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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • *stretches luxuriously* Nine days off and no homework! Except to finish To Kill a Mockingbird, and that's not really homework because it's such a good book.

    Originally posted by Angel_Star:
    The laws and such were changed when Jesus came.
    That's my point exactly. All these things are outdated when times change. And homosexuality being a sin is one of those outdated things. In my opinion, of course. Again, no offense.
    "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
    There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
    And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
    What could mean more than this?"
    --Bright Eyes


    • Gryphon said:
      *sigh* Looks like I've given up on you. [or so she says...]
      Aw. *scritches unhappy kitty*

      Hi Emily Bitton.
      My popcorn maker is shaped like a chicken its pretty cool.
      My popcorn maker looks like this. Yes, I like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings etc .

      But there's not just that bit about not touching pigs:
      11:7 And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.
      11:8 Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you.

      So no eating bacon, pork, or hot dogs either. (I'm sure Bush doesn't eat those.) And don't even think about cheeseburgers.

      Edit: Gryphon thought I thought cheeseburgers contained pork. No, it's the thing about combining meat and dairy products in one item - I didn't find where the Old Testament says that, but it's got to be there somewhere. All I can find is not boiling a kid in its mother's milk.

      Gryphon again:
      Happy Thanksgiving, all! Even those pilgrim deprived people. Pitty you, yesh, yesh.
      I bought two packets of jelly babies today, so that's me prepared for tomorrow .

      Angel_Star: But that's the point of what Ella quoted - the homosexuality stuff also has to do with the time they lived, and also dates from the Old Testament. It doesn't make sense to cite the Bible as a reason for opposition to gay marriage while ignoring all the other out-of-date stuff.
      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


      • I'm baaaaaacckkkk!!

        It's been a while, the usual rant yadda yadda yadda Mr. Hertzog is stupid yadda yadda ignoramusses yadda yadda school is awesome but most teachers stink big time yadda yadda Mrs. Williams seriously looks like a turkey, so she should watch out for Tahnksgiving yadda yadda the only teachers I have that don't completely hate me is my french teacher and my choir teacher.

        Awesome new avatars everyone, mine's getting a bit stale, so I reckon I should change it, but I have a new siggy with the movie stills I have spent HOURS searching for, so I'm keeping it, and I don't care what you say!

        Oh a happy thanksgiving to all of you American people.

        I AM THE TURKEY KID IN DRAMA'S NEW CHRISTMAS PRODUCTION: EVIL MR. SCROOGE!!! whooppeeeee... even though I really wanted to be Dicken, which someone else got.
        ... But he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be forever barred.


        • AHHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Wildflower! The llama song! HAHAHAHA! I LOVE IT!!!!

          RYSADE!!!!!!! HI! *huggles*

          YAY! NO SCHOOL FOR 4 WHOLE DAYS!!!!!

          Ok, I'm overdoing it with the caps...

          I'm going to make the FIHF!( falling in holes foundation!!!!)
          Reality is for those who lack imagination.


          • Whee!! I'm considering making a LTLSF (Love The Llama Song Foundation)! I love it too! *Dies laughing, again* Er, I really do start to many foundations. This is what, one post without making a foundation?

            FIHF!! Yay! Now you have to keep 'I fell in a hole' in your siggy forever!
            Besides, without it Gryph's skits topic in Chatter 2 wouldn't make any sense, no one would be able to tell who kept falling into holes. But then it already doesn't make sense, because PM changed his avie and doesn't look like a smashed egg anymore. And I still haven't figured out who the vampire is, yet. *Haha. . .oops*

            I want to make a Potter Puppet Pals foundation! I could call it the Follow the Butterflies Foundation, from the hidden movie in Trouble at Hogwarts!

            I changed my avie again! I've bookmarked the site, which is in a different language (I don't even know which one) so I don't know if they mind me using them or not. Heheh. Oops. . .


            • Originally posted by wildflower44:
              Oh yes! Llama song! I found this really neat link somewhere, hang on. . .
     It's so incredibly random. Watch it now! *Dies laughing*
              Oh, no... and now I know what that User Friendly cartoon was about. (And the one two days later.)
              Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


              • PM [in the chat]:
                That's the last time I scritch unhappy kitty Gryphon in TOGR, then!

                I be your friend.

                I'm really bored. Every other post is mine. . this is bad.
                *glances at summer-z* Yep, some symptons of boredom.

                Besides, without it Gryph's skits topic in Chatter 2 wouldn't make any sense, no one would be able to tell who kept falling into holes.
                Not if you were here when biw was hit with an onslaught of holes. Newbies, yeah, you'd need the siggy.

                WF, wilf is the vampire. The egg is timeless.
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • Hehe. I guessed Wilf, because in Sharky's story Nita and Wilf are engaged, like in your skit. I think. Haven't read Sharky's in a while. And Nita's nickname is Ghosty.

                  Ooh. Neat new avie VC! Don't know what it is, but oh well. . .

                  My sig is too long already, so who wants to start a Potter Puppet Pals Follow the Butterflies Foundation? Anyone? *Looks around empty room, from which people have fled* Hey, that's not fair! You haven't even seen the hidden movie yet!
                  Remind me why I'm talking to myself?

                  Hmmm, I'll just have to find a way to start one myself. The PPPFTBF (Potter Puppet Pals Follow The Butterflies Foundation)!!!

                  PM: the User Friendly cartoon. . .*dies laughing* That's so funny! I love the llama song!
                  Everyone must watch it! That and Follow the Butterflies! If you give up I'll tell you how to find Follow the Butteflies. . .
                  *is talking to self again*


                  • A question to help out those who are new.

                    Who was the first to become "The 1st member of the (whatever) foundation" because whoever did should get a medal.

                    And, oh why not...

                    1st member of the AQTAOMF (Ask Questions That Annoy Other Members Foundation)
                    "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


                    • Originally posted by Gryphon:
                      PM [in the chat]:
                      That's the last time I scritch unhappy kitty Gryphon in TOGR, then!

                      I be your friend.
                      You'd just bitten me or something at the time, though, so that's why I said that. Or scratched me. Something.

                      If you're my friend, what was all that karate and egg-frying earlier ?
                      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                      • WOW, YALL TALK BOUT ME! hehehe, Gryph is the one who calls me Ghosty.But nit so much anymore. THAS CAUSE I AM NOT GHOSTY ANYMORE!! hehehe!

                        Yah, long running joke huh? Wilf and I engaged. ROFL

                        I believe Sharky was the first to start the foundations. He started the STTF (save the topic foundation) which I am the second member. The mebers are Fox, Sharky and I. He started it and then everyone else started to make Foundations.

                        Alrighty, I post again later. See yas ppls! Neets
                        CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                        Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                        • Hehe, Gryph's nicknames for everybody don't get used much, Gryph's nickname for Sharky is MKJ and that REALLY doesn't get used, but for a while everyone was calling Diego 'Diegowts'. But I think M might have done that first or something. . .*Iz confused, and needs to read all of the TOGR again to get this straight*

                          This is why I need to read all the topics in the forum, not just the TOGR. Poot's coming into existance isn't here, or Nita and Wilf's engagement. . .
                          Of course, most of the really old topics are probably 'pruned' by now. Meh.

                          Didn't Fox kill topics though? But then Gryph used the Kill the Topic Foundation, and Fox started saving them too. And Nita Killed them. I think. *Iz confused still, it's late at night. Sort of*


                          • Huh? What? I head my name mentioned!

                            Who has summoned the ultimate powerpl--peace loving SANE genie of Sharky?

                            Ahh...the STTF. The first foundation ever with me, Nita, and Fox. Keep making foundations making foundations, KEEP THE LEGACY ALIVE!! We have soo many injokes here. Wildflower, here's how it went. Fox save the "The Nature of Ponch" Topic by continuously posting in it. Nita talked a little but neither could really come up with anything interesting. I showed up (I was a fairly longtime member, but new to actually posting.) and had some new ideas. We all posted and talked and the topic migrated far, far, away from Ponch. I happened say that anyone who wanted to could still post about Ponch and get us back on topic. PM joined, saying something like "I was wondering." More people joined. The topic was saved.

                            In the midst of saving the topic, I happened to start out a post with "I'm with the Save the Topic Foundation, would you like to make a donation?" And the Foundation craze was born.

                            As for Fox, he had a nasty tendency to kill conversations (be the last one to post in days.) So the rest of us would come and talk and save the topic. So one day we said Fox should head up the KTTF, an evil subversive group dedicated to killing defenseless topics with off topic comments and dooming them to stagnation.

                            I think Nita and Wilf got engaged in the chatroom, so there aren't any records, except in Lee's database. (I suppose that will help if a divorce is needed, they could always say they were never engaged...)

                            Poot is older than me, it think. (That's me in time at the forums.)

                            So there you have it. At least that's some of the history here. Nita or Fox can correct me if I misinterperated...

                            +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                            +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


                            • Semi drew Poot, It was around when I first joined.

                              The llama song is one of the most annoying things on this earth.

                              I hate having nothing to's thanksgiving so I"m probably going to be forced to cook against my will...*sighs*
                              penguins will rule the world.


                              • Happy Thanksgiving to all you people who live in the USA! My aunt and uncle and two of my cousins are over here. I am so tired. *snore* I was up till about 11 last night, and my mom woke me up around 8. So much for sleeping in. I can't wait to eat. I had a little cinnamon roll for breakfast, but it wasn't all that good.
                                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is

