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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • well, I hgave to go to bed so i wanted to drop in and say g night so, good night all!
    CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

    Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


    • g'night nita... good morning from my point of view.

      hey just a quick q. whats with the 'STTF' 'KTTF' and 'WTTMF'? whats the idea behind it all?

      i think the idea of the watch the topic mutate foundation... hehehe i'm evil...

      nah... i'm bored... is anyone out there who is any good a nuclear physics? i have an exam tomorrow and i'm stuffed for it...



      • Once apon a time. Fox killed topics. All the time.
        We (nita and I) had to step in and save the ones we liked. This got to be a bit of a habit. So one day, I started my post with "Hello, I'm with the Save the Topic Foundation, would you like to make a donation?" Thus the STTF was born. The KTTF was a spinoff I suggested Fox head, but Gryphon picked it up. WTTMF is a new one to me. Join the STTF. We're the original and best.

        +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
        +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


        • I've just started a HuggleTheTopicFoundation *hugglesfoundation*
          I love Huggles!!!
          *huggles poot*
          penguins will rule the world.


          • For all young people interested in social and political issues, check out UNICEF: Voices of Youth. They have very diverse forums. I thought I'd bring this up because the other day I was on the forums and I was reading this post of an Iraqi teenager about her daily's horrible. She can't even go outside on her own now. So many of her friends and family have been killed. Before the war she had a normal life, but now the school that she went to has been closed... the schools are so bad now, if you get sick or miss a year or get behind in your education, your future goes down the drain and you're the beginning, she said, the Americans were viewed as liberators but now almost everyone sees them as occupiers. I would too, in that position. She can't even go outside on her own's awful.

            Okay, I'm sorry about bringing that topic back up, but I felt that link had to be posted. You know what, this has to be talked about. Maybe I'll make a topic for it...

            *goes off to find out more about these weird foundations*
            "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
            There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
            And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
            What could mean more than this?"
            --Bright Eyes


            • WAHAAA!! BiW GONE! GONE I TELL U!! GONEE!!!! NOOOO!!!!!
              weelllll..she is actuelly in PA...but i miss her...i cant het aholed (or however u spell i) waaa!
              A SPAZ named TOP


              • Ella, wow that's really sad. I've always wondered what the Iraquies (sp) actually really thought of the war. The media hides their feelings so everybody ssumes they're happy about I wish we had a person from Iraq on these forums so that I could ask them about that...
                penguins will rule the world.


                • back to what i was saying b4 my dad made me get off the compy....I trying to get aholed of her and i cant..and..and i dunno when shes gettin home...AND I MISS HER!! WAAAAA....
                  o, and gryph, my dog is ok now. she just got back from the hospital and shes doin MUCH better!
                  A SPAZ named TOP


                  • *huggles* I'm glad your dog is better. Hopefully she stays better.

                    Z... I don't know if that's right. No, we shouldn't have an Iraqi person here just to talk to them and ask how life is for them. They aren't its.

                    A hold. (I think...)

                    I popped in VOY. It looks really neat. :/ Maybe I'll look into it more later. I can't join it, though. Or at least not now. Ugg. I hate not having time for things.

                    Huggle the topic foundation...? *snort* Those poor topics must need a lot of love from friends. They don't have a voice of their own, but they have to listen to other's.


                    Alla, do you have AIM? AOL Instant Messenger? My screenname is Izzagryphon.
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • Originally posted by Gryphon:
                      *huggles* I'm glad your dog is better. Hopefully she stays better.

                      Z... I don't know if that's right. No, we shouldn't have an Iraqi person here just to talk to them and ask how life is for them. They aren't its.

                      Huggle the topic foundation...? *snort* Those poor topics must need a lot of love from friends. They don't have a voice of their own, but they have to listen to other's.

                      Not what I meant. And HTTF is protecting Topics for Gryphon who will KEEL them.
                      penguins will rule the world.


                      • alla - I have never done saber. There are not many people at the club I go to who do it and the ones who do are ver, ver good. Which means it's not really that great to fence them as I will just lose repeatdly.
                        I've done epiee once but I kept on forgetting that legs were on target so I lost. And ended up with sore legs.


                        • Originally posted by sharklord:
                          Once apon a time. Fox killed topics. All the time.
                          We (nita and I) had to step in and save the ones we liked. This got to be a bit of a habit. So one day, I started my post with "Hello, I'm with the Save the Topic Foundation, would you like to make a donation?" Thus the STTF was born. The KTTF was a spinoff I suggested Fox head, but Gryphon picked it up. WTTMF is a new one to me. Join the STTF. We're the original and best.
                          HEY THATS NOT FARE SHARKY!!! NITA KILLS THEM TOO!! hahahah. Now the WTTMF rings a bell hmmmm... Nita did you mention something like that about changing the STTF to that?? Someone did I'm sure!! oh well, i'm off to read
                          God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                          Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                          • WTTMF is either "Why The Turtle Make Foundations?" with "should we" missing between Turtle and Make or the "Watch The Topic Mutate Foundation".

                            *grabs Poot to use as a model for a paperdoll*
                            Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                            • Originally posted by Peter Murray:
                              WTTMF is either "Why The Turtle Make Foundations?" with "should we" missing between Turtle and Make or the "Watch The Topic Mutate Foundation".
                              TURTLE!!!!!!!!!! WEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              A SPAZ named TOP


                              • OMG! I'm so freakin confused. I just got back from my dad's girlfriend's house. She doen't have the internet and it's killing me. I'm desperatly trying to get my life back in order, all while talking to a bunch of people on IM. Oh great, this is gunna be a loooong post.

                                First of all, YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!1 My mom got highspeed CABLE internet! NO MORE OF THAT DISPICLABLE DIALUP CRAP PEOPLE CALL INTERNET!!!!!

                                I hate you guys at the moment. I finaly got around to reading the HDM series, and I just finished The Golden Compass. Those stupid spoilers that you peoples put in back when we were talking about that. NOW I KNOW WHAT'S GUNNA HAPPEN AND IT'S NOT FAIR!!! Now I'll have to read the rest of the series knowing the horrid thing that will happen!! WHAAAAAAA!!!! *cries*

                                TOP!!!! I missed you girl!!!!!! You shoulda came with me to PA!!! We ended up not going to see AVP. And we went to a barbeque last night. It was one of the FUNNEST barbeque's I've EVER been to!!!!!!
                                WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR DOG???? WHICH ONE????? OH SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!

                                *dies laughing at PM's avie* HAHA!!!! funny.

                                That wasn't that long... oh well
                                Reality is for those who lack imagination.

