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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • year I will take AP Art History, AP Lang/Comp, and AP Physics. I am going to die.

    On the bright side...
    It's summer and I'm going to live at the beach for the next three months or so...
    My best friend's sweet sixteen is comming up...
    I'm learning to DRIVE!!
    A physics geek
    And proud of it...

    Loyal reader and Young Wizards books, great lover of Moon Cakes, and engineering feminista...


    • BIW:uhhhhhh.....i don't know what to say....uhhhhhhh
      FireWitch:I missed you again! Timezones suck!!!!!!!!!
      Okay poot loves me...
      penguins will rule the world.


      • Surfy:
        I really want a chiwawa, or however you spell in, anyone have one? I would name her either Delia, Dee for short, or if it was a he, Chewloe.
        No, not a yip yip dog!

        Also by Surfy:
        P.S, I have never met Poot, is he an animal or something?
        I think we've answered this question half a billion times. In fact, the most recent one was only a few pages ago.n *grumbles* It's a little demon. Semiramis drew a picture of it. Rah rah rah. You haven't met him? Well hopefully not. He makes ya do oneliners. I'll get you for doing one liners wether it's his fault or not.

        Couldn't find a smiley threatening enough. Mrs. Madlaugher will have to do.

        M, I can see your icon. It's this fish thing.

        Sorry, Chani, but I didn't like the movie. I'm not going to complain about it being ruished or any of the parts they left out. Cuz I know that was all about time constraint, and I don't mind. But I do want to say that

        They completely screwed up the entire movie!!!

        God!!! They had these talking head things... it was creepy. Really messed up. I have no idea what they were or where they came from. Who's sick idea was that?!?! Rah rah rah!!! Now be prepared for a rant, because I haven't been on in a while, and I need to do a bit of good ranting every once in a while.

        The dementors flew. They had heads like lolipops. THE DEMENTORS FLEW. I'll let you know that dementors do NOT fly. Sure they glide, but they do their gliding ON THE GROUND.

        The patronas... I will MURDER that director. The patronas was like a flat sheild. It shoulda been either wisps or a stag. When it was a stag... You couldn't have called that anything. The stag was a white blob that STOOD there and did NOTHING. Then this big, round, flat sheild came out and knocked the dementors away.

        I don't remember Harry actually seeing the image of the Grim. It was Sirius every time, wasn't it? I don't think that's too bad, not really, but still.

        Dunno 'bout you guys, but I think that Lupin, Dumbledore, and Sirius all acted like nutcases. I'm pretty sure that Sirius was actually calm when he talked to Ron, Harry, ect. And err... a werewolf looked like a wolf, not some messed up thing. In fact, in the book, Snape asked how could you tell a werewolf from the real wolf? Not from an animagus. And an animagus woulda looked like a real wolf. The werewolf, I'm sad to say, looked like a balding monkey.

        I know there were more things to get to, but I can't think of them right now.

        Oh, oh. When they didn't wear robes, they wore muggle clothes. Kinda... illogical, don't ya think? And I didn't think of Hermione as a pink kinda girl. I think that that is a bit of stereotyping. Could be wrong.

        Z, surely you coulda thought of a bit more. That's pathetic. I actually think that Poot is a sad way to blame your one liners.

        Firewitch!!! I missed you! And that has to be something because I wasn't much of a member at all then. Before my 100s, I think.
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • Wow... If my friend who moved to the States last year is right, APs can't be THAT hard... she told me the were the equivalent of a normal Academic course.

          I'm an all-academic student and I STILL think it's easy. --'' I need a challenge. I think I'll go find out everything I can about PARTICLE PHYSICS.... just for a challenge.


          • Okay sorry Gryphon. You've taken M's job!
            She used to be the one to scold me. I was scared of her on my first post. (Seriously I swear I was.) And I agree with you totally on that...I am pathetic.
            Anyways, I also agree with you on the Harry Potter movies. The best thing about it was that Ron was oh so hot. I think Dumbledore looked raggety on this movie. bald monkey (lol )
            Actually we have a Harry Potter puzzle and that was the exact outfit hermoine was wearing. (Go figure.) Have you noticed that Hermoine-------- (Okay I better shut up before I get in trouble.)
            penguins will rule the world.


            • Aloha ahiahi-

              Okay, sorry for asking about Poot, Gryphon. I knew a little about him but I wasn't sure if he was an animal or a person or what. Oh I love chihuahuas! They are so cute! I would name her Delia, (I know, I said that already.) We might get a chihuahua because my dog died a few months or so ago, but I have to prove to my parents I am responsible. They aren't that yippy! Hehe.

              Zgirl- I think Ron is ugly. And I like Hermoine! We have different tastes, hehe.

              Poot hates me. I don't really post one liners that often, actually I usually never do! It bugs me. What else bugs me is when people will write a post and then they write another post right after the one they just wrote! Its like, can't you edit it? Mahalo!


              • Gryphon: Yes, I was hoping for months that the Dementors didn't really fly. There was a set report I saw a while ago saying that they did. sigh

                In the book, Harry didn't know about Grims at first. All he ever saw was a big black dog - I don't think Cuaron got that wrong. He just interpreted it as a Grim because of Trelawney. (Which reminds me: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">If she prophesied that Harry was the only one who could vanquish Voldemort, why does she keep prophesying Harry's death? Does she want Voldemort to win?</span>)

                There's a lot of talk about them wearing Muggle clothes. Remember when they went to rescue the stone in the first film? All three wore Muggle clothes then, too. Can you find anything in the book that says they wear a school uniform, rather than wearing school robes over their Muggle clothes?

                Were the Muggle clothes a decision by the wardrobe people, or the actors' own clothes? I forget if I've read the answer to that. As for Hermione wearing pink, I still can't imagine her knitting, even using magic !
                Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                • Look at this gifs, guys. They were all 'borrowed' from users at MuggleNet.

                  Comradely, Diego

                  Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                  "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                  "Be a real


                  • Surfy:
                    Zgirl- I think Ron is ugly.
                    Sorry Z, but I kinda have to agree with Surfy on that one. I don't get what's with the Ron craze. Eh!

                    Your poor doggy.

                    PM, about your hidden text. More whited out message: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Yeah, she prophesized about all of that, but like the time she prophesized Peter coming back to Voldemort in Harry's third year, she didn't realize what was going on.</span>

                    Muggle clothes... Well, you have the majority of wizards who know nothing about Muggle clothing. During the Quiditch Tournament in Harry's fourth year, it said all of that rather clearly. Harry and Hermione might have Muggle clothes, though I would doubt it. The books pretty much say that all wizards wear are robes. So I'm pretty sure they wore something else under their wizard robes.

                    Haha... I'm laughing over the Lupin icon. And the "Uh Hermione, that's my line!" one.
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • Okay...the icons are creepy...
                      *runs off to make her own*

                      <span class="ev_code_RED">THE FOLLOWING IS ONE LONG SPOILER THAT IS NOT CENSORED. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.</span>

                      As for the's my two cents:
                      Deviations from the Book
                      <UL TYPE=SQUARE>
                      <LI>In general, the lack of details bugged me at first, but I soon grew accustomed to it. Let's face it, most of us had the books memorized anyway.
                      <LI>Enjoyed some of the added scenes that showed campus life. I particularly enjoyed the animal noises.
                      <LI>The flying dementors didn't bother me; the face sucking did
                      <LI>Why did we see the dementors mouthes?
                      <LI>Why didn't the dementors lower their hoods?
                      <LI>I'm not complaining about the dementors; they had me scared silly!
                      <LI>The cloud grim was stupid; the whole point is that Sirius comes to watch Harry play quiditch (though I did enjoy the frozen broom handle)
                      <LI>The first time I watched the movie, the giant shield-like patronus drove me nuts (which in turn drove my friend nuts because I was constantly bugging her). The second time, I got used to it. I did not, however, get used to Harry producing an effective patronus on his SECOND TRY. I also did not approve of the "happy memory" which was poorly scripted and had no basis in the book. If they want to word something poorly, fine, just make sure that the readers know what they're getting at!!!!
                      <LI>Why was Sirius CGI? Why didn't someone just get a very vicious looking Newfoundland?
                      <LI>Why did Were-Lupin look like a misshapen cross between an aligator and a hyena? Why in the world did he answer to Hermione's "wooooooh"? She sounded like a dyign lama.
                      <LI>Why was the firebolt at the end? Why couldn't that have happened somewhere else? The ending with the Dursleys is so awsome! (will assume that this will take place in the next movie)
                      <LI>STEVE KLOVES (script writer) SHALL DIE!!!! He made Dumbledore sound like a poorly written fortune cookie!!!!
                      <LI>Why didn't Harry tell Dumbledore about Trelewany's prediction? If they wanted to give him fortune cookie lines, that was the place!
                      <LI>Why did Hermione get all of Ron's lines? (again, not complaining, Hermione is my hero)[/list]
                      New Casting
                      <UL TYPE=SQUARE>
                      <LI>Micheal Gambon is a BAD Dumbledore. He would have been wonderful as the zany Dumbledore fo books 1 and 2, but he was terrible as the troubled Dumblefore of books 3-5. Mind you, I think that this is partly due to the HORRIFIC SCRIPT WRITTEN BY THE EVIL STEVE KLOVES. He did do a nice job when Harry and Hermione tried to tell him that they'd saved Sirius
                      <LI>Sirius--I was a bit disappointed the first time I saw him. He seemed a bit too mad. The second time, however, I realized that OF COURSE HE'S A BIT MENTAL! After all, he spent 12 years in Azkaban. I actually ended up appreciating the zaniness. He got the desparation accross just fine, and he definately had the Sirius charm that we see so much of in book 5.
                      <LI>LUPIN!!! LUPIN LUPIN LUPIN!!!!! I LOVE LUPIN! *back to normal, controlled self* He was better than I ever imagined. He was witty, he was sweet, he was wonderful. He was the dear old uncle I never had!!!
                      <LI>Trelewany! I leanred how to pronounce her name! I was so worried about her when I saw the comercials because she looked nothing like the Trelewany that lives in my head. Emma Thompson, however, was pure dead brilliant! She was so funny and her eyes were great! I wish that there'd been a chance for her and McGonagal to have their run-in at Christmas![/list]
                      Old Casting
                      <UL TYPE=SQUARE>
                      <LI>My goodness, Ron (Rupert Grint) is cute! He's so squishy and squeezable! My friend and I already have plans to kidnap him.
                      <LI>Fred and George are suddenly very, very hot. They're like Scotish beatles. Very interesting...
                      <LI>Hermione (Emma Watson) is darling as ever. She was particularly good at punching Malfoy. I wish that she'd had the opportunity to be stressed and snappy over exams. If only she could have faced the McGonagal Boggart!
                      <LI>Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) was brilliant. He's matured so much, yet he's still the perfect snobb. I especially loved his whines. They were fabulous! "You and your bloody chicken"
                      <LI>Severus Snape (Allan Rickman) was perfect. One of my favorite scenes was his turn as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. "Turn to page 394"
                      <LI>McGonagal (Maggie Smith) was wonderfully strict, though I wish that she hadn't been quite so nice to Harry when he wanted to go to Hogsmeade[/list]

                      All in all, I liked this movie better than the first two. After seeing it for a second time, I down-right loved it. Can't wait for the next one!
                      A physics geek
                      And proud of it...

                      Loyal reader and Young Wizards books, great lover of Moon Cakes, and engineering feminista...


                      • Oh. My. God.* Those avies are pretty good, db. Especially the 'Twitchy Little Ferret' one.

                        *(the teleporter sent me BACK IN TIME!)


                        • Please excuse overuse of caps in the following post. This is an emotional topic for me. I shout a lot.

                          FireWitch, YOU ARE SO RIGHT in everything you said. Except I didn't mind about the Firebolt, I thought that was an okay deviation, and WAH, Remus was so UGLY. >.< Okay, all ships aside, (*hits Peter Murray*) REMUS SHOULD BE PRETTIER. He was very good, though, yes.


                          *sigh* Sorry about that.
                          Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                          • Yea, I know we're talking about HP3, but I HAVE to say something! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! Actually, last friday was kinda my last day since I'm only gonna be at the school for about ten or fifteen minutes. SCHOOL IS NOW OFFICIALLY DEAD! *bouncy bouncy bouncy* OOOOOO! Spinny chair! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...
                            Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                            • That's right, I didn't have a problem with either Dumbledore or Sirius or anyone, just with Lupin. I imagined him very different. Anyone seen Dragon Heart? I thought tat the way the bad guy walked and acted there was acting, but if it was why the heck did his manners were so much like the one he had on Dragonheart on Harry Potter 3?
                              And the wolf! Come on!? Why couldn't they make a wolf like the one on Van Helsing? Now that rocked!
                              And Sirius in dog form should've been bigger! Bigger, bigger, bigger!!
                              Rysade: Yes they are, aren't they? How do people make the icons anyway?
                              Comradely, Diego

                              Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                              "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                              "Be a real


                              • I agree with you on Sirius too.
                                Gryphon: No he is cute!!!You are wrong!!! *covers ears i'm not listening.*
                                Okay you guys this is very scary but funny---Please look at this link!!!
                                SCARY BUT FUNNY WEASLEY's
                                penguins will rule the world.

