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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I'm sleepy. The lock-in was fun, though. We played put-put and go karts and laser tag from midnight till four in the morning. We played lots of games in the church. I can't think of anything else to put...O hey, Alla. I'm not odd, I'm even! Sorry, I get that from my even friend. I'm on overdrive here. Even though I slept from 8:00 to 3:00 pm...
    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


    • WAHHAA!!!! i just read like 50 pages!! ive been away for like 2 weeks. now my eyes hurt *rubs eyes*
      I'M A SPAAZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I HATE........TOMATOES!!!! YUCKY!!!
      A SPAZ named TOP


      • rofl, welcome back TOP! I dont think I have ever replyed to a post of yours. I am now going to try and reaply to everyones popst! Starting in my next post..

        Anyways, I am soo tired. I got up at 8 this morning. Then I was walking all day until 4. I am so exhausted, it isn't even funny. And now I have blisters on my feet! Ugh! Well, I am still happy! I dont know why though, i just feel good!
        CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

        Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


        • I have been aching all day. It even hurts to move my legs. Maybe it's because I ran the mile run at school yesterday and then had extreme inactivity when i got home. *snores*

          Neets-the only way you're gonna be able to reply to everysingle persons post on the TOGR is if you are like chani and don't post a lot but when you do you post long ones. Anyways I support your efforts!

          Yeah I know TOP. I hate leaving the forums because of that! People do not post as much as they used too. There was a time when we had like 210 posts per day. It was really cool! That's why I have so many posts now.
          Welcome back!

          I missed chat party...*cries*
          penguins will rule the world.


          • Damn it. Damn it, damn it, damn it. *cries* I almost started crying when I read the front page this morning: "Russian School Horror: 200 Die" And then NPR said the casualty count is now up to 330, half of them children. And 500 have been hospitalized, with about 90 children in critical condition. can people do this? How can you justify it? I hate the world...I hate the human race that kills its own because it thinks we're different enough...children...children...I hate the world....
            "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
            There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
            And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
            What could mean more than this?"
            --Bright Eyes


            • Originally posted by EWizard11:
              Damn it. Damn it, damn it, damn it. *cries* I almost started crying when I read the front page this morning: "Russian School Horror: 200 Die" And then NPR said the casualty count is now up to 330, half of them children. And 500 have been hospitalized, with about 90 children in critical condition. can people do this? How can you justify it? I hate the world...I hate the human race that kills its own because it thinks we're different enough...children...children...I hate the world....
              I know this sucks... why are we such a violent race (collective human poplace)?! i just saw a report on the toll and its shocking... violence isn't a way to stop anything, it'll just trigger a reaction and then it'll go round and round in circles with more and more people getting killed!



              • *pats Ella*
                yes, I read this book and they said, "don't you think it's cruel bringing a new life into this world?" It's very sad. And yet we have to live our lives and make the best of's quite depressing and yet I almost feel used to it, waking up getting the newspaper hear about someone dying. It's a habit which makes it horrible...
                God. Terrorists should THINK! no it's not gonna help your cause by killing more people. Hurting people KIDS will not solve anything.
                I wish I could tell everybody to shut up start over and think.
                penguins will rule the world.


                • Not only what technically clasifys as "terrorists". D'you know how many children have died on Irak? They even SHOW some of them to you on Farehnheit 911. You'll have to think about what classifies as "terrorist". Because, then, everyone in Irak and in all of wars have been terrorists themselves.
                  Comradely, Diego

                  Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                  "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                  "Be a real


                  • hey...*Feels depressed* I have to post this poem again. It just describes everything...


                    So much hate,
                    So much war,
                    Not quite sure,
                    What we're fighting for.

                    Parties contradict,
                    And argue all day,
                    About whether the troops,
                    Should go or stay.

                    One party says go,
                    They should fight in our defense,
                    The other party says why,
                    Why should we expense?

                    Sending out troops,
                    To fight for no reason,
                    Sending them to their grave,
                    We've commited treason.

                    War is pointless,
                    And makes no sense,
                    Now it is dawn,
                    Let the killing commense.

                    Ugh. I feel sick being human.
                    penguins will rule the world.


                    • Do yall not see it?! This is why we are figting in Iraq! To stop that from happening! What happened in that Russian school.. Listen, I know we can't forget abput it but let's talk about smthn elese...
                      CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                      Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                      • ROFLMAO!!! I just read Alla's jokes... *shakes head*

                        Hey, TOP. How's your dog? It must be hard on you.

                        I made it to a Chat Party ON TIME yesterday! Not too big of a crowd, but Alla made it.

                        210 posts per day? Naw, but pretty close. I noticed that a cetain bored person who has an Alicia Keys avatar contributed to those near-200 posts a lot. Well, it's not summer so people don't have as much time to post and read. So, yeah, it's nice to not have so many posts.

                        ... Seeing the newspaper's reports just tears my heart apart.

                        Another thing you have to consider is why people do things like this. For all it seems heartless and IS heartless and destructive, they do have reasons. But... is their goal worth all of this pain? Instantly everyone says no. So why do they chose to do this? Why? There are other angles of attack than violence. People - not just terrorists - don't stop and think "Is this really the best way? Is this really worth the pain, death, and suffering? The sorrow, greif, and anguish?"

                        I do what I can... maybe smile at a stranger holding a door open at a store for me. Maybe a simple, "thank you," or, "have a good day," can do so much for a person. Just be nice. It won't end wars or bring peace for a country, but it'll sure help an individual.

                        The war in Iraq... of course the conversation is going to lead back to this. So let me think and put in my opinion. What are we doing? Liberating the country? Yes, we're doing that... but I see no end to the war. American troops are dying... Iraqi civilians are dying. I suppose it would be worse to do nothing, and it's not really our fault that innocents are dying, but maybe there's a more effective way of going around this? Maybe we're not doing what we should? What we should do is NOT pull out of Iraq until we've found some solution. 'Cause if we pull out now, it'll be worse than if we did nothing. I think I read somewhere that Kerry wanted to weaken our military. Am I right? I'd rather have more info on this; the newspaper isn't giving enough information.

                        So now I want to hear everyone else's opinions and facts.
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • So we are on Iraq killing iraqi children and iraqi civilians. Yay for Bush! Yay for Rumsfeld! yay for liberation!
                          Comradely, Diego

                          Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                          "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                          "Be a real


                          • my county's jail is being taken over by inmates. i just heard it on the radio that a section of the jail was taken over this morning and i had no knowledge about it until this afternoon. they say no one has been hurt, which is definately a good thing. i wonder how the people who run the jail even let this happen. well, i hope they get it under control soon.

                            i don't feel like giving an opinion to the iraq war, but on a similar note- my friend's dad just came back home this weekend after being stationed in iraq for a year. everyone is super happy.

                            now, let's see if i can think of a happy topic for the togr since the topic of war and death is well to be recognized, yet depressing to dwell on for too long. hmm...i know! i had a lemon-poppy seed muffin for breakfast and they are the best type of muffins ever! what is everyone's favorite muffin?

                            i know it is kind-of a lame topic, but it is something simple and neutral.
                            Member of the Tumbleweeds of the World Foundation. Beware the Tumbleweed Stampede! :bouncegrin:
                            "Where shall wisdom be found, and where is the place of understanding? If I knew, I'd walk over and stand there." Roger Zelazny


                            • DB? Iraq. With a "q."

                              Have I mentioned that DB is a type of beer in NZ? Stands for "Dark Bitter" or "Deep Bitter" or possibly "Draught Bitter." Something like that.

                              As for Iraq... I would not count the actions of the government of the USA in Iraq as terrorism; technically they are acts of war because it is the official armed forces of one country against the other. That makes them controlabble under... it's the Geneva Convention, isn't it? For prisoners of war. However, I personally consider that war and terrorism, as it is in Iraq now, are not particularly different. What has happened in Iraq to thousands and thousands of civilians- not soldiers- who have done nothing to deserve it... that is no better and in a purely body-count tally would be worse than the actions of the terrorists of September 11. War is not supposed to affect civilians- obviously it does, all the time, but you know what I mean. If only soldiers were dying it would be different- still sad, but different; soldiers at least signed up for it.

                              And all these civilians dying is not the act of some rogue terrorist group, but of a first-world country and the richest, most powerful one in the world. What's wrong with that idea?
                              Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                              • I spelled it with an q. Well, if at some moment I didn't, it's because on spanish people say Irak.
                                Comradely, Diego

                                Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                                "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                                "Be a real

