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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Dai emily! I haven't posted for the last few pages. . .I'm not a member of any foundations yet, but my opinion is that Gryph's Be Random to the Topic Foundation is automatic, because everybody is always automatically random anyway, so does this mean we're all members now? So if you think of it like that then I guess I'm a member. Ha, I've only just met you and I'm being confusing already. I'm wildflower, by the way.

    Whee! My Christmas Cactus has a dozen buds on it already. This means it is almost Thanksgiving. It likes to bloom early. . .


    • AHHH! Semi! That is the prettiest piccy ever! *huggles semi* I want to draw like you!!!*whines*
      BTW:Her hair does TO look good. I do look at your deviantart account now and then and I saw your comment about her hair. Congrats.

      Emily. Yes, join. Nobody else likes to can just write what it says on my siggy in the siggy part of your edit profile.

      I'm getting a new avie...
      penguins will rule the world.


      • From VGDawn:

        Raven Not a member here
        Unitron appeared right next to him, his eyes wild. The woman he loved was in the underworld, chained to a wall! He spoke, weakly and quickly, for he had used up alot of energy getting there.
        "Raven is trapped by her mother, in the underworld. She is chained to a wall. You must save her." He gave them mental images of where she is. Then he fainted.

        Dwin Sharky/Sharklord at
        Dwin had been on the verge of answering, but when Unitron appeared with his news, he changed his words. "We, I guess, need your help rescuing Raven now. And we wanted to talk to you about joining our resistance against Kalidan."

        The old man (He must have been abou 225, since the average lifespan of a FotN is about 250.) who spoke to them first, looked at them with blue eye's as cold as chilled steel. "We are, in fact, resisting Kalidan. And we'd be glad to join you. If you looked like you were ready to have us. When I look at your sorry selves, I see unprepared kids who have decided to play war. Kids who can't even see around the capture of some minor warrior and stay focused on the real task--winning. The need's of the one will never outweigh the needs of the many. Now, I'll give you a chance to rescend that statement and maybe we'll talk. But if you get distracted by some unicorn telling you that his girlfriend is in the underworld, then I think it best to work against Kalidan on our own."

        Wow, slap in the face for poor Raven. Shame, Sharky, but I actually have to agree a little...

        Yes! I'm moving towards being caught up.

        Oh, but then Sharky changes stances.

        Dwin (cont'd)
        The Winter patriarch sat back down at the table and returned to reviewing his reports with the other leaders from the Winter family. The family seemed to find no fault in his mandate and returned to what they were doing, well, most of the family.

        "NO!" a girl of about twenty shouted. "You're not having your way on this one, patriarch. These people need help and this is the purpose we exist for. Now you know you can devote a few of us at least to help, nothing that big's coming over the horizon; Kalidan's still bringing his forces together."

        Ah, but then he's battling the two points between Joan and the Patriarch again.

        Where the patriarch's eyes were blue and icy, Joan's were somehow transitioning from blue to hazel to a ruddy orange, and blazing. "Don't you dare bring my brother into this, he's only 15, and I'm glad you haven't bent his mind to the same coldness you harbor in your heart. Do you think everyone else is on your side? They're all just cowed by you. And another thing--"

        ^^And that is roleplaying. Therefore, you must join VGDawn, all of you.

        Btw, Unitron is a unicorn in love with a human. Don't ask.

        *huggles all*
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro



          Yes, Gryph is right. VGDAWN ALL OF YOU MUST JOIN!

          Ok, I'm not even going try TRY to see what I've missed, but I'm never going to neglect not comeing here EVER AGAIN.

          I love that piccie semi. I wish I could draw that well, but I'm only good at digital art, and even that I'm struggling with somewhat. Although I did make that one pic of a moon... It's here if any of you care to see it.
          Reality is for those who lack imagination.


          • OMG BIW, you made that??? That's GOOD!
            Blah... short post
            "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
            "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
            "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
            "I could live


            • Wow. You people are all really good at art. I love your moon, BiW, and your girl Semi. I'm sort of ish teaching myself to draw anime, but I'm mostly really bad. However, I did finally learn how to make the hair look shiny!
              Part of the reason I can't draw anime is my art teacher. She kept saying to draw what you see, and she really loved my two-dimensional trees, but told off my brother for trying to draw Link from the Zelda games. She said something like we were drawing real people today, not silly made-up people that don't look like what you see in real life. Ugh. I ignored that, and kept drawing my little deformed Nitas. I even tried to do Sker'ret a few times.
              I like my drawings well enough to not tear them to little shreds, but even if I knew how to post them I don't think I would.

              I KEEL PAPERMARIO.COM THEMESONG! erm. Sorry about that. My little brother's on again and won't let me turn the music down. Oh wait, he left. I think I'll unplug the speakers while he's not looking. . .


              • HI BIW!!!!!!

                Eh. I joined VGDawn, but I haven't been active lately, and I probably won't be anytime in the near future. BTW, thanks everyone (the play)!! Rad: You did Les Mis music in choir? That's awesome!! The one on my sig (Do You Hear the People Sing?) is one of the most famous.

                I think we should start a Throw Carrots at the Topic Foundation. For pure randomness reasons only.

                Agh. I must get used to having someone with the same avie as me! I'm used to seeing my posts when I see that flag!

                I miss Tui. And Rysade.
                "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                What could mean more than this?"
                --Bright Eyes


                • Ella: I actually didn't like that song very much...but the rest of it was cool! I liked On My Own and...the other one about dreaming a dream. I couldn't sing them very well though, they were a bit high. We also did Phantom of the Opera, and I got a copy of the CD the teacher used sometimes. (She plays piano really well, so she didn't use CD's too much...the funny thing was that she couldn't sing herself. She was good at judging pitch or something though.) Have you ever heard of a song called For the Beauty of the Earth? I LOVE that song, but only the version in choir. I've heard the song elsewhere, but it was weird. (They sung it on Little Women at some wedding, I think...) That song is also to high for me, but I know the tune really well and I can sing it in my head...anyhow, I have to get back to my speech. My partner is so freakin' hilarious! I actually have a small crush on him...*evil grin* Anyway, I have to fix up my powerpoint and outline before it gets too late, then I have to try to practice the actual speech...I really hope it doesn't go undertime...


                  • Hi all! *chants* no more school forever, no more school for ever... and schoolies tomorrow... after my music exam *bites nails*

                    I went into the city today and went to borders for the first time oh my god, how many books are in that place? *was in heaven*, but no where had a wizards holiday, even in paperback ohh weell...

                    Oh yes, as a celebration of leaving school i decided to get a tatoo ... here is a slightly blurry pic of it, but you try taking a pic of your own arm...

                    anyways... top gun is on... again *wants to know if tom cruise is actually tall enought to be a pilot* hmmmn... i may or may not be around tomorrow morning... i will be doing music practice for most of it ... and packing for schoolies

                    must be off



                    • Gah . . .search for L'arc en Ciel music downloads yields nothing . . .
                      I'm bored here in school.
                      I'm hungry.
                      Ja mata.
                      I lurk. It's what I do.
                      "Always put off until tomorrow what you can do today."


                      • I have found that taking a pic of your own arm is tricky. I had my roomie take a pic of mine, when I drew a tattoo I'd want. I can't post the pic of it right now, but I'll try to sometime. AAHHH! My speech is today! I can't wait until 2 when it will be all over!!! Anyway, hi there Hogosha! I haven't seen you around in awhile!
                        Anyway, Alla, Borders isn't really all that big. You should try going to a Books a Million, they're really big. Anyway, I have to go check a few things before class. After class I'll be practicing my speech...again...


                        • alla, slightly blurry??? Anywho, it's cool.

                          Thanks M for the comment on that piccie!

                          Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                          • I MADE IT!!! Finally I got through the speech!!!!!! I'm so happy now! I have about a day and a half where I don't have to do anything...but then I have to get working on my computer projects...oh well, I'm happy now anyway!!!


                            • *envies BiW's moon...*

                              Yes, yes, yes, VGDawn is awesome!!!

                              Where did Tui and Rysade go, anyway? And crookedfrog, Andrea, Jen and everyone else go...?

                              Oooh, I could stash everything you'd ever want to know about algebra and geometry for our 7th & 8th graders in a powerpoint presentation. I'm sure I could upload one on freewebs. Fun, fun, I love making presentations.

                              The Defender too. *sigh* *misses people who dissapeared*
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • L'Arc En Ciel rocks.

                                And yes, their downloads are freaking hard to find. So I just went and bought the SMILE cd. It gives me my Laruku fix.

