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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • My school colours are blue and gold TOO. It's a conspiracy. Fear school.
    (Really fear school.)

    Randomly, and to defeat Poot, I had peanut M&Ms in new York... they were good, I liked them, but not for every day. Actually, that was the best thing about America (apart from, you know, EVERYTHING!!), peanut butter chocolate. Like Reese's. Reese's is impossible to get here. Sigh.

    *sleepily* I'm going to bed now, I think. Oh, but, I wanted to mention, I'm reading non-fiction! For pleasure!
    <insert gasps here> Okay, so it's non-fiction about feminists (Betty Friedan, Germanie Greer, Gloria Steinem and Kate Millet), and it's vaguley connected with my history project, so it's all stuff I have motivation to read but.... I'm really enjoying it. *nods* It's called The Sisterhood, and I think it's by Marcia Cohen. *recs* Good if you're interested in women's roles.
    Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


    • No really Z. Calm down. ARG!!!!! I still got like two weeks of school left. (it sucks to be you Tui) I also have a pre-algebra final exam comeing up, but it sounds easy. I love final exams and BIG state tests and stuff. I don't know why. I always think that my grade always gets a lower grades test, cause it's SOOOO easy.

      Anyway, what about semi? I think we should take her to the mentals ward in some insane people's place. tee hee. I'm only kidding. I'M the one who needs to go to the.....<span class="ev_code_GREEN">PURPLE!!!</span>
      Reality is for those who lack imagination.


      • Okay I'm back to my normal self now....*breaths heavily.*
        penguins will rule the world.


        • my school colors are blue and gold!! *shivers*
          lol. I have about fifteen more days of school, then a week of exams. No fair!!!!
          lol Z....FANTASIA....actually I kInDa hoped that Diana would win even though I knew Fantasia was going to win because everyone liked her................
          Tui: *comforts* peanut M&Ms!!!! I'll try and see if I can find that book at the library.. oh yeah *gasps*. then *wanders off to finish tech assignment.*
          "She leaped off the table and tore into the living room. There was a brief sound of scrabbling, and then from the living room, Kit said, "Uh, Annie, your cat just went up the chimney..."
          Dai Stiho:grin&bounce:


          • Today was my last day of school. Two of the best teachers are leaving! It's so sad. I'm going to the beach next Saturday. YAY!!!! I LOVE the beach!
            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


            • LOL. So sad yet the next sentence was YAY!!
              Comradely, Diego

              Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
              "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

              "Be a real


              • Did anyone miss me? Heh. I haven't been able to post here in the longest time because of having way too much homework. It's like the teachers feel extra pressured to kill students before school ends. I did manage to post at vgdawn a few times (I was suffering from withdrawal from roleplaying). And yes, all of you who haven't joined VGDawn, need to! You heard it from BeleiverInWizardry, the most unlikely person to join, and she loves it!

                M&Ms with peanuts... I used to have something against nuts. Now I'm so so crazy. As long as the nuts have chocolate or something on them, they're good. You don't want to waste a good peice of sugar!

                I know there's something else I wanted to bring up, but I just can't think of it. Scatterbrain Gryphon.

                *groans* is it only five more days for you guys? I keep seeing people who are finishing school soon and ARG, I've still got six months.
                And we were suffering while you had summer vacation. I have one, two, three, four, five... That's five whole days and four half days for exams. I hate exams! And I really need to cram. The first day is math and science for me. Math I'll pass no problem. The review is the review for students who would be taking the same class at a higher grade level, and it just happens to be easier than what our's would've been. It only has one proof on it and it's supposed to be unbeleivably easy. Science, however... I have a LOT of notes that I haven't even read yet. Next days is History and Spanish. Ahhh! The History exam is gonna be really hard. I definitly need to study. My Spanish teacher says his exam will be really easy. The verbs are supposed to be self-explanatory ones like 'contar' which is to COUNT or to TELL A STORY. Wait... is it? I need to find my Spanish notes. After that are my two electives, Art and Gym/Health. By the way, we don't get to pick our electives, which is kinda sad. The last one is Language Art.

                Awwwww! My Kisskiss is lying on the floor behind me, purring. Cassie is always so happy to be around me. I love my kitty. Gotta go pet her.
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • Gryphon: YOU suffered from roleplaying withdrawal? I CAN BARELY GO AN ENTIRE SCHOOL DAY WITHOUT SPAZING OUT! I'm on the computer like every fifteen minutes! (Darn, I can't stop saying like, even when I'm typing!) OH!! The next time Tessa Fa'Lynn logs onto VGDawn, KILL HER! She hasn't been on in like a week (there I go with the 'like' again) and my character is on the verge of dieing!

                  I'm going on this river project thingy at school for science. We're studying macroinvertabrates (whoa, big word *gets dizzy) and I'm like the ONLY person wo is willing to touch them (except those who will squish them). I LOVE LITTLE BUGGIES!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

                  Gryphon again: "Dead squirrels don't go twitchy twitchy with their tails." HAHA! Thats so funny!

                  <span class="ev_code_PINK">EVERYONE:</span> <span class="ev_code_PINK">JOIN GRYPHON'S ROLEPLAY! I COMAND YOU! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!</span>

                  I love colors, tee hee!
                  Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                  • *bounces around in straightjacket a la Tui*

                    HEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! didja miss me???

                    My school colors are cardinal and gold!! But it's really maroon and mustard!!!! and next year they'll be blue and silver!!!! because I'm switching schools!!! because there's too many other AZNs here to compete with!!!!

                    *this is your brain on end-of-year-stress....*

                    <span class="ev_code_BLUE">PHISHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!</span>


                    • BIW:
                      Gryphon again: "Dead squirrels don't go twitchy twitchy with their tails." HAHA! Thats so funny
                      Hehe... I'll have to copy & paste the entire message so that people will actually know what you're talking about. :P Where was that? At the Dungeon?

                      <span class="ev_code_BLUE">Bosco:
                      LRD finnally caught up with Bosco. He was about to speak to him, but Bosco spoke first. "You little feind. You attacked my friend. You are an agent of the evil Kalidan. You are evil . I don't want to have anything to do with you. Go away, and stay far from my friends." LRD looked at the rat. There was true pain and sadness, regret and remorse in his eyes. Then he said, "I am sorry. I came because I wanted to fight against Kalidan with you. Please, may I join you?" Bosco tilted his head over to the side, looked strait at LRD, and said, "Come. But I am warning you, one mean move, and you are dead. Got that?" LRD just nodded and followed Bosco down the corrider.</span>
                      <span class="ev_code_GREEN">Gryphon:
                      Gryphon looked at Bosco. "Dead?"
                      The little kitty's lower jaw quivered. "I don't like dead! Dead buggies don't move anymore. Dead squirrels," she sniffed, "don't go twitchy twitchy with their tail."
                      Gryphon burst out into pathetic sobs.</span>
                      <span class="ev_code_BLUE">Bosco:
                      Bosco looked at the sad cat. "Gryphon, it is okay. Nobody is going to die. It is okay." Bosco went over and hugged the huge (at least it was huge to Bosco) furry leg on the ground next to him.
                      LRD looked over at the little rat. "You guys are total saps. I... I mean, oh man. I didn't mean that. Sorry. Um, it is okay, Gryphon." This was getting LRD thinking. Maybe there is a reason I am evil. I forgot that doing good means you have to be nice. I remember why I went evil. I was just out of the cacoon, finnally moved from a maggot to a real live demon. And that is when I started discovering that I didn't like nice. People were such wimps. Maybe it would just be easier to be evil again. But, I shouldn't take the easy way out. I must be good. Even if it means hanging out with wimps. I will do good! </span>
                      <span class="ev_code_GREEN">Gryphon:
                      "I'm a... total sap?" Gryphon said, looking at LRD. She wiggled her nose and sniffed. "What's," her voice quivered, "what's... a total sap?"
                      The cat was crying again.
                      "You're name calling," she whined. "'N' I don't like it when people name call me! One time someone called me insane. It really made me feel hurt. Waaaah!!!"
                      Sniff sniff Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaah!!! ((font size gets bigger and bigger here))</span>
                      <span class="ev_code_BLUE">Bosco:
                      LRD had his mind racing. He was going overtime thinking. Then he got it. "No, Gryphon. It is good to be a sap. Being called a sap is the most wonderful thing ever. 'Sap' means smart, pretty, and caring. It is a wonderful compliment to be called a sap. Right, Bosco? Right?"

                      Bosco saw how hard the little demon was trying to be nice. He smiled and nodded. "Yes, Gryphon. You should be flattered to be called a sap. I am, at least." He smiled happily at the cat. Then he said, "Come on! If we want to get out of here, we had better get a move on." Then Bosco continued sniffing at the ground, trying to find an exit to the castle.</span>

                      And in case you're freaked out about how... erm, silly the characters are here, it's all because THE Gryphon is here. Other topics are entirely different depending on what characters people use. BIW isn't in this topic.
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • And we were suffering while you had summer vacation. I have one, two, three, four, five... That's five whole days and four half days for exams.
                        But your vacation is longer than mine. And I have... *counts* Oh help, I'm not sure. I think about three weeks of exams this year, from 10th November to the 1st December- but check for yourself, I'm taking Level Three English, Calculus, Physics, French and History, plus Level Four English, Calculus, Physics and French- Making nine exams total. >.< stercus, stercus, stercus, morituri sum!
                        Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                        • how long is your vacation? I think ours is about four months. Or at least for the Americans here. Lessee... 5 out of 7 days in a week are school days. School is abou 6 to 7 hours long. Starts around the August-September range. Ends around May-June. Depends on your school.
                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • yah, metink it varies more depending on whether you're in primary school or secondary, and whether or not you have a 4-class, traditional, or block schedule, and what area of the country you're in, and...

                            ...a whole bunch of other crazy stuff...

                            <span class="ev_code_PINK">OTTER!!!!</span>


                            • FOUR MONTHS?????
                              We don't even have two months. >.< What's up with that??
                              Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                              • I said four? Ooops. A bit less than three. We have a bit of June, July, and August.

                                To battle Poot:

                                I got five books from this book fair thingy! Two were Mister Monday and Grm Tuesday by Garth Nix. I didn't know he wrote the Seventh Tower... I used to read those books.
                                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

