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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Yeah, yeah, yeah! S'what I was talking about! But, *pokes*, she didn't say anything else to back up her seeressness as in her own real phrophesies.

    I take that back about Cassie. She just now go to see Sammy. Sammy is up at the top of the steps (he was carreied because he doens't know how to climb them), and Cassie, in my room, saw him. Oohoo! She was hissing and spitting! my sweet Cass! Her back was arched and her fur up. Very menacing, my Cascas. You'd never guess that she used to be a feral cat... 'cept for now.

    And poor Sammy didn't know what to do. He ran all the way back as far as he could. That was at the edge of the steps, poor thing. He's twice Cassie's size and doesn't dare stand up to her.

    Heh. And sneaky Sparkle is watching Sammy from the bottom of the steps.
    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


    • *giggles amusdely* I was about to call all those who are seculating on the relative hotness of Radcliffe and Grint cradle robbers...

      .... sadly, you're not. Look, most of the people I have this conversation with are my age, okay??

      They're both reasonably attractive, but I don't generally go for 13 year olds... or red-head with freckles. red hair, yes (definitely); freckles, yes; both together, no.

      Oh, but, You're right; Fred and George DID get Hot, in a really Beatles way. Strange. They still don't look like the REAL Fred and George, though.

      Tui: Based on Dragonheart, I'd guess that David Thewlis looks good enough (I don't know) but Remus is supposed to be more worn-down by his existence and general poverty, I'd say. (*hits Tui back* "I can like Remus/Tonks if I want!")
      No. You so can't. *stabs*

      As for the guys-not-commenting-on-attractiveness-of-other-guys; actually, I think it's because in general straight guys really can't tell. Girls can almost always comment on attractiveness of both girls and boys, but I really think guys in general only notice whichever gender they're attracted to.

      Aaaaand Lupin's music: I swear it was CHARLESTON music. (that's this really quirky old 1920's dance we're learning at school.) Uhm, wth??
      Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


      • As for the guys-not-commenting-on-attractiveness-of-other-guys; actually, I think it's because in general straight guys really can't tell. Girls can almost always comment on attractiveness of both girls and boys, but I really think guys in general only notice whichever gender they're attracted to.
        hee, this is true... I was about to say that I know a guy who comments on the atractiveness of other guys... but he's gay, so I guess he doesn't count, does he?

        (It's really hilarious. He and a bunch of girls from my english class would sometimes sit around a magazine or my sketchbook or sth and argue over which guys were hot as the other males watched on in vague discomfort... and this one time, he dint want this one guy to pick him for a team activity, so he said "Ariel, if you pick me.... I will SIT ON YOUR LAP!!!!" and Ariel completely freaked out XD)

        I actually do have a complaint about Hermione... she seemed to be groping Ron on several occasions. Both my friend and I noticed this (although we were quietly MSTing, so maybe I wouldn't have noticed it if she hadn't said).

        And the dementors have really big hands. That disturbs me, vaguely.


        • Tui:
          No. You so can't. *stabs*
          Can too! Anyway, that was mostly a Harry/Hermione fanfic; Remus and Tonks were there to keep Remus around in the stories, and to talk about Hogwarts houses.

          Apparently the Phelps twins are 18, and Rupert Grint is 15 - does that make any difference ?

          I actually do have a complaint about Hermione... she seemed to be groping Ron on several occasions.
          Umm... didn't notice that! Something else to check for when the DVD comes out, I suppose.
          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


          • hee, this is true... I was about to say that I know a guy who comments on the atractiveness of other guys... but he's gay, so I guess he doesn't count, does he?
            err... no. No he doesn't. </Zoe>
            *grins* it's a shame y'all don't know Zoe, because that was the perfect opportunity to use a Zoe-ism and you can't hear the tone.

            And also, a guy's name was Ariel? *feels the pain*

            And finally, it's OKAY for Hermione to grope Ron, because they are TRUE LOVE. Maybe not at 13. But still. *waves Good Ship Banner*

            *grins at Peter Murray* Nope, that's just right- I'm sixteen, nearly...
            OMG. *starts singing gleefully* I am sixteen, going on seventeen... YAY!

            Anyway, as I was saying, that means Grint is cradle-robbing and Phelpses are just about ferpect.
            Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


            • Sorry Semi,
              I kind of see people as there avatars a little. (When I had this conversation last everyone saw me as a penguin. )
              For example Tui:
              I see tui with dark hair, (probably because the bird is black.)
              penguins will rule the world.


              • You know the actors are SUPPOSED to be 13 but really Tui, Rupert Grint is your age
                "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                "I could live


                • Update on Sammy.

                  Last night evenyone was getting ready to go to bed, so we put Sammy in his little doggy tent. Cassie came by, and, because the poor doggy was in a small space, he felt trapped and started barking. I was shocked! The sweet doggy hadn't done anything like that yet. So then my little brother had to sleep on the floor by Sammy so that the dog wouldn't get scared.

                  Then in the morning my brother tried to get me out of bed at 8. *yawn!* I didn't let him know that I was awake then. Wanted to sleep some more... So as soon as he left I got out of bed anyway.

                  He still hadn't gone to the bathroom since we had gotten him. And he didn't go until 10 in the morning.

                  Oh, now for a bit on my other best buddy, Mr. Buggles! Mr. Buggle's container was full of new poopies. I took him out and rinsed it out with a hose. No way am I going to clean that by hand. Got him fresh leaves, ect.

                  Whenever we let Sammy go outside, Cinnamon mews at the window and Cassie watches from inside. When I opened the door, Canyon bolted outside, followed by Sparkle. Canyon isn't an outdoor cat, but we let her outside a lot. Usually she bangs the screen door with her little fists until someone opens the door. She's a silly kitty and only stays in the yard. When we want her to go inside, she won't let us pick her up, so we have to annoy mental Canyon until she runs to the door (which she does right away).

                  But now scared Sammy has this fidgety orange puff and a glaring calico outside with him. He's terrified and our mental cat has no idea what's going on. So Canyon eats grass. Wonderful.
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • Haha, aww...I've been away for waay too long. My brother managed to do something to the computer, and my dad had to, er, 'disinfect' it. Bad stuff. I'm baack! *huggles entire forum*
                    How big is Mr. Buggles?
                    Metaphors be with you.


                    • Okay I'm banging my head on my computer right now. (Seriously.) Because of Gryphon's cuteness message. *Must stop cuuuutteeeneesssss!* Gryphon you remind me of my brother, he's obsessed with cute stuff! Gryphon do you know about HappyBunny, That's what I think is cute. So I think I am evil.
                      Let's make a dictionary of cute words:
                      (Basically anything that rhymes with cuddles.)
                      penguins will rule the world.


                      • Calliope-Do not ask...Please don't make Gryphon talk about Mr.Bugggl-----(I CAN'T EVEN TYPE IT IT'S TO CUTE AHHHHHHH!) *Runs in circles away from cuteness.
                        Mr.Buggle-----is a tiny green bug with a big black stinger who apparently eats and makes 'poopies' a lot!!! (TO MUCH CUTENESS!AHHHHHHHH!!!)
                        Gryphon: Do you think you could put a pictureof Sammy on here?
                        Guess what? My pet lizards name is Sam and he eats live bugs. (He prefers crickets.) So- Say bye-bye to Mr.Buggles...
                        penguins will rule the world.


                        • You forgot 'sniffles' and 'lub'. Though I didn't really use those two in my post.

                          Mr. Buggles is about the width of a normal pencil. He's not very long. An inch or less.

                          Hmm... I'm tired.

                          Your Sam couldn't eat Mr. Buggles! :P Lizards aren't all that big.

                          Oh yeah, I caught two slugs with a friend. Guess what I named them? Mr. Sluggle and Mrs. Sluggle!!!

                          Okay, so that's the cute side of Gryphon.
                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • AHHHHH I HAVE TO HIDE!!!
                            But Gryphon do you know what Happy Bunny is?? That's cute. Evil, but cute. Okay I have to make a list now.

                            10 ways to show that you are evil-
                            1.You think Voldemort is hot
                            2.You squirm at the name Mr.Buggles
                            (Okay people I need 8 more ideas.)
                            penguins will rule the world.


                            • What? All evil boys are gay? That's what you said, Z!!! And, oohoo, I can be evil.

                              You don't wanna be Gryphon's enemy...

                              Not at all. Okay, my friend is yelling at me to come outside. Oohoo, I wish I could post more, but I can't... sya!
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • What when did I say that? I'm confused? Help here? Gryphon? M? Anyone?
                                penguins will rule the world.

