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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Okay.. no fair.. like 3 pages to catch up on. Here goes!

    Z - Go to the Jazz choir... algebra is uck!

    Neets - more *huggles* You have been very sleepy lately. Me too.. and super busy. Again, me too!

    Gosh.. I have been up to my eyeballs in business. I feel bad because I have been missing all of you terribly.

    VC - I think that you should cut your hair... I like the cute shoulder length flip everyone seems to be doing.. it is so cute.

    BIW - I don't ignore you! *huggles*

    Gryph - Sorry.. haven't been on your site much. Whelp. I guess I should post this weedend. Don't want to get left behind in the story.

    Alla - ROFL! Even I have joined the RPG despite my best efforts. Most everyone does eventually, so why fight it?

    Okay.. well, I am at the end and I don't really know what else to post about. Nothing spectacular going on in my life. I am doing this huge quiz tournament on another site and it has been taking a lot of my time but I am almost done creating the quizzes so I won't have to spend so much time there.

    Love and *huggles* to all. I must go and eat my Taco Bell Fiesta Taco Salad (my favorite!)!
    -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
    The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
    I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


    • *laughs* remember when BIW wouldn't join VGDawn? OMG that was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life! Gryph went crazy getting her to join. *roflmao*
      *huggles Chani for writing such nice posts.* Your posts always relate to everyone and it's cool!
      penguins will rule the world.


      • That is probably because I post only about once every 1-2 days and there is usually a page or more to reply to. Besides.. I have to talk to all of my girls.. (only place I have any.) And Diego doesn't talk to me much anymore... anyhows...

        Nice to be on at the same time as a few people... I think that I am going over to chat!

        Neets! Love ya honey! *huggles again* Thanks for saying hello!

        And you too Z! *more huggles*
        -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
        The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
        I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


        • Love ya to mama! *huggles* I CAN CHAT THIS WEEKEND! YEPPPPPYY! But the stupid chat is being bad. It is making me invisible again.. *thumps compy* Nope, still didn't work.. I try and reply to everyones posts but there is so many and i have so little time it isn't even funny. I have a whole 7 pages to write for school. Thank God it is double spaced, though.

          VC, DONT CUT YPUR HAIR! I have been growing mine for a years! It has still nvr managed to be down to the middle of my back. And now short hair is in style! ugh! I don't care though, I want it long, so it will be long!

          I know I am always tired. It's not funny, either. I get 9 and a half hours of sleep too. I guess I am just growing and it's being weird..

          Well, I think this will be my last post on the togr for tonight. Unless, someone writes smthn I absolutly have to rply to. SO, good night all! I will be back tommorow! BEWARE!! (I am sane!)
          CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

          Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


          • see? the secret to knowing if anybody reads your posts is to say you think everybody ignores them and then you get the response that they do read them and then you're happy!
            why everbody sleep!! stay up late, come chat! it's FRIDAY! Yay! no school for three days! happiness for labor day!

            Z: i know you can buy costumes at the ren. fest but they are at least 200 bucks each. i was hoping for something on the cheap side.

            alla: you take fencing!? that is so cool! i tried finding fencing lessons in my area and the closest thing was an hour and forty five minute drive away.
            we got a foreign exchange student from australia, she seems nice. she's gonna play piano for our musical too, which is good because before we didn't have any volunteers for an orchestra.
            heard about the russia school. scary.
            sadness. my school lost their first football game. oh well, there are many more still to come.
            that's it i guess, bye!
            Member of the Tumbleweeds of the World Foundation. Beware the Tumbleweed Stampede! :bouncegrin:
            "Where shall wisdom be found, and where is the place of understanding? If I knew, I'd walk over and stand there." Roger Zelazny


            • alla: you take fencing!? that is so cool! i tried finding fencing lessons in my area and the closest thing was an hour and forty five minute drive away.
              yeah i wouldn't have started it but my school's got a club... we just finished the championship today... i won! *runs around in circles celebrating*. lol.

              start doing it if you can... its soo much fun!
              i got started cos i was reading the tamora pierce books (song of the lioness quartet) at the time (ive read them nearly as much as YW ) ... alanna's character really appealed to me... short (from what i can make out she's about 5'4"), redhair... pretty much like me ... so i started and enjoyed it ever since. i'm my school's first female fencing captain and (now) first female fencing champion too... yay!


              p.s. and i growl at anyone who asks me what type of fences we make... i seriously do...
              p.p.s OMG i think this is my tenth post! yay!


              • Awww....I try not to ingore people but sometimes they do it to me to..... Oh well....
                I"m goimg a theme park in like an hour it's gonna be fun except one problem...and well if you can guess then your good...but don't say see ya arounds
                "We pray for our sorrows to end,
                and hope that our hearts will blend.
                Now I will step forward to realize this wish.
                And who knows:
                starting a new journey may not be so hard
                or maybe it has already begun.
                There are many worlds,
                but they


                • Originally posted by alla:

                  alla: you take fencing!? that is so cool! i tried finding fencing lessons in my area and the closest thing was an hour and forty five minute drive away.
                  yeah i wouldn't have started it but my school's got a club... we just finished the championship today... i won! *runs around in circles celebrating*. lol.

                  start doing it if you can... its soo much fun!
                  i got started cos i was reading the tamora pierce books (song of the lioness quartet) at the time (ive read them nearly as much as YW ) ... alanna's character really appealed to me... short (from what i can make out she's about 5'4"), redhair... pretty much like me ... so i started and enjoyed it ever since. i'm my school's first female fencing captain and (now) first female fencing champion too... yay!


                  p.s. and i growl at anyone who asks me what type of fences we make... i seriously do...
                  p.p.s OMG i think this is my tenth post! yay!
                  DUDE!!! Those boks rock my boat! tamora pierce rocks all of her books rock.....

                  DD's Rock to!!!!
                  "We pray for our sorrows to end,
                  and hope that our hearts will blend.
                  Now I will step forward to realize this wish.
                  And who knows:
                  starting a new journey may not be so hard
                  or maybe it has already begun.
                  There are many worlds,
                  but they


                  • alla, I do fencing too! I'm not very good, I'm a Grade 2, but I'm going infor my first ever compition in October. It should be fun... according to my teacher, it's a good comp for people who have never enterd on before.
                    So what sort of fencing do you do? I do foil (I don't know if that is how it is spelt. Sorry)


                    • I didn't get to finish reading through all of the posts before I posted my previous one, so if it sounds like I'm replying to something far back, you're right.

                      I like school. *shrug* It's not terrible. It's not the greatest thing in the world. I love my algebra teacher! She says that we just need to work on our Algebra homework for half an hour. Any more is too much. *grins* Unfortunately, my mom doesn't agree. *cries* I'm going to my church lock-in tonight. I'll be sooo tired tomorrow. I'm already tired, but hyper. Hyper hyper hyperistic hy hyper hyperistic! Someone made a song like that...I can't quite remember who...
                      What we did was we had yto work on our homework for 45 minutes, and if we didn't finish it in that much time, we had to bump the rest over to the next day.

                      Mort's my fav. book and Death's my fav. character
                      Awesome!!! Same for me, too. Not only that, but Death is a cat lover.

                      lol, it took me forever to learn everyone's name. Everyone pretty much ignored me my first 200 posts. Then they styarted to pay attention. No, wait, there was a few who welcomed me, then the ignored me. Hey! I never get mentioned like that, I feel honored. To be in the same post that mention such highly placed people. Well, I won't ignore you Alla!
                      What? *huggles* I noticed you. Heh. You posted that you had asked about Poot, but no one had answered you. They did, and in lots of topics too, but I don't think you saw them. *double huggles*

                      I'm Isabel again in my spanish class.

                      Alla, Artemis has a YW rpg called Worldsoul. It's on avidgamers like my is, so it's address is I joined it, but I don't have enough time to keep up with it and VGDawn and here. and VGDawn are my priorities online.

                      Fencing sounds awesome. I want to join the fencing club at my school. That and maybe the chess club. A chess club sounds really fun. I'm getting into the habit of attacking the king right in the beginning. Normally I'd just pick off my oponent's main peices (all but pawns) first, then go after the king.

                      Alla, if you have a chance, I recommend that you take karate. It's so much fun. Plus you have the added bonus of learning self-defense.

                      Ummm. There is a yw rp. uh I think it's I don't do it so I don't know. To be on this site it's an unwritten rule that sometime Gryphon's gonna make you be on her's super fun so don't worry!
                      I already accepted Alla's application. Lesse... Z is Zaria. BiW/BeleiverinWizardry is Saphira. Diego (db_pr) is Narxce/Kalidan. The list goes on and on. Angel_Star is Angel_Star, right? Nitafan is Eowen. Sharklord is Dwin. Chani is Mariel. Shelly is TOP. A few of them are my friends from real life.

                      I felt sick when I read about the school in Russia... Why kids? Why kids...?

                      *huggles Chani* I miss you when you're not here.

                      *laughs* remember when BIW wouldn't join VGDawn? OMG that was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life! Gryph went crazy getting her to join. *roflmao*
                      Ha! We were screaming at each other. "I'm not going to join, so quit bugging me about it!" Then: "OMG!!! I don't beleive I didn't join sooner!" I think I actually saved her exact quote somewhere. Lemme see if I can dig it up. It was so funny! Here it is:

                      BiW: Gryphon, I was so stupid not to join your roleplay earlier! It's so fun!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE MY NEW BEST FRIEND!!!

                      *huggles BiW*

                      Oh, oh, Chat Party today! If you see me online, please remind me! I must come to one on time.

                      Whoot. I figured that you've read those books. Your application kinda sounded like that...

                      p.s. and i growl at anyone who asks me what type of fences we make... i seriously do...
                      *topples over and dies laughing* Hey, we need a fence built. Maybe you could help! Couldn't resist. No, I do know what you mean. *snort*
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • One big catch-up post:

                        Kathy asked: Wouldn't PM's criticizing someone else for staying up late be rather like the pot calling the kettle black?
                        Um, my kettle's white (and electric). Oh, right. I think if I ever said anything like that, it was a joke.

                        Nita: I do look at the clock when I chat! And I think "does this count as late or early?"

                        Alla: A mail-order site I sometimes use still has it. It's called "Terry Pratchett's From the Discworld music by Dave Greenslade". I expect you can order it. My copy's on Virgin Records and has a bar code of 7243 8 39512 2 2 - I don't know if you need to know things like that to order it. (Or just look under G in the record shop and see if you're lucky .)
                        And I'm from England. My father's job meant we lived in Canberra from 1970-1972, though, and lots of other countries before that.


                        BiW: Oh, I read your posts, but there isn't a lot for me to reply to in them. Oops. I didn't reply to you about kidding you about staying up late, I replied to Kathy!

                        Oh, and in case Gryphon doesn't post a reminder:

                        Saturday 4pm EDT is chat party time
                        edit: Oh. She already did. Well, then I'll say that somewhere in this topic is a list of when that is in other time zones.
                        Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                        • A more-serious post I didn't want to combine with the light-hearted stuff:

                          Originally posted by Birdhead:
                          Randomly, because I'm allowed: did you guys here about the school taken hostage in Russia? It's so terrible... it's kinda strange, too, how much more immediate and important and awful it seems to me, just because it's children instead of adults... do you guys remember the theatre back in 2002? And they sent in the troops and around 130 peoplewere killed, and I remember thinking "God, that's terrible... but everone else got out." I thought about that this time, and you know, you just don't think the same way when it's a school.
                          And now it's been "resolved", and it seems to have ended in about the same way .

                          And what now? Revenge attacks on Chechnya? I'm sure a lot of people will want just that, in the hopes that they won't be targetted again.
                          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                          • Wow too much quoting. SO MUCH QUOTING! It's almost kinda annoying.
                            I haven't been on VGDAWN in such a long time. *Cries* Everytime I go on I can't find a place where I can post. Maybe I'll go on now and find some just started topics.
                            penguins will rule the world.


                            • There was more about the hostages in the newspaper today... It just destroys all of the happy things. You can't bounce around with grin plastered across your entire face when things like this are going on. The death, the pain... You can't live through something like that and forget it. Your mind holds onto the terrible things a lot more than it does the cheerful of mild events.

                              And to think people do use things like this to boost their image, whether they said they did good or bad during the crisis.
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • Alla, if you have a chance, I recommend that you take karate. It's so much fun. Plus you have the added bonus of learning self-defense.

                                I felt sick when I read about the school in Russia... Why kids? Why kids...?

                                Whoot. I figured that you've read those books. Your application kinda sounded like that...

                                p.s. and i growl at anyone who asks me what type of fences we make... i seriously do...
                                *topples over and dies laughing* Hey, we need a fence built. Maybe you could help! Couldn't resist. No, I do know what you mean. *snort*
                                I'm gonna have to growl at you now gryph... ggrrrrr... lol!
                                I'm hopefully gonna do karate or some form of self defence next year (if i have time) i really want to, but i'm doing too much at the moment.

                                Kat: yeah thats how its spelt... i'm best in foil, but i love doing sabre (if you ever get a chance to do it take it! it is sooo much fun)

