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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Feathers McGraw? Am I missing a reference to a Fingers McGraw? You don't mean the penguin's occasional appearances in the series Reboot, do you?

    A recent Creature Comforts TV series shown here (do you know about that?) is available on two DVDs, but I'm waiting to see if it appears on just one.

    Is the Shakespeare thing Next!? The one with him on stage doing his audition, of sorts? I don't remember who did that.

    Haven't seen Monsters, Inc - it's on my list of DVDs to get. There are over 500 DVDs on that list, though, and I'm not likely to buy more than 20 in a year! I've got Willis O'Brien's Lost World but haven't watched it yet.

    I've got a VHS of Comet Quest, Vinton's Mark Twain film.
    Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


    • Feathers McGraw = the penguin in Wrong Trousers. If you look at the shot where Gromit's in a jail cell in Close Shave, there's writing on the cell wall that says, "Feathers McGraw was here." and there are McGraw headlines in the newspapers.

      I think I read somewhere on the Aardman site about new Creature Comforts and new Wallace & Gromit shorts, but until they're on a dvd here in the US...

      Yup. Barry Purves did Next when he was still working with Aardman. The one where Shakespeare's auditioning to get into Heaven in front of St. Peter Hall. He also did Hamilton Mattress. Also this astounding Japanese-set short that used sign language, called "Screenplay" and (apparently, I haven't seen it) the Operavox Rigoletto episode.

      Hmmm. I thought The Adventures of Mark Twain was the Vinton Twain piece. Wonder if it's one of those US/UK title things... I was happy to see Vinton was still alive and kicking and claymationing with The PJs. Could've knocked me down with a feather when Marv Newland's name popped up as one of the writing staff--last time I saw that name was on "Bambi Meets Godzilla."
      New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


      • *jumping in randomly*

        sorry for changing the subject suddenly, but does anyone know where to find a good image hosting site? that lets you direct-link? And is free? I know they've been mentioned before somewhere on this site, it's just I can't find any of them...


        • Ummm, I use Try that one.
          Comradely, Diego

          Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
          "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

          "Be a real


          • It works. This is an image using imageshack. It even gives you the words to put it in a forum like this one.

            Comradely, Diego

            Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
            "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

            "Be a real


            • Kathy: Yeah, I didn't think you meant the references to Feathers McGraw in the Wallace and Gromit series . He did make guest appearances in at least two episodes of Reboot.

              I've got that Next short on a tape of Aardman stuff. Haven't seen the other ones by Barry Purves that you mention.

              Yes, it could be a UK/US title - the one I've got has Tom, Huck and Becky on a balloon chasing Halley's comet with Twain and Clemens.
              Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


              • Semi, I use .

                For once, in a very long time, I have nothing to say. So, I'm just gonna start a topic. Uhh... How about...eeek...oooo...Nope, nothing. Sorry, I'm a dead person...thing.

                AHHHH! I'm BORED! GRYPHON! Yell at people! Make them post more at VGDawn! No one posts enough! Either that or I'm on way too much...
                Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                • Heh. You could yell at them. Bosco will be glad to help. Me, however... I only yell at a few. :P

                  Ooohoo, my bro tried to sneak up on me!! He does that way too much, and I was ready this time. Now I gotta go look in the Ocean.

                  Lesse... I only had a little bit of sugar today.
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • BIW, Diego... thankies for the info ^.^v

                    In other news.... semi changed her avie! It's actually something I drew recently now!!! Yay!!!!


                    • Semi that is so good. Did I mention Rupert Grint is CUTE!!! And that he's MINEMINEMINE! TO BAD GRYPHON I HAD LOTS AND LOTS OF SUGAR TODAY MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!
                      Okay I go to YMCA camp and it's the coolest thing. Here's my list of things I've done this week:
                      Climb a mountain
                      get into 2 fights
                      watched movies
                      learned new crushes
                      danced in a moving vehicle
                      learned more more and more dance moves
                      laughed my head off
                      ate to much sugar
                      did voodoo dolls. (Of people that I'm very mad at.)
                      through them off a mountain (Oh sweet revenge.)
                      penguins will rule the world.


                      • PM: Sorry. I go for the obvious. I loved the guest appearances on Reboot, although probably the guest they had was Gillian Anderson as the voice of Data Nully.

                        Hey, everybody knows about all the Terry Pratchett stuff on BBC radio, right? They're doing Mort on BBC4 on Tuesdays, and Wyrd Sisters on BBC7 on Sundays. Both of them are being streamed over the web on demand, so if you can do Real Audio, you can hear 'em. The episodes hang around for 7 days from the time of broadcast.

                        What I did this week:<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>worked.<LI>worked some more.<LI>and, oh, yeah...worked.<LI>longed for vacation<LI>forgot to go comic book shopping<LI>forgot to vacuum<LI>cooked a tuna and mushroom noodle casserole<LI>worked really late<LI>listened to Pratchett radio shows on the web<LI>read half of Oliver Sacks's An Anthropologist on Mars<LI>noticed that Hojyo Takashi fixed Gabriel's waist.<LI>found a server for my avatar (<LI>and, oh, yeah. WORKED.[/list]
                        New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                        • Ooh, Reboot. I haven't watched that show in forever. I wonder if it's on in the middle of the night on cartoon network. Of course, the other option would just be to rent the whole thing off of Netflix. Which rules.

                          And as for hidden Wallace and Gromit references, there are loads. You just have to know where to look. Better than Shrek really, because they're not nearly as obvious. You have to know stuff to find them.

                          The Henna was brown. Like mud, sort of. I wonder if it would have shown up at all if I had done it over my tan.

                          Yay! Miss Congeniality is on! I love this movie.


                          • Apparently Gillian Anderson's then husband worked for some Canadian animation company, so she wasn't too hard for Reboot to get.

                            As long as you were forgetting things this week, didn't you:
                            <UL TYPE=SQUARE> <LI>forget to talk to Neil Gaiman <LI>fail to talk to John M. Ford <LI>remember the "Only a comic book?!?" rant [/list]?
                            Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                            • Diego: Thanks very much! He does have a extermely girly side to him, but eh doesn't like me to talk about that to anybody. It is supposed to be kept on the DL. Very Hush Hush. Say no more, say no more.

                              Mutch, though the subject of large discussion, is male. He has gone through wuite a few identity crisis', but is now settled on being a male. He might cast a semi-female vibe if he wiped that silly little look off of his face for once. I highly doubt that will ever happen. He is so tempermental that way.

                              Isaac Asimov was the man!
                              Ask not for whom the dog barks. It barks for thee.
                              And really bad eggs...
                              Go salaí cúnna ifrinn do chuid calóga arbhair.
                              S.P.R.B.I (Semi Puke Related
                              Barf Incident)
                              Weak Sauce!


                              • Oh drea
                                I was watching that movie. That's my friends favorite movie too. (Okay poot is getting me today.)
                                penguins will rule the world.

