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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • That's what I say. I don't like listening to books cause I can't use my imagination as much as I would have if I read the book. I also don't like the pace at which the books are read. A book that would take me a day to read, might take two or three.
    Reality is for those who lack imagination.


    • I love to read. In first grade I was so into my book I accidentally stayed in the reading corner through math, too. I think that's when I started loving it, although my mom says I always had my nose in a book.
      I don't like listening to books, but I can memorize things quickly if I hear them, so I record a lot of stuff on my mp3.
      Metaphors be with you.


      • I've never done anything with my mp3. Except for that my MP3 is also a CD Player so I guess I play CDs on it. I'd rather buy an artists whole CD than download each song. That way you can hear some of their less popular work, you might be suprised!

        Speaking of suprised I just read the book AllAmericanGirl by Meg Cabot. I thought it would be stupid, cheesy, and girly but it's very VERY good! It's about a girl who saves the president and hooks up with the president's son. (Yes I know it sounds cheesy but let me finish!) What they don't say on the back is that the girl is a middle child, (kind of a loner,) and kind of goth. She's not just like a perfect little princess. That's what I like about Meg Cabots writing. She doesn't portray girls as little precious things, she potrays us as...I don't know! Most of her characters are someone you can relate too. Geeks, artists, rejects. Everything. I highly recommend any of her books.
        penguins will rule the world.


        • Speaking of books Z, have you found the book The Boxes yet? We were doing a book swap, remember?

          READING!!!!!!!!! Last night, I stayed up until eleven reading one of my little brothers books cause I was bored.
          Reality is for those who lack imagination.


          • BiW:
            AHHHHHHHH! YOU...YOU....DON'T LIKE TO READ??????????? I'd die withou books. I LUUUUUUV TO READ!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! BOOKS!BOOKS!BOOKS!!!!!!!! buahahahahahahahaha! *bounces around room* oops, i can't do that, calliope chained me to the forum. oh well. *bounces around as much as chain will allow*
            That's pretty much how everyone here is... So I suppose you're weird [eep, aren't we all!] if you don't like books and you come here. Hehe. You're also weird if you're not insane and you come here. *shrugs* You'll fit in no matter what.

            *dies laughing at Diego >> Chani's message* Really sad, really sad.

            [[Message break for FLTag. Continues:]]

            Aug, I'd post more, but it's late.
            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            • Originally posted by BelieverInWizardry:
              Speaking of books....
              ... I have been reading Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea books. Ireda the original trilogy some time ago, and whilst re-reading them learnt of the exsustence of #4 and #5... has anyone elase read them? (I'm curretly half-way#4).
              If you've got any of the books with the hand-coloured map, you'll find there are two islands with the same name. (They are both east of the Inner Sea).
              Not tha I'm rambling here or anything...
              "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


              • Gryphon
                Really weird. I noticed it. I expected it to grow by at least five pages. It was only two. I miss you when I don't see you.
                Ahhh... I miss you all too. Sometimes I am really busy, but there are times that I forget. (I can be forgetful mostly when I am busy.) ARGH!!!!

                I can't stand shots either. The last time I had a shot, my arm swelled up and stayed that way for 2 weeks. My brother thought it fun to punch me there every time he thought he could get away with it. *grumble* Brother's aren't fun sometimes.

                LINKIN PARK!!!!!
                Oh yeah. I have to say that I am now a fan, of sorts, of them. *sigh* It is all Diego's fault!! Blame him!

                Actually, my favorite band over all is Evanescence. I have their CD somewhere, but it got misplaced... I have been looking for 5 months now. Ah well... it will turn up some where.

                I say LINKIN PARK!!!!! A little bit of rock and a little bit of classical. NO RAP. *shudders* I'm not a rap person
                Right.... as if there isn't any rap whatsoever in their material! Really!??!!!

                Yea, I'm a paranoid nutcase , but my brother is not human.
                HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ROFL!!!!
                I used to think that about some of my brothers. Wondering where their brains were and that they definitely were NOT human.

                *dies laughing at Diego >> Chani's message* Really sad, really sad.
                Ahhh... You got the email? I thought that was hilarious. We discussed it and even I have to say that I do about 1/2 of the list. *sigh* That could apply to just about any problem wrong with everyone today. *laughing*

                My son just informed me that I need to turn down my music because he can't concentrate. ROFL. Well, Linkin Park will do it to you. I have to say sorry to my son... I love the song 'Nobodys Listening'. That is just way too funny that my son is telling me to turn the music down. *shakes head* I can see that I am a bad influence on him. He is starting to like a bit of Linkin Park... especially 'Somewhere I Belong.'
                -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                • Hi, I know this sounds really funny but Chani said
                  I can't stand shots either. The last time I had a shot, my arm swelled up and stayed that way for 2 weeks. My brother thought it fun to punch me there every time he thought he could get away with it. *grumble* Brother's aren't fun sometimes.
                  explain to a simpalton like me which shots you are on about!!! By the sounds of it are you all talking about injections? or the alchohic shots? sorry about this but I took stupid pills the other day
                  God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                  Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                  • Wilf!!! I haven't seen you post here in a while.

                    Right.... as if there isn't any rap whatsoever in their material! Really!??!!!
                    Err, yeah. I forgot about that. NO RAP 'cept for what's in Linkin Park. Hehe.

                    My son just informed me that I need to turn down my music because he can't concentrate. ROFL. Well, Linkin Park will do it to you. I have to say sorry to my son... I love the song 'Nobodys Listening'. That is just way too funny that my son is telling me to turn the music down. *shakes head* I can see that I am a bad influence on him. He is starting to like a bit of Linkin Park... especially 'Somewhere I Belong.'
                    OMG!!! I love Somewhere I Belong! ((I'm listening to it right now) My brother used to hate Nobody's listening. One time he and a friend counted how many times they said 'Nobody's Listening' in that song. ROFL. Also, Breaking the Habit is good. And just about all the other songs on Meteora.

                    Shots from a doctor, I'm sure, Fox.

                    Oh, oh! I finally found out the title of the book that I've been trying to find the title out of. Yeah. It's called Secret Sacrament. Really good. It's not very long, but it's still a great book. I don't remember the author though...
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • Heheh, you're staying, so now I can give this to you. *tosses BIW key*

                      But brothers are from another planet.

                      I've read Ursula Le Guin's A Wizard of Earthsea, but i stopped there. I haven't gotten around to reading the others yet. I have a nice long reading list now. ^_^ *happily adds Meg Cabot and the rest of the Earthsea series*

                      Gryphon: That's pretty much how everyone here is... So I suppose you're weird [eep, aren't we all!] if you don't like books and you come here. Hehe. You're also weird if you're not insane and you come here. *shrugs* You'll fit in no matter what
                      That actually made perfect sense to me...I was thinking the 'normal' people are the weird ones because the weird ones are the majority. That's how it seems to work in school, just the other way around...*confuses herself*

                      Shots, that's a coincidence. We had ours yesterday. It was really a blood test, but I think those are worse. Our doctor likes to tease my brother and he gave everyone (even my mom) a Garfeild band-aid but him because he said he was too old. Too old for Garfeild?
                      Metaphors be with you.


                      • I love YW. It's very cool! I'm reading the first book right now and it is very interesting. but i also have to read Little Women for school and it's the 750 pg book! And I know the book by heart because I would always ask my mom to read it to me when I was little. (even though i still am, height wise)GGGrrr! That makes me mad! *says in a childish voice*

                        "My horns are holding up my halo but my halo is getting too heavy for the horns to hold up... GRAVITY...HELP!"
                        "Sorry, I couldn't resist mate...Oh, by the way nice hat" -Pirates of the Carribean
                        "You've got to have been


                        • Fox asked:
                          explain to a simpalton like me which shots you are on about!!! By the sounds of it are you all talking about injections? or the alchohic shots? sorry about this but I took stupid pills the other day Smile
                          They're talking about injections.

                          Let's see: Zgirl's too young to be drinking alcohol, and she went to the doctor to get shots... I can see how that's ambiguous . Some of the other points (hepatitis shots, hating needles) also clearly point to ... alcohol. Yeah. Definitely .

                          I believe you about the pills, too.

                          Wilf: I read the Earthsea books about twenty years ago when I was playing D&D a lot, but there were only three books then.
                          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                          • Originally posted by Gryphon:
                            Wilf!!! I haven't seen you post here in a while.
                            That'll be because I haven't posted here in a while

                            Shots: one of the better things about living in the UK is that you can buy alcohol at 18, and your med shots come free
                            "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


                            • Fox:
                              explain to a simpalton like me which shots you are on about!!! By the sounds of it are you all talking about injections? or the alchohic shots? sorry about this but I took stupid pills the other day
                              Well, that was back when I was in highschool and I had to get a DPT booster shot (you know immunizations... what everyone in the school administration keeps going on and on about.)

                              OMG!!! I love Somewhere I Belong! ((I'm listening to it right now) My brother used to hate Nobody's listening. One time he and a friend counted how many times they said 'Nobody's Listening' in that song. ROFL. Also, Breaking the Habit is good. And just about all the other songs on Meteora.
                              Yeah... ROFL. He is now singing some of them. I have them on continuous loop on the computer and they just keep playing over and over. He hasn't said to turn them down, so it must not be interfering with his computer game now.

                              Hello PM.... just thought that I would say hi because I don't seem to be on when you are.
                              -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                              The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                              I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                              • I'm ba-ack! And *surprise* the ToGR only grew like six pages!

                                Woo hoo! Linkin Park! *awesome*

                                Huzzah, I've suddenly tripled in bishiness!
                                Hahaha. And it's true, too.

                                I was away at sailing camp, and there was this German kid there. So these three girls were asking how to say 'shut up' in German, but of course they can't pronounce it. So they're trying and trying and trying, but they can't get it, and he's banging his head against the seat...hehehehe...
                                "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                                There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                                And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                                What could mean more than this?"
                                --Bright Eyes

