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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • hehehe. Hey! I'm more insane than that! FUNNY!!!!!!!!

    I is dead. I is dead. I is dead. I is dead..... I'M BORED!!!!! meeep. tellyphone..... YAY! MY LONG LOST SISTER HAS BEEN FOUND!!! hehe. not really. my sis missed the bus and I didn't know where she was for a while. but she is fond now.

    I IS STILL BORED!!!!!!
    Reality is for those who lack imagination.


    • Wheeee. . .
      You know what's fun? Typing a random word into the search thingie, it digs out all these ancient random posts from forever ago.

      Hehe. Glad you liked it BiW. You're little more insane in the next bit.
      Uh. I just noticed your location. "DEAD PEOPLE LAND!!!!"?

      The next bit:

      Penguin Woman wondered, not for the first time, if SHE was going insane.
      Gryphon had started singing again, Semi was going on about something that sounded like "bananananananannanananana," Poot/Rysade was muttering to itself, something about finding Diegowts so it could squish him, and BiW was bouncing around yelling at the top of her voice about silly beans and taking over the world with a giant chocolate carrot while repeatedly falling into the same small hole that had apparently been dug by Poot/Rysade.
      Penguin Woman, in a desperate attempt to escape the insanity, conjured a giant banana from nowhere and gave it to Semi. BiW, noticing this, suddenly aquired the need to act like a human ping-pong ball.
      Ducking BiW, who was bouncing from wall to wall, Penguin Woman climbed Semi's pencil ladder. Gryphon, Semi, BiW and Poot/Rysade followed, for slightly different reasons each. The first three just wanted to get to the chocolate, but Poot/Rysade knew that the being it had earlier referred to as 'Diegowts' was outside the hole.
      Reaching the top, Penguin Woman quickly got out of the way as everyone stampeded out of the whole to get to the chocolate. All of a sudden Gryphon stopped and looked back with a look of terror on her face. "Tell your crazy author woman to use a different word!" she said. "Quick! Hurry! Anything but 'St*mp*d*'!!"
      Penguin Woman stared. "Why? What's wrong with stampede? And how can you tell what the author is writing?"
      Too late.
      Penguin Woman panicked. Armies of penguins were good. Armies of tumbleweeds were bad.
      A girl stepped in front of the tumbleweed. "Down, Spot! DOWN! Good boy. No more tumbleweed stampede, at least not for now."
      She turned to Penguin Woman. 'Hi!" she said. "I'm Alla! I see you've met Spot, my tumbleweed. He gets a little carried away sometimes."
      Alla put the tumbleweed on a leash that appeared magically out of nowhere and led it out of the room past a Puerto Rican boy who was just coming in. Penguin Woman never got to meet him, however, because he was immediately squished by Poot/Rysade. She assumed that this was Diegowts.
      A girl walked in (Another one! Wow. The shock of it, the world is falling apart). She was carrying a large stack of books, all of which seemed to have the same title- "The City of the Beasts". "HERE!" she said, handing a copy to Penguin Woman. "Everyone must read the City of the Beasts. I'm AgentM, by the way. Call me M."
      Please don't kill me. . .


      • Why is M handing out City of the Beasts? What happened to Timeline by Micheal Critchon?

        *is being nitpickley*

        Wildflower has murdered the poor kitty... *sniff sniff* Gryphon the cat avie is a hyper, insane, and completely mental poor thing. You made her coherent. Or you're doing me for me, and not for Gryphon.

        Seriously! I can totally picture it!: Gryphon: "Icy Pole, why are you so mean? It's not nice to mean. You shouldn't be mean all the time. Why did you create Death and Entropy? Why don't you become good again? Good is better than evil!!! Icy Pole!!! Why are you lying on the floor with your tongue stuck out like that? It's GROSS!! Are you dead? Icy Pole! Answer me!" etc.
        -Agent M/S'finx
        (Imitating Gryphon annoying The Lone Power to death.)
        *dies laughing*

        Can't help it, M. I love that to death.
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • You are never going to let that go are you Gryph? lol, I might not post often but it's fun to watch you guys talk, 'specially when it's about me Which is surprisingly often.... And everyone DOES have to read City of the Beasts, and Timeline too!!!!
          love you guys *huggles*
          "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
          "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
          "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
          "I could live


          • Hehe. I'll probably add in Timeline somewhere too, later. When I get around to writing more, I have writer's block. And yes, I was writing for Gryphon-the-person, not Gryphon-the-avie cat. But I'll try to change that later.
            And I might as well try to work Icy Pole in there somewhere too. And while I'm at it, Nita and Kit and Dairine and Tom and Carl and Ed too, though I'm not sure how Ed's going to work.


            • Originally posted by Gibby Gibson:
              I like fluganoodles ((whatever those are))
              How can it LIKE something that it doesn't know anything about? That doesn't make any sense!


              • ::reminisces:: ::then pulls out a bigg bag of m&ms and strikes a defensive stance::

                PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                Follow the bouncing poot


                • I'm slightly confused...everything on this page is so's actually kind of funny, but I don't get it...


                  • "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


                    • *huggles* I love that post... Ahhh, I wish Abroad wasn't deleted.

                      I remember Caitlin!!!!!! Hiiiii. And look! *bounces up & down* Admin. powers, admin. powers...

                      Radical Cream:
                      I'm slightly confused...everything on this page is so's actually kind of funny, but I don't get it...

                      Heyy, our newbies are better with oneliners than our old members! What's with that? And no Diego in sight, either...

                      Gibby, when I say Rad I think of a lot of things. Usually whipped cream comes first to my mind, then Skype, then... it goes on and on, and what you think of when you read a person's username or see their UNIQUE avatar *coughcoughihatedoublescoughcough*, that's what you build an insane member story out of. I wrote a play with the members in a different topic, and Sharky wrote a story (post more story, Sharkish!).

                      You're an old member when someone calls someone a vampire and you know who they're talking about. You also know what the scrambled egg is, too.

                      Mello Yellow. Whazzat?
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • Hey Gryph, you're hilarious! When I hear your name I always think of the hyper kitty going into longsentencesaboutfishandtheicypole. Also, I heard another Linkin Park song: Numb. I don't know which ones are any good, they just come up on Launchcast. Mello Yello is disgusting, IMO....Alla rocks, BTW!!!


                        • Hehe. Thanks Gibby! Unique is a good word.

                          Gryph, you just made VGDawn so you could have more admin. powers, didn't you.

                          What do you call it when you're definitly still new, but you know perfectly well who the vampire and scrambled egg are?
                          I will definitely try to make Gryphon more hyper, insane, cat-like, and less coherent in the next bit. And bouncing too. With something about admin. powers too, just for the heck of it. Oooh. Idea.
                          *leaves to write more*


                          • Speaking of Unique we're having unique week at school...
                            MONDAY-wear flannel pajama pants.
                            (yes our school is not very unique, on regular days AND on unique week.
                            Our school is full of dyedblondhairedtoomucheyelinerprettypinkaliciousna ilpolishpeople
                            ...(which me and my friends call the dittos.)
                            But I do have happy bunny pajama pants that say I just don't listen on them and they'll very cute so...
                            penguins will rule the world.


                            • What? Everything Linkin Park is good! 'Cept for that In the End sung by a freakish rapper (Jay-Z, I think). Grrr to it. A few others get on my nerves, too, like High Voltage.

                              Gryph, you just made VGDawn so you could have more admin. powers, didn't you.
                              No, that was only part of it. I love being the leader, so I couldn't settle for just admin. powers, and I wanted a new roleplay. VGDawn is awesome. If it wasn't, it wouldn't have fifty members.

                              What do you call it when you're definitly still new, but you know perfectly well who the vampire and scrambled egg are?
                              You call it wildflower, of course!
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • Hehehe. I'm an adjective now!!

                                VGDawn has fifty members? Wow. I haven't been there in a while. I go fairly often, I've bookmarked it, and I've finally found a name for my character. Really should get around to joining someday. . .
                                I'm still getting used to the new layout colors.
                                Mwee. How come it lets me into the members only section? If it lets guests in what's the point of calling it members only. . .

                                Z: Happy Bunny PAJAMAS?! *Dies* That's really weird. *Dies* And you're wearing them to school? *Dies*
                                Unique week? *DIES*
                                *Iz Dead*

