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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • ...I'm not cool because I didn't join a role play?

    Yeah, sure, whatever.

    I could care less... I'm a loser, and I don;t care, because I'd rather be a loser than a sheep.


    • Hey Zaria, I'm db_pr on mugglenet too...
      Comradely, Diego

      Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
      "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

      "Be a real


      • Aurie you are sooooooo not a loser! And you are cool! *huggles*
        I know how you feel, you're not a sheep and I'm not a duck.
        "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
        "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
        "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
        "I could live


        • Originally posted by Aurora:
          I could care less... I'm a loser, and I don;t care, because I'd rather be a loser than a sheep.
          This way, you don't have to worry about being fleeced...

          I looked at the main page of Gryphon's RP, but I can't work out how it's played. Does it want people to be online chatting at the same time? Time zones would be a problem there if I actually was awake at sensible times for my zone...

          I'm not getting rid of my penguin avatar yet but I liked M's flag idea, so now he's wearing a flag.
          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


          • no, a role play is basically like a forum- we don't have to be awake when you post, right?

            A role play is basically like... an improv. but it's online. You play out a storyline.

            There's another version I used to prefer, IM Role Play, a Role Plap held through instant messengers. It was harder, because you had to think faster, but you didn't have to bother yourself with descriptions, you worried about the main meat- Dialogue and actions. If you've seen people on the forums (Ie, me and Rysade, me and other people) doing something like this:

            *targets Rysade*

            "Targeted... Aim... Fire!" the girl murmured, as she let the cannon go, relaxing at the controls of her MS.

            THAT is role play.


            • Oh, OK, so it's more like a play-by-mail game than a face-to-face game at home. I suppose I ought to have said I've played D&D, Traveller, Runequest and others ... years ago ... bought the first RPG I had in 1977.

              I wondered if the site was like a chat/instant message thing, like the one you mention.

              Thanks for clarifying that.
              Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


              • Here's a message that I posted in the Ack & Yippee board today at vgdawn. I don't feel like retyping it here (it was a long message) so I'm copying and pasting. Pretty much summarizes the best part of yesterday for me. If you join vgdawn, I wouldn't have to poct everything here for you!!
                Anyway, we got three new members in two days! Woohoo! Raven is another RL friend. Raven, Aisha, and I can all say that I had a lot of sugar. Bit too much actually. Well, the strawberries and the peanut butter fudge things tasted really good!!!
                On the way there, we were (we went together) guessing the theme of the dance. Some of our parents helped out set up the school for the dance, but they weren't allowed to tell us the theme. The dance tickets happened to be key-shaped. Gold keys. Then Aisha mentioned parrot earings and how her mom wanted her to wear them. Must be Carribean! I remembered that mom had filled a bucket with candy and had a plastic shovel in it. Oooo. At first I wondered about that. It sounded kinda silly bringing a candy cilled bucket to a dance, but I didn't comment.
                It was great!!! All the students were gathered ouotside, just chatting and waiting for the doors to open. Inside, the loby was decorated with... dunno how to explain it. On the left side of the lobby, there was a Pirates of a Carribean t-shirt and other decorations (which I didn't notice until I left). Two skulls-shaped cutouts were on big paper drapes. At this point, I was a bit doubtful. The parents had slaved all of Friday for this? But it goyt better. A lot better. The dull tiled floors had Xs and marks like some kind of giant map. One of the hallways was completely transformed into a cave. Just beyond that... Tables with strawberries, grapes, crackers, and, inevitably, sugary candies. The courtyard had a big pirate mast sticking out from one of the garden squares. Little things decorated the tables. But the cafeteria...
                There was a narrow wood bridge leading inside. ... Wood poles were sticking up all the way to the ceiling like huge masts. All around were cardboard fence-like things like... a ship! It cafeteria didn't resemble anything cafeteria-ish. It didn't even look like a room! From the ceiling about the masts, parents had put up tatered clothe or paper (couldn't tell which, but it doesn't matter). At the front of the ship, it was raised (though you couldn't step on it or anything) with a projector. It was playing Pirates of the Carribean on a screen. The opposite end of the cafeteria were the snacklines should've been was covered and painted to look like a ship's cabin. I loved it!!!!! Squeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better yet, it was dark with lights playing on the ceiling. A DJ was outside the boarder of the ship, playing music. We requested In The End, but they didn't play it until towards the end. *grumbles*
                Afterwards, we stopped at a resteraunt and got ice creams and things. At this point, I was about reading to fall asleep. I only got to eat the whippedcream on top.

                My RPG isn't at all like an IM kind. The majority of the time, members aren't on at the same time. For mine, usually you type a short paragraph or something. I posted an example of a board somewhere here. Heh. With Dangle the clown and Gryphon being silly and confusing. All you do is log on, read up on the most recent posts, and see if you can post a bit with your character somewhere. I'll post a bit of what's going on.
                The first post is a long one because I wanted to start off a new topic.


                <span class="ev_code_BLUE">Gryphon:
                Enikiro stood at the peak of a mountain overlooking a castle.
                "Wow," she mouthed. The view was wonderful. She could see forests bursting with life and rushing rivers. She could see the guards on the castle walls changing shifts.
                "A bug flew up my nose!"
                Enikiro looked at the black cat she was holding and shook her head.
                "Silly Gryphon," she said.
                "I don't like it when bugs fly up my nose," Gryphon whined.
                The cat wiggled until Enikiro put her down. She put her nose to the ground and started blowing, sending dustclouds into the air.
                "C'mon, cat. Let's go see what's down there."
                Enikiro picked Gryphon back up, despite the cat's protests and worked her way down the mountain side.

                Enikiro stopped and sat down on a stone that was jutting out from the base of the mountain. Gryphon was curled up against the harpy, shivering. Night was coming, and with it, cold.
                The houses of the poor were clustered tight around the flat right before the start of the upward slope of the mountain. They were small and square with two stories. The majority of them had boards propped up against the open doorways. To keep the biting wind out, Enikiro assumed.
                She looked in the window of one of the houses. A fire blazed in the hearth. Pots and wood layed up against the walls. The table in the center of the room had dough on it.
                The shivering and sneezing cat took the harpy's attention away from the house.
                "I'm really cold," Gryphon whined.
                "I know, I know. It got cold so suddenly. If we had stayed on the mountain..."
                She lifted the poor cat, scooted the boards aside, and walked in. They could stay here at least tonight.

                A shriek woke them up. Wide eyed and startled, Enikiro looked around, remembering last night. A girl stood on the steps, just as shocked as Enikiro. She was mouthing something, trying to regain her voice.
                Enikiro looked around. Where had gryphon gone? She looked up, and there was a black puff plastered to the ceiling.
                "Come here, Gryphon," she croaked.
                Gryphon dropped to the floor. The girl on the stairway was still speechless, but Enikiro could hear footsteps. People upstairs were getting up. The harpy took this moment to flee with the cat.</span>

                ((Enikiro is a harpy with feathered wings. Gryphon is, well, a silly cat. Narxce in Diego's post is a necromancer. Necromancery works like in Garth Nix's books, but I'm thinking about changing that because some people *coughdiegocough* powerplay.))

                <span class="ev_code_RED">Narxce (db_pr/Diego):
                Narxce was looking for the Dead, hoping to make bigger his private guards. He took out the Waker. All the Dead who heard it for miles will wake up, and obey him. He did not care if others heard it, for he could handle them.

                ...well?...Aren't you gonna hear the bell and go look for the Necromancer who made the sound?</span>

                <span class="ev_code_BLUE">Gryphon:
                ((Oh, oh fine... Lemme read up on what the Waker does.))

                Enikiro was back at the mountainside. She looked around, searching for Gryphon.
                The cat was writhing on the ground.
                "My ears!"
                And then she heard it too. It was the sound of harshly ringing bells. The poor cat had sensitive ears.
                "What was that," she wondered allowed. Gryphon stood up and sprinted after the sound.</span>

                <span class="ev_code_RED">Narxce:
                Narxce felt an icy cold wave washing his body as he entered Death because of having rung Mosrael. He entered the first gate and started walking into the second. The icy waters of the river pulled him, and he made no attempt to stop the current, but instead went along with it, and it pulled him the faster because of it.

                He looked at the lesser dead of the first gate, the ones standing up dumbly, with distaste. But still got out Saraneth-the binder- and in the treshhold of the second gate rung it. Even though the dead of the first gate were the weakest of the weak, they were still valuable as minions.

                "Listen to me, my servants." He said as he rung the bell in the familiar eight pattern. "Go out into life, defend my body. Obey me"

                The dead turned on their tracks and passed into life, without saying a word. He then passed through the gate, doing the same till he got to the last. The Greater Dead lurked here, and he had to be careful. He rung Saraneth, which cut through Mosrael's still-singing echo. None of the Dead showed great opposition. Their desire for Life won to even that of their desire for freedom, so they became servants of Narxce, so they could feel the scent of Life again, their most desired wish.

                After the Saraneth faded, Narxce turned back and started climbing to Life again. This time with hundreds of Lesser and Greater Dead beside him.</span>

                ...And it continues like that, though the posts don't always get so long. Later on Tronas joins in the topic.
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • Yeah.

                  I've never roleplayed by IM.
                  Comradely, Diego

                  Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                  "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                  "Be a real


                  • Roleplaying by Im would be weird...
                    "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                    "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                    "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                    "I could live


                    • Nah, not so much. Roleplaying in a full chat is easier.


                      • I like forums I think they're cool because a lot of people aren't allowed to aim or chat so this is another way. (Other than email!)
                        penguins will rule the world.


                        • Hi everyone. Long time no post...! Like a week or something, but I have excuses, that is, school. *hits*

                          Anyway. I cut my hair about two inches, but what I really wanted to say was: I NEED HELP. (Sad to post asking for help but hey.) I have to do a school project writing, and I can write anything I like except poetry- essay, article, letter, short story. It has to be fairly formal, unless it's a story, and I'm incredibly stuck. Has anyone got any ideas, not for a story but for something else I could write about?

                          I've never RPd any other way but forums, but I know lots of people use chat-based. And Aurie, I'm concerned- why do you always RP yourself blowing Dave up??????? *hugs*

                          And what else.. oh, yes. Peter Murray's avatar... *giggles* it's FABULOUS.
                          Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                          • I just wanted to say HIYA!!!! No worries be happy ok!!!! and just read WHY I might not be on so much it's a sad story!!
                            "We pray for our sorrows to end,
                            and hope that our hearts will blend.
                            Now I will step forward to realize this wish.
                            And who knows:
                            starting a new journey may not be so hard
                            or maybe it has already begun.
                            There are many worlds,
                            but they


                            • Wow... I'm gone for one day and I've completely lost the thread of this topic... *.*....



                              • Originally posted by Birdhead:
                                Has anyone got any ideas, not for a story but for something else I could write about?
                                How about writing about why you like YW? Oops, that's on-topic in the ToGR, isn't it?
                                Peter Murray's avatar... *giggles* it's FABULOUS.
                                I need to stop copying Agent M... I liked the flag idea, but didn't want to get rid of the penguin.
                                Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.

