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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Gryphon: ooh! That sounds fun. What's the website?
    On PC's note of not being able to come on at all: could anyone summerize the last hundred pages for me? hehe. jk.


    • Nancy Drew, it's not a website yet. I can't start it until the 14th because Avidgamers won't allow any free communities until that date. But thanks and please join when it does open!

      Ooo... Zaria is a neat character. Lol.
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • My username is actually sweaterdestroyer, but I just have my posting name listed as Abby.

        Z, I'm from a city called Hayward, it's up in the SF Bay Area in Northern California. And the address for the rpg is I'm Abby Healy there (that's why I have this name on here) and Saoirse Callahan as well. If you're interested, you can try joining, but a new term just started up, and things are kinda crazy cos our headmistress who ran it for 2 years just quit, so they might take you, but they might make you wait until next term (probably about June. About each season is a term)

        I upload my icons to my journal. is where I made it at, and it lets you upload 1,000!! *huggles it to death* technically I shouldn't be linking to it, but I haven't gotten around to making a photobucket yet (that's the place most people have been recommending me anyways)

        I hate when libraries don't have the books you want!! I only just finished Wizard's Holiday about a week ago, because they didn't get it until like a month ago, and it was checking out when I went there (but I managed to snag it last visit) and I don't buy the series until there in paperback, cos a hardcover would just mess it up... haha. Actually, lately I've been mainly checking out books from the library instead of buying them, but it sucks cos they often don't have the ones I want or those copies are checked out.

        And Z, congrats on the competition!! heh, I tried out for our school's musical, cos I love acting (only.... I can't sing OR dance, but my theatre teacher really wanted me to try out because I did good at the audition for the fall play only she couldn't cast me there because I was doing Cross Country and wouldn't have time for rehearsals) but... I didn't make it. It's okay though, because I'm going to do crew for it, and next year I'm going to do swimming in the spring!! yayness!!

        And M, that trip sounds fun!! Only been on 3 overnight ones, which was at my old school (this is my first year of high school) two were science camps, and one was up to the Shakespeare festival in Ashland Oregon. I'd say one of the best trips ever though was when we went to the State Capital in Sacramento (only that wasn't the good part) because we got to shop in Old Town Sacramento where one of the bestest stores ever is!! Evangeline's! It's like a prank/costume shop with all sorts of other stuff as well. Plus we got to go to the Jelly Belly Factory. I was super hyper the whole two hour bus ride home. hahah.

        Ha, sorry, long post. This is what happens when I'm behind two or three days. Think I covered what I wanted to say though.
        Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

        "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
        -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


        • "EEYOWW!"

          That cat! I'm so mad at Cinnamon right now. He just attacked my Cassie. That cat!!!!

          Cassie, the poor, sweet kitty. I think she's hiding right now. I wish Cinnamon wouldn't do that.

          Cassie is always a sweet kitty, and she's my kitty. She used to live on the streets. Her 'owners' abused her and neglected to feed the poor cat. The had to hunt for herself and fight off other cats. Originally w called her Dark Sparkle because she was a calico, just like our Sparkle, but her brown and black fur was a lot darker than Sparkle's. One day a neighbor (this neighbor is the same person as the 'Joe' in my science fair story) told us that she was hiding under a boat with kittens. So we found the boat on a different neighbor's yard. And there was a little feral Dark Sparkle. She was a starving cat and her three kittens weren't much better. We brought them food even though DS would never let us near her kittens. One of the three kittens was bolder than the rest. He would always try to wander towards us. The little orange puffball.
          Eventually we lured Dark Sparkle/Casse into a cat carrier with tuna, then put the three kittens in a padded blanket and took them to the vet. Cassie weighed only one pound, she was so thin. The kittens all had worms that we had to treat, and we took all of them home. We put the cats into the smallest room (which happened to be my bro's) and always had the door shut. At the time, we only had two other cats. Canyon and Sparkle. Canyon would probably be horrified to death of them, but Sparkle would most likely attack the cats. We gave Cass regular cat food and the kittens 'gruel'. It was the same stuff as Cassie's food, just with a bit of water added and then put in the microwave. No harder than oatmeal.
          Cassie had to go to the vet again to be spayed or neutered. (I forget which) Anyway, when she got back, she had to stay in my room away from the kittens because the kittens would probably try to suckle and take out her stitches. Not a good thing. But Cassie was such a happy cat! Whenever someone walked into the room, it was 'pur pur pur', though she was always a bit scared.
          A bit later we started opening the door and letting Cassie wander around. We even let her see the kittens, but the little orange puffball hissed. He didn't recognize his mom anymore. Heh. And then we let the kittens explore. It was funny and cute. Cinnamon (yes, the pest) was what we named the little orange puffball. Callie was a calico, and Indigo was a grey tabby. We had to give away Callie and Indigo. But Cinnamon, the most energetic and talkative, we kept.

          Woah, I typed a lot! And there's more to the story...
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • Hey guys, I'm not allowed on the com. till Sun. and then I have to go on my trip. I'll try to be on as much as I can on Sun. Bye!
            "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
            "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
            "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
            "I could live


            • I've finally just read the past 4 pages. I've floated around but fallen behind here.
              So I'm going to say HI Abby!!!
              Z, congrats on making it into that thing. That sounds really cool!
              semiramis, if you want to be linked to the join pages, they are White Forest and Arboad.

              We are out of school today!! It is a weather day, I like weather days! Weather days are fun because I get to sit infront of the computer all day and have the windows open behind me and be home alone!! YEA!!! I need chocoalte though, and Mom took all of it away!
              My dog got fur-cut, he looks really funny now! They gave him a doggy masage too, I'm not to sure he liked it though!
              ~Sam (Hifun55)~
              Why do I have to keep telling people I'm OK? Oh, because they aren't sure I am... then why do I have to keep telling me??
              HYPERNESS IS FUN!!! I'M HYPER 24-7!!!
              My being born was NOT a natural disater!!! It was just a bad thing to h


              • I have no school today. So far me and my brother have:
                Eaten junkfood
                Played video games
                Watched TV
                Slept very late
                Taken long showers
                And didn't get dressed until 11:30
                STUFF i HAVEN'T DONE:
                Gone to the bookstore
                Read all day
                Ask for a raise on my allowance
                CAll every one of my friends

                If you guys have anything else that I should add on my to do list please tell me.
                penguins will rule the world.


                • Hello Sam!!

                  Awww, bye M!! See ya Sunday though, have a good weekend!!

                  Wow Gryphon!! 1 POUND?? Poor Cassie. That's great though, sounds like she's doing a lot better. I guess she was spayed then, since she's female. I LOVE animals so much. I want to volunteer at my local animal shelter, but they won't let me until I'm 17. But right now I'm working at a ranch with horses and kids with special needs, so I'm getting some of my animal fun.

                  Aw, your dog got its fur-cut Sam?? What type of dog do you have?? My cousins have a bichon frise, and it's hilarious, because she looks really fat, but when they cut the hair, she looks incredibly skinny... my dog has short fur, but she sheds like crazy!!
                  Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

                  "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
                  -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


                  • Cassie is a sweet little kitty. Every morning when my grandma comes to wake me up before school, Cassie says 'mer!' and runs ahead because she knows when Grandma comes, I'll get out of bed. Cassie is MY kitty. She purs and follows me around all the time. And she hates my brother.
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • <span class="ev_code_PURPLE">Well Z I haven't done much more than that. Since our family isn't going anywhere for spring break I have absolutely nothing to do. All of my friends from school are at Florida, Alabama, or somewhere else out of state. But the bright side is that Sunday (or a day or two later, but hopefully not!) I finally A Wizard's Holiday from the boolstore!! Woohoo!!</span>


                      • Abby: My dog is supposed to be almost full bred Great Perinese(sp?) but as the grooming people said he looks like a white golden retriver. I can pick him up again!! He's really light now, his fur is sooo thick and now it's shorter and he weighs less.
                        ~Sam (Hifun55)~
                        Why do I have to keep telling people I'm OK? Oh, because they aren't sure I am... then why do I have to keep telling me??
                        HYPERNESS IS FUN!!! I'M HYPER 24-7!!!
                        My being born was NOT a natural disater!!! It was just a bad thing to h


                        • friend: LAST NIGHT
                          friend: WAS SO FUNNY
                          Gryphon: hi
                          Gryphon: haha..
                          friend: THAT WAS THE FUNNIEST MOVIE EVER
                          Gryphon: u guys were laughing!
                          Gryphon: and i was laughing so hard too
                          Gryphon: ha
                          Gryphon: and it wasn't that unny
                          friend: IT WAS SSOOOO FUNNY
                          Gryphon: *finny
                          Gryphon: **funny
                          Gryphon: not THAT funny
                          friend: and when he went to kiss her, he like kisses her on the eye
                          friend: and he is like sucking on her eye ball
                          friend: lol
                          Gryphon: hahaha....
                          friend: but doesnt kno
                          friend: lol
                          friend: that was so funny
                          Gryphon: omg,
                          friend: IT WAS SO SO FUNNY
                          friend: if i had seen that in the theater, i would have gotten kicked out for laughing so hard at the "serious" parts

                          Hahaha... Okay, I'll explain this. Last night we had a friend over and we rented the third Matrix Movie (because we haven't seen it yet). When I said 'you guys were laughing', I mean my brother and his friend. And because they were laughing, I started too... hahaha. Mom got POed at them. This scene was when <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Trinity died</span>. In white text is a spoiler. If you don't want to know what happened, don't read the white text.

                          Hahaha... Kinda sad that we were laughing at that part. Hahaha.

                          Anyone else have a lot of fun yesterday?

                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • "Watch him poke her on the eye?" What the heck? Well, that's interesting, at least. I had no idea people could find the Matrix: Revolutions funny. I figured it might be about Hellboy, at first. What was the funny 'trigger' though? I don't get it. Was it the eyebally-sucky part, or was it the "ha, I predicted this!" part? Or neither, or both?

                            That seems kinda a silly question, I guess, and I suppose I'm kinda nosing into other people's business, but inside jokes are a point of great facination to me...


                            • *shh* I'm using my bro's time, I don't want to use more than 5 mins so I can't read all your guy's posts. But I wanted to say hi! And also, I got my guitar yesterday!!!!! HAPPY!! It's REALLY cool, it's black and smooth and it sounds WAY better than my busted one.
                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                              "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                              "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                              "I could live


                              • M bad real bad. Heheh I play to but not very well but I do. I will have to yell at you when you get back M. hehehehe lol
                                "We pray for our sorrows to end,
                                and hope that our hearts will blend.
                                Now I will step forward to realize this wish.
                                And who knows:
                                starting a new journey may not be so hard
                                or maybe it has already begun.
                                There are many worlds,
                                but they

