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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Ella: Congratulations!

    *emily*: Hey welcome! *waves* Craziness seems to be a requirement for posting. So, you should feel at home.

    Wilf: You go there... resist Gryphon as long as possible! I will give you moral support in this. *hides from gryphon's nasty claws* *chuckle*

    My new book is supposed to come today. *falls down from the waiting* *gets up* Okay... am alright...

    And my music too... *

    Sorry... can't help it. You all have a great one!
    -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
    The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
    I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


    • Wilf:
      Actually, joining VGDawn is not compulasory. Don't give in to peer pressure! (I'm not a member, depsite continual efforts by some people)
      Lies! You must join! Actually, it's really fun.

      No weddings, but there has been an engagement. ((That I hope wasn't for real...))

      As for plural of ellipsis, I was wondering that too. *shrugs* Ellipsi? I just tried to avoid the plural.

      Mmmm... reeses...

      Oh, oh! Rad's nickname is RC, and that stands for Radical Cream. Absolutely random, so don't ask, but my mind was on whipped cream then.

      Wilf: You go there... resist Gryphon as long as possible! I will give you moral support in this. *hides from gryphon's nasty claws* *chuckle*

      What's all this anti VGDawn stuff? The ignorance of you people!

      Half life 2 came out yesterday. Wheeeee!
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • Oh, Em is already on vgdawn. I forced her to get on, saying that it was the abosolute best rp. ~lol~ I think she's Serena or somebody. I gotta go, I'm on the school computer. They'll kill me if they find out I'm on here... ~lol~
        the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


        • Originally posted by Wilf:
          Actually, joining VGDawn is not compulasory. Don't give in to peer pressure! (I'm not a member, depsite continual efforts by some people)
          Yay! See, it's not just me.
          I keep on getting 'ellipsis' (...) and 'ellipses' (pl. of ellipse) mixed up.... rather annoying. Also, what's the the plural 'ellipsis'? Ellipsises??
          According to my dictionary, the plural is... ellipses; so now you can get even more confused .
          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


          • Ya. Angel's right...I'm on vgdawn already. Although I haven't posted yet...

            What is the 'ellipsis' thing about? So confused.

            Anyways, how DO I change my icon? The one I have is ok, but there is better.

            I think my lowest score on my progress report was a 93%...I think. Angel_Star is just too smart for her own good--ignore her. lol.

            Talk later!


            • Originally posted by Gryphon:

              Z! Tell me what you're doing! I can help, honest.

              As for someone on 24/7... ah, that would be Z in the summer time.

              YOU MUST JOIN VGDAWN!!! *pokes at siggy* We'll help you through it if you don't understand.
              *huggles Gryph* (I am a proffessional topic huggler. BTW Emily, there are many groups you can join, they mean nothing, but there are
              Save the topic foundation(STTF)
              Kill the topic foundation(KTTF)
              Huggle the topic foundation(HTTF) OOOH PICK THIS ONE!)

              BTW-ellipses are the little moon thingies people. And you can go to the newbie topic and it'll teach you how to change your avie and everything.

              Now back to Gryph's post.
              -Math, I was doing math, but I got an A on my test so I'm happy. Now I have an a in math (2nd Quarter), but I had a B on my report card for last quarter.
              -Yes I'm always on in the summer. It's because I have nothing to do. YMCA camp and El Lago Del Bosque, are the only things I do usually. (Me encanta el lago del bosque!)
              -JOIN VGDAWN! JOIN!JOIN!
              right now dain is trying to get on my last nerve by making my character look like an idiot. It's working...I keep trying not to get annoyed but it is, it's also kind of amusing how she can change my character into an idiot so fast...

              MY DAY...1 word. Swimming.
              My problem is I don't know how to swim, and that's what we're doing in gym for 10 days straight. So gym is going to be like pure *el diablo* (yes. everytime i swear i'll just use the word el diablo, no sense in making lee mad at me, then i'd have nothing to do during the summer.) Anyways back to swimming...I guess I'll just have to deal...or learn how to swim before tomoroww...(can you help me with that gryph?! )
              penguins will rule the world.


              • Serena? Sounds familiar.

                Ah, sorry I never came back to the chat Rad, PM, and Emily. I don't have all of my homework done; I still have to study.

                From the chat:
                Peter Murray Oh rats, I was going to ask Gryphon what something in one of her posts last week meant.

                What is the 'ellipsis' thing about? So confused.
                When you use the '...', it's called an ellipsis. We were wondering about the plural of the 'dot dot dots.'

                To change your avie, you can go to something by clicking something and then by clicking 'edit profile' and scrolling down. Oh, oh, towards the top of the forum, click go, and it'l be a drop down menu. My space followed by My Profile. At the top there, click Edit Profile. Somewhere below it'll be there. If you want a custom avie, send it to Lee via e-mail.

                Hey, you missed two foundations, Z! Watch the Topic Mutate Foundation and Be Random to the Topic Foundation. I think nitafan and sharky started the foundations.

                Moon thingies? Eclipse? Or am I being confused?

                You're dodging me, Z. I will help if you need it. ...but how am I supposed to teach you to swim? How 'bout this: wear goggles, hold your breath if you go under, and don't panic; there aren't sharks. 'Specially not mad, killer sharks like- [gets eaten by mad killer jaws aka Sharky]!
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • Hey ppeps! Wow, I sure did miss alot.. My parents wouldent let me on during the weekend. Oh, I probably wont be able to get on the weekend at all either. AND NEXT WEEK WE HAVE OFF!! YYYYEEEESSSSS!! I am gonna leave Wendsday for my grandparemts house in Arkansas. Boy I cant wait! And if I do get on the compy it will be at like 1 or 2 in the morning.

                  MY FRIEND BURNED LP CDS FOR ME!! Dain did, from VGDawn. He is SO AWESOME!!

                  Yes, Sharky started the foundations. When Fox him and I went around saving all the topics that have been keeled. So, Sharky said lets make the STTF. So foundations were born. *tears up* I always get emotional at these stories...

                  HERMANA!! Z! HHHEEEYYY!! *huggles* I havent talked to you since before I was grounded! Well, now I am! hehehehe

                  I have to go ppls. I would write more but my mommy needs help with making supper and I am SO HUNGRY! Soooooos, I will ttyl ppls! Luff yall!

                  CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                  Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                  • YAY! I'm so happy! The speech teacher pushed my speech back a day so I have until Friday to finish it! *dances around* I get a stay of execution for awhile!!!
                    Now if you had wizard school (not Hogwarts school, but Young Wizards school), what would the classes be?

                    First period: Speech
                    Second period: Spelling
                    Third period: Gym and the climbing ropes of doom

                    Any other ideas?


                    • Ellipsis follows the same pluralization scheme as words like premisis and thesis. ^.^ there, not so confusing anymore.

                      Hello, emily! my nick is semi, but I don't post that often anymore since ttogr seems to be the only topic that's still going strong now...

                      talky:...classes in a wizarding school? Lol. There should be a class dedicated solely to the study of things that wizards have to do reinactments of (e.g., moytura, Song of Twelve, Battle Under the Tree, etc.) since there seem to be so many of them. And a class for studying different types of intellegent life, and what not to do to/around different species. And maybe of classes-of-life class, like all about that stuff that Nita looked up in AWAl when she figured out the abdal thing.

                      (edit) <plug> Oh, by the way: if anyone does art, go visit the Monthly Original Bishoujo, I won last month and get to feature a character for the contest ^.^ </plug>


                      • you guys have forgotten the TWOTWF! *feels rejected* Join this one emily.. and tumbleweed the chatrooms with us

                        well... i had fun today at wet n' wild, cept for treading on a cigarette but that some *insert swear word here* careless smoker had left lying on the ground. Smokers should be banned from smoking in public places. If they want to kill themselves, let them do it in private.

                        *Is happy-sad* I have one hour left of school... i dunno whether to feel happy about it or sad about it.

                        Anyways, must go. Music practice to do. I might be on tomorrow, I'm not sure yet



                        • Nitafan:
                          Yes, Sharky started the foundations. When Fox him and I went around saving all the topics that have been keeled. So, Sharky said lets make the STTF. So foundations were born. *tears up* I always get emotional at these stories...
                          Oh, I remember that. *snorts*

                          Wheee, Semi! I can see yours on the front.

                          No, no, resist the tumbleweeds! [shouts dead grass and grass' neighbors]

                          I'd be rejoicing if I were you, Alla. I have half a billion hours (scratch that; I don't want it to come true... *shudders*) of school left.
                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • Gryphon: We just have to counteract your effective persuasions! *huggles* You know we all love you! *sigh* I just don't have time every day... though I should more often.

                            *falls down laughing* You guys are so very funny. *huggles* to all of my girls! *chuckle*

                            Since I don't have to work tonight, perhaps I will have time to come chat... *crosses fingers*
                            -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                            The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                            I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                            • ACK! I have to work on my speech practically non-stop until 2 tomorrow afternoon!!! PLease, someone, knock me out! I'll be fine after 2, but until then...*dies* And then I don't get to rest too much b/c I have to start working on a presentation for computer class. (I've been putting it off...) *is nervous* The speech for tomorrow is supposed to be 8 minutes, but it's only been like 3.5 minutes when I practice! I really need some help...good thing my partner is coming around today...TTYL later, when I'm not so panicked!!!


                              • Okay. I wanna join the huggles foundation!! fun fun fun!!

                                Oh, I HATE speeches. I have one due on December 13 or something like that. I'm doing it on how to make those peanut butter cookies with hershey kisses in the middle. yum.

                                Hi everybody who said hi to me. I can't keep track...too many people!! lol.

                                Well, I must get to work on an ICP (intro to chemistry and physics) project. I have to learn about a stupid element and make a model and such. maybe I'll get far and come chat.

