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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I know someone who was born on Sep the 10th. I don't have many cousins. I have 4 and a half on my dads side and none on my moms side. Even though I have alot of 2nd cousins.
    "A positive attitude might not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort"
    "How are you today, missus Darcy?"

    "keep holding on" avril lavigne


    • urgh! i need to vent. i'm in the musical the 'King and I' and i'm already sick of practice even though we just got our scripts today. the 'King and I' is the worst musical our teachers could have picked; there's only three main characters and the rest of us are lowly nobodies who bow and have the only lines of "oh! aw! please don't go Mrs. Anna!"; it makes for very boring practices consisting of sitting around and doing nothing. they should have picked a musical like State Fair.

      ok, i'm done venting. i feel better. gettin' to the topics that seems to be the current theme of the TOGR:

      i have six cousins total though two of them i hardly see.

      i love thunderstorms too! the weather people have been telling us for the past three days that we are going to have thunderstorms and it has yet too even rain hard.

      snakes are gross. they freak me out.

      happiness! we had beer stew tonight. no, there is no alchohol in it; it gets cooked out. it has beef, and potatoes, and carrots...yummy! (except for the carrots, cooked carrots are not one of my favorites)

      wow, this is my longest post ever! and it's my tenth! yay! i'm a member! celebratory dance

      ok, that's it. all done. i'm so happy!
      Member of the Tumbleweeds of the World Foundation. Beware the Tumbleweed Stampede! :bouncegrin:
      "Where shall wisdom be found, and where is the place of understanding? If I knew, I'd walk over and stand there." Roger Zelazny


      • Snakes are cool! They're not scary!
        That's my commentary of the day!
        penguins will rule the world.


        • My friend's birthday is September 11. ^^

          Ahhh someone's trying to convince me to go to LA in the winter to see a Jay Chou concert... I wanna know what else is there..
          --'' Ehhhhhhhhh And my friends from a forum I used to go to are whining about setting up a rebellion...

          Their moderators aren't very good, and they run the forum like a dictatorship. You can't work things out with these mods- They impose unfair rules and stuff, and if the members complain, they get banned. So as a result, the forum was ALWAYS chaotic... There's always a spam war going on (it's the only way the members can voice a complaint, really... If they say "I don't like this, and here's why..." they get a "Tough luck, topic closed." Only in nicer words. So they set up spam wars and post **** and stuff.... --'' So I left. Something happened a couple weeks ago that i felt I should go back and protest for... Their mods are younger than me, most of the mods are 14 or so, so I totally owned them. The same mods have now imposed another unfair rule, so now the members are begging me to go back and own the top moderator again... --'' I told them to do it themselves.

          ...foot in mouth. I teamed up with another member whom I just met because he can own them too... It'll be a double-own... ^^


          • Woah, you're not serious, Chani...

            Heyy, Nitta! I don't see you post a lot. In fact, that's your first post that I've seen. Hey. You joined 18 days after I did.

            What, who said you had to talk about what we were talking about?

            snakes are gross. they freak me out.
            But [she says, feeling hurt] snakes are your friends!

            Whoot, now you're a member like the rest of us! Most of us. We have a few Senior members and some Very Senior members. M is threatening to be a Possibly Posts Too Much. I'm nearly a senior. I'm getting close! The number of posts listed at the bottom lies. I'm past 800 by a lot.

            I read through all of the long posts on page 5 and made a summary. I'll put it here.

            Khirsah (bronze dragon) came into the Throne Room (or whatever it's called). Dwin found Raven lying on the floor. She dissapeared and reappeared somewhere else. Dwin found her again. A few people trickled out of the Throne Room and met up with Dwin. Dwin has a magical blade. Kiroshima (enemy) opened a portal and started attacking Raven through it with magic. A few people helped. Cuddles (dog) came into the castle, attacked, got knocked out. Kiroshima brings Raven through the void and closes it. Unitron (unicorn) runs off somewhere. Maddock whispers to Peabody then leaves. Dwin opens a book. Dwin posts long, important (for his character) post. Naeva & Maddock swapped bodies (?) and thoroughly confused me... Then they go back to normal. Maddock came back. Maddock said something about Dwin being a theif. Naeva asked if it was true, and Dwin explained, puzzling over how his parents had plenty of money, but not a job/trade. Eowen cried. She was concerned about everyone. Eowen knows something about the McGrays (Dwin is a McGray). Mist (wolf) sat down by everyone. Dwin asks to practice with someone.

            *wimpers* Not Rupert Grint...

            I started to learn my first kata today. I can't remember what it's called.

            And my brother's birthday is September 1st.

            You mean something to them, Aurora. Whether you're their willing backbone or their over used tool, they see some strength in you.
            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            • What makes snakes gross???????? You make BiW mad! You no like Biw when BiW is mad. I LOVE snakes! They're not scary! NOT AT ALL!


              YAY! I'm gunna get a snake! YAY! My mom said that maybe sometime this week, we can go to the pet store. I'm begging her to take me tomorrow. SNAKES ARE AWESOME!!!! I have no idea how many times I have said that just today.
              Reality is for those who lack imagination.


              • I don't know; i just don't like snakes. they always look like they're gonna bite you...scary. and you can never tell if they are poisonous unless you really know snakes. it's not just snakes though, it's reptiles in general, though i like turtles, tortoises, & tarpins.

                maybe i'm not scared of snakes, but scared of being bitten and having it be infected or something.

                don't be mad BiW. i not want to make you mad. what kind of snake are you going to get? you should get those orange ones; they don't look as scary.

                yay! my friend's birthday is Sept. 9th and mine is Sept. 19th! let the countdown begin!
                Member of the Tumbleweeds of the World Foundation. Beware the Tumbleweed Stampede! :bouncegrin:
                "Where shall wisdom be found, and where is the place of understanding? If I knew, I'd walk over and stand there." Roger Zelazny


                • I like rain if I'm indoors and can just listen to it on the window. I don't like it if I'm being rained on while walking back from the shops with a coat that doesn't have a hood (like today).

                  Cousins: on my mother's side, I've got five. Four of them are married at the moment, so I suppose that makes nine. Between them, they've got eight kids (total seventeen). One of the kids has a husband, a son and a step-daughter... um, is that twenty or should I just count the son and make the total eighteen? Oh - the "kid" who is a mother is 33, by the way. (I suppose that makes her step-daughter my step-cousin twice removed. )

                  Gryphon: I suppose an American chemist would be known as a research chemist, or something specific to the job, then. (I've got Monty Python and the Holy Grail on DVD - complete with extras, like the Camelot Song redone in Lego.)
                  Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                  • I'm not mad at you. You're right. You're just afraid of getting bitten. I'm not afraid snakes, but around poisonous ones, it is a little creepy knowing that you could get bitten. Like this one time, I went to this park with my family, and we were walking aroung a pond, and we found a cotton mouth(extremly poisonous snake) sunbathing on a rock, and my brother wanted to poke it with a stick. He is a total idiot. He doesn't understand that the snake can move really fast and that if he is bitten, he might DIE. The snake was beautiful though. I wish I had a camera with me. Anywho, I don't know what kind of snake I'm gunna get. I think I'm going to get a corn snake. They're not poisonous, and you don't need a licence to own one. Hmm. An orange snake? There are probably lots of species of snakes are orange. Albino corn snakes are orange. Actually, corn snakes come in lots of colors, so there are also ones that aren't albino, that are orangeishy. Eesh. I'm talking too much about snakes.

                    I LUFF RAIN!!! I love going out side when it's pouring. RAIN RAIN RAIN!!!!!
                    Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                    • AAAAH! Take cover! Acorns are bombing my house!

                      i know you weren't really mad at me. corn snakes sound right for what i think i was thinking of.

                      still no rain, though they say it's supposed to, but it is really cloudy. maybe tomorrow...

                      olympic dressage is cool. i wish i had a gaited horse like that, but we don't have any gaited-horse shows around where i live so it would be better just to stick with our non-gaited horses.

                      nuh-nuh-nuh. i'm done
                      Member of the Tumbleweeds of the World Foundation. Beware the Tumbleweed Stampede! :bouncegrin:
                      "Where shall wisdom be found, and where is the place of understanding? If I knew, I'd walk over and stand there." Roger Zelazny


                      • I'm not sure who's birthday it is today, but all the same a very Happy Birthday to everyone in the world that was born on this date

                        The Holy Grail is Hilarious!

                        I like snakes, they are magnificent and powerful creatures. They are very beautiful

                        Storms facinate me, I love to learn about them. And last night the rain helped me sleep, it is very calming

                        I finished Peter Pan, and now I am reading Lord of the Flies, it's pretty good so far.
                        ... But he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be forever barred.


                        • Storms help me sleep. My brother is paranoid when it comes to storms because once me had like four big ones hit us one each day or something. He's better about it. My mom thinks I'm weird because storms don't wake me up, unless they're really loud.

                          I pulled something in my neck. It hurts to move my head. I have horseback riding soon, so I hope I don't mess it up more. It feels better than it did this morning, but it still hurts.
                          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                          • Ow, Angel_Star! I've pulled something in my neck before, it really hurts! Hope you feel better!

                            I have around thirty cousins. My mom's one of eight and my dad's one of six. The cousins I was talking about before are on my mom's side. I know all of my cousins except a couple that I never see because they're in college. I love having a big family; it's so much fun!

                            Okay, time for the periodical reading check. Although sometimes we just say it spontaneously, it's nice to know what everyone's reading (and it helps you get ideas for new books to read!). I am currently reading Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris, recommended to me by (who else) my cousin. I'd seen the book before but from the title assumed that it would be some sort of dramatic tale about an uneducated adult struggling to support a family...blah blah blah...But actually it's a humorous account of the author's life. The title refers to his lisp. I'm about halfway through now and I really like it!

                            Does anyone remember that game we played one time, like what's the first sentence of the...was it 52nd? page of the book closest to you. For some reason I remembered that...and the first sentence of the 52nd page of the book closest to me is..."You know that the ablative, with or without a preposition, is used to express several different things in Latin." My mom's Latin textbook. She's a Latin teacher.

                            My birthday's October 7th! Fourteen!

                            EDIT: Okay, I've been thinking. And what I've been thinking about is that the titles such as New Member, Member, Senior Member, Very Senior Member, and Possibly Posts too Much (the sixth level is reserved for DD) and excruciatingly boring. And I was also thinking that we pretty much already have an interesting system set up for us. After all, this is a sight about the Young Wizards Series...and Wizards do have ranks...
                            I was thinking something along the lines of this:
                            New Member=Ordealist
                            Senior Member=Advisory
                            Very Senior Member=Senior
                            Possibly Posts Too Much=Planetary Senior (or something along the lines of that)
                            DD's Title=Power that Is, or some other phrasing of that concept.

                            If you guys agree with that (revisions welcome) maybe we could bring it up to Lee and see what can be done. I know this has been talked about in the past but I really think that we should put it through if it's at all possible. Feedback please!
                            "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                            There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                            And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                            What could mean more than this?"
                            --Bright Eyes


                            • Very catchy Ella. So I'd be a Journeyman. I like very much!
                              Thunderstorms don't help me sleep because I have very big windows and so it's very loud. They're so pretty to watch though. I just sit there with the smell of rain around me. (My room is so humid.) And watch out my window when the rain stops and wind comes and then lightning, more rain, wind, less wind, and then it's sunny again! It's so odd.

                              Speaking of cousins my two cousins are coming over until school starts. Which is a big bummer to me because I don't like to share my room ecspecially when I try on my new clothes like a million times before school. Also before school I get very paranoid and start doing odd things. (Like painting my nails 3 times a day.) Right now one hand is purple and the other is blackish bluish.
                              penguins will rule the world.


                              • First sentence on page 52 of closest book?

                                'I am Tualha Slaith, a princess of the People,' she said, rattling it all off in a hurry, 'a bard and a scholar. And who are you?'

                                And I'm going to be nasty and not tell you what the book is, or who it's by!
                                Yeah, as if you didn't all know already.

                                Second closest is 'Yeah, we'll come too,' said George -- from Goblet of Fire.

                                I don't know about changing the karma-level names. Maybe. I wouldn't mind a few more steps in there .
                                Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.

