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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Vegan_Chick's principles, of course, mean she's also opposed to violence to eggs. So I took her quote from the chat:

    and used it to inspire this.

    It was also her suggestion that Gryphon fry me!

    Well, I suppose with Gryphon's kitty buried, and my avatar (not an egg! or a splat!) cracked and fried, the violence has to stop.

    Unless anyone else wants to take it up? Maybe editing dollmaker figures would be easier .

    Schmedgar said:
    eeeee, I just meet you all and now there's bloodshed and death (and not the good kind of death with kitties eather) and and and...
    See what happens when VGDawn gets brought into the conversation ? I said it was scary .
    Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


    • Schmedgar:
      eeeee, I just meet you all and now there's bloodshed and death (and not the good kind of death with kitties eather) and and and...
      Hehe. I'm not normally this morbid. Well, not always. Just a little graphic.

      As for roleplaying, I know exactly what you mean. All of my characters are a little fragment of myself. I chip off parts of my personality. Yes, the random, hyper, and completely silly The Gryphon that I use is a bit of me. Some are closer to the entire picture than the others.

      No worry about you not knowing how to roleplay. That's kinda the entire situation everyone is in. Yeah, you can just apply, and I'll accept you. You don't need anything -- just say, "I am Schmedgar." Once you've thought of a character, make a profile for it in the profile boards.
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i can't stop laughing at those pics *wants a tablet, but can't draw anyway* ...

        mmm... schmedgar, roleplaying can be a little daunting to start off with ... I started in the MSN chatrooms when they were still open to aussies and kids, usually doing Harry Potter ones and trying (in vain) to get a YW or Tamora Pierce one going . If you're that afraid, start off with yourself... put yourself in those situations and try to think of what you would do... or if you're like me and like writing endless piles of stories (in the hope that one will get publised one day), borrow a carrie from there and throw them into the mix... Thats what Benaedin is and her character has developed soo much since she started wandering around on VGDawn...

        YAY!!! I have 11 days of school left _EVER_... and then schoolies!!!

        sorry i wasn't on this morning, guys, but I had to tidy my room before it got too hot... (i.e. before 6am... ... the sun gets up way way way too early here at the moment... *is holding out for a storm to break the humididty tooo*

        anyways... I have had this sudden urge to watch the star wars trilogy at them moment, so I will return to watch luke battling darth vader in return of the jedi!

        May the Force Be With You!!!



        • I want to watch it with you Alla!!! (I have #'s 4 and 6 on tape...and I want to see 5 a lot! but that's just me...) And also, those pics were really funny!


          • Z: *huggles* And Hola chica! Well, you have probably given Schmedgar a knickname.. but really they gave one to themselves in their siggie. Smoochie. So cute. Schmedgar.. I dub you Smoochie!

            Aurora: Physics was one of the most fun classes for me when I was a senior in High School. We did water balloon launching and straw bridges. (my group won the straw bridge contest... something like 250 pounds or something. *bounces*)

            Danzrgrl: We missed ya!

            Gryph: ROFL! Oh, that was so funny... your drawing of PM tripping. *chuckle* You go ninja kittie!

            BUENAS DIAS o TARDES o NOCHES!! *chuckle* I think that should cover it.

            Alla: Go Star Wars! I have been a fan since episode 6 came out.

            Well, I finally made it through the like 5 pages. *feels proud of self* And I didn't skip any. I gotta get back on at VGDawn and post a bit here and there... sorta haven't had time much for anything, but I gotta take a few minutes (or hour really) to catch up there. I wonder how they are doing without me. I suppose that I should give permission for someone to play a very cool, but stuffy character.
            -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
            The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
            I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


            • WOHOOOO!!!

              First person to post now they're baaack!!!

              Wow.. soo much to talk about... sorta anyway.

              I have spoken to tui and she said that she would be back on about the 24 November. She starts exams today. Good Luck, Tui, even if you don't read this til they're over!

              *bounces* Yay!!! I'm happy now!!!

              soo... what to talk about?

              *counts* I have three full days of school left _ever_! wow!

              oh well... i will wait for some one else to start the convo!!!



              • Happy!!!!! The forums are back!!!!!YAY!!!!!
                Okay, someone remind me to breathe. I was so mad when they dissapeared. . .But they're BACK!!
                Now the only bad thing is, I forgot which page I was on reading the TOGR. I'm still reading all of it, though obviously I'm not going to be done by Halloween. My new goal is Thanksgiving.

                My library is a little better than I thought, it has some things. So now I'm reading City of the Beasts, the first book in His Dark Materials, I forget what it's called, and several Terry Pratchett books. I actually think I got out all the Discworld books they have, but I can't check to see if they have more because their online library catalog is still down. I'm glad the forums weren't down as long as the catalog, which has been down for about a year. . .


                • WE'RE
                  now hand over your screen names I need them to aim/msn you. Here's the funniest thing that happened today in school...

                  Characters:Bob*, Jack*, Me* (*some names have been changed )
                  Setting:Science Class
                  Other:I live in a suburbs that are fairly well-off calld *oodbury. (Feel the wrath of my * evil internet stalkers!)

                  Bob:I live in the ghetto of *oodbury
                  Jack and Me: There is no ghetto of *oodbury! It's a rich place!
                  Bob:Well I live in a bad part...
                  Jack:Where do you live?
                  Bob:The town homes...
                  Jack and Me:*rolls eyes*
                  ((townhomes are REALLYVVERYVERYVERY NICE!))
                  Jack (teasing):I lived in such a bad part of *oodbury we called it the hoodbury.
                  Medrops head on desk in annoyance) i give up...


                  10 rules people in my school should follow
                  1)Dye your hair back to your natural color...enough blond.
                  2) Don't layer the black eyelinner you don't look cute with it covering your whole eyes!
                  3)Boys...wear a belt...I'm tired of seeing checkered hanes.
                  4)No more POSERS! Stop the ELEMENT AND INDEPENDENT if you can't skateboard.

                  Wow my first post in 2 weeks and I'm already on a rant...ADIOS!
                  penguins will rule the world.


                  • God, I love you all. *massive huggles* Missed you if you weren't at VGDawn. ((Like some of your *coughcoughpmcoughcough* should have been.)) Everyone was suffering

                    I iz envious, yesh, yesh. Alla, I have several months left of this year followed by more years and more for college... Ahhh, when will it end!?

                    Exam tomorrow... and it's not even the end of the year! Just the quarter. No fun at all... History. I have math homework too. And a lot of other stuff I don't want to do. ARAAAHHH!!

                    I. Hate. Bush. I hope he dies. Nitafan and everyone that's a Bush-fan, sorry, but I will go on a screaming rampage. And I'm sure you would too if you were a real Kerry hater and he won. The churchs... our Christian majority overturned it. Because you know you can't go against the word of the church.

                    Before I start screaming, I need a new topic.

                    Cassue is sitting on my arm. Can't type with my left hand. *Cass moves* thankyouverymuch

                    Halloween was great. Wheeeeeee

                    I want more TP books!!
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • I hope we aren't annoying DD or Lee with all these little pictures... uh-oh. Should've thought of that sooner...
                      We killed the site . Billing problem indeed.

                      Weird. I can't get this to work in Firefox any more, but it works in Safari now. But that's probably due to a Firefox problem, not the site.
                      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                      • I have firefox and it works. I like safari better but it's not on my computer. hmmm.

                        Bush...*coughs* I wonder how Diego is feeling at the moment.
                        penguins will rule the world.


                        • Haha, I was so dissapointed the YW forums were down that I joined almost everything else in sight. . .I'm on the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter forums now, I would have joined VGDawn too, but I couldn't remember the web address, and wasn't letting me search the directory, and I couldn't get there from Gryph's siggy because Gryph's siggy is atached to the message board, which died when I was trying to get to page 145 of TTOGR.

                          Ack. Now I want to go to New York. . .we go there for the summers, and just for the heck of it I tried to defeat their online catalog by putting in all of my favorite authors, and they had all the books by every singe one that I would ever want to read.
                          I'm mad at my libraries here again. I have to wait all the way until next SUMMER to read Stealing the Elf-Kings Roses, The Book of Night With Moon, To Visit the Queen. . .
                          Ooh, next summer Wizards at War will be out! And since the library there actually gets new books every once in a while, instead of just getting the first in the series and then forgetting about it, I'll be able to read that too. . .

                          You know what's wierd? The last day of October, you're like "Christmas? Oh, that's so far away. . .it's only October!" And then the next day, it's like,"Run! Panic! It's November already! It's to close to Christmas!" My mom is like that. So now she has to do a ton of Christmas shopping. . .

                          I have the llama song stuck in my head.


                          • Funny. I haven't seen Diego since the day before they announced. He's probably furious. I'm furious too... We need something better, a lot better.

                            Wildflower, someone made a Search It! community at AG where you can search for rpgs. Mine is listed under fantasy. (if I could rmemeber the search it link... ) Mine is

                            *slaps slef* Avie, uh, yeah. I blanked.

                            Christmas shopping... Oh yeah. I had a list somewhere with a big mess of things to suggest (my parents never know what to get me) with Alla's camera, a lot of books, and a few CDs, but then I lost it.


                            Anyway, I still have work to do. Talk ta ya later!
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • *dances* Yay! I can be random again! Eek. I don't understand my Algebra. Well, I do but not really. If that makes sense. I get the concept, but not how you get the answer... Oh well. My mom wasn't too happy about Bush. All the Democrats (actually, whose parents are democrats) in my school are being criticized pretty badly. Really sad. I gotta go get my friend on here...
                              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                              • Why are they the target? That's just messed up. As for elgebra, tell me what you're doing. I'm serious! Same for Z and M. *huggles all*

                                I just started a war-free topic by the Ocean. It's called Liramiel. I have another post to add, then people can join. It would be hard to enter it now; Rei is just 'somewhere.'
                                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

