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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Nita - sounds like he does like you. I mean, just because he is popular and you're in the middle, I don't think it would be impossible for him to like you. I wish I could actually tell when a guy likes me. it might be nice for them to just tell you for a change... though I suppose I don't really just go telling guys when I like them. I just get so confuzzled when they send all their mixed signals.

    Wow M!! New rank, congrats!! heh. I think my karma should be somewhere around 70 or so, too lazy to check. there's about 5-10 other posts from when I first joined and randomly posted a few times and then dropped off the face of the earth.

    Yayness!! The Living End!! *dances* ha, okay, well. can't really dance to it, but I like randomly bouncing around to songs when I'm hyper.

    I'm.. eh.. pink. 'sok. I used to despise it. Now it's all right, I don't completely hate it, but I'm not too fond of it. I started liking it randomly when I got this cute striped skirt with pink and green stripes that I really liked. I'm not much of a skirt person either. yeah, but, lots of guys I know wear pink.

    pregnant guinea pig?? sorry, afraid I'm not very informed in that area.
    Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

    "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
    -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


    • M, if you can feel irreular bulges in it's stomach, your guinea pig is most likely pregnant (not like I would know, my guinea pig is a boy)

      Z,The guys at my school are mean, I hang out with them a lot sometimes, but they are so immature and they like passing food through their nose. Gross.

      Pink is an okay color, but if you wear too much of it, then it gets overpowering. Besides, being seven is fun, and My Little Pony ROCKS!! along with the carebears.

      My style is not goth, not punk, not rocker, not preppy. My style is Lexi, all my own

      Nita, if he says he likes you, he is probably sincere, or on a dare, and if he is as nice as you say he is, then he is probably sincere
      ... But he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be forever barred.


      • Peter? You. Are. Not. Clever. Or funny. And I did not laugh while reading that at ALL.

        <pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">*snickers* </pre>

        Anyway, you know perfectly well that I meant seven year old girls. Pink will always be girly; secure and happy males may wear it, which I... reluctantly admire... but it is, fundamentally, girly. Occasionally it is an appropriate colour. But rarely. And NEVER to newborns. EVER. Newborns should all wear PURKLE, because it is pretty and also, babies don't have to match; I love the colour purple but I never wear it except in pyjamas because nothing I own goes with it.

        I know zilch about guinea pigs, hamsters, and other related rodents, and even less about their reproductive systems, so I will calmly ignore their presence here. Oh, except I've heard they breed like, uh, rodents.

        Nitafan, if he says he likes you, probably he does. And no wonder, what with your supreme taste in literature and websites, right? Anyway, don't worry about it; if he's a decent guy, and you say he is, and he said he likes you, take him at his word! Don't keep second-guessing yourself, okay, because you're definitely cool enough for anyone.

        Oh, uhm, what would be even cooler is if you could use apostrophes correctly. Wouldn't that be wonderful? *stupid geeky grin* I know this is very sad, but it HURTS me, it HURTS precious. I do believe in apostrophes, I do, I do!

        Zgirl: don't waste Toblerone hitting boys over the head with it: just eat it!

        And VC? My Little Pony is an UNMITIGATED HORROR. I happened to be referring to the plastic toy as opposed to the television series, but the comparision remains; MLPs are to horses what Barbies are to, er, ME.

        I have no style, whee. I just LOVE MY JEANS. And my jackets, though I really need a nice big jumper or a warmer jacket. And I'm nuts for tops of all descriptions. Yeah. Frilly tops and tshirts and NECKLINE tops () and, you know, just tops.
        Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


        • ERkle. I think this (My Little Pony, Care Bears) might be one of those things, like polyester and platform shoes, who has been out of fashion for so long that it is coming around to be cool again. Although I hope not; I think that might be one of the signs of the Apocalypse.

          "I love you. No one else does." Twisted Care Bear

          Fashion is for those who aren't intrinsically cool.
          "Thus is Balance maintained." A Wizard of Earthsea
          "Condensing fact from the vapor of nuance." Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash


          • I don't like My Little Pony. BUT I LUFF CARE BEARS!! LALALALAALAL!!!

            I'm bored, and I absolutly HATE myself!!!! I stayed up untill sometime past midnight, to watch this one latenight TV show, and I fell asleep fifteen minutes before it starts! It's all my sister's fault. I have no idea why, but it is. She put tranquilizer in my water bottle or something. I MISSED THE SHOW!!!! NOT FAIR!!!

            Hee hee. I just wasted a large amount of tape wraping my hand up. tee hee. I can't move my fingers, or type with my left hand for that matter.

            YAY!!! I'm happy! Today, from noon, until five or something, there is this marathon of one of my favorite Tv shows! Yay!

            This is annoying me...*unwraps hand* Ugg. This is harder than I thought... A word of advice, NEVER mummify your hand with tape. hee hee. Now i'm gunna wrap my foot up with duct tape. (as you can probably tell, I love tape) Whoa! Weird.... *unwraps foot* Teehee. Funny.
            Reality is for those who lack imagination.


            • I went to my school orientation. I was happy until i realized I have science and health, (My 2 most hated subjects.) No art, (*cries* I lub art.) and regular music class, (no choir? I've been taking piano for 7 years. In regular music class all they do is teach you the notes of the staff.)
              So I have the crappiest subjects ever. Just because people think I'm smart. I'll probably fail out of all of em because I'm not as smart as people think.
              penguins will rule the world.


              • When I was at school I loved science!!! Best subject ever!! I use to dream of becoming a super scientist, curing people and making GM animals and plants with special proberlties!!! *dreamy!* I even took an extra 'higher education' course in Biology cause I liked it! I'm what I like to call a dreamer scientist! I come up with loads of scientific ideas in my head but without the knowlege to do anything about it!! So now I'm off to uni to become a primary school teacher in scinece! I can help the next generation of kiddies!!
                God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                • Urgh, I KNEW it, they gave me my math teacher for homeroom.. *grumbles* She's scary.... *shivers* And the problem is, she's the only one I can think of to ask to coach volleyball... *shivers more*
                  NOT CARE BEARS!!!!! EVIL!!!!!
                  "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                  "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                  "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                  "I could live


                  • *deep breath* Over a page...

                    I got out of the habit of signing on aim when it stopped working for me. I'll have to get back into the habit.

                    My clothes? lotsandlotsofdifferentcolors. Not point in listing them. Most of my new clothes are school clothes. You have to buy them from the school, and they all have the school's logo on them. *grumbles* A friend of mine hasn't gotten hers yet, and school starts in three days. I don't know what she's going to do; she might have to borrow from someone.

                    Hey, Gryph: if you've exhausted the teen section of your library, you don't have to go to kids; you can go to adults. There's plenty of good books published for adults that teens can enjoy. Try Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris! I finished it, and it is soooo funny. No I'm on to Persepolis, which is a graphic novel/memoir sort of thing. I like!
                    The Dragonlance books that I'm reading were actually from the teens section. Even though they're for the preteen age group.

                    And M... what is wrong with Pink? (Accepts the fact that I hated pink when a teenager too... but I have changed.. and pink is good!) I have a particularly pretty Pink sweater that I like to wear in the winters here.
                    So bright and blinding! It's burning my eyes out! Or sickly & dying or just fluffy and silly. Uggg. And, also, all of the snots at my old school loved pink and only pink. *shudders* And you can't possibly ignore what it stands for.

                    Sammy loves socks. He stole a few from the laundry, silly puppy. Today is Julius' last day.

                    So, presumably even if it did turn out to be pneumonia that Julius (or was it Skittles?) had, he's all better now? I missed the end of that story!
                    They got better, but now my Cass has whatever they had. It wasn't pnuemonia. It was something else. I dunno what.

                    Hah! You're a Possibly Posts Too Much now! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    200 trojans? Eesh. One of our computers went through something similiar and did not live to tell the tale. So I'll tell it for you. I dunno what happened; I think someone got a virus through e-mail. Well, unluckily it was a trojan. Know what the trojan horse was? Well, a trojan virus is a lot like that. It takes tons and tons of viruses and brings them onto your computer. That computer had to get a new hard drive. The laptop that it was hooked up to was saved, with a few missing files.

                    I don't know. I've never been asked out by anyone, nitafan.

                    Just because people think I'm smart. I'll probably fail out of all of em because I'm not as smart as people think.
                    *kicks Z* You're putting yourself down!

                    Now to post...
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • This topic grow way too fast. From a long long time ago, cockatoos can be white, white and yellow, pink, I think grey sometimes, and lots of other things that i don't really know because there are lots of types of cockatoos. Hehe, I got the cool teacher this year. Yay!
                      The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                      I promise not to funfun anymore
                      Be happy cause life is good


                      • I know MLP are evil, but they bring back such fond memories But I still luff my carebears.

                        Z, you are to smart! did you know that knowing a second language and playing an instrument boosts your IQ? You are probably smarter than YOU think.

                        I was watching the Disney version of Peter Pan (because I haven't seen it in ages) , and they messed it up big time The only character they got quite right was Tinkerbell, Tink was perfect. But PM was right, they cut out the riddle of his existence to make it happier. *chucks movie out the window* I like the later version because they stuck to the original story much better than disney did.

                        After the movie, I was watching this show about body mutilation, and there was this lizard man that had his tounge split in two parts, and scale tatoos, and all kinds of strange peircings, then there were people that were hanging themselves on hooks by their skin *shudders* then there were ladies that stretched their necks and a lady that practiced foot-binding, which is really really gross, but considered beautiful in some asian cultures.
                        ... But he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be forever barred.


                        • "Aha! *cackles* It is Amy Lee! (That song Broken.) I knew it! I knew it!"
                          HA!! I was right!! I knew it was Evanescence... The only problem with my favorite radio station is they almost never mention who's singing what... BUT I WAS RIGHT!! muahahah! Luff Evanescence!!
                          Actually, I think that song is just Amy Lee, with another band behind her. I don't think it's Evanescence. See here.

                          There's nothing wrong with pink. What gets me is that 1) It's supposed to be girly. Annoying. And 2) That some people wear it all the time. But that's the same for every color.

                          What does the MAO in ROFLMAO stand for??? I know what ROFL stands for, but I've been wondering forever about the MAO!! WHAT DOES IT MEAN??
                          "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                          There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                          And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                          What could mean more than this?"
                          --Bright Eyes


                          • LMAO=laughing my a** off
                            ROFL= rolling on floor laughing
                            ROFLMAO= rolling on floor laughing my a** off

                            ACK!! POOT IS EATING ME!!
                            ... But he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be forever barred.


                            • i got my ears pierced for the first time today! and it didn't hurt! happiness!

                              i like pink, but not obsessively. green is better.

                              oh! i got a new book today called 'Free Bards' by Mercedes Lackey and it is really good so far and is really long so it will last me awhile. yay! my bookless days have ended!

                              good day today! it is friday and i have colorguard!

                              Member of the Tumbleweeds of the World Foundation. Beware the Tumbleweed Stampede! :bouncegrin:
                              "Where shall wisdom be found, and where is the place of understanding? If I knew, I'd walk over and stand there." Roger Zelazny


                              • OOoh... The Golum's Eye is long....
                                hey! I knew that! normally I'M the one asking people what something means..... But in IM chat people use mayo instead of mao I think....
                                "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                                "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                                "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                                "I could live

