              I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


              • ummm, I had a dream about a mysterious ice cream shop that had a passageway that led to another world with the secret organization of V.F.D. (from the series of unfortunate events books) was trying to find a way to kill the lone power, aka, tach death to die. The natives of that land were three inches tall! then the dream went weird when Carmela found the passageway and became some sort of wizard that was in search of Ronan, and was tearing apart the universe looking for him.
                Dif-tor heh smusma.


                • last night i had a dream that everyone in my school had magic and every thing was differnt
                  kids was flaying.


                  • I had a dream that was a mixture of Nancy drew, a series of unfortunate events, Narnia, and a feew other books. I tell you, I am reading too much!
                    Dif-tor heh smusma.


                    • I had this weird dream where my best friend lived in this old shack not too far from the freeway. I was pregnant and I was trying to decide if I should have an abortion or not. Through out the whole dream I never got any bigger. My friend sure was poor though.
                      Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
                      Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


                      • I had a dream last night in which I was being chased by a grocery shopping cart and then I was able to turn it over so it couldn't chase me anymore. Apparently there was a girl from another world (I think) who wanted to get me for some reason. It was very weird.
                        Tourist, Rincewind decided, meant "idiot".
                        Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic
                        Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.
                        Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)


                        • Ok, last night a had a really weird dream. It might have had to do with me yelling at the world in chime...
                          Ok, so, I am a PERFECT citizen most of the time. I don't steal, I don't swear(with elders) I never flip my Gramma off.

                          Ok, so here is the dream.

                          I m in this stoor, right, and I have to say somthing in the speach. If anyone herd me, I'd be locked up. So, I am hanging on to a pair of glasses, cause I m @ a glasses stand, and suddenly, I m done, and I can't seem to find my gradmom or my sis. So, I start to look around, and I wonder out of the store. I don't find them out there, so I go back in, after relizing that I had a pair of glasses in my hand. I go back in, and I try to explain. My grandmom comes up to me, and is all, "you r all over the tv. There r pictures of the possible suspects, and u r at the top of the list. (i had the right shape, size, hari-color etc.)So, sick and tiered of the accusations, I FLIPPED MY GRENDMA OFF, &I droped the glasses and ran. Now, I ran into the school diliquents. They were like "wow, u stole a cellphone??" Apparently everyoe thought I had stolled an $20,000 cell. So, than a TEACHER shows up, one that had not been there for a while too. My sis. suddenly made a TON of noise, and I woke up though. Throughout the dream, i was saying "damn them" and wokeup saying so.

                          Now, the swearing part was probably from last nights swear-a-thon. But the teacher part, I think, means that my teacher, Mrs. Bartlett, is going to come back from surgery, although the grandma thing is prob. becuse my sis. was told she couldn't use the car to see her, amd that hurt her just as much as flipping her off would.I do hope, though, that I will not mistaknly steel anything any time soon though...
                          Need help with homework, E-Mail me @ I am ALWAYS bored!! Or, if u want a brief lesson on Tudor era Monarchy.


                          • whoah... ermm... just... avoid new cells? :P I don't know, but that definately kinda wierd
                            "CHOCOLATE in heaven is hearing my CHILDREN'S LAUGHTER"
                            ~~ My mother. May 24, 1965- July 6, 2006


                            • i dreamed i was 2 and barney stole my teddybear! then i shot him!
                              1 time i turned on my ipod and owned a kidz bop song.
                              dflgjslhjobjvbld i still dont get this forum stuff. ill have neets wiz aka my sister explain. oh, uh dai

                              [edited to consolidate triple post. --kli]



                              • *repeats gigo's sentiments, but adds in something about one liners*
                                welcome to the forum! You won't see me in chat, since i can only get on the site from library comp, but if you continue posting, you'll be sure to see me around...aka, just about everywhere.
                                I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                                For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.

