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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Danzr:
    I love YW. It's very cool! I'm reading the first book right now and it is very interesting. but i also have to read Little Women for school and it's the 750 pg book! And I know the book by heart because I would always ask my mom to read it to me when I was little. (even though i still am, height wise)GGGrrr! That makes me mad! *says in a childish voice*
    Little Women? *snore* Burn that book! Boring books were made long so teachers could kill students with them. Oh, wait, you like it! Well, you can tell I like entirely different books.

    As for you being short, so am I. Or at least I used to be... I'm still short for my age, but I don't feel short because the people that I see everyday for flashlight tag and all of that (with a few exceptions) are shorter than me.

    Yeah... ROFL. He is now singing some of them. I have them on continuous loop on the computer and they just keep playing over and over. He hasn't said to turn them down, so it must not be interfering with his computer game now.
    *rolls eyes* My brother... Heh, so silly. Someone would say something, and he'd start sining Linkin Park. Like Grace (talking about rules in Four Square) said, "Yeah, you leave the square in the end-"
    "-it doesn't even matter/ I had to fall to loose it all/ but in the end, it doesn't even matter..."


    Brothers are awesome in a weird sort of way. And yeah, even my mom agrees that brothers come from Mars (or some planet even further from home).

    OMG, I love Pez so bad. And I just about cry when it dissapears. My mom err... 'helped' me finish off the last of my Pez, so I wrote it down on the grocerie list. A lot of random sugary objects pop up on the grocerie list, so my parents have kinda learned to ignore them. But mom got me more this time. I noticed two packs of Pez, one Skittles pack, and a sour Skittles pack. I asked about them. It turned out that I wasn't supposed to see the candy, and that I would get the two Pez packs after dinner anyway. *shruges* But then little bro said he didn't like sour skittles. *groan* Which meant one of my Pez packs now belonged to him. Well, a single thing of *counts* 10 sticks of Pez doesn't last very long.


    According to Diego's forwarded message, I am Goth because I:
    -Frequently wears black clothing.
    ((Flashlight tag, remember?))
    -Associates with other people that dress, act or speak eccentrically
    ((My neighbors? Hey, everyone has eccentric neighbors!))
    -Shows a declining interest in wholesome activities, such as: the
    > Bible,
    > prayer, church or sports.
    ((Ooops, how about a declining interest/no interest in all of those... ))
    -Shows an increasing interest in death, vampires, magic, the occult,
    > witchcraft or anything else that involves Satan.
    ((I read fantasy books!))
    -Complains of boredom.
    ((Oh no. I even wrote a poem about being bored))
    -Sleeps too excessively or too little.
    ((Uhhh... who doesn't in summer?))
    > -Is excessively awake during the night.
    ((Can't sleep... Lil bro!!! TURN OFF YOUR LIGHT!!!!))
    -Requests time alone and quietness.
    ((*wimpers* Back to that annoyingly noisy lil bro))
    -Watches cable television or any other corrupted media sources.
    -Plays videos games that contains violence or role-playing nature
    ((What's wrong with role-playing? Hey! What's wrong with ultra-violent, ultra-bloody Diablo II?))
    -Uses the internet excessively and frequently makes time for the
    > computer

    So the e-mail says if five or more listed (and I listed all that apply for me) are me, then I'm a goth. I think somethings wrong here. I'm not goth. I think it's just sad.
    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


    • ROFL *dies* I have no idea what's so funny. I was reading the latest posts, and something struck me soooo funny, and I don't know what.

      Pez! YUM!!!!!! PEZ AREE LIKE LITTLE HYPER PILLS!!!! I LUUUUUUUV sour Skittles!!!!!!! I like stuffing handfulls of them into my mouth. It's fun. TOP's dad works for M&M Mars, so she get's lots of candy and stuff, and she asked him to get a bag of the sour stuff on Sour Skittles for her. Yummy. I luff sour stuff. SOUR SOUR SOUR!!!!! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*

      Ack. Shots. BOO! DIE POINTY CYLINDRICAL PLUNGY THINGYS! Doctors are evil. They don't seem to see that when little children get shots, they're like. 'Ooooo. Pointy cylinders. Bad. Must go waaaa. (What's a cylinder?)' So the little children get older, and they are afraid if shots. My brother is an idiot. He's telling my mom what he wants to to for the next shcool talent show. It's so stupid, I don't even want to bother saying anything. He's stupid, and not human. His head is huge, but he has almost no brain. He should get a catscan. Then eveyone will believe me.
      Reality is for those who lack imagination.


      • My cat is a stupid cat.

        Okay, Sparkle, the most ******** cat in the world, find a new place to crawl. There's this tiny hole under my shelf that I didn't even know existed.

        I was playing solitare when I heard this funny crunch crunch noise. It sounded like something was munching on leaves. Well, all of our cats are herbivores, so of course it was a cat. And the only plant I have in my room is this funny vine thing who's name I don' know. Well, anyway, it trails down on the ground, or at least would've if the cats didn't eat it. I walked over to the plant and didn't see any cats. So I looked behind the shelf next to it and saw a flash of something small and white, about the size of a mouse. A mouse? But it was gone, and it couldn't have dissapeared. I could still hear something was moving around. And then a little brown ear stuck out from under my shelves. I stuck my hand under and found that there was this opening about the height of a cats head. Heh. I called my brother and got pictures. I'll upload them later.

        I have 6/10 Pez sticks left. *whines* They're nearly gone already!
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • KITTYS ARE FUNNY!!!!!!!!! ROFL!!!!! I'm spazzing out. On IM, TOP's ex-boyfriend was on, and he's evil, so I was messing with my head, and it was really funny. I'll post part of the conversation:

          lmman26: hello?
          CrystalMustang64: hi you turd!
          CrystalMustang64: i hate you
          CrystalMustang64: you're evil
          CrystalMustang64: it's fun to rant at you
          lmman26: who are you
          lmman26: ?
          CrystalMustang64: you know who I am
          CrystalMustang64: you have short-term memory loss
          CrystalMustang64: that's sad
          CrystalMustang64: now...
          CrystalMustang64: if you don't mind
          lmman26: c'mon
          CrystalMustang64: i'm busy
          CrystalMustang64: so brb
          lmman26: who are you
          CrystalMustang64: brb
          CrystalMustang64: i'm busy
          CrystalMustang64: hold on
          lmman26: ?
          CrystalMustang64: hold on!
          CrystalMustang64: i'm busy
          lmman26: ?
          CrystalMustang64: i
          CrystalMustang64: am
          CrystalMustang64: busy
          CrystalMustang64: b
          CrystalMustang64: r
          CrystalMustang64: b
          lmman26: tell me
          CrystalMustang64: tell you what?
          CrystalMustang64: and brb
          CrystalMustang64: i'm doing something
          lmman26: your name
          CrystalMustang64: why don't you remember it yourself?
          lmman26: I dont no
          CrystalMustang64: yes you do
          lmman26: no
          CrystalMustang64: think
          CrystalMustang64: think
          lmman26: please
          lmman26: damn it
          lmman26: c'mon
          CrystalMustang64: when i'm done with what i'm doing, and right now, that'
          CrystalMustang64: ll be a long time
          CrystalMustang64: cause you keep talking
          lmman26: stop
          CrystalMustang64: stop what?
          lmman26: just tell me
          CrystalMustang64: look,
          lmman26: !!!!!!
          CrystalMustang64: i am honestly doing something at the moment, and i don't have time to bother with dead things like you at the moment
          lmman26: !
          lmman26: what school do you go to'
          lmman26: ?
          CrystalMustang64: a school name
          CrystalMustang64: well
          CrystalMustang64: i'm not supoposed to...
          CrystalMustang64: but i do
          lmman26: just tell me your name or
          CrystalMustang64: or...
          lmman26: I am going to have to leve
          CrystalMustang64: oh i'm so scared
          lmman26: leave
          lmman26: no non no
          lmman26: I dont
          lmman26: have
          lmman26: too
          lmman26: much
          lmman26: time
          CrystalMustang64: wow
          CrystalMustang64: then shut up
          CrystalMustang64: it's pretty simple
          lmman26: just tell me your name
          lmman26: '
          lmman26: !!!!
          lmman26: 1!
          lmman26: 1
          lmman26: \
          lmman26: '
          CrystalMustang64: ROFL
          CrystalMustang64: you're so odd
          CrystalMustang64: to tell you the truth...
          CrystalMustang64: i'm just messing with your mind
          CrystalMustang64: lol
          lmman26: thats not funny
          CrystalMustang64: no it's not
          lmman26: tell me your name
          CrystalMustang64: but concidering who you are...
          lmman26: and bussiness
          CrystalMustang64: ROFL!
          CrystalMustang64: ok
          CrystalMustang64: ok
          lmman26: wat dose that mene
          CrystalMustang64: it means that i'll; tell you my name and buissness
          lmman26: c' mon
          CrystalMustang64: my name-BiW my buissness, to annoy you
          lmman26: Im gonna have to lav
          lmman26: wat dose that mene
          CrystalMustang64: i want to annoy you...
          CrystalMustang64: and my name is BiW
          CrystalMustang64: but not really
          CrystalMustang64: it stands for BelieverInWizardry
          CrystalMustang64: my computer name
          lmman26: no
          lmman26: noooooooooo
          lmman26: wait
          CrystalMustang64: no what?
          lmman26: name please
          CrystalMustang64: BiW

          haha! fun to mess with people!
          Reality is for those who lack imagination.


          • Angel_Star is here and we are laughing our heads off! So... I like to annoy people like that too. Anyway... I can never do that to my friends! want to know why? Because they know me and the remember who I am! GGGrrr!

            I have a very bad headache right now and I don't think typing is making it any better but thats ok! I don't mind! It's much more fun talking to my YW friends and it takes my mind off of it.

            I am so excited! I can't wait until dance starts because me and Angel_Star might be able to do a duet. Fun fun!

            Do any of you like getting your school supplies but not want to use them for school? Well... I do! hahaha! That's the best part about school!

            "My horns are holding up my halo but my halo is getting too heavy for the horns to hold up... GRAVITY...HELP!"
            "Sorry, I couldn't resist mate...Oh, by the way nice hat" -Pirates of the Carribean
            "You've got to have been


            • I'm bouncing off the walls right now. (literally) I had way too much coke today. I'm hoolahooping. I wonder what the record is for the longest time hoolahooping... Is there a record for that? Oh well. I'm having troubles. It's really sad. I'm surprised I haven't broken anything yet.

              I'm listening to some music on my computer. It's got Jessica Andrews, ZOEGirl, and the Spirit CD on it.

              I like to annoy people. It's fun! Except when they get really mad at you... But that doesn't really matter if they didn't like you to begin with or you didn't like them.
              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


              • Yeah what is so funny??? *Feels very left out*
                Hee-hee I got scared when I saw the words Zgirl and Alchohol on Pops' post.
                I'm bored. You guys post very long posts!
                penguins will rule the world.


                • You shouldn't feel left out just read the post about the Instant Message thingy! That will explain everything. Speaking of IM gggrrr some keeps on IMin me and it is gettin on my nervs! yeah see left! She was buggin me! Everytime I try to type she always sends an IM and it blinks! gggrrrr! Anyway... ! What else is random?

                  "My horns are holding up my halo but my halo is getting too heavy for the horns to hold up... GRAVITY...HELP!"
                  "Sorry, I couldn't resist mate...Oh, by the way nice hat" -Pirates of the Carribean
                  "You've got to have been


                  • Originally posted by Zgirl:
                    Hee-hee I got scared when I saw the words Zgirl and Alchohol on Pops' post.
                    You were an Example . Anyway, it wasn't bad, you were just clearly talking about injections rather than alcohol.
                    Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                    • I went out to eat. Yum! I had potato soup with bacon and lots of cheese in it. I want dessert now...

                      My dad's getting lots of rocks from the construction place in my neighborhood. Not exactly sure what he's going to do with them.

                      I went inside some of the houses they're building. It's really cool. I'm like kind of scared of heights, though, so the stairs are kind of creepy. Getting into the house is sometimes hard for me too, because there is just a board going up to the door.
                      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                      • I don't know whats the matter with you guys today but when I logged on and the daily email I get both said that there where no new posts!! which is really strange but good as well it means I can catch up on everything. ok So I'm going to potter around a bit looking at stuff, but I don't think I will be too long cause I'm feeling unwell !! I've just got back from the rainy beach with my best firend and she drives great but I don't travel well *sick look on face*!! ok thats enough personal information! hahaha
                        God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                        Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                        • Wheee! Calliope broke her pogostick record! Angel_star reminded me when she mentioned hula hooping. 1,004... It would've been more, but my neighbor and my little brother like to torture me... Oh, well. I'm still bouncing.

                          Do any of you like getting your school supplies but not want to use them for school? Well... I do! hahaha! That's the best part about school!
                          School supplies in July...*shakes head* Is it just me or are summers getting shorter? Fresh new notebooks are fun, and it's an excuse to but a lot of books. Not like I ever need an excuse. But I'm a little worried about this year. *throws pencils at high school*
                          Metaphors be with you.


                          • Calliope:
                            It was me who said the thing about school supplies NOT Angel_Star! I'm sorry if I made it confusing!

                            Anyway... not many people have been posting here lately. Have you noticed that? gggrrr! there isn't much to talk about.

                            Oh wait I know, have any of you had Poison Ivy? I feel so sorry for my mom and brother. They have it. My brothers isn't as bad because he hasn't scratched, but my moms is very bad because she has a habit of scratching... so. But it's funny because my moms looks like a cat attacked her. Tear, tear!

                            "My horns are holding up my halo but my halo is getting too heavy for the horns to hold up... GRAVITY...HELP!"
                            "Sorry, I couldn't resist mate...Oh, by the way nice hat" -Pirates of the Carribean
                            "You've got to have been


                            • Danzrgrl: I know that your cat wouldn't attack her. He's so sweet! Yeah, there haven't been that many posts lately...

                              I'm on all me rpg's right now. I'm getting confuzzled on which one's which...
                              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                              • Angel_Star:
                                I didn't say that Midnight did it I was just saying that It looks like that! Goodness... people these days!

                                Anyway... *big sigh* I wish more peple posted it would be a lot more interesting!

                                I love chocolate cake!

                                "My horns are holding up my halo but my halo is getting too heavy for the horns to hold up... GRAVITY...HELP!"
                                "Sorry, I couldn't resist mate...Oh, by the way nice hat" -Pirates of the Carribean
                                "You've got to have been

