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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Hmm...Chani that was kinda cold...I just like your posts, thats all. You have good stories and interesting things that you say. I like that about you.
    BelieverInWizardry: Its good to be smart, very good in fact. It will help you get far in life.

    Does any one know of good places to find avies? I have been looking for some. I change my avie a lot, hehe. Just like I edit my posts a lot.


    • Surfy: That's not cold. It's just truth.
      Mutchboy21 (okay I was too lazy to spell out your real name.): You are so totally right! Smilies deserve names.
      Gryphon: My new character is on vgdawn at Zaria's place.
      penguins will rule the world.


      • It was a compliment. All I said was that I would like Chani to post something because I think she has interesting things to say and then everyone gets mad at be's mean to me.


        • humph. I go through all that trouble explaining that gravity stuff, and no one even mentions it! Oh well. I don't care. ANYWHO, SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER!!! AHHHH ! My spanish teacher is going back to ecuador! She's an exchange teacher and we don't want her to leave! What if the new teacher is a mean person! WAAAAA!!! I won't be able to live through eighth grage with a MEAN teacher!
          Reality is for those who lack imagination.


          • Zgirl: I don't mind the fact that you didn't take the time to spell out my name. That doesn't bother me at all. But the fact that you called me Mutchboy21 disturbs me a little bit. You see, I happen to be a female. Yes, my avater is male, but I myself, am a female. Long hair, girly giggles and all.

            Surfy: I understand where you are coming from. Maybe cold wasn't the right word, but I know what you were trying to say.
            Ask not for whom the dog barks. It barks for thee.
            And really bad eggs...
            Go salaí cúnna ifrinn do chuid calóga arbhair.
            S.P.R.B.I (Semi Puke Related
            Barf Incident)
            Weak Sauce!


            • hehe. But your avie is a guy, so maybe she was talking to the avie? Mutch still scares me. My fingers aren't working.

              Gravity is a strange thing.

              I tried to do Henna on myself last night. It went well, but I didn't leave it on long enough. Maybe I should buy the premade paste, because mixing it yourself is hard. And a lot of work. Plus I killed a lemon in the process.

              Wallace and Gromit rules!


              • Maybe. i just want to get the fact that I am female across. Mutch = boy, Me = girl. Ok? Got it? Good.

                Did you use black henna? Black henna is the best. It is the most authentic looking and usually lasts the longest.

                Huzzah the Wallace and Gromit!!
                Ask not for whom the dog barks. It barks for thee.
                And really bad eggs...
                Go salaí cúnna ifrinn do chuid calóga arbhair.
                S.P.R.B.I (Semi Puke Related
                Barf Incident)
                Weak Sauce!


                • Lol. Don't worry crookedfrog. For me your avatar is asexual.
                  Comradely, Diego

                  Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                  "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                  "Be a real


                  • BIW: Okay.. I will say something about it. It is way too technical for me at the moment. Sorry. *sigh* Not that it wasn't a good post and everything. *shakes head to clear brain - brain slooshes around... okay, maybe that wasn't a good idea* It was a good post. Very technical. Thank you.

                    Diego, unless she really wants Mutch to be a guy?

                    Owner of Mutch avatar:

                    Huzzah! I don't suppose that adults are supposed to love Wallace and Gromit, but they are the best clay-mation ever... course, love Chicken Run too! And I wasn't trying to be cruel to Surfy. I was just irritated that there were so many posts and so much to reply to and I wasn't really in the mood to reply. I *DID* put a smiley in the middle.

                    Surfy... Sorry if you were offended... I was laughing and I was hoping that you wouldn't take me seriously. I am never to be taken seriously when using smileys. I also said that I hoped that you wouldn't be too confused and would get that I was joking.

                    (okay that is confusing, but maybe she will understand.)
                    I guess not... oh well, ya live and learn. I do want a supergirl shirt. I would like to have a little extra oomph sometimes.

                    Okay... to be random, and continue with the randomness topic. Snapple Apple is fabulous. Father's day is Sunday. And I am tired. Oh yes... Blue is a good color today!
                    -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                    The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                    I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                    • God a lot has been written the last couple of days!!! *Looks wide eyed at all the posts!!*.
                      Crookedfrog21 don't worry about the male/female thing!! I think there was a few here that where surprised I was male!!! Droped loads of hints and everything!! Anyway Just thought I would say that most of us have had this problem, but me..I don't mond either way and if I was honest (hope this does not offend anyone) I would say that when I'm talking to people on this forum I don't see a he and a she but just a person. Anyway is anyone going to see 'I Robot' the new movie out by another great author?? Tell you what I will leave with a question and see who can answer it Who wrote the book 'I Robot'?
                      night all
                      God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                      Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                      • That would be the great Isaac Asimov.

                        I have read things by him, just not this book.
                        -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                        The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                        I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                        • Okay. This is the stupidest thing ever. We're talking about nothing, that is talking about how we're talking about nothing. I have to say that that's sad. Very, very sad.

                          Hahaha... I'm laughing at the Happy Bunny items.

                          "Happy Bunny Air Freshener"
                          In small text on the picture 'you smell like butt'

                          *shakes head* Wonderful. There's also "Happy Bunny I Hate Everything Wristband", "Happy Bunny Toilet Paper", "Happy Bunny "Prevent Violence" Lunch Box", "Happy Bunny "Cute But Psycho" Lanyard Keychain", ect.

                          Talking Beast:
                          Gryphon, how about
                          Hyper; Otherwise, Normal?
                          Oooh, good one!

                          Great Roleplaying Yapper Phoenix Hyper; Otherwise Normal

                          Phoenix never really fit from the beginning, so I'm gonna have to think up a new word for that. I'm ditching my pocket dictionary for that; it hardly has anything.

                          Also Talkingbeast;
                          (And what was at the center of the planet--not to be a spoiler-- I think we can assume was lightweight!)
                          Yes, yes! I only just realized that.

                          Gryphon... you really have to leave off the sugar. An army of smileys isn't that good of a thing, really.
                          Especially if those smileys are all Buck Whiley the Smiley smileys. Heh. BW is a friend of mine. Some people like M and Sam know of him by his infamous raps. I think I might've posted his Nerd Raps here.

                          "I call Ben bench because I can sit on him. He calls me nicoteine because I'm bad for you."

                          Bad influence definitly. :P If I haven't posted the Nerd Rap here, maybe I could... Heh. It's so funny!

                          Aww, you guys are harsh!!! Poor Surfy. *huggles* A like to here what a lot of members have to say, Chani included.

                          Droped loads of hints and everything!!
                          If it was steroetypical at all, I wouldn't have gotten it. Rah rah rah to stereotypes. I block them out without realizing it, and just as well cuz stereotyping is BAD!!!

                          Back to Buck Whiley ((that's now his real name; it's the name he made up after a rap about a smiley that he named Buck Whiley--which I did post here--)). My idiot brother inivted him over. I just kicked them out of my room. The buttheads.
                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • Aww, you guys are harsh!!! Poor Surfy. *huggles* A like to here what a lot of members have to say, Chani included.
                            Say about what? Surfy and apparently a lot of other people missunderstood me... I said I was sorry about that.

                            I maintain you need to cut back on the sugar, since that is what you blame your spasticness on... though I like you the way you are... but I think the army of smileys was a bit much.

                            If ya want to post nerd rap.. go ahead. Personally, not a rap fan, but if it is funny, sure, I'll read it.

                            Anyhows... all are possible replies to why you may want my opinion.... covered all the bases. *sigh* :-)
                            -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                            The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                            I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                            • Quoth the Chani:
                              Huzzah! I don't suppose that adults are supposed to love Wallace and Gromit, but they are the best clay-mation ever... course, love Chicken Run too!
                              I don't think Wallace and Gromit are really aimed at children, there's just nothing unsuitable for kids in them. I was going to point to the Thunderbirds reference in A Close Shave, but I suppose kids in the UK would have got that.

                              Nitpick: Claymation's a trademark, and it belongs to Will Vinton umm, Enterprises or Productions, not to Aardman.

                              Quoth the Gryphon:
                              Great Roleplaying Yapper Phoenix Hyper; Otherwise Normal

                              Phoenix never really fit from the beginning, so I'm gonna have to think up a new word for that.
                              Partly? Predominantly? Powerfully? Pointlessly ?
                              Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                              • If you point out the Thunderbirds reference in A Close Shave, then I have to point out the Feathers McGraw references. Better not go there.

                                And yup. Claymation is The Adventures of Mark Twain and those California Raisins, not Morph, Wallace & Gromit, Creature Comforts (I still wish I could get my hands on a dvd with those Electric commercials in 'em), or ExxonMobile cars.

                                And much as I love Nick Park & Peter Lord's works, I still think the best stop-motion ever is done by a fellow named Barry Purves whom practically nobody outside of animation has ever heard of, but whom everyone in animation reveres (The Pixar guys gave him a tour, specially. Unfortunately, he needs to lay hands on a model, and to him the CGI stuff looks too clean. He needs it organic). I love the fact that he's done an animated short that covers all 37 of Shakespeare's plays in 5 minutes. With no dialogue.

                                Or maybe Purves is second-best stop motion ever. Best stop-motion ever is probably Ray Harryhausen. I loved how the Pixar guys paid tribute in Monsters Inc. by naming the sushi restaurant Harryhausen's.
                                New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.

