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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Z: Awww... thanks honey! *returns huggles* I am improving with time...*does improvement dance*

    Wildflower: Thanks too..

    Angelstar: Sorry you are not feeling well either... *huggles* too!

    Neets: My girl! I am fine.. I am not fighting with Diego.. just not speaking with him... *sigh* Not what it is made out to be. Oh well... doesn't matter anyhow.
    It is great to see you back. We all missed you terribly!

    Anyhows, to the end now.... loves to all!
    -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
    The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
    I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


    • That's Mlle. Schmoochie to you.

      eeeee, I'm at work and I just lit something on fire- errrr, a wee bit unintentionally. Well, unless you are a Freudian.

      *torches the file cabinet*

      I feel so much better now.

      Gryph- please hurry through the yellow belt stage. I congratulate you on reaching it, but its just not a flattering color on most people.

      Hihi to the other new people. Wildfire, did you really read the whole topic?? Is there a medal you can add to your icon for that?

      I have made the same list 4 times today. One I left on the counter, one crashed with Word, one was involved in that accidental fire, the last has already disappeared under a million other papers.

      Maybe it's Art.


      • Yes, I really did read the whole thing. I guess I could find an avie of an olympic medal somewhere, but I like the one I have now. I think you have fire on the brain, though- my username is wildflower. Hehe.

        Meef. My brother is on and the themesong is really annoying. *Turns it all the way down* Oh shoot, he turned it back up again. And now he's singing. Blah.

        My library insists upon giving you a printout receipt of all the books you have out from the library system whenever you check any out. It's a wonder they don't run out of ink and paper whenever I visit them. I usually have about thirty or forty from various libraries at any given time. And they always have this need to comment. "My, you must really like to read!" "Are you going to finish all those in three weeks?" Heh.


        • YAY!! NEW PEOPLLLLEEESSS!! Howdy, my name is Nita/Neets/heyyouoverthere. Whatever ya want to call me. Well, welcome to the site!! Hmmmm, I dunno why I am gonna say that if yall have been here before me. hehehe.

          I MISSED YALL TO!! *huggles everyone* Im so happy I am back! But i have a wwwhhhooolllleeee lot to catch up on. And I am going to my neighbors house in a few to link Xboxes and play Halo 2. WHICH IS AWESOME I MIGHT ADD!!

          Okay, gatsta go, bye byes!
          CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

          Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


          • *dies* I've been doing a lot of *die*ing lately... This guy who I kind of like *cough* just said something that made me *die*. Actually, it was in 7th period, hours ago. But I'm still *dieing*. He said I was...OH, I can't write it. Anyways, my friend (lovebird) is havin' a fit. She's uh... wishing that the guy she likes would say something to her. *dies* Argh. The bad thing is that I think this irritating immature rude obnoxious little friend of his told him to say it. Of course, I've know that little brat since 2nd grade. *dies*
            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


            • *huggles* Neets again, just for good measure.

              Angel: You have a point there... you are dying a bit much, even for you.

              -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
              The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
              I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


              • I might be over-reacting just a teensy weensy bit. Heh. Anyways... I have to go practice my flute before my mom kills me. Or worse, won't let me read my book!
                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                • Hey Angel_Star, hope you stop *die*ing!

                  *huggles Neets* YOU'RE BACK!

                  *huggles meteorite* Floods and/or natural disasters of any kind are scary! I know, because I saw The Day After Tomorrow! (Don't I get an award from M or something?) Oh, and natural disasters include tumbleweed stampedes...there was one of those in DAT.

                  Ugh, nothing's going on in my life...just suspense waiting for audition results, but that has mostly faded; and tomorrow I'm visiting the high school at my school to see what it will be like. So I basically get a day off from school...
                  "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                  There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                  And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                  What could mean more than this?"
                  --Bright Eyes


                  • I got asked out. . . yay! ^^ I really like the guy too. . . he's so kind, and he's always sort of been a protector of the small. . . he once saw a grade nine getting picked on by a grade 11, he took the grade 11 out and told him to leave the kid alone or to pick on him (He's over six feet tall and built broadly), and then he took the kid to the office. . . the other guy got suspended for two weeks. He's so kind like that. . . He's got a real sense of honour and loyalty.

                    Yeah, he's really a sweetheart.

                    I really hope that Bush doesn't drag the rest of the world in his war, and I hope he doesn't start WWIII or anything stupid like that. . . I don't want Canada to get very involved, at least never involved until the point that a draft is called. . . I know it's VERY VERY VERY unlikely, but you know, everyone I know, all my friends and me, we're either old enough to be drafted or will be old enough to be drafted in the next few years. . . I don't want there to be war. I don't like the war the Bush has started.

                    Like someone above said . . . the only number people seem to be counting is the American death toll, but how many Iraqi have died? They're people too.


                    • Lucky Aurie. *huggles* then *huggles guy* SEND THE 11TH GRADERS TO SUSPENSION! YAY!

                      A lot of the 9th graders pick on the 7th graders (me) a lot. We have a rule for getting to lunch.
                      7th graders-run to lunch. they don't care. they're just hungry.
                      8th graders-are too cool to run to lunch, they're hungry. But they don't want to look like idiots.
                      9th graders-too lazy to run to lunch.

                      Again with what aurie said. When I went to England, they only showed British death toll, not american. I think it's always like that around countries. We all know that the Iraqis are probably dieing more or around the same as the americans...actually the problem is not everybody knows...
                      penguins will rule the world.


                      • Shmoomoomedgar:
                        Gryph- please hurry through the yellow belt stage. I congratulate you on reaching it, but its just not a flattering color on most people.
                        Oh, oh, fine. I want to go through the belts fast if I can.

                        YAY!! NEW PEOPLLLLEEESSS!! Howdy, my name is Nita/Neets/heyyouoverthere. Whatever ya want to call me. Well, welcome to the site!! Hmmmm, I dunno why I am gonna say that if yall have been here before me. hehehe.
                        And ghosty! Don't forget ghosty! People really chewed out Bush while you were gone. I'm pissed that he won. I know you're not, but I have this annoying personallity where I have to keep reminding myself that, yes, some people have different opinions than I do and that, yes, it's okay to have different opinions. As soon as he's reelected, he starts all of these oil drilling plans, opening up protected areas in Alaska. What the heck!? Aghh!

                        What is Halo 2? I've heard a lot about it, but I've never seen it.

                        Awesome, Aurie.

                        I think Iraqis are dieing more, aren't they? I feel awful.

                        G'night all.
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • Everyone at my school is bent on Halo 2. There was an all night Halo party a day ago in the theater for all the crew members. Halo 2 is a video game, the continuation of Halo, which was wildly popular.

                          +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                          +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


                          • NEETS! Are you able to come online again? I hope to see you in MSN IM soon if you can!!! *huggles*


                            • My band teacher was up real late last night playing Halo 2. People in class were talking about it. *sigh* I have no idea what it's about. I don't keep up with that kind of stuff.

                              My brother's birthday is today. Tomorrow is his party. At Toys R Us. With 13 other kindergarten boys. 13. And I will have to be there. *faints* This is going to be fun...
                              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                              • Oh good... Angel has gone from dying to fainting...

                                *huggles neets again*

                                Rad: MSN messenger is fantastic... *High 5's*

                                Gryph: *huggles* for... well... for no reason whatsoever!

                                *edit* Possibly one of my most meaningless posts to date!
                                -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                                The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                                I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac

