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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Hmm. That's right! But it doesn't really matter. People can believe in whatever they want, Buddha, God, original sin, Paginism, whatever.

    "Do what the night tells you, and read the fine print before you sign!" -Peach.
    "In the Cookies of life, your friends are the chocolate chips" -Sam
    "I never thought I'd die standing side by side with an Elf." "What about dying side by side with a friend?" "Aye. I could that."
    - Return of the King
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
    "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
    "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
    "I could live


    • *frowns* No, I think Mary sinned. Jesus is supposed to be the only one to have never sinned. Maybe that belief is confined to one denomination of Christianity. I think you're confusing the Catholic belief that Mary remained a virgin - highly unlikely, in my opinion. Especially in those times. Lots of kids was a blessing from God. But still, I see what you're saying, and that's my exact point with Jesus. If Mary was a sinner, then Jesus would have to be subjected to original sin also.

      M, I agree. If people accept that you can believe whatever you want, then no one argues. So much better for my blood pressure.

      If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?

      Curiosity mauled the cat and left it on the side of the road.

      School is hell with flourescent lighting.
      I will rejoice in the moonlight;
      I will dance in the rivers of my tears;
      For I am joyously, wonderfully alive!

      Make your own laws or be a slave to another man's. -William Blake

      School is hell with flourescent lighting.


      • Oh yeah... I remember that. Jesus was the only one who had never sinned. Though I think that Jesus should have sinned, he was supposed to be experiencing human life I think.... sinning is part of human life. *shrugs*

        "Do what the night tells you, and read the fine print before you sign!" -Peach.
        "In the Cookies of life, your friends are the chocolate chips" -Sam
        "I never thought I'd die standing side by side with an Elf." "What about dying side by side with a friend?" "Aye. I could that."
        - Return of the King
        "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
        "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
        "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
        "I could live


        • The part about being born was a sin is something that even confuses me, but that I what I was taught Sunday so... he even showed us a verse that seems to explain it but I still didn't get it.
          M: You are right, he was supposed to be living a human life but yet somehow he never commited a sin, that was one of the few things unhuman about his life.
          Aurie: That freind of yours scares me. *hides* Please don't let him find me!
          Littlehorse: Thanx, but I don't really mind at the moment anything would not bother me, my hands are frozen solid and I thought I was warm compared to where I had been.

          ~Sam (Hifun55) and Dog~
          When you judge others you don't define them, you define yourself.
          READ MY Live Journal!PLEAZ?
          Silence is golden?... aw! but shouting is fun!
          ~Sam (Hifun55)~
          Why do I have to keep telling people I'm OK? Oh, because they aren't sure I am... then why do I have to keep telling me??
          HYPERNESS IS FUN!!! I'M HYPER 24-7!!!
          My being born was NOT a natural disater!!! It was just a bad thing to h


          • Sam: I'm okay if you're okay. And, for your hands, get something warm to drink, like hot chocolate or tea, and just hold the cup. I find that helps. Plus, it's a handwarmer that tastes good.

            If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?

            Curiosity mauled the cat and left it on the side of the road.

            School is hell with flourescent lighting.
            I will rejoice in the moonlight;
            I will dance in the rivers of my tears;
            For I am joyously, wonderfully alive!

            Make your own laws or be a slave to another man's. -William Blake

            School is hell with flourescent lighting.


            • hey! im new here, but anyway...
              topic from me: whatis it about death that everyone likes so much? is it THAT appealing? god. ppl are increasing the entropy in the world!
              and the worst part is they dont care! it makes me mad, and i cant do anything! attracting that one to the ppl around them, its just wrong!


              • Um..... Hmm. Good point. Lots of people are interested in Death... Probably because it's a mystery waiting to be solved... people love that kinda stuff.
                And Dai!! Come here often!! A lot of newbies have only posted once or twice and then left lately... Dai!! Do you guys think that they're all leaving because I tell them to call me M instead of marniebrown1? Do I sould threatining??!!

                "Do what the night tells you, and read the fine print before you sign!" -Peach.
                "In the Cookies of life, your friends are the chocolate chips" -Sam
                "I never thought I'd die standing side by side with an Elf." "What about dying side by side with a friend?" "Aye. I could that."
                - Return of the King
                "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                "I could live


                • No, I don't think it's you, M. They probably are just really shy. That's the reason I didn't start posting here when I first got the membership. If you'll notice, the date put down for registration is in the beginning of August of last year. Compared to some, I'm an oldie, but I didn't start posting until this last spring.

                  I will rejoice in the moonlight;
                  I will dance in the rivers of my tears;
                  For I am joyously, wonderfully alive!

                  Make your own laws or be a slave to another man's. -William Blake

                  School is hell with flourescent lighting.
                  I will rejoice in the moonlight;
                  I will dance in the rivers of my tears;
                  For I am joyously, wonderfully alive!

                  Make your own laws or be a slave to another man's. -William Blake

                  School is hell with flourescent lighting.


                  • Nah, it can't be you M. I started posting when I first came on, it just took me 2 hours to figure out how this site worked. But I've never really been shy, I was sort of scared when I first started getting replies to my posts but... They should get over it sometime.

                    ~Sam (Hifun55) and Dog~
                    When you judge others you don't define them, you define yourself.
                    READ MY Live Journal!PLEAZ?
                    Silence is golden?... aw! but shouting is fun!
                    ~Sam (Hifun55)~
                    Why do I have to keep telling people I'm OK? Oh, because they aren't sure I am... then why do I have to keep telling me??
                    HYPERNESS IS FUN!!! I'M HYPER 24-7!!!
                    My being born was NOT a natural disater!!! It was just a bad thing to h


                    • Point-by-point, and OH MY GOD I missed so much...
                      1. I'M BACK!!!!! But only for this evening. I'm getting up at three in the morning to morrow to go to Sydney tomorrow.... ARRRRRRG, no relaxing. But, WHEE, Sydney, Australia, HOT HOT HOT.

                      2. Beach holiday was lovely, I am tanned. Oh, wait you guys don't know what an achievement that is. I AM TANNED. </tanorexia> And freckled, heh. Aaand... I did a Polar Bear Swim, which is apparently a Canadian deal, at midnight on the 31st. eee. Coldness. But my clearest sentiment after was "I'm SO glad I wasn't in Canada," so there you go. </ramble>

                      3. I have made a bunch of New Year's resolutions, and one of them pertains to you guys to listen up: I hereby resolve NOT to make typos and spelling errors on To this end I will check ever post, because I am sick of being ashamed of my typos. This starts NOW.

                      4. Does anyone here know anything about Dartmouth? I'm thinking of applying for a scholarship.

                      And now. Randomness.

                      BC: Uhm, this is a little late. But am I the person who "The way you said it, whoever you were, made it sound offensive. [snip]Like it's a bad thing."
                      As far as I can tell, all I said was this:
                      *cracks up at bc* Actually, he's very famous for being gay. he's been a gay icon since he came out in... uhm, I kmow this, it was in the paper a few days ago... uhmmm....

                      No, I can't remember. But anyway, he is very defintely and famously gay, and yes he is a good actor.
                      *scrutinises* So, I hope that wasn't me. But if it was: I definitely did NOT mean it to be in ANY way offensive, or critical of homosexuality/homosexuals. No.

                      Ella: I so agree with you on the movie. But going beyond that: "stop the movie showing in America, and eventually in Australia. Already certain areas in Europe have started to ban it from coming to their country and we can STOP it too!" Nnnng. That is an attitude I find the worst of the entire e-mail. I can cope with people disliking the idea of homosexuality, even thinking that's a sin. It's not my idea of a nice policy, I think it's a bigotry, but everyone is a bigot in the end, and... I find it hard to condemn that because I guess that I have my bigotries too, and I'm working on them and they're damn hard to get rid of. What I can condemn, though, is the notion of banning. Banning of books, ideas, people, religions, races, sexualities, movies. Anything. DO NOT BAN STUFF. That kind of knee-jerk reaction restricts freedom of thought and of ideas. If you think, as you are entitled to, that that kind of movie is inappropriate, then cam[aign to have its rating lifted. That's your prerogative, and I guess your right. But to ban other people from seeing it simply disgusts me. No-one has the right to decide for other people what they should know, and I hope I would think this whatever the issue.

                      wizardfool: it's my real-life name. Ella is Ewizard11, if you hadn't gathered, and, uhm... who else do we call by their names? Uhm... I'll get back to you, shall I?

                      Homosexuality isn't a choice! A person can change their sexuality about as well as they can change their gender.
                      *Disagrees* Actually, I would think that it would be more difficult. We have plenty of transexuals. They're managing fine.

                      OK, plenty may be an exaggeration, but there are quite a few now I think...
                      Er, M, where exactly do you live? It's not particularly new, yes it happens, and I don't think it is sic or wrong. I have some stuff put away somewhere, I'll see if I can find it for you when I get back...

                      *hugs meteorite* Go for it! Good luck. *nods* You'll do fine, I'm sure...
                      Mm, my mother's doing a Masters in Astronomy at the moment... she's finding it great, because her bachelor is in Arts. *snorts* And that was a long, long time ago.

                      gotta go.

                      "We are philosophical geniuses [sic] who will one day rule the world!"
                      --Agent M
                      Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha!
                      Still the Typo Queen
                      Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                      • Yay! I was wondering where you were. *hugs Tui*
                        One of my New Year's resolutions is not to get in any fights/arguments/disagreements/debates, or at least keep them down to a bare minimum. So--note how well I'm staying out of this.

                        The important thing about adventures, thought Mr Bunnsy, was that they shouldn't be so long as to make you miss mealtimes.
                        -- (Terry Pratchett, The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents)
                        My art place thing -
                        OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
                        --Douglas Adams, HHGG


                        • Ooh! Goodie Tui is back!!! She had better have gone on avidgamers or she's gonna be deleted...
                          *raises eyebrows* nice New Years resolutions, HARD New Years resolution... My resolution is to exersize.(I can never spell that word) I'm NOT fat. But I have High Cholestoral. It sucks. Really bad.
                          Tui? When you said "I don't think it is sic or wrong" Did you mean changing sexes? I think it's sick and wrong because why change your gender? There's no point, unless maybe you're a homosexual... I dunno. It just sounds WRONG to me.

                          "Do what the night tells you, and read the fine print before you sign!" -Peach.
                          "In the Cookies of life, your friends are the chocolate chips" -Sam
                          "I never thought I'd die standing side by side with an Elf." "What about dying side by side with a friend?" "Aye. I could that."
                          - Return of the King
                          "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                          "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                          "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                          "I could live


                          • Yea!!!! Tui is back!!!
                            Nice New Years Resolution ppc! HARD New Years Resolution.
                            Tui, when you said "I don't think it is sic or wrong." you meant gender changes right? Cuz I think it's sick and wrong because... well a. why change you gender? There's not much point in that.... well unless you'r a homosexual... I dunno. It just sounds really WRONG to me.

                            "Do what the night tells you, and read the fine print before you sign!" -Peach.
                            "In the Cookies of life, your friends are the chocolate chips" -Sam
                            "I never thought I'd die standing side by side with an Elf." "What about dying side by side with a friend?" "Aye. I could that."
                            - Return of the King
                            "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                            "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                            "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                            "I could live


                            • Welcome back, Tui! I didn't realize you had gone on vacation, I just thought "Gee, I haven't seen Tui post for a while." So I hope your New Year's and Christmas and holidays in general were good.

                              It's raining here. We generally get all our annual rainfall in half a dozen big storms, but this one looks like it's trying for the record all on its own. I just put in two plant beds, so we'll see if anything survives several days of steady downpour. The back lanai is awash. The cats are grumpy; between rain and fireworks, they lay around and meow plaintively. Rocky has decided that all my socks are belong to him. He makes it impossible to put on shoes in the morning. Socks and shoelaces are both assaulted by The Paw.

                              "Thus is Balance maintained." A Wizard of Earthsea
                              "Condensing fact from the vapor of nuance." Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash
                              "Thus is Balance maintained." A Wizard of Earthsea
                              "Condensing fact from the vapor of nuance." Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash


                              • Well, Tui, technically it wasn't you, although you did laugh at me for not holding that precious knowledge because I never read any gossip anywhere. Nay. And why do I even care? HONESTLY. I hate people who act like they must drill out all the corners of celebrities' lives, like they did to jude law. I think that's why he left here. And CELEBRITIES ARE NORMAL PEOPLE. Geezuz.
                                Sam--you say that on Sunday they tell you that being born is a sin, but you don't understand it. I think it would be good for you to question your faith--WHY? Everyone needs to understand the concepts of their faith. I used to be really religious and I took classes and blah blah blah, but then, when I was 9, 10, 11 maybe or so, I started to realize, "Wait. That doesn't make sense to me." And then I started realizing all these little things in my faith that weren't right by questioning it. And then I converted and I'm SOOOOOOOO much happier now.

                                the crinkled paper bag
                                "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow
                                --Alfredo, Cinema Paradiso
                                the crinkled paper bag
                                "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow, "Pirates"

