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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • UH! HOW RUDE! Z! If I put those two sentences together, it would be a twoliner! You lied!!!

    OMG! I'm probably not gonna be able to use the compy for a few days, as I'm moveing! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SERIOUS READING I'LL HAVE TOO DO HERE!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I mean, the rate at which we post is incredible! I'm talking about several long pages of catching up to do! Oh, it's going to be horrible! I can barely go a day without you guys posting a whole new page or two! What will I do?!?!?!?!?! I guess I can just go sit in a corner and lock myself in a cardboard box. That would work!
    Reality is for those who lack imagination.


    • *wimpers* Yet another page. You guys are killing poor Gryphon! I hope you all feel bad. *sniffles*

      maybe she is going to write more on the relationship between Harry and his mother, and how she gave up her life to save his.
      Could be, but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't edevote her entire book to that. It would just have to be some key thing. I wouldn't think she'd name it that anyway. Reasons listed already.

      I used to have long hair. Used to. I think it's so much better short than long. Right now it's just past my shoulders. Brown hair that looks pretty in the summer time when the sun lightens it...

      It's just my opinion, but I think that both Rupert and James Grint are the ugliest things that ever lived. *!!Don't kill me Z, VC!!*

      I also think that bananas are very very unusual fish.

      Ahhh!!! GTG!!!
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • Oooooooh, poor you Gryphon. Prepare to be murdered! lol. Z and VC are gonna kill you, so run, run far far away!

        Reality is for those who lack imagination.


        • I was on an hour ago. You guys wrote a page and a half!!!! Just imagine how much phone time you guys must use up.......
          "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
          "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
          "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
          "I could live


          • I just cut my hair about a week ago. It used to be almost halfway down my back, now it's just over shoulder-length, like Gryphon's.

            You don't like Rupert?? I think I might have to join in hurting you too. *prepares evil tickling weapon*

            Just saw the Philip Pullman quote in M's siggy. I just rented the Dark Materials trilogy from the library. Found it all in one book, so I'm gonna read it for the first time when I go to Oregon this Friday... (I'm not even going to bother reading all the pages when I get back, I'll just join in being random. heh)
            Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

            "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
            -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


            • It's awesome!! Though I don't remember even half of it. I'd reread it, but there's so much on my to-read list now.

              I actually don't use up phone time. My internet is like... funny. It's on the same line as the phone, but the phone can work at the same time, same line. Dunno how to explain it.

              Evil tickling weapon? Oh no! I might as well die now.

              --Ooh, no. I'll kill myself later. Love this song!!--

              Hmm... why was I gonna commit suicide? Oh yeah, tickly weapon. Hehehe.

              Noooo.... long vacation=tons of missed posts. Too many!

              Yeah, about the recognize vs. recognise, American English vs. English English ((not, I'm not going to say American vs. English. Some Americans... *shakes head* I speak English, thnk you very much. )). I was puzzling over which was right. The s or the z? Cuz I thought it was z, but then I saw s in McKingley's book. Funny. Maybe it was a typo? But then I saw it again in Peter Dickinson's book, The Kin. I flipped to the back of the book and, hey! they're married. They're English, right?

              Yep. What a way to completely confuse Gryphon.

              Heh. Looks like I've been delaying about my camping trip. Something always happens to draw me away from the computer. It's late, I won't be able to cover everything right now anyway, and I still have to loyally visit VGDawn. Which all of you should join. *pokes*
              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


              • I Keel you Gryphon!!! you evil banana-rupertgrint-jamesgrint hater YA!!!!!

                Jumping to another subject (this isthe ToGR), I noticed that in Harry Potter and the prizoner of Azkaban in 15 minutes, when Harry and Hermy go back in time to where Hermy punches Draco and Ron says I think I love you, and Hermy says I think I love myself also, shouldn't there have been some Hermione-Hermione shippers too? lmao!
                ... But he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be forever barred.


                • I thought Lupin-Sirius shippers were the funniest! because I could totally imagine that! I've started posting in VGDawn again Gryphon! (You should be proud of me. )
                  penguins will rule the world.


                  • ahh, the puppy-ship!! haha, some of my friends are obsessed about Lupin/Sirius. Well, actually they're obsessed with Sirius period. They would marry him if he was a real dude. I'd marry Ron (well, maybe I'll just settle for Rupert, but then I expect I'd get death threats from everyone. haha, nah, not actually sirius about Rupert, but definitely serious about Ron!!)

                    I need to see PoA a second time...hrm... *tries to fit it in here movies-to-see list* PoA, Fahrenheit 9/11, The Notebook, The Day After Tomorrow, King Arthur (when it comes out). Somehow I don't think I'll find time...
                    Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

                    "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
                    -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


                    • No way! Rupert Rox my socks, man! he portrays Ron really well, heck, he practically IS Ron! Join me my fellow rupert-lover/ ron-lover! Together we shall devise a plan to find Rupert! YAY!! Have you seen his cute brother?

                      Yeah, is anyone sending Rupert something for his birthday?

                      ... But he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be forever barred.


                      • Ooh! I wanna see the Notebook and King Arthur! I love the legends made more realistic kinda movies.....
                        Gryphon, you not only have lots to re read, you have many books to actually read for the first time... City of the Beasts *cough* To Visit the Queen *sneeze*
                        HDM rocks! hee hee, i have all inspirational people on my sig... I've got Einstein, Poe, Philip Pullman (I THINK HE'S INSPIRATIONAL!!!) and well... I've got Sam.... she's the oddball in my sig But she's got a good quote and *whisper* she's smart a lot of the time, *whisper* don't tell her I said that...
                        "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                        "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                        "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                        "I could live


                        • Hi, I am back. What has it been two months jesh you guys write alot. Last time I was one it was page 113 or so. Sorry I haven't been on school stuff kept me busy for about a month then our internet connction kept disconnceting me so I sayed off and I am sorry for that.

                          P.S. I want to go see King Aruthur, Spiderman 2, and the Borne Supmicey.
                          *Many have gone and many have stayed but one thing stays the same: Love and Hate they never go away but they can be beaten- Devin
                          *Many have come to this place and most have left it but let not their life be a mystery- Devin
                          *Many have come and go


                          • City of the Beasts... I've read that for school last summer in fact. This summer I read The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night-Time. Just finished it yesterday. I'm really behind in reading too... reaaaaally behind.

                            Birthday present for Rupert?? yayness!! I'd say a banana definitely. We can write lots of fun stuff on it and name it, and then he can eat it or we could send him some banana bread too... mmm... bananas... *goes back to banana thread*
                            Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

                            "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
                            -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


                            • Originally posted by Abby:
                              This summer I read The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night-Time. Just finished it yesterday. I'm really behind in reading too... reaaaaally behind.
                              I've been leant that book by my students mother!! He's Austic!! Anyway Its been siting in my room for like 4 months!!! I feel really bad but for some reason everytime I go read it I can't get through it!!! I ussally Can rip through a book in next to no time!!! Right school calls WORK I HAVE TO GO TO WORK!! MHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
                              God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                              Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                              • Lupin-Sirius shippers were the funniest!
                                Funny? Why funny? *looks threatening* it's not a funny ship! Is is the One True Way!

                                I mean, "bickering like an old married couple?" Honestly.

                                They would marry him if he was a real dude..
                                Oh, I wouldn't marry Sirius- he's too insane, and anyway, that position's taken (see above.) Obsessive, however?
                                ... well, not much...

                                I really enjoyed the curious incident... it was really well-done, I thought.
                                Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!

