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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • On a completely irrelevant tangent, I will be offline for a week or so. I'm visiting my folks on the mainland, and also going to the Tucson Gem and Mineral show, with an eye to enlarging my meteorite collection. See you all around Valentine's Day!

    "Thus is Balance maintained." A Wizard of Earthsea
    "Condensing fact from the vapor of nuance." Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash
    "Thus is Balance maintained." A Wizard of Earthsea
    "Condensing fact from the vapor of nuance." Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash


    • Yes, there should be seperate wrolds for differnt genres of books. that would be so much easier than mushing it all together.

      Now aren't you happy that you read this!?
      A sheperdess is quite a mess, but little lambs are lovely....
      :wigglesmile: :flycatcher:
      Now aren't you happy that you read this!?
      A sheperdess is quite a mess, but little lambs are lovely....


      • Oh Joy!!!!

        It's raining! It hasn't rained really hard here in almost 6 months! I went and danced in the rain for a while until my mother dragged me back inside. Rain is so wonderful!!!

        Z-We can't meet in person, but we can still work togeth to fight racism. I'm putting on a whole week devcoted to unity and diversity at my school. If you know of any cool resources/speakers, let me know. I can incorporate them into my week. You can do the same thing at your school. It's alot of fun! Try it!!!

        A Jedi Ewok
        And proud of it...

        Loyal reader and Young Wizards books, great lover of Moon Cakes, and *almost* a new driver...
        A physics geek
        And proud of it...

        Loyal reader and Young Wizards books, great lover of Moon Cakes, and engineering feminista...


        • It rains here every day, I think...

          "If you think me to be your enemy, command me, and I will gladly take my life"
          Comradely, Diego

          Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
          "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

          "Be a real


          • *Agent~M*
            "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
            "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
            "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
            "I could live


            • No snowing is an understatement M, it was amazing. 5 ft!!!!!

              Have an issue get a tissue!!--Steph C.
              Kisses taste like chicken-- Absoulutely Normal Chaos...sharon creech
              Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy and wise...but NEVER wealthy.-- my Dads Scottish school teacher
              Don't be a fool. Glasses are cool!!-- I made this one up.
              Love yourself no matter how you look!--Zgirl
              penguins will rule the world.


              • *Agent~M*
                "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                "I could live


                • I live in one of the 2 districts in the whole state of MN without a snowday! 2 of our teachers took the day off and we had the most horrible subs!!!!!

                  Have an issue get a tissue!!--Steph C.
                  Kisses taste like chicken-- Absoulutely Normal Chaos...sharon creech
                  Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy and wise...but NEVER wealthy.-- my Dads Scottish school teacher
                  Don't be a fool. Glasses are cool!!-- I made this one up.
                  Love yourself no matter how you look!--Zgirl
                  penguins will rule the world.


                  • *Agent~M*
                    "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                    "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                    "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                    "I could live


                    • We have about 4 feet of snow here...and it is still coming...bloody snow....

                      Now aren't you happy that you read this!?
                      A sheperdess is quite a mess, but little lambs are lovely....
                      :wigglesmile: :flycatcher:
                      Now aren't you happy that you read this!?
                      A sheperdess is quite a mess, but little lambs are lovely....


                      • I just spent three days on camp with the dreaded Year Nines (these are 13 and 12 year olds. And I know lots of you guys are that age, but the differences are:
                        -you are all nice
                        -you all read
                        -none of you can talk. I mean, talk-talk, to me. ) We were going to go white water rafting, tramping, rock climbing and abseiling, but guess what? In the middle of summer, or at least on the tail end of summer, we were completely rained out. This is the only time I don't like NZ weather. >.< But we did a bunch of stuff anyway, so it wasn't too bad. And the Year Nines were actually quite nice.

                        So you think you got bad weather where you are? Tough. At least you can complain about winter. I can't even do that!!

                        "We are philosophical geniuses [sic] who will one day rule the world!"
                        --Agent M
                        Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha!
                        Still the Typo Queen
                        Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                        • I am currently in the nice dry NE of England... back home (in the SW), the rainy season will drawing to a close with a month or so. (It starts in October some time).
                          I love it here

                          "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation
                          "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


                          • We have just recieved a letter from the mailman, it says that there is so much snow blocking our mailbox that we cannot get anymore mail... I'm serious.
                            I've been to England. My uncle lives in Staines. It didn't rain until the day we left. You are so lucky to live there...everything is so pretty! Try comparing MN to England...the best thing about Minnesota is that we have the biggest shopping mall in America, and the 3rd biggest mall in the world! Shopping is the best hobby!!

                            Have an issue get a tissue!!--Steph C.
                            Kisses taste like chicken-- Absoulutely Normal Chaos...sharon creech
                            Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy and wise...but NEVER wealthy.-- my Dads Scottish school teacher
                            Don't be a fool. Glasses are cool!!-- I made this one up.
                            Love yourself no matter how you look!--Zgirl
                            penguins will rule the world.


                            • *Agent~M*
                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                              "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                              "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                              "I could live


                              • I can relate to cousins are all excited to go to the mall and I'm so used to it it's like a regular thing. We even go there for school feild trips!! (Oh by the way we get to go to valley fair at the end of the year! I'm excited for that...even though I've never been their before.)
                                And yes.We have a nice 3 inch gap to stick our mail in. My little brother stuck his hand in their to get it out...time to shovel snow again.

                                Have an issue get a tissue!!--Steph C.
                                Kisses taste like chicken-- Absoulutely Normal Chaos...sharon creech
                                Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy and wise...but NEVER wealthy.-- my Dads Scottish school teacher
                                Don't be a fool. Glasses are cool!!-- I made this one up.
                                Love yourself no matter how you look!--Zgirl
                                penguins will rule the world.

