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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I got a new avie. I wonder if it's the right size because I don't know which size avies are supposed to be. Well, it's the same size as BIW's I think but I could make it smaller if someone tells me the size they are supposed to be. My friend drew this of me and it looks like me too. I just colored it on my com.
    penguins will rule the world.


    • WHAHOO!!!!!1 I gotsta new avie, AND IT'S ONE PIXEL TOO LARGE!!!! hehe. I had too much sugar today... WAIT! I haven't eaten ANYTHING yet. Now that is a problem...

      Z, I think they can be up to 100x100 pixels. I think...
      Reality is for those who lack imagination.


      • I think max avie sizes are 68x68 pixels for square ones, and 68x100 for tall ones. The Avatar guidelines If that helps.

        This year for Latin we have memorization thingies, and I was supposed to have learned them like six weeks ago. And I have a test coming up, and guess what's going to be on it. Meh.

        I have sentances for Spanish, like I thought, only I can't do them like yours, Gryph, because my Spanish teacher is really nice, and besides that I can't say 'Ninja kitty of doom' in Spanish.

        BiW, I think you're just naturally hyper without any sugar. . .


        • Ok, I think my avie ius a reasonable size now.

          hehe. Yeah, I'm hypr 24/7. By the way, I love your sig.
          Reality is for those who lack imagination.


          • I like your new avie, BiW. And you can actually tell it's a dragon.

            Heyyy, I like your new avie, Z. ANd wow... a lot of people have changed theirs. PM hasn't. We've been waiting for your october avie, and look! It's November when you finally have a chance to change it.

            I was in the chat... then I was kicked out not by Chime or the computer but by my annoying brother. *hiss spit*

            I want photoshop bad. It's better than painter classic. Hopefully it works with a stylus too.

            BiW, I think you're just naturally hyper without any sugar. . .
            High off air, high off life. Sugar is my antidrug.
            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            • My dog is going insane. *sticks fingers in ears* She's barking madly at ghosts. *sigh* I have this big science project I have to do. Not hard, but time consuming. I worked in the nursery today at church. There were four small children in there, all of them boys. I was the only one working back there until about half-way through when a man came back with his kid. Of course, he pretty much just watched his own child. *sigh* It was pretty tiring.
              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


              • I want to learn Japanese. *random*

                Thankies Gryph! Yeah it's funny to see everybody's avie changed. I think I made mine a little smaller.

                Ninja Kitty of Doom=Gatito de Ninja de la condenación
                penguins will rule the world.


                • I get high off of anything. Literaly. Like yesterday when I was talking to someone and I became delirious and all I was doing was breathing. Yah, I get high off of oxygen. AND HELIUM! HAHAHA!

                  Hehe. I wanna learn japanese too Z!
                  Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                  • Wow... I read everyone's posts and was so entertained that I found myself at the end and I hadn't even started replying. *sigh*

                    I have been rather occupied. I found a great HDM website, dedicated to His Dark Materials... way cool. It is run by someone in the Netherlands... he goes by the name Lord Asriel. (big surprise) But it is a really good site. His Dark Materials

                    Well, to all have a great one... and I will post more later.
                    -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                    The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                    I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                    • Uhoh, Gryph has started drawing lame political cartoons. Nitafan, if you're still really pro Bush, it's anti Bush.

                      Gryph's political cartoon

                      Two avie changes from wildflower since Lee added the custom avatar box again.

                      That's ... a really awesome webby... *wants to make a webpage like that*

                      And pouring and pouring and pouring... I get high off linkin park!!! (and sugar, and karate, and...)
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • Hee-hee Gryph. *iz funny*
                        I'm so bored, I've been on YW for an hour or two now so thankies for posting!

                        This is what doesn't make sense
                        Bush's logic on stopping violence/terrorism..."I KEEL YOU ALL!"

                        (VC made me realise this a while ago...)
                        I won't get started on polotics again, it only causes problems.
                        penguins will rule the world.


                        • I actually heard a Linkin Park song! (But then I forgot what it was was a 2004 one...) I'm at work again, this time *trying* to do a computer project, but I'm so lazy I just look at the instructions and not do anything about it...I love yahoo Launchcast radio!


                          • Skittles is facinated by the water leaking out of the faucet in the bathroom. He's sitting on the counter, his eyes locked on the gap between the faucet and the bottom of the sink as each drop passes by. Silly kitty. *huggles Skitzo*

                            I love yahoo Launchcast radio too! *jumps up and down* Hmmm... I bet I could name all of the linkin park songs. Want me to try?

                            Oh, nevermind your opinion; I'm gonna try.

                            PPR: Kut
                            One Step Closer
                            Pts. Of. Athrty
                            1Stp Kloser
                            In the End
                            Enth E Nd
                            With You
                            PLC. 4 Mie Haed
                            Point of Authority
                            By Myself
                            X-Ecutioner Style
                            Place for My Head
                            Don't Stay
                            Somewhere I Belong
                            Lying from You
                            Hit the Floor
                            Easier to Run
                            H! Vltg3
                            Pushing Me Away
                            Kyur4 TH Ich
                            Breaking the Habit
                            Crawling in my Skin
                            From the Inside
                            Nobody's Listening

                            Woah, woah, look who's awesome.

                            Bush still thinks we're the police of the world.

                            For information about what my rant that came out in the form of a political cartoon was all about, there's information here.

                            Oooh, look at all Yahoo has for real news...

                            Andthis one suggests that there isn't enough information to confirm everything. They're going off of one source, it says. I want to see if there's anything to back up Bush.
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • Very entertaining Gryphon

                              For some reason my avie won't work but I am not giving up yet.

                              Hooray, it took me 10 months to make my first post! Go me!
                              "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


                              • Gryph:
                                two avie changes from wildflower since Lee added the custom avatar box again.
                                Yeah, my first one was a wildflower, to go with my name, and then just for the heck of it I did a search for anime avatars and found a few I really like. So it's probably going to change a few more times. Yay! This is my first time using the quote thingie!

                                Dai Sunstar! I love the version of the Oath in your sig. . .

