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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • crookedfrog:
    Not the suicidle people, becaus eone thing I hate above all others is when someone is selfish, and suicide is the ultimate act of selfishness.
    I'm not sure I agree with that. You'd have to have gone through a lot of pain to feel suicidle. People don't see what they're doing to a person when they casually tease them. They don't notice when it escalates to stabbing people with words. Ever hear the saying, "the pen is sharper than the sword?" Well, words can push people beyond their limit. Swords can't.

    Excersice it's better.
    Put a little bit of effort into exercising (hehe, thanks Tui); it does a lot of good for you.

    Easy for you to say, you don't have to do an hour of it everyday and get nagged about excersizing 24/7...
    Hehe. Take karate! Actually, no, I shouldn't be saying that until I've tried karate.

    *wimpers* My book is nearly over. I'm on page 355. I had to stop myself before I finished it last night. There are about 90 pages left.

    I like making long posts! Make me feel superior. Like 'ha, my post is bigger than yours, therefore I'm better than you.' Hehe. Just kidding! Don't hurt me. *hides*
    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


    • KARATE IS AWESOME!!! actually, i just got back from my karate class. teehee.
      A SPAZ named TOP


      • Yay TurtleObsessedPerson. Hi I'm Z! I'm the Alicia Keys obsessed person here! The past 10 of my avatars have been alicia keys. We also have a Rupert Grint, (isn't he cute!) obsessed person here named Vegan_Chick.
        M all you need to do to get excersize (sorry Tui I just can't spell that.) is to go on your DDRMax! It's so fun. Mine broke and I miss it...I was on standard level too.
        penguins will rule the world.


        • Well, think about it. When somebody kills themselves, they are only thinking about themselves, how much pain THEY are in, how much THEIR life sucks, they aren't even thinking about the people their suicide could affect. How poopy it is going to make their husband or wife, mom and dad, or brothers and sisters feel, because they will always be wondering, did I contribute to his/her suicide?
          Ask not for whom the dog barks. It barks for thee.
          And really bad eggs...
          Go salaí cúnna ifrinn do chuid calóga arbhair.
          S.P.R.B.I (Semi Puke Related
          Barf Incident)
          Weak Sauce!


          • For Danzgrl and other Newbie's!

            How to make a personalized avie:
            1.Go to your profile (Click on your name and push go to profile.)
            2.Push edit profile and scroll down to avatar.
            3.Click on custom avie
            4.Go to google and find the URL of a picture you like-
            4.Or find one on your computer
            5.(I'm using the URL example because that's what I do.) Copy and paste the URL into the place where it says to put it.
            6.Push Customize Avatar
            7.Push Save Changes to Profile (at the bottom of your profile.)
            8.Start Posting

            ((Does anybody know where the newbie packs are? I can't find them!))
            penguins will rule the world.


            • I"m bored I think I'm gonna make a newbie pack here:
              Peter Murray-Pops or PM
              Agent M-M
              (I could go on and on. Most likely everybody who ever posts here has a nickname.)
              Oh and the Topic of Great Randomness is the TOGR all the books have their nicknames too.
              For Danzgrl-I'm more of a Rupert Grint girl myself, so is VC.
              penguins will rule the world.


              • Ok Thanx

                "My horns are holding up my halo but my halo is getting too heavy for the horns to hold up... GRAVITY...HELP!"
                "Sorry, I couldn't resist mate...Oh, by the way nice hat" -Pirates of the Carribean
                "You've got to have been


                • Whats Avatar?

                  "My horns are holding up my halo but my halo is getting too heavy for the horns to hold up... GRAVITY...HELP!"
                  "Sorry, I couldn't resist mate...Oh, by the way nice hat" -Pirates of the Carribean
                  "You've got to have been


                  • Zgirl- What is Avatar i don't have it on my profile! Help

                    "My horns are holding up my halo but my halo is getting too heavy for the horns to hold up... GRAVITY...HELP!"
                    "Sorry, I couldn't resist mate...Oh, by the way nice hat" -Pirates of the Carribean
                    "You've got to have been


                    • Okay Danzgrl. When you go to your profile push EditProfile and it will appear on the middle part of your page. And try not to post one-liners because DD pays for this forum and it's kind of a waste. What you can do is edit your posts, (with the little pencil erasing the folder in the corner.) and add stuff to your posts to save room.
                      penguins will rule the world.


                      • I looked in my profile and in edit profile and there isn't any thing that says Avatar!

                        my horns are holding up my hallo

                        "My horns are holding up my halo but my halo is getting too heavy for the horns to hold up... GRAVITY...HELP!"
                        "Sorry, I couldn't resist mate...Oh, by the way nice hat" -Pirates of the Carribean
                        "You've got to have been


                        • Just scroll down and you'll see it I promise. It probably won't say avatar out right but something like that...*whispers to M* help!
                          penguins will rule the world.


                          • Dai, TurtleObsessedPerson! I'm Calliope. ^_^ *points to avatar* A statement of the obvious, but still. TOP... Dai!
                            VC, I think you should just tell your friend that your worried about her and you don't want to see her get hurt. Give her a hug. If you still think she's doing it, then yes, I'd go to an adult. Hope she's ok.
                            Meh...wasn't there a topic for newbie packs?
                            Metaphors be with you.


                            • The most beautiful birds live outside here. I just saw a bird who's splattered orange and black and yesterday I saw a big fat cardinal!
                              VC-Maybe you should invite her over and offer her a food she can't possibly resist. (Like oreos or french fries...Do you have that junk at your house? Maybe for siblings??? I think I'm gonna stop now before I get in trouble.) I must be stupid I forgot. The number 1 reason I couldn't be a vegan is because I love french fries too much and I hate salad.
                              penguins will rule the world.


                              • Thank you Z I Appreciate it..... I think i got your old picture! Not that i was sighned up before then but... any way. i saw it when Angel_Star Got on.. She is my best Friend!

                                "My Horns are holding up my Hallo"

                                "My horns are holding up my halo but my halo is getting too heavy for the horns to hold up... GRAVITY...HELP!"
                                "Sorry, I couldn't resist mate...Oh, by the way nice hat" -Pirates of the Carribean
                                "You've got to have been

