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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • LLAMAS!!!!!!! HAHAHA!

    I sort of get to have thanksgiving twice. Last night, I was with my dad and his girlfrind, and my siblings and stuff, then tonight we're going over to my dad's friends house! PIE!!!!

    I like you're kitty avie better than the one you have now gryph.

    I don't know what to talk about! AHAHHHHHH!!! My dad, is the best dad ever. Not only is he getting me Photoshop, but he got me a tablet! Ok fine, I had to pay for half of it, but whatever! I finally got the stupid thing working! It's a miracle! It works despite possibly getting run over! YAY!!!
    Reality is for those who lack imagination.


    • BiW: Lucky! Tablet. . .Photoshop. . .*Wishing*
      Run over?!

      LLAMA!! I just watched it again, partly to annoy my brother and partly because it's the best thing EVER.
      "I was once a treehouse, I lived in a cake, but I never saw the way the orange slayed the rake. I was only three years dead but I told a tale, and now listen little child to the safetly rail."

      The falling in Holes Foundation needs a ) on the end of it.

      Yes Gryph, change avie back! *Puffball*
      Added: Eep. I still like the old one better. . .


      • *huggles Gryph* I guess puffballs are very popular here or something...

        Hermoine sounds like a man? *hahahahahhaha* I never noticed that.
        penguins will rule the world.


        • hehe. yeah,wildflower, run over. it arrived at my dad's house, and my dad leaned it against the car, and he forgot it was there and he left to pick me and my sibling up and he might have run it over.
          Reality is for those who lack imagination.


          • BiW: Wow, I'm surprised it still works after that.

            Z: Yeah, Hermione in the Potter Puppet Pals especially sounds like a man in Follow the Butterflies. *Ronnicus Explodicus!* Lol. . . And actually I think Ron sound like a girl.

            Whoops. Gotta go- Jake's standing behind me being incredibly annoying so I play Potter Puppet Pals for him.


            • Okay I think I'm gonna commit myself to learn Japanese, (speaking not kanji or anything yet,) I got a book at borders today. I think it's a really cool languagee.

              Wow Wildflower you do use 's to much.
              There were these to kids at camp who could do perfect PotterPuppetPal impersonations. M doesn't like PotterPuppetPals at all...
              penguins will rule the world.


              • Sugoiii!!!!! Watashi wa. . .

                I learned most of what I know by watching a lot of subbed anime. --' and listening to Japanese music. Which isn't really much beyond "Nani desu ka?" and "Doko wa _______ desu ka?" and "Michi ni mayotte shimaima****a!" and "Daijobu desu ka?" and other random things like that. . .

                Nyeeeeh. Daijobu!

                edit: Sorry about the asterixes. It seems the thingie doesn't know anything but English.


                • have any of you out there ever been like me in where i like this guy at my school but he has like no idea that i igsist
                  Dai stiho cousins


                  • hmmmn... the extent of my japanese knowledge (and I did it for six years in primary school)

                    Konichiwa. Watashi wa Alison desu. dozo yeroshku (sp?). Onamaewa?

                    and i can count to 99...

                    so much isn't it ...


                    • Is it just my computer doing really weird things again, or is this site loading really slow on anyone else's computer? And a minute ago when it finally did load the recently posted messages was GONE. Not in a different place, with the whole of the forums rearranged, like I've gotten used to it doing, but not there. At all.
                      Maybe it could be going slow because there are so many people on (Seven! Most ever since I joined), or, well, I don't really know what else. Meh. And I still can't see the scrolling book, but that's different. Grr.
                      Oh, and my computer is normally really fast. It's fine on the other sites I'm on right now. And I just tried to get it up on the other computer, and it still hasn't loaded. I tried that like ten minutes ago.
                      [/computer rant]

                      All the Japanese I know is from the YW books.

                      Dai wizardsrreal! Er, no, I don't have that problem for a few reasons, one of them being I'm homeschooled.


                      • RYSADE!!! AAAAAAAAH! YOU'RE BACK! *huggles* Yay! Now we just have to find Tui!
                        Um. *sticks head out sheepishly from under a rock* Guess who's back now?

                        Yeah, it's me. *HUGS THE WORLD* I'm SO sorry I haven't been around and never gave you guys an explanation... What happened was, well, those of you who still remember me ( ) may remember that this has been my last year of school... I just had all my final exams, and my mother confiscated the computer and the internet entirely. I couldn't get on here through the school, either, so I haven't been able to catch up with you guys... Anyway, they FINALLY finished on wednesday, which means a day of absolute blissful FREEDOM, because FINALLY, I am OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL!!! And then I had to go into hospital to have an operation. So I haven't seen you guys for AGES, but I missed you all SO SO SO much... at least I have an excuse, I suppose. But wow, I've missed so much around here!

                        *kicks around a little* So yeah, I'm home. Or back, or whatever. Um, did y'all have a good Thanksgiving?
                        Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                        • The only Japanese in YW books is bakkabakka, or something like that from Carmela.

                          Well I learned desu ka so far...Aurie, you really have to list your favorite manga, (other than fruits basket) for me, I usually get a million gift cards for bookstores and then I'll have something to read! *leaves to go to manga/desiree/anime/ topic.

                          I don't know any numbers yet. *keeps reading*

                          Wildflower? Homeschooling? I wonder what that's like...I have a feeling I wouldn't like it if my parents started homeschooling me, I feed off conversation with people I don't know...*cough*yw*cough* but mostly at school...

                          That's okay if you've been gone for a while no excuses necessary. Hope you did good on your exams.
                          penguins will rule the world.


                          • "Bakka aho Kikai, Bakka-Bakka!" (Carmela, to the DVD player)
                            Actually in Alone Carmela did the whole "I'm going to turn into a giant robot" thing, which I can't remember all of and I don't have the book. If anyone has it maybe they could find the exact thing, because there's more Japanese in it than that.

                            TUI!! Hihihihi!! I remember you! You welcomed me, posted a couple times, and VANISHED. You're back!

                            Z: Homeschooling is fun! And there are some people my own age sort of vaugely close to where I live that I hang out with sometimes. I've been trying to get them to read YW, but so far they haven't listened. . .

                            [computer rant]All the lines are gone, the ones that seperate the posts and everything. And the background of Z's avie is ORANGE, I don't know if that's me or not either.[/rant]


                            • I changed my avie, lines are boring. My friend drew that picture of me so it was notebook paper liness. Don't worry your computer is not THAT crazy.

                              Really? Fun? Probably not for me...I live by a bunch of old people, I'd be miserable. Why not public school? Just wondering, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just trying to learn here or something like that...
                              penguins will rule the world.


                              • OH. Okay. Actually my compy is that crazy, but I'm glad for once it wasn't that.

                                It was my aunt I think who showed my mom a few homeschooling books and convinced her she should homeschool. The schools around here are pretty bad I guess, and my mom just didn't want to send me or my brother to one. I don't know really, I guess she just thought it was better.
                                My aunt was pregnant at the same time as my mom, so I guess that's why she showed her the books and stuff. I have a cousin who's exactly a week younger than me. Unfortunatly she lives in New York, but I get to see her during the summers.

                                And I do take some classes seperately, away from the house- I have Spanish at the library, with only me and this one guy, and I have Latin at a church with a bunch of other people, so that's fun.

