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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • *grumbles* I really have to find my copy of Jurassic Park... There's a guy in it and he says something that would make you think differently about global warming.... It was something about how the humans can't completley destroy the planet no matter what, we can wipe out the human race, but we didn't create the earth and so we can't destroy it either. We're nothing compared to the time the Earth will exist, just a blink of an eye. The dinosaurs were wiped out, but the planet wasn't, so no matter what happens to the human race, the Earth will go on. Something like that....
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
    "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
    "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
    "I could live


    • M:It's just you. that's crazy!!! You wear t-shirts?!In the winter?! People think I'm crazy because I hate shorts and where jeans and long capris all winter.
      My friend's family love Bush and hate Kerry. So we were listening to the TV and working on homework. And we heard this commercial come on about this great war hero, and in the middle she said,"What a great guy." And right after that the TV guy said "That's why you should vote for John Kerry." She was so suprised! She fell of her chair. (She said something nice about John Kerry.)

      I'm not that worried about global warming. Although I'll do anything to prevent it. We already know that California is set to fall into the ocean. (Because of earthquakes.) And then America is supposed to be cracked in half. (Because of the SuperVolcano in Wyoming.) And there will also be an ice age because of that volcano with the probaility of blocking the sun with ash. What else could be worse? (I'm being serious here.)
      penguins will rule the world.


      • hee hee hee.... Don't judge a person by what your parents think
        Yes I wear T-shirts. Is that a problem?
        The only thing I'm worried about with the earth right now is the rainforest!!!!! We NEED the rainforest! And stupid George Bush doesn't care if it all gets torn down just so that they can make more room for stupid cows and can give away more land and make more wood.... and other stupid reason that'll give him more money. *grumbles* that's all anyone in the adult world cares about, money. *grrr* And I guess I'd prefer if the end of the world doesn't come as fast as the rate it's coming now.... that'd be good.
        "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
        "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
        "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
        "I could live


        • I wade through all the chatter and I have to smile at the point of views expressed. I have changed so much in my opinion of the world in the last 14 years. In that time, I graduated from High School, went to College, got married, started to collect some bills (3-4), had 2 kids, got a house, collected a few more bills (5-10 more), had another child, started sending them to school, job switch, I went back to work, collected a few more bills... now I have to have a computer program to keep track of everything.

          Every year of life creates 365 days of experiences that sometimes change your whole outlook on life. I agree with M. Don't judge a person by what your parents or authority figures think and tell you to think. There is always more to something than we will ever know.

          My problem with the Democratic party in this election is that they are trying to get Kerry elected primarily on the 'I am not Bush, let's get him out of office' issue. It is difficult to find the true issues buried underneath the 'vote for me, I'm not him,' issue. If Kerry is elected President, what is he going to do for America? Okay, get us out of war... hmm.. sounds good, but the economy isn't strong enough over in Iraq to just let them be and fight it out. Sooner or later it will end up on our doorstep, and then 'America' will again be the 'bad guy' for letting Iraq try to fight a difficult internal battle for peace on their own, especially if we could have helped them and didn't. In the end, it is always 'our fault' for everything in the world that goes wrong. We get so many countries wanting our financial aid to help with everything. We have to help so many people abroad, that many of our own country's children are without care.

          Then, there is the oil drilling, the rainforest destruction for lumber and research, animal extinction, high oil prices, polution, global warming, tourism, wild fires, traffic congestion and accidents, talks with other nations 'Are you going to be my friend or not?', nuclear weapons construction in North Korea, trade negotiations in China, terrorists crossing into our borders undetected, thousands of immigrants crossing our borders and dying in the heat of the desert and storms of the ocean. I could go on. Then, there are all the local problems in the area. 2 months ago, we were out at a family gathering, and someone broke into our house and robed us. There is just about nothing that the police could do. There really wasn't any evidence left and no one really saw anything. The Police are so over-worked that it took them 7 hours to get to our house after we reported the crime.

          There are so many issues politically that it is hard to know which one is right. Hey, I don't even always agree with my party. I think some of the things that the political leaders that I voted in have done are pathetic. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that there are circumstances regarding those decisions that I may not be privy to that really have major impact on the choices that were made. It is a free world and anyone can pretty much say what they wish, so you are free to bash anyone you feel like. I have found that life in general isn't as black and white as I had thought and there are so many more grey areas. There are more choices between the lesser of the two evils, so to speak, than I ever remembered growing up.

          It seems rather silly to me to hear how people really loved President Regan, now that he is dead. They say how great a president he was. I was old enough then to understand enough to know that there were many many people who hated him and tried really hard to get him out of office. I have seen a lot of that on a local level. The better the politician is at making life better for the American people over-all, the harder the opposition tries to get them out of office. The only times I haven't seen this is when the leader's moral behavior has been horrible. (ie Clinton) Somehow we have a morbid fascination regarding a very high-ranking official in government who's moral standards are low. Personally, I hold the Presidential office's moral requirements high indeed. They are role models to youth and adults alike. They are our(America's) representation to the world regarding our values and personality.

          I pray for the safety of the soldiers in Iraq because even I have had family members serving there. Some have made it back home, and some are set to leave soon. Being an American, even I would give my life for freedom beyond my own land. There have been so many wars to preserve freedom, America was founded on this very issue. I read somewhere that you have to fight sometimes to maintain peace. I feel for countries who have to fight hundreds of years for peace. A few years, in the scheme of time is but a little compared to this. We ought to be grateful that the war isn't in our own country like on September 11, 2001. But wait, we *Are* fighting wars every day. We fight crime, terrorism, child abuse, spousal abuse, kidnapping, traffic, drugs, drunk driving, road rage, and many others. It just doesn't seem like such a big cause and it doesn't make it into the news like the juicy issues do. And really, what means more to our everyday lives?
          -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
          The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
          I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


          • You know what? I'm gonna make a party when the world is rid of OIL. So many problems because of it...use freaking solar energy and electric cars and stuff. Do something about it! ARGH!
            Comradely, Diego

            Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
            "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

            "Be a real


            • Invite me Diego!
              Chani: I think the news should be a little more optomistic. How come all news has to be depressing. Do we all live in a depressing world set for hurt and pain and ending in a bloody war?
              Yes oil causes many problems too. Seriously I think this forum is the coolest thing.
              Remember way back when we had a subject on racism? That seriously made me think. That some people had the same problems I did. A lot of people can relate to me on racism and global warming and oil and everything!
              penguins will rule the world.


              • ok, I just lost my very long post but the gist of it was HOW CAN YOU SAY THE PRESIDENT IS IGNORING GLOBAL WARMING IF WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FREKIN' WAR!!!!! CAn we not talk about politics, caus' yall just **** me off.
                Oh, I want to come to Diego!!!
                CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                • YEA DIEGO! INVITE ME! Oil is PURE EVIL! We consider it feul and all of that junk, but it pollutes and it'''s just EVIL! Do you guys know how much wildlife dies when there is an oil spill??? Hundreds of fish and birds and other animals die. Fish get poisoned and drowned by the oil, then birds(who also get killed cause they get covered in muck) eat the fish, then they die, then other animals eat the birds and they die and so on. If the government sent just a little more money into programs devoted to developing enviromentaly safe stuff, instead of the other less important junk(ahem, Area 51), we might be able to make more solar powerd stuff, like cars, and macinery. SAVE THE PLANET AND GO BY AN ELECTRIC CAR!

                  Teehee. About the Area 51 thing, we are not alone in the universe. The other night, I SWEAR, I saw a UFO. My family and I were outside, and I saw this light, and it got smaller and smaller and smaller, untill it it went away. Odd. Yes it was. Aliens are cool!

                  OMG! I LOVE the band Three Days Grace! It's the best. DON'T ARGUE WITH ME! Actually, if you don't like the band, TELL ME! I need to yell at you! lol. My favorite song is I Hate Everything About You, which I'm listening to right now, and that I've been listening to over and over for the past fifteen minutes. AND I'M NOT BORED ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!

                  EAK!!!!!!!! I went walking in the woods. Woods filled with poison ivy! AAAAAAAAAAAH! ITCHY!
                  Oop, need to start song over!
                  Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                  • If the ozone layer goes, it's not just the bad people who'll be hurt!
                    I absolutely have to correct this. If? What do you mean, if? Darlings, it's already going. There is a HOLE in the ozone layer, and you know it used to be just above Antarctica but it's getting bigger- and people are already being affected. New Zealand has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world- I bet you didn't know that. And it's not because we don't wear sunscreen. It's because we have no ozone layer.

                    Yeah, that's an exaggeration, I understand- but people are dying in New Zealand because Americans used CFCs. That's the truth. The environment is a huge problem: what affects the world affects us, and we can't live without it. On a related note, don't forget global warming is caused by emission of carbon dioxide, methane and the other greenhouse gas which I can't remember. Some of this we can't do anything about- but, you know we are supposed to have some greenhouse gases, so that's okay. Some of it, though, we can- we can carpool, take bikes, recycle, turn off lights, take public transport, plant trees, not cut down trees, not pollute oceans... that's what the Kyoto Protocol's all about.

                    Oh, wait, I forgot. Which massive consumer co2 producing nation was it that didn't ratify the protocol, again?

                    Oh, that's right. AMERICA.

                    *walks away swearing*

                    *comes back* Yeah, the States is at war at the moment. Exactly what effect does that have on you- or, for the matter, the rest of America? These are not the days of world war two, folks. War is no longer the huge drain of resources it once was; no-one's getting conscripted, because now we have smart bombs and chemical weapons and did you know the United States, France, and one other country are developing this genetic weapon that will selectively kill off people of a certain race? Like, you can chuck it in New York or Iraq or London or wherever, and all the Chinese or black or indian or white (yeah, right) people will die... but no-one else will. And these governments are developing these weapons- not that they'll ever use them, oh NO, they just have to protect themselves. WAR IS NO EXCUSE, WAKE UP AND WORK IT OUT.
                    Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                    • It's funny in a kind of disturbed way, but the older I get, the more sympathetic I get towards the idea of War. Yeah, I'm not in favor of America being the universal policeman, but I think it was just as important for Sadam to be removed from office. Seriously, the guy killed his own kids because they opposed him. Is that the kind of person we want ruling a country?

                      And as for the whole anti-oil party, I thoroughly agree with the ideals involved. But it's just not practical yet. You have to slowly get people moved over, and it will be a great time when we all run on hydrogen powered vehicles where the only run-off is water. We need water. I hate having to be practical.

                      As for Bush...well. I like him better than Kerry because at least he knows where he stands. Fact: Kerry belonged to the Republican Support Party thing for his first two years in college, and then switched to the Democratic side during his last two years. The guy has severe decision making issues. I'd rather have someone in charge who isn't going to stand with one foot on either side. I want a leader who is willing to take sides.

                      And then there's the budget. Which is just ridiculous. The school that I work for thought we had anothr $200,000 dollars to work with in our budget, but it turns out that something was way miscalculated, so we got that money yanked at the last minute. Which means we're losing teachers next year, even though our enrollment is soaring. I hate money.


                      • LOL, everyone in the world is invited!

                        drea: Yes. I hate almost everything about CAPITALISM not to mention money...
                        Comradely, Diego

                        Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                        "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                        "Be a real


                        • Hey... more randomness... I promised that I would spread the word... since she is a friend of mine.

                          If you like Rock, check Amy Schugar out. She is a cashier at the local grocery store I frequent. I have gotten to know her over the last 5 years. She is really sweet.... really.

                          Lemme know what you think.

                          (as a side note for the randomness and all)
                          GO D-BACKS!!! My favorite player (currently my new avatar), Steve Finley hit his 18th homerun last night. Although we lost, it was a fabulous game.... course, I was sorta glad that I didn't get to watch the last 2 innings much. I was making my mom fabulous... cutting her hair. *sigh* I think that I am the official family barber. *chuckling* Guess I'm not too bad 'cause they keep coming back.
                          -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                          The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                          I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                          • Posts like these, like Chani's last, are the ones that do the best. See, though I look through the newspaper and read most of the current events, I don't know what's going on in the world. I really only have one person's view of a situation. So I love to hear what everyone else thinks about things. A lot of the times, what you hear or see is biased. We live in a world where people have strong opinions, and sometimes their tone is pro one thing and con another.

                            Chani: I think the news should be a little more optomistic. How come all news has to be depressing. Do we all live in a depressing world set for hurt and pain and ending in a bloody war?
                            That's pretty sick. What, do you want to be blinded by only the 'nice news'? Do you want people to soften up their news to make a world happy and cheery when in truth the world is quite the opposite? I think, Z, that you ought to see how the world really is. Yes, we do live in a depressing world with hurt and pain and bloody wars. Much worse than that, too. So I'd learn to see how the world really is. 'Nice news' is a pretty sick idea. Sick as in bad. Sick as in revolting.

                            How can we say the president is ignoring Global Warming when we're in the middle of a war? Yeah, the war is pretty serious, but there's more than that going on. I think that Bush shouldn't be consumed by only one thing. Though the war is a vast topic, and pretty serious, I know he can devote some attention to his people in America. Well, some people are going to be ****ed off when we talk about polotics. That's why we shouldn't. I'd rather talk about polotics than not so that people can see more opinions than just their own.

                            It's the burning of oil and using it how we do that pollutes. Fossil fuels like petroleum and all of that come from dead animals over very very long periods of time. And there are ways to make it less pollutant... though it's still pretty bad. Also, we've pretty much centered our entire lives around cars. Look, if they all stopped working and stopped using oil, you'd still have the cars and roads and all of that. Oil spills are disgusting. Exxon Valdez? Have you heard anything on that? That's disgusting, all of the damage.

                            Teehee. About the Area 51 thing, we are not alone in the universe. The other night, I SWEAR, I saw a UFO. My family and I were outside, and I saw this light, and it got smaller and smaller and smaller, untill it it went away. Odd. Yes it was. Aliens are cool!
                            Was it called an airplane? hehe. Don't hurt me BiW! :P

                            Tui, I hate it that people don't care enough about the environment. We live in a pretty sucky country. The thing is... people aren't perfect. And sometimes I feel that the least perfect people end up American presidents.


                            So I'm about to scream. Rah rah rah! And now we have paint ball guns. Meh, they're not too too bad, 'cept for all of the accidents and CO2 stuff. Yep. My brother has one... They use a lot of C02. And my brother doesn't paint ball all that much. But there are some serious paint ballers. Yeah, yeah, it's not too much, but it still contributes to our growing problems.
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • Okay I seriously need to choose better words. I'm starting to think that Gryphon hates me. :/
                              I meant EVERYTHING on the news is depressing and hurtful that I sometimes feel like I want to stay away from it. I know we live in a stupid world! But seriously there are many enlightening things that happen and important news about people making GOOD choices not bad ones. I know our president is a total idiot! I KNOW THAT PEOPLE! I'm just making a point.
                              penguins will rule the world.



                                Does anyone here like the band Three Days Grace? Or at least heard of it???
                                Reality is for those who lack imagination.

