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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Why a librarian?

    And that crash actually happened in an alternate timeline (I love it when time travelling or time manipulating is involved).
    The whole sequence of the ship crashing was amazingly detailed and looked very real.
    "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


    • Comradely, Diego

      Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
      "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

      "Be a real


      • I saw The Incredibles. It was good. AHHHHHH!
        FREAKY DUDE! *runs away*

        ooo... I think it would be cool to be a librarian... wheee! BOOKS!!!
        Reality is for those who lack imagination.


        • Originally posted by Gryphon:
          PM eats babies for Thanksgiving!

          You. Must. JOINVGDAWNNOW!!!!!!
          I don't! I don't even celebrate Thanksgiving! It wasn't my recipe!

          I'm fighting back with exclamation marks .

          You mean, even after my nitpicking 17 typoes in your VGDawn post, I didn't scare you?
          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


          • wow... you guys went nuts posting while i wasn't around for a weekend... three whole pages of TOGR posts to read!!! anyways...

            Just for Sunny: *coughspluttertrekkiesspluttercough* Star Wars is much better ... See

            PM: just join [update] VGDawn (dunno what happened there.. must've been thinking about what i was going to post on worldsoul)... gryph won't give up about it...

            Librarians rock... so long as they aren't grumpy and forever telling everyone to "shhh" ...

            Whats this about PM eating babies for thanksgiving??? Have I missed something?

            Hey BiW, you're not falling into holes in your siggy anymore. Did all the tumbleweeds fill them up?

            I saw tumbleweeds on the weekend at the beach, but I didn't have my camera with me so unfortunately no pics... ohwell....

            must go



            • Star Wars was made so that someone with less than average intelligence could watch and understand it.

              Meanwhile the original pilot for Star Trek was rejected by NBC because it was too "cerebral" (it required people to think while watching it).
              "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


              • I loved both Star Trek and Star Wars.... go figure.

                Hey to everyone and pass around the *huggles*

                I find myself again with very little to say. I think that I am going through a dry spell where words are concerned.
                -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                • Originally posted by alla:
                  PM: just join world soul ... gryph won't give up about it...
                  World Soul? Noooo! It's bad enough when Gryphon keeps going on about VGDawn!

                  Whats this about PM eating babies for thanksgiving??? Have I missed something?
                  I don't! Thanksgiving doesn't even exist here!

                  I suppose I'd better get a bag of jelly babies for Thursday, now .

                  So, I went looking for a picture of jelly babies so you'd all know what I mean if you don't live in the UK, and found this quote:
                  "Research found that women who had children were more inclined to bite the heads off first, while those who were childless ate them whole. No great psychological conclusions have been drawn from this."
                  Jelly babies and Doctor Who, and another jelly babies and Doctor Who site
                  Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                  • I like thanksgiving. It means we get an entire week's break from school. But other than that, it's an incredibly pointless holiday.

                    ...PM got a new avie!! it looks like southpark!!! XD


                    • Originally posted by alla: wow... you guys went nuts posting while i wasn't around for a weekend... three whole pages of TOGR posts to read!!!
                      *chuckles reminiscently* You should have been here when the TOGR was really crazy. Going away for a weekend would mean 10 new pages of posts to read. On a normal weekend. Thankfully things have quieted down.
                      "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                      There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                      And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                      What could mean more than this?"
                      --Bright Eyes


                      • I don't like Star Trek, I get bored.

                        I prefer Star Wars, though I'm not a fan.

                        "After resisting the Imperial torture droid and Darth Vader, Princess Leia still looked fresh and desirable--after pithy Cardassian starvation torture, Picard looked like hell."

                        Uh...I don't know how that defends Star Wars, since it just says that Star Trek is more realistic.

                        "Luke Skywalker not obsessed with sleeping with every alien he encounters."
                        Comradely, Diego

                        Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                        "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                        "Be a real


                        • AHHHH! I didn't kow so many people whould notice if I took "I fell in a hole" out of my sig! I WILL PUT IT BACK!

                          Hehe. I don't know if I like Star Wars or Star Trek better. I LOVE BOTH!

                          Come on PM! JOIN VGDAWN!!!!!!
                          Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                          • I've made up a foundation! It's perfect for Gryph- the SSATTF (Sing Songs at the Topic Foundation)!

                            And BiW, you definitely need to put "I fell in a hole" back in your siggy! Maybe even make a falling-in-holes foundation.

                            I think I like Star Wars better. Not sure. . .

                            Joining VGdawn is still on my 'sometime in forever' to do list. It might get done eventually. Probably not incredibly soon- more like next millenium-ish. But I will do it someday.

                            For anyone who likes PotterPuppetPals, there's a hidden movie inside 'Trouble at Hogwarts', don't know if anyone's seen it. . .


                            • Hm... I don't have a foundation. Heh, I'm the Queen of Nonsensical. I don't need one. Eek. I have to finish my little ICP project thing-a-magigy. Mine looks absolutely postively terrible. Oh well. *cries* I think I lost my 100% in Lit! I got a 98% on the test! It was so easy, but I missed one question...*sigh* My cousins and my aunt and uncle are coming over tomorrow (hopefully) for Thanksgiving. I haven't seen them in forever. *bounces off walls* We can go SHOPPING!!! And get frappachinos (sp?) at Starbucks! *bounces more* Oh no! My dad's singing from the Wizard of Oz! Help! Cover your ears! Danzrgrl is mad at me... *sigh* Wow, I'm really jumping from topic to topic today. *jumps* Oh no! More songs from random movies! It's dark outside. *faints* I have to work on my science fair stuff and get the final draft. *sigh* This is not going to be fun. I don't have enough time! Tomorrow's a half-day at school. *sings halelujah* I can't spell today. My new avie is an angel reading a book. It's me! Except, I look a lot different. I have blonde hair, my wings are kind of invisible now... But that's ok! *laughs insanely* I'm alright, truly I am!
                              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                              • Sunstar:
                                And that crash actually happened in an alternate timeline (I love it when time travelling or time manipulating is involved).
                                Dragon Riders of Pern! [Gryph chants] I just started reading that book, and I love it.

                                I've written a ton more in my notebook about the Cross family, dragging in a few more characters, one of which is not evil, unbalanced, or insane. It's about another four pages long. I love writing these.

                                PM just doesn't get it.

                                Hopeless; there's nothing you can do.

                                Mom says she's starting a band (jokingly), and it'll be called Stinkin' Shark. "Oh my friends, eat all your chicken platter!" [she sings]

                                Does it sound familiar at all?
                                Stinkin' Sharky
                                Linkin Park
                                Oh my friends, eat all your chicken platter
                                In the end, it doesn't even matter


                                Now to read the rest of the posts before I have to go...

                                btw, karate is awesome!!! *loves it*

                                ooo... I think it would be cool to be a librarian... wheee! BOOKS!!!
                                I would... but I'd rather be a millionaire who doesn't have to do anything. Heyy, I could work as a librarian for the government!

                                You mean, even after my nitpicking 17 typoes in your VGDawn post, I didn't scare you?
                                You're saying that it's amazing to find 17 typoes in a post by me!? Wait, a minute, don't you remember when I couldn't type a single line without killing it?? Wow, I've come so far, I guess, but every once in a while, I send everything I type off into oO0blivian.

                                I'm fighting back with exclamation marks.
                                Ah, but you haven't mastered the art of putting several in a row at the end of one sentence. And I doubt anyone could overcome Fox with his exclamations after every sentence. O-O


                                I don't! Thanksgiving doesn't even exist here!
                                What, your country never had pilgrims who didn't know how to make popcorn? Must be pretty lame.

                                I suppose I'd better get a bag of jelly babies for Thursday, now
                                And why am I thinking of Doctor Who right about now...?

                                Ah, cool, I rock. I was right.

                                Oh well. *cries* I think I lost my 100% in Lit! I got a 98% on the test
                                *eye starts to twitch*

                                Y'know what. I should create a Cross character who's a mix of all kinds of different baddies. Wears red robes, knows everything [absolutely everything], name is pronounced Tea-ah time-eh, not teatime, is a little snakeish, etc, etc.
                                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

