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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Ooooo! SUGAR CULT!!!!!!!!! I WANNA JOIN! I practically worship sugar! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

    I made angel food cake the other day, kinda. I was in the middle of makeing it, when my mom remembered that she didn't have her electric egg beaters anymore. *sigh* It turned out flat. Lol. It was good though. I'm calling it zombie food cake. Lol.

    I'm getting bored. I'm glad I don't have to babysit anymore as of whenever my dad gets home. *is happy* I'm also going to the beach tomorrow. YAY! OCEAN!!! I wonder if TOP can come. *grabs phone* BAH!! She's not there. I'll try again later. *spins around on chair* Wheeee! *bangs into table* Ouch. Lol. I'm happy. heeheeheeheeheehee!!!

    *boing* wheee! *boing* wheee!
    Reality is for those who lack imagination.


    • I think that you both have a good point Diego and Z. I suppose that the best thing that we can do is to prevent people from being addicted to marajuanna (don't hurt me because of my terrible spelling) in the first place, educate people, I think that that would be the first step.

      I saw Dirty Dancing Havana Nights Five times in a row a couple of days ago, but yesterday it had to be returned to the video rental place

      Oh well. I'm trying to enjoy my last day on vacation. School tommorrow *hides* I dun wanna go to school! *sob*

      *changes mind* I just remembered, I do wanna go to school! I want homework, I want teachers! I want school lunch! *reads what she just wrote* I meant it all except for the school lunch part *crosses it out* School lunch tastes as if it has been consumed before and refused because it was inedible. grossness. *brings lovely salad to school instead* I'm still not sure wether you can wear orange knee-highs or not.
      ... But he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be forever barred.


      • I want to join SugarCult. Does that mean I get more sugar? I need it?

        Here's how my first day of school went.
        Period 1-Social Studies, pretty good. It took me a while to find my class though. The teacher there seemed nice and 2 of my friends are in my class

        Period 2- *Turns red* Here's a story-
        I went to Algebra 1 and a whole class of 9th graders were in there. (I was late.) So I was embarassed in the first place, then the teacher asked, "How many of you are in 9th grade?" most of the class raised their hands. "How many in 8th?" 4 raised hands. "7th?" I was the only person raising my hand. I was like OMGOMG. I even wrote. Gryph better be right this is a good subject.
        Then 5 minutes until class ended I noticed that that class was my gym time! And so I was in Algebra 1 again right after that with kids my age. I was loling so hard the second time because I felt so stupid. (That's because I am.) I like my teacher though.
        But I hate gym so that's okay!

        Period 4-Lunch
        I'm not in lunch with anybody I know.
        More Period 4-FACS/Home Ec.
        OMG. This teacher is my homeroom teacher too. She talkstalkstalks all the time! About rules! It's so boring. And also the Home Ec. Room is really cold and it's my longest subject. *shivers* Good thing I won't be doing it next semester!

        Period 5-Actually on my schedule I didn't have a period 5. So I had to go to the office and then get a new schedule which had science which of course I was late for then.
        My science teacher is really nice.

        Period 6-Almost all my friends are in period 6! English! Yay!

        The Good-I like most of my teachers
        The Bad-I don't like my FACS teacher and I probably will be unprepared for gym now that I missed it.
        The Ugly-My best friend is in NONE of my classes. *cries*
        penguins will rule the world.


        • I only have 5 min to write a post and reply to 1 1/2 pgs! Ugh! I so hate time limits! *huggles Chani* I miss ya too! Okay, I need to say this before I have to leave. YAYNESS!! I GET MONDAY OFF!! If you get monday off COME TO CHAT!! I am going to be on allll day! Just like in the summer. *teary eyed* Ah, those were the days! Diego, im glad the hurricane (wow, cant even spell that) missed you. Ugh, times up. I have to go. *huggles* I will type tomm.! miss yall!
          CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

          Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


          • Sugar cult? Can I join, pretty pretty please? I LUV sugar. First day of school was ok, but really boring cause all we did was sit around and have the teacher tell us all about the boring rules, consequences, uniform stuff, etc. Really not the most interesting stuff in the world.
            The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
            I promise not to funfun anymore
            Be happy cause life is good


            • I can't wait until school. I need lots of people to annoy and take out my hyperness on! I'm so happy I think I'm gunna die. I have no idea why either. HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY!

              Reality is for those who lack imagination.


              • "Ah, those were the days! Diego, im glad the hurricane (wow, cant even spell that) missed you" For now it did, but AOL keeps giving me pop up messages that say Hurricane Charley is gonna hit the carribean (sp?) area around Friday...
                SUGAR CULT!!!!!
                "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                "I could live


                • Sugar is very very very good. Yumfulness! My dad wants me to make these certificate thingy magigs for his work. (Target ) I need to find a border.... My computer is making these weird noises. I think it's gonna blow! It's okay now...I hope...
                  the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                  • Originally posted by BelieverInWizardry:
                    I can't wait until school. I need lots of people to annoy and take out my hyperness on! I'm so happy I think I'm gunna die. I have no idea why either. HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY!

                    Ya know how Aurie said she doesn't like to be around happy people? I think she was talking about you BIW. LOL! JK!
                    I'm not as smiley as I used to be. It's kinda weird.

                    On my neverending quest to learn kanji I have a new study tactic. Tatoos! I got some of those press on tattoos in japanese. I'm using them as good luck charms too. I put one that says FRIENDS on it on the back of my hand so I can see it everyday. Japanese is so cool so that's why I want to learn how to write! It'll probably take manyMANY years but it's really fun!
                    penguins will rule the world.


                    • Lol, Z. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!! heeheeheee *dies*

                      I'm going to the beach today! YAY! I'm leaving in half an hour or whatever. OMG! I have to gather up all the stuff that'll last me through the agonizingly long car ride! AHHH!!!! Lessee, books, music, large piece of wood to separate self from annoying siblings... Heehee. I'll just burry myself in a book and drown out the screams and fighing of my brother and sister that I know are sure to come. *shudder* My little siblings are evil. EVIL I TELL YOU!!!! *goes off to hide in room for last few moments of silence*
                      Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                      • M: Not Charley. Charley already came through. Do you mean Frances?

                        Diego: If drugs were legalized than the crime rate would go down because possessing drugs wouldn't be a crime anymore. But it would be worse than it is now. So maybe the stats would go down, but that doesn't mean anything because drugs would still be as bad as they had always been.
                        Also: Glad the hurricane missed you! When we lived in OH I didn't have to worry about this sort of thing...

                        WOOT! I converted my friends to Linkin Park! I slept over at one of their houses last night, and we did our nails while listening to Linkin nails are this metallic bluish-silver. But my toenails are the best. They're alternating pink and black with dots or the opposite color on each nail, and then look SO COOL. Rock. (I've started saying that instead of cool. )

                        School in a week!
                        "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                        There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                        And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                        What could mean more than this?"
                        --Bright Eyes


                        • Then 5 minutes until class ended I noticed that that class was my gym time! And so I was in Algebra 1 again right after that with kids my age. I was loling so hard the second time because I felt so stupid. (That's because I am.) I like my teacher though.
                          But I hate gym so that's okay!
                          I was just looking back through TOGR, and you even told us your schedule a few pages ago!

                          Good, I'm not the only forgetful person.
                          Today I forgot about going into town to go to some of the shops ... well, I didn't forget, I had a headache and decided not to make it worse.

                          But I just found my From the Discworld CD while going through a box of stuff from when I moved house, so I played that when the headache was better .
                          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                          • Yeah Pops. I'm a confuzzled girl. Algebra homework wasn't so bad but it's only the second day so...
                            I think we have tomoroww off? Or is labor day monday? *iz confuzzled.*

                            My parents didn't put any lunch money in my account so I ate nothing at lunch today. I'm not even hungry though...over the summer I used to eat a piece of bread each day for 2 weeks straight and now I'm never hungry at all. I don't feels good to have nothing in my stomach for me. I'm sure I would hate it if I were starving but I'll survive. You should have seen me at lunch I was so mad. I ate this one girls fries because she never eats anything on her plate and she wasn't paying attention.
                            The funny thing is I'm still not hungry!

                            Ahhh. I wish I was in some classes with my best friend. Although I feel bad for her because she's not in ANY classes with ANY of her friends. I don't even have a science partner and that's how you usually make friends I've noticed. *cries*
                            penguins will rule the world.


                            • "M: Not Charley. Charley already came through. Do you mean Frances?" could've been, they were both in the pop ups, probly got them mixed up...
                              What is it with painting nails??? I DON'T GET IT!!!! Everyone is like "My nails are black" "my nails are blue" what's with the nail obsession??
                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                              "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                              "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                              "I could live


                              • My nails are goldish-orangey. Well, they were. Nail polish comes off in like a day. I don't really care. My dog got really messy today. I have no idea what she did, but one side of her face is brown. She's a white dog.
                                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is

