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Freaky (lucid?) dreams!!! (post them here!)

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  • I had this dream where an Asian family came to my door and asked to spend the night. I had a brother in the dream and he was about 10 yrs. old. When the people went to the room the rest of their family showed up at the front door. I went into my bedroom and started arguing with them. When I came back into the living room the rest of the aunts,uncles, and cousins had went to the room. I went back there angry. My brother was on the bed and the family was chilling in the room. I opened the door and I screamed "You lied" to the Asian lady that came in the first time. Then I woke up.

    I don't understand that one.
    Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
    Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


    • you know i was looking though some of the dreams and i got to say that they are pretty interesting... but i wonder if anyone knows what being chased by a ninja means... i dreamed it and the damn thing was trying to kill me for some odd reason. of course then a storm hit and the ninja got turned into a piece of wood and floated away.... anyu ideas
      its a long long walk to the end of the earth... but let me tell you if im walking to you then i'll walk farther than you would have dreamed possible.


      • Oh, I've had too, too many to count! Almost all of my remembered dreams deal in sci-fi or fantasy. I'm only going to do quick recaps, so if you're really curious about a particular one, send me a PM.

        ~Most recent~ I was at a friend's house, and just before I fell asleep, we were rpg'ing and stuff. In my dream all Hell breaks loose, literally,and only one man could stop it; Spawn. Don't know how I knew this, but I had to find Spawn, and he was trapped somewhere. So I find him, being tortured by Hell's minions. I get a weird burst of strength and beat them. Spawn tells me I was rewarded for freeing him by gaining powers. So I go with him to fight. We then trick the Devil into returning back to hell, and seal the gates. Then the grandfather clock woke me up.
        Disclaimer;I don't own Spawn. As for who does own the comic, I don't actually know, I've only seen the movie, and my older brother, who used to love the comic, doesn't remember. Please don't sue me, I have little of value.

        ~Another dream~ I call this one Gift From the Elements. The continent of Tikaroa (tick-are-owuh, very weird, I know) has been at war for about a thousand years. It was foretold in a prophecy that only a representation of each element could settle the dispute.
        I didn't know it, but I was the Sacred Earth (there are elementals other than the Sacred, we're just magical). My point of view was odd. I could heear my own thoughts, like in first person, but I was watching myself as though in third. Anyways; I was a peace-maker, always hated disputes, and a neko, meaning I had cat ears and a tail. Once I figured out I was one of the Four Sacred, I was eager to set out and find the other elements. Too eager, I sware I scared myself. So, yes, I find them. Water is a mermaid named Myria (meer-eeyuh). But she can change her fins into legs on mental command. Fire is a human, recognized for their strange weapons and rash decisions, his name is Daniel. Wind is a hawk-man (they're like angels, with the wings) named Krin. I find out two of the elements, Wind and Fire, like life the way it is, and are afraid of change. Water and I must face them. Everytime we do, I try to bring peace (poor, stupid me). They only get madder each time. Eventually, I think that Myria dies, right after Daniel saves me. Then I save him, then we're attacked by this giant moving tree-thing (much fatter/wider than in Lord of the Rings), and I almost defeat it, but get knocked out. Daniel burns the tree, and, being an idiot, forgets I'm in the tree's hand-branch. Then I fall, somewhat scorched from the fire (I still have some hair, but I'm half bald, yikes). Daniel is highly upset and cries out, saying "What have I done?" Now, part of the prophecy had said "...Where love shalt heal all wounds...", so a when he kisses my almost lifeless body, I heal completely in a typically fantasy way, and kiss him back. Then my trusty ol' alarm clock wakes me up.

        So, ya, this is only the RECAP. The dreams were much, much cooler than this. Oh, and if you're tired of me being the heroine, I've got plenty where I'm not. If you have a hobby of writing, and want to use my dream (Spawn can't be used), please contact me first.
        There is no light without its shadow


        • are terrifed of ninjas, and you connect this fear to being tossed around in a storm, like so many pieces of wood, in its intenisty? if that doesn't clue! *shrugs* sorry. i only pretend to analize dreams for the fun of it...and its kinda funny when you actually manage to get it right.
          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


          • no i dont have a fear of ninjas. Violet hey do you write storys or somthing because i think you would be a great authour. really you have a great imagination.

            most reasent dream...
            i was at school talking to a bunch of friends when all of the sudden the sky whent dark and a giant bird showed up ou of no where. i turned to it and everyone started laughing because right then it fell out of the sky and turned into water (acually it was really funny) but still it looked like it was gliding tword the middle of the school and turned into our princable...

            i woke up.. (darn it)
            its a long long walk to the end of the earth... but let me tell you if im walking to you then i'll walk farther than you would have dreamed possible.


            • What is your principle really scary or something? Because if he is get out of there quick.
              Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
              Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


              • no we have a new one now butthe last one choked a 9t grader i was scared of him

                ok i have had some pretty weired dream but i have one to top them all. it has many parts and ill leave out all the nasty stuff and try to shorten it.

                ok it starts off when i go to sleep of cource(but im really asleep when i thiink im awake) first i scream a really loud scream then the fire alarm that was over my bed goes off. and fall asleep uncontious. then it countinuse that in my room their this closet that is closed but theirs this sound behined it like a booming, i walk over to it and open it and theirs like another world behined it full of portrates and pictures (painted) the things in the frames come to life and come out of the frame and pull me into the other world i fall and fall until i land on a shopping cart in K-mart (dont ask) and my mom is shopppong for clothes and then this guy in a black cape comes out of know where and throws ninja stars at her head and right before i would wake up (in my dream) her head lands on my lap and says "i love you and always will". then i would wake up and run across the hall to my parents room and my dad would Kick me out and walk me to my room where it is flown open and a giant fan appers out of no where and sucks him into it and then the fan turns into a space ship and.... and nothing i woke up for real this time.
                its a long long walk to the end of the earth... but let me tell you if im walking to you then i'll walk farther than you would have dreamed possible.


                • Ok, so I had a really weird dream last nght and have been dieing to tell in ALL day.

                  I went to Diane Duane's house to viste one of her middle school age girls. (No, this dream is not possible and has no reflection on my real feeligns.) While there, we went for a walk. After that, the dream picked up to become, once again, the dream that I have every year in March. I suddenly see these two twins flying about in the air. One "sucks in" the darkness sent out by the Lone One. After that, we go to this convention. At the last one, (in the dream I had last year) I had gone up against the Lone One's Crystle of Pure Evil, and had shattered it by shoving a ton of pure sheer power, a LOT of it. No one else was able to but me. This year, everyone was counting on me. At this convention, every year, the Lone One would present a challange, but only one, no tricks, and someone would have to beat him with shear pure power, or with a strong will and a creative mind. The chalange this year was to make a shape with paper stay in a cirtine shape. It could not touch the floor, and you could use no man-made materials to hold it togeather. Magic had been completly repeled. It didn't actually repell it, it ATE it. I looked around hard, and found TABLES. I mean, it was so DUH!! Anyway, I set the papers on the tables, but the problem was, I had only 30 miniuts in all to figure it all out and set it up. I had spent 10 trying to fuse the paper togeather with magic, 10 trying to once again shatter the crystle, (this time he made this also eat any magic) and 5 trying to figure out another way. In my remaining 5 miniuts, I had to explain it to everone. That took two miniuts. We had three to assemble it. I took as much power as I had, also taking a few years off my life, and quickly went into over drive hyper speed. I set it all up, and everyone else made a bloc of preasure to hold the papper down. In the end, the Lone One withered and fell over, going to the good side. Now the part that does NOT reflect how I truly feel. While I was at DD's house, I got really mad and wished that I had never gone there. *hangs head in shame* Sorry Ms. Duane. Ayway, yah...
                  Need help with homework, E-Mail me @ I am ALWAYS bored!! Or, if u want a brief lesson on Tudor era Monarchy.


                  • i had a really weird dreaming, involving being a weird mix between a store, and my school, and missing tenth period, though not shakespeare club, because i was keeping the carvel guy compony...his shop was also a bathroom, apparently, and there was a toilet blocking the door. i'm also not entirely certain how a digital clock suddenly appeared, and what the guy was doing with a menue of ice screams, all more expensive then full fledged dinners! Or why two girls were in my house, celebrating a birthday party, when my own had been monday, the day i dreamt this...or rather, the day before, since it was probably past midnight at the time. *shrugs* either way...REALLY weird dream!
                    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                    For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                    • i was at my friend's house and i had this dream.

                      i found myself pacing their house and so i walk outside to get some air, and all of a sudden there's some random guy right next to me, and i blink, and when i look again he's just gotten hit by a car that somehow appeared in my friends front lawn. the car explodes after hitting a tree, and it hurls small rocks that i first take to be like pieces of the car, but they are in fact grenades. as each grenaded explodes it throws off a small cloud of various animals. such as squirrels, chipmunks, cats, and a small whale.

                      and then i woke up because max's cat woke me up.
                      YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
                      "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


                      • I had this dream where I was with a whole bunch of high school scholars. We all attended classes at the university and went on field trips. It was only for the high school elite, and most of us were minorities. It lasted for two days, but the things that I learned and the friends that I made will last me for a life time. When it was time for us to leave the last day, instead of taking the stairs I took the elevator. This other boy did too. The elevator took us all zig zag and up and down through the school (the school looked like my high schools original campus before the earthquake in 1933, except it was huge like UCLA and the campus was on the east coast of the united states. so i'm pretty sure it was Howard University.). I was scared and never thought we would get out. I told the guy "You're kind of cute." He replied "I understand." When we got off we were holding hands. When I got off the bus both days me and my scholarly friends. All walked home together. The first day they waited for me and the second they didn't. It didn't matter because those had been the best two days of my life. Our instructor looked like my driver's ed teacher except he was nice like the chorus instructor at my high school.

                        All I can say is that it motivated me to try harder. Last school year I got a 3.6 G.P.A. and ever since then I've slacked off. This reminded me to keep trying and don't give up because I will be something great one day.
                        Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
                        Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


                        • I uaualy have realy weird dreams.....the problem is that i can't remember the whole thing in the morning!? I was also wondering if any one has a dream about a place that you have never been to before, then the next day you end up in the same place that your was about?! I do that alot.... is it normal?
                          (+'.'+) funny bunny!!


                          • Yeah, I've done that. I just consider it deja vu. I think we all have very special dreams sometimes. Sometimes I think our dreams could be telling us things but who knows.
                            Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
                            Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


                            • you know what i think? the dreams that we have and remember have an interlined meaning to them, not the fact that they can come true but they also can tell you things you didnt know. we dream every night even if you dont remember. think about theis exersise. when you wake up and you remember it write it down and then come back to it and see what you think their are web sights that ill put up later if you want. if you reeally want it just ask
                              its a long long walk to the end of the earth... but let me tell you if im walking to you then i'll walk farther than you would have dreamed possible.


                              • Atleast I know I'm not alone now. I was getting kinda scared. Almost like I was losing all sense of reality(not like it's a bad thing or something ).
                                (+'.'+) funny bunny!!

