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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • PM:
    Real rocks, not just saying they do in chat?
    I got hit by a rock once. Scratched my glasses. Not fun.

    Being random is fun. Speaking of which, I need to create a Christmas avatar. You aren't obsessive, VC? Wow, you couldv'e fooled me, with your four pictures in your sig.

    +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
    +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)



      ^^ That's an article I found on yahoo, and I think it's all bull. The study is biased. Or maybe I'm just taking all of it wrong.

      A heads up for people.

      "Earlier, Stinnett, who was eight months pregnant, had been talking with her mother on the phone, and hung up saying a woman she had chatted with online had just arrived at her door, authorities said."

      And then she was murdered. That's a really creepy story, too. Eee. *shudders*

      I've been digging through Out of Ambit to find my sigged line, but all of the archived topics don't have comments anymore. So now I'm just digging around to find what I replied to. Just about everything that's there I remember from the very scary panda to DD's cat has gone missing. I've gone through October of 2003 to December 2003 so far.
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • VVCCC!!! *huggles* I THOUGHT YOU DIED!!

        Hmm, its way to early in the morning to be shouting.. I woke up at 9: 45!! Can you believe that?! I am gonna have ot take a major nap t make up for this.

        At the moment I am in chat with a person names Magical Butter. Intriting name.. He says he was a member here before they did all the upgrades to chat and all. Before my time. I dunno if any of yall member him or not. Anyways..

        Last night was the school dance.. THERE WAS NO DJ. The music was horriable cause it was like CD's and radio and they always cut off the song in the middle of it. But I sat with Dain and his friend and my friends and just talked. IT WAS SO FUNNY! Dain's friend, we will call him Bob, sucked helium out of like 5 ballons. Lets just say he was floating on cloud 10. (us being like cloud 5 or smthn like that..((Hmm, that didnt make any sense ah well, on w my story))) So, it was sooo funny! And he tried to chug 2 dr peppers one right after teh other. I stole one of em and I think I did it faster than he did.. Well, all in all, it was a satisfing evening.

        Well, ppls, I think im gonna wrap up this post. I will try and post later. Have a good day ppls! luff yall!
        CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

        Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


        • OMG NEETS! There was no DJ?????? That's just EVIL. My school is like forced to get a DJ, otherwize no one would go. I went to a dance like a week ago. It was fun. HEILIUM!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAhAHA! I LOVE HEILIUM!!!!!!!

          Reality is for those who lack imagination.


          • Dain si back! Dain si back!

            Anyway i was having technical difficulties with my compy. I gave it scolding and created new user. New user can un Internet. Yay! so now im back. An that is why i havent been post.

            Yes dance was fun but only cause of the people that were there (Neets being one of them, Bob Being the other.) It was tsill fun though and i enjoyed myself. Yes Bob has mental problems that we are currently trying to fix. Though i think it was the sodas the medical experts say other things of which i dont understand.

            Nita is very good at poperatze. She kept falshing me with the flash on the yearbook camera. So there is still i remnance or a fuzzy red light in my eyes. But it tis okay so long as i can still read YW and VGdawn and WS.

            I have found a way that i may continue posting through the holidays. My mom has recently purchased a laptop with Dial up so i can use my grandparents phoneline at night. YAy!

            I see some beople are getting festive finaly but we need more festivity. Lots more! Every one must be festive. Then it will be a true YW christmas. We must have turkey and Ham, Preasents and a tree. *Wanders off holering about all the work to be done*
            "Free is Free" -Dain
            Founder of the Why So Many Foundations Foundation (WSMFF)

            This a picture of Doonut. A character from Red vs. Blue. My favorite web show.

            : Doonut and Sarg siting under a jeep :
            Doonut:"Hey sarg! What's that metal thing th


            • Dain si back?

              Anyways, I'm very pissed at myself and sad. A lot of people have parties about every month and I never get invited. A few days ago I got invited for one today but I didn't know what time it was. Now I found out I ended up missing it because nobody answers the frickin phone in my house except for me. (and I wasn't home yesterday.) So I missed the one party I got invited too...

              After that I found out that the crickets, (I have to feed my gecko live crickets,) that I had in a box are crawling around my room because they chewed a whole through the box. Which wasn't supposed to happen because it was a special box I payed a lot of money for so they won't chew through it. Now I'm pissed cause I can't even go in my room and be depressed, because some ugly creature will be crawling around, on my walls.

              mood: i'll bite your head off if you touch me

              also my mom and dad are fighting so they're pissed at each i'm having a great christmas season aren't i? (sarcastic)
              penguins will rule the world.


              • Aww...Poor Z. Things will get better soon, hopefully. My mom wants to kill me- no, she doesn't want to kill me, she's just really mad- 'cause I got dirt and mud and junk on my nice jacket. Not my fault that our neighbor's dog likes to jump! But it is my fault that I wore it over there... Oh well. I gotta call my horse-back riding instructor to see if I can get a ride to the horse show tomorrow. I don't like the phone. Nope, don't like it at all. *stares at monstrous phone with big eyes* I have an irrational fear of the phone... We just saw the Series of Unfortunate Events movie. It was pretty good. I haven't read the books yet, so I can't compare the two.
                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                • ::waits desperately to go see a series of unfortunate events::

                  hey, itt'l be my... third... or fourth... hm... movie with jude law in it that i've gone to see this week @ the theaters (well, technically it will have been next week. (hey look! a transcendet pig!) that's a lot. ::is shocked:: THIS is what happens when you need to use up your bus pass before they change the bus schedules.

                  PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                  Follow the bouncing poot


                  • I want to see that movie but my mom is being a pain about it. She has to take anything that is real simple and make a whole big deal out of it and get me into trouble. *Pouts*

                    I dont really see whats the problem with the crickets. I mean they're just crickets. My freind has a huge spider living in his room and technicly i think thats worse.
                    "Free is Free" -Dain
                    Founder of the Why So Many Foundations Foundation (WSMFF)

                    This a picture of Doonut. A character from Red vs. Blue. My favorite web show.

                    : Doonut and Sarg siting under a jeep :
                    Doonut:"Hey sarg! What's that metal thing th


                    • I don't like crickets crawling around in my bed while I'm sleeping. Or crickets eating the pages in my books, or putting on a pair of jeans with crickets exoskelotens shedded in them. Crickets are gross.
                      penguins will rule the world.


                      • However, that's just one spider, while there are many crickets loose in her room. I certainly wouldn't want that. I don't like bugs or spiders, or anything like that. I'm more of a mammal kind of person. My friends and I are trying to go caroling sometime this week, but things aren't working out to well at the moment. Hm... I need to make some phone calls. *shudder*
                        the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                        • you see what the chat did to me? we were talking about christmastising avatars, sharky's in particular and i went and did some others too...



                          BiW Thats tinsel on the wings by the way...





                          • The spider is about 2 feet big and has no cage. It made a nest up in the corner of his room.

                            Anyway i have speant so many minutes making everyone christmas avis! Yay!

                            Sharky's (He made another for himslef beacuse he didnt like mine )

                            nita's -

                            And Angel's -

                            Caitlin's -

                            i must do one for every person that dosent ahve a christmas avi. And please you them, They are festive! Yay for festivity.
                            "Free is Free" -Dain
                            Founder of the Why So Many Foundations Foundation (WSMFF)

                            This a picture of Doonut. A character from Red vs. Blue. My favorite web show.

                            : Doonut and Sarg siting under a jeep :
                            Doonut:"Hey sarg! What's that metal thing th


                            • Dain:
                              He made another for himslef beacuse he didnt like mine
                              Hey, that isn't true! I was working on mine for a while while chatting because Wf was telling me I should get a Christmasy one. And your version is quite nice.

                              +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                              +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


                              • Semiramis is back too!

                                My parents dint let me use this comp for a long time, and none of the other ones I have access to like this site very much. So yeah.

                                And just when I was reintegrating myself with the community, too. Graah. I have some sort of bad luck with forums, or something.... @.@

                                ...Oh, something funny. My science class did an activity where we "made children" by flipping a coin and designating different features, and my group's turned out looking like Ronan! XD

                                It had the close-spaced eyes and everything...

