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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Yeah, I'm back. *huggles Zgirl and wildflowers* Unfortunately I seriously doubt that I did particularly well on my exams...thing is, Seventh form is traditionally a lot more difficult than other years, and I didn't work very hard, and I didn't do any study, so... I guess I kinda stuffed them up a bit. Sigh.

    I homeschooled until I was eleven, and I really enjoyed it... I used to hang out with the local kids too, so I wasn't really lonely, plus I have a moderately large family and there tend to be gatherings and workshops and stuff for homeschoolers, so you usually have someone you can talk too. If you don't, you read- I used to read SO much, like two books a day. I really miss that. I think homeschooling can be a really good option for parents who think that, like my mother did, they can educate thir kids better and stuff; but I think there are bad reasons for homeschooling too... we used to know a family, quite a large one, who were homschooled because their parents were very religious and wanted basically to brainwash their kids- which I guess is their right, as parents, but I think that kind of homeschooling is really limiting for children. Plus I think by the time you're high-school age, kids should maybe be going to school. It depends on the child, I suppose.
    Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


    • TUI!!!!! AAAH!! YOU'RE BACK!! *double huggles* OMG WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! I hope everything's okay with school! And I'm sorry you had to go to the hospital; is everything okay?

      *bounces* much has happened since you've been gone. Foundations, right? Mmm.... Wait, you haven't even been lurking, have you? Jeez. Stress. Sorry, babbling.

      My Thanksgiving was good! I went up to my mom's family, which we haven't done in awhile for Thanksgiving. It was fun, but there wasn't as much of the sense of family as there is when I go to my dad's side, maybe partly because we were seated at four tables instead of one, and not everyone was there. Oh well, it was still fun.

      *laughs at Follow the Butterflies* How did you find that anyway?
      "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
      There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
      And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
      What could mean more than this?"
      --Bright Eyes


      • *TACKLEHUGS ELLA* OMG it's so good to see you! School, meh... the hospital thing is okay, mostly; I have- well, had, now- nasal polyps, which blocked the air passageway up my nose and wouldn't let me breathe through my nose. They operated to clear them out. I'm home now, but I was in hospital all day yesterday and for this morning 'cause I went under a general anaesthetic (which was creepy), and then my nose wouldn't stop bleeding. It's still kinda dribbling... it's really gross! And of course I can't even blow my nose so it's REALLY uncomfortable, and I have a tiny hole in my skull. So that's a bit wierd, and I feel kinda weak because of blood loss and I haven't really eaten a lot for about a day and a half, except what I ate and then threw up...

        ... er, Too Much Information, I'll shut up now. There's also no-one at home, so I'm feeling a bit rambly. Anyway, I'm fine. You?

        Yeah, I noticed... all the topics have sprouted numerous aditional pages. I'm trying to catch up on some of them, but I've pretty much given up on TToGR... in its enormity it's a little daunting. I have noticed the flourishing foundations, though- you just have to look at wildflower's signature to work that out! nah, I haven't even been lurking... wouldn't have been able to resist posting.

        I missed Thanksgiving this year- we usually go to a friend's house; he's half-American so he uses it as an excuse to have a party, which is cool. But I had to go sleep, so I didn't end up going...

        *sighs and smiles*
        Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


        • Ella: I didn't find it, actually- a person on the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter forums posted a Potter Puppet Pals appreciation thread with instructions on how to find Follow the Butterflies, I don't know how they found it.

          Ah yes. Foundations. I went a little nuts with those. . .*Points at siggy* Hehehe. I made most of them for other people on the forums- The Always Use Too Many Exclamation Points Foundation is for Fox, and the Abuse The Quote Function Foundation and the Sing Songs At The Topic Foundation are for Gryph. And then I just started making one every post. I've stopped, finally.

          Tui: Eeeee. . .
          You weren't here when I read all of the ToGR, were you. What do you mean, enormity?


          • No, I wasn't here... but just you remember, I was here when TTOGR started. Muahaha. I remember when it was a cute little thing... I even remember its original purpose.. I've forgotten more of TtOGR then you'll ever read!! Muahahaha!

            Or something like that, anyway.
            Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


            • Yeah, Tui had brain surgery! She needs it...

              Hmm. What's this now?

              WAAAAIT a mInit.

              "the BTRRIPF (Believers That Rysade Really Is Poot Foundation)"?

              *Eyes Wildflower warily*

              ...It KNOWS.


              • And what about the ATEWFF? That's the Acronyms That End With 'F' Foundation.


                • Hehehe. It's from the post you made, after PPC said "I posted this because the demon of the forums told me to" and you said you were the demon. Your fault you have a foundation named after you! And you're blue, by the way.
                  Now you have the right to make a WITFDF (Wildflower Is The Forum Demon Foundation), anyway.
                  And they have to end in F, unless you can think of something better to put than foundation.


                  • Hi Tui, long time no see! *waves*
                    I came up with an acronym the other day: FOOMCL


                    • RAD!!! aloha!

                      how is it going? I am so bored, I have been reduced to drawing fanart of inanimate objects... and not only from YW ... ohhwelll *back to trying to draw inanimate stuff*


                      • Originally posted by wildflower44:
                        "Bakka aho Kikai, Bakka-Bakka!" (Carmela, to the DVD player)
                        Actually in Alone Carmela did the whole "I'm going to turn into a giant robot" thing, which I can't remember all of and I don't have the book. If anyone has it maybe they could find the exact thing, because there's more Japanese in it than that.
                        Watashi wa ureshii!
                        Watashi, imakara sugo-ku o-kina robotto ni naruno!
                        and the TV and DVD player say Ohayō gozaimas'! and Dōzo yoroshiku!
                        Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                        • How about the WFISWAMIATNTFDF?

                          (WildFlower Is So Wrong About Me I Am Totally Not The Forum Demon Foundation)

                          (must distract readers from the TRUTH)


                          • Rad: Yay! Acronym! But what does it stand for?

                            Alla: Nothing wrong with inatimate objects! I can't really do anything at all. . .

                            PM: Yes! That's it. I was trying to remember because for once I don't have all the books checked out from the library. Partly because the library doesn't have them. *Grr*

                            Rysade: That's great! But wildflower is one word.

                            Just for fun I decided to make a list of members' reactions to my foundations.

                            the SSATTF (Sing Songs At The Topic Foundation): I made this one for Gryph.
                            Gryph: *No Comment*
                            Angel_Star: I don't have a foundation.

                            the ATQFF (Abuse The Quote Function Fundation): This one's for Gryph too.
                            Gryph: *Huggle quotes*

                            the AUTMEPF (Always Use Too Many Exclamation Points Foundation): For Fox!
                            Fox: *Isn't here*

                            the UTMTF(Use Too Many Things Foundation): For me, because I do.
                            Z: Wow. You really use to much.

                            the CMATMTF (Change My Avie Too Many Times Foundation): Sort of for me, because I did, but also in the back pages of TTOGR I seem to remember M and Z changing theirs' a lot.
                            Sharky: I'm sane!

                            the LTLSF (Love The Llama Song Foundation): I made this one for the llama song.
                            PM: Oh, no. *Link to User Friendly cartoon*
                            Z: This is the most annoying thing in the world.
                            BiW: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! LLAMAS!

                            the PPPFTBF (Potter Puppet Pals Follow The Butterflies Foundation): For Follow the Butterflies! Because it rocks!
                            Everyone: Noo! Not the puppet pals!
                            Ella: How did you find that?
                            Me: I didn't.

                            the BTRRIPF (Believers That Rysade Really Is Poot Foundation): Rysade's fault.
                            Rysade: *Eyes wildflower warily*
                            Rysade: *creates the WFISWAMIATNTFDF(WildFlower Is So Wrong About Me I Am Totally Not The Forum Demon Foundation)*
                            Rysade: *Distracts readers from truth* (Secretly IS Poot! Hahahah. . .)

                            the STMFF (Start Too Many Foundations Foundation): I did.
                            Tui: This foundation is flourishing.
                            Everyone: *Is buried under foundations*

                            If I left out a response or anything, let me know and I'll change it. *Has lots of free time*


                            • Is is considered wrong to start two topics replying to things said a long time ago and have since been ended? If not then at least should those comments be of some length and have a worthwhile purpose for costing DD money?
                              Its not my place to judge so I will leave it up to the older, more experienced members to detirmine whether I am mistaken, or whether wizardsrreal should stop doing this.
                              "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


                              • Yeah, I kinda agree but I'm not the one to decide. Why not post to the old topics, and if the topics are locked, that means they have been finished. I like it when people revive old topics I personally think that's better.

                                Anyway wizardsrreal, I have a message for you, please stop 1 liners, If you're posting a new topic at least make it as long as my post right now and worthwhile to read, if not. It's just wasting DD's money.
                                penguins will rule the world.

