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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • The only Discworld books I have read is Moving Pictures. That was really good. I liked it. Welcome, Alla. Call me Nita
    CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

    Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


    • Hi Alla. New member right? I'm Z or Zgirl. I don't even know what discworld is...
      A Little Bit of Advice-
      Don't be afraid if you find us all really weird. Everybody admits they're crazy except for Neets who says she's sane.
      The LittleBig Book of Nicknames-
      Agent M-M
      As you can see we give nicknames to just about everybody and they're really self explanitory. You'll figure them out sooner or later.
      penguins will rule the world.


      • lol, it took me forever to learn everyone's name. Everyone pretty much ignored me my first 200 posts. Then they styarted to pay attention. No, wait, there was a few who welcomed me, then the ignored me. Hey! I never get mentioned like that, I feel honored. To be in the same post that mention such highly placed people. Well, I won't ignore you Alla!
        CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

        Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


        • Well since you post a lot people start to recognize you. And usually when you get a customized avie people recognize you too! Most newbie's introduce themselves and then leave...only a select few stay!
          penguins will rule the world.


          • 200 posts? hmm...i have a long way to go before people start responding to my posts then. i guess i'll just have to keep posting to myself for awhile.

            hello alla. i would give you advice if i knew any, but i don't. school has fried my brain so i can't think of anything.

            yay! i got the japanese foreign exchange students to join colorguard and they actually sounded excited about it! that was my big accomplishment for this week.

            oh, also, i'm going to a renaissance festival this weekend and i think i might dress up for it. i don't want a full out costume, just something that is kind-of renaissance-like yet could pass for normal. any ideas anyone?
            Member of the Tumbleweeds of the World Foundation. Beware the Tumbleweed Stampede! :bouncegrin:
            "Where shall wisdom be found, and where is the place of understanding? If I knew, I'd walk over and stand there." Roger Zelazny


            • Hey, coolness! I have always wanted to go to one of those reinnesance festivals. If I do ever go I want to make my own costume! Ugh, I am zero when it comes to creativity.

              Well, Tel, I know you and have talked to you in chat and ppl know you so your okay. As far as being ignored. Hey! I am a select few! Yayness! I am special! *tear*
              CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

              Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


              • I think people pay attention to my posts. I hope. I only have like 110 or something. I should look for that Discworld CD. But no hedgehog song? I remember the hedgehog song (somehow, no one knows how). Death is my fav. character too! Sweetness!
                Yo Alla! I'm an insane mitten. I funfun. it gets ugly. And guess what? I'm hyper right now because it's FRIDAY and we have a long weekend! FUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUN! Wow, I can type that really really fast.
                The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                I promise not to funfun anymore
                Be happy cause life is good


                • Originally posted by Zgirl:
                  Hi Alla. New member right? I'm Z or Zgirl. I don't even know what discworld is...
                  A Little Bit of Advice-
                  Don't be afraid if you find us all really weird. Everybody admits they're crazy except for Neets who says she's sane.
                  The LittleBig Book of Nicknames-
                  Agent M-M
                  As you can see we give nicknames to just about everybody and they're really self explanitory. You'll figure them out sooner or later.
                  ^vegan_chick= VC haha me! I should warn you that I am rather obsessive over some things*ahemRUPERTcoughcough*

                  Welcome welcome welcome!

                  Schools okay for me, I haven't really made many friends, cept for a few eigth graders (I met another fellow vegetarian) But I am kinda sad because we just got a truckload of sixth-grader newbies, and I'm here looking like a fith-grader. Sorry I haven't been on in a while, a bit occupied with school. It's hard being an over achiever! Can you beleive we had no homework on the first day? IT'S TERRIBLE! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR HOMEWORK?! So I wrote a two and a half page essay on chapter eight of my book and my teacher got a bit annoyed because she didn't want to correct it. I am going to write some more essays on the next chapter too.

                  I couldn't change to Spanish, but French is fun all the same. I got a new name. Ce`cile, I thought it was very very pretty.

                  I want to chop off my beautiful hair! its so hard to manage! Just ten inches, so that it is right below my shoulders
                  ... But he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be forever barred.


                  • Hi Alla! I'm BiW! The overly hyper thingamabob who enjoys staying up really late and falling in holes!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

                    I think that I get ignored alot. Either that, or my posts consist of absolute gibberish that only the most insane people pay attention to. (no offense to those people who DO read my posts!) Tee hee. I'm happy. I GET TO GO TO BED EARLY TONIGHT!!! Instead of my usual one in the morning, I GET TO GO TO BED WHENEVER I WANT! And it gets better, tomorrow, I only have to stay up until twelve thirty! YAY!!! Then it's back to normal on Sunday. ....... OMG!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I start school wednesday!!!!!!! My mom would NEVER let me stay up that late every day!!! I'll just have to get used to waking up in the middle of the night then. Problem solved. *is happy*

                    Forget happy. I got sunburn on my face, and it itches, and when I touch it, it HURTS!!!!!!!

                    Ooooo. I see bats flying about out side... Cool....
                    Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                    • GRRRR. I'm frustrated with my webby right now. I have a question for PM. *pops in chat* Nope, not there.

                      Well, anyway, I'm trying to make a text box on the inside of a picture, instead of the picture as a background. And it's not really working. I'm going to play around with it a bit more later, but right now I'm stumped. Go to and click on Rules in the links. You'll see what I'm trying to do there. Or what's happening with what I've been trying to do. *grumbles* Maybe I should set it up in a table with cells instead of using div. :/

                      "It's popping! OMG, it's popping!"

                      *runs downstairs*

                      Whoot! My mom has been trying to make real popcorn (versus the microwave kind, which is also real, but it's not what I'm talking about). Hah. It was neat to watch the popcorn fly up and bounce off the clear top of the pot. I jumped a few times. hehe. After a while, they slowed their popping, and mom lifted the lid. They picked up the speed, but a flew flew out. It probably would've hurt to touch them; they're cooked in hot something.

                      Go ahead PM. Dissaprove of my staying up late. You can't do anything about it, you live, like, over 3500 miles away from me. So nyeah. Lol. Jking.
                      How can PM dissaprove of you staying up late?

                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • gee guys thanks for all the info... it seems like i'll fit in here fine... im just as wierd as you guys.

                        where are you all from, if you don't mind me asking? i'm from australia, and its really boring here now. i have a fencing comp in about an hour, so i'll be around here until then.

                        if anyone is interested in joining an msn group about YW, i'm trying to start one... so far i have one member - me . email me or something if you want to join the group. ( or

                        does anyone know if there's a yw RP anywhere on the net? that'd be soo much fun, except for the lack of speech words... oh well... im waffling on about random stuff.



                        • Originally posted by Telaldalin:
                          200 posts? hmm...i have a long way to go before people start responding to my posts then. i guess i'll just have to keep posting to myself for awhile.

                          yay! i got the japanese foreign exchange students to join colorguard and they actually sounded excited about it! that was my big accomplishment for this week.

                          oh, also, i'm going to a renaissance festival this weekend and i think i might dress up for it. i don't want a full out costume, just something that is kind-of renaissance-like yet could pass for normal. any ideas anyone?
                          We definitely don't ignore you. We just read your posts and if there's nothing to relate to then...
                          OMG. I wish we had Japanese foreign exchange students. I want someone to teach me kanji badly.
                          My friend just bought a costume at the renaissance festival. You can always change there. She had a peasant dress it was pretty cool looking and not to weird. That's all I can think of right now...

                          Wow VC. I can relate to you on that one. I feel like a newbie 7th grader at my school. (My school is 7,8, and 9 grade.)
                          I can't change from regular music class to choir even though I really want too. Regular music is a waste of time to me since I've been taking piano for 7 years. I need your guys' help. Should I join jazz choir? It's like choir except you sing upbeat songs and get to travel to other schools and sing. The bad part is I have to miss classes and it's a really geeky thing to do even though I'm already a geek already...
                          I used to want to cut my hair but now I don't want to because I always have it in a high pony tail and it looks really nice and if it was short it'd look like I had almost no hair!

                          BIW! I read your posts! You're so hyper in them! *screams because of hyperness for no good reason*

                          Gryph-My mom makes real popcorn all the time. I prefer the microwave kind but she doesn't like it at all. The real kind is really small and white. It's not salty and buttery enough for me. Bring on the cholesteral people! *coughs*
                          Pops virtually 'grounded' me because I started making voodoo dolls. Ever wonder why he's called pops? *laughs*

                          OMG Alla! Austrailia? I'm a stupid american myself. Most of us are from america. Then some from england, new zealand, but mostly from different parts of america.
                          Ummm. There is a yw rp. uh I think it's I don't do it so I don't know. To be on this site it's an unwritten rule that sometime Gryphon's gonna make you be on her's super fun so don't worry!
                          penguins will rule the world.


                          • Originally posted by Zgirl:
                            OMG Alla! Austrailia? I'm a stupid american myself. Most of us are from america. Then some from england, new zealand, but mostly from different parts of america.
                            Ummm. There is a yw rp. uh I think it's I don't do it so I don't know. To be on this site it's an unwritten rule that sometime Gryphon's gonna make you be on her's super fun so don't worry!
                            Don't worry too much about that Z ... gryph's already mentioned it too me... thanks for the info about the rp



                            • I'm a stupid american myself.
                              *snickers* Right. Stupid America.

                              You said it, not me!

                              Randomly, because I'm allowed: did you guys here about the school taken hostage in Russia? It's so terrible... it's kinda strange, too, how much more immediate and important and awful it seems to me, just because it's children instead of adults... do you guys remember the theatre back in 2002? And they sent in the troops and around 130 peoplewere killed, and I remember thinking "God, that's terrible... but everone else got out." I thought about that this time, and you know, you just don't think the same way when it's a school.
                              Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                              • Yeah I heard! That's not cool! I mean...what kinda freaks want to do that anyways. Killing people won't solve anything. Just arise more future problems. Ecspecially the killing is not a war. It's kinda sickening to think about.
                                I have a feeling that if I were one of 100 people to be kidnapped. I would be some of the ones that would be threatened to be killed if anybody moved...I know that sounds stupid but it's true I bet.
                                penguins will rule the world.

