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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


    • Angel_Star:
      What's the point in having that big of a tv? I don't even watch that much tv. I'd much rather read. *grin*
      Same here. Well, wait, you can't blast enemies to bits on a Gamecube without a tv. New obsession: Metroid Prime.

      Gibby! Really, you ought to post more or you'll never be a senior.

      You don't enjoy physical activities? What, you're missing out on all of those endorphins! About katas: it's all muscle memory. I don't think when I do a kata. At all. I don't think about what's the next move, what I doing know, whatever. I just am.

      Poems with short lines are fun. I wonder what kind of mood I'm in to write a poem like this:

      Look at me
      I'm the shadow
      you can't see
      in the meadow
      that you flee
      I'm that hollow
      past your face
      You'll follow
      my aftertaste
      The raging fury
      The distance blurry
      The hopes that scurry
      The thoughts a-flurry
      You can't hurry

      But I can wait.

      It's not a happy poem, and if it sounds light, reread it.
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • i took karate (kenpo, actually) for about... ehhh four, five years. Then I dropped as a brown belt. I just didn't have time anymore, and I wasn't LEARNING anything. I'm really rusty now, but I could probably still hold my own in a fight. Except I can't actually start a fight. . . due to my size, all the stuff I can do normally relies on the other person's momentum. In other words, I cannot pick someone up and throw them against the room. However, if they come at me fists raised, I can throw them because I just use the energy they aim at me and redirect it.

        Ano. . .'tis cold in Canada. We're about -15 degrees Celsius, -27 degrees Celsius with windchill.


        • KONICHIWA!!!!!

          *Panics, running, screaming*
          We had a Christmas party today, and I haven't been on the compy at all until now (Well, a few hours ago I was on mom's compy, but I didn't have time to post).
          You people POST TO MUCH!!!! *Still screaming, running and panicking*


          . . .

          Okay, those were all fine to fit my mood except for the zombie one.

          Semi's ALIIIIVVE!!! KONICHIWA!!

          ROFL at Dain's fesive avies. Caitlin's avie is the only one I hadn't seen in chat.

          PM, I can't see you getting a santa hat on Semi's avie. It just won't work. . . Or Chani's for that matter. Sunstar's could be interesting with a santa hat. . .



          • Originally posted by wildflower44:
            PM, I can't see you getting a santa hat on Semi's avie. It just won't work. . . Or Chani's for that matter. Sunstar's could be interesting with a santa hat. . .
            It sounds as if you didn't see them - if you click on the names, the redrawn ones will open. For Semi, I just made an icon with the symbol she has in her avatar. I forget what it means, but I think it might be "Semi".
            Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


            • AURIE! I started reading fruits's so good!

              And for all of you trying to find random japanese phrases on the web then putting them into a word document. *hint hint pm hint hint* HAVE a fun time with these.


              penguins will rule the world.


              • MERI KURISUMASU!!! FIVE MORE DAYS!!!!! *HAPPY*

                PM: Oh, I didn't see them. Those are funny! I think Semi's symbol means Mei (Rose). . .?

                Japanese!!! *Pounce* Thanks to one site I know how to swear in Japanese now. . .Ack. *Running, screaming, SNOWING. . .*

                Now when I'm mad at my little brother, or the dog, I yell at them in Japanese. . . I LUFF JAPANESE. FUNFUN!!

                MUAHAHAHAHHA. Lookit what I found! VeggieTales. . .

                The Credits Song


                • i LOVE that song (and 'in the belly of the whale' by newsboys, which comes right before it under the credts)

                  ::toddles off to dig up dancing larry doll::

                  what's this about my avie???

                  i think, that if you gather up all the snow we got in the county, you could build a snowman. we didn't get much. but my grandmother (from philly.. just 1 1/2 hours across the state) still called to see if we got "all that snow out there" like were in a different country... ach

                  since ya'll were telling your midterms horror stories:
                  today i had ap us history and trig/pre-calc (we have two each day for three days and half days on those days) ANYWAY, i spent all weekend studying for history. about two minutes before the end of the test, my history teach, King George (andrews, our principal) comes in (we had one of the other teachers for a proctor) that if we get half of the multiple guess right, we should think we did well. HALF. (there were 60-summat questions) apparantly we should expect this because they were "higher-level thinking questions" and "questions that you should expect to see in a college course" and they were "directly from the AP tests". i hope he curves the grades, if that's what he's expecting.... ::spazzes:: i did exactly 15 minutes fo studyying for my trig midterm.. the 15 minutes between the history midterm and the trig one.... but she gave us the circle chart and all the identities we've done, so it's all good.

                  my hands are freezing off. :ads downstairs to see what's wrong with the thermostat:: my parents have the house set at 52 degrees yeesh
                  PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                  Follow the bouncing poot


                  • Wildflower, Neo adopted Caitlin's festive avie because he was using the same as her.

                    The credis song? Oh, nevermind. I'm not asking.

                    I beat the Omega Pirate. Oh yeah, who rocks?

                    Somebody has been playing Metroid Prime for 4 hours straight. I'm home sick. This really sucks.
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • Originally posted by wildflower44:
                      PM: Oh, I didn't see them. Those are funny! I think Semi's symbol means Mei (Rose). . .?
                      Ah, Ok, thanks.
                      MUAHAHAHAHHA. Lookit what I found! VeggieTales. . .

                      _The Credits Song_
                      This reminds me of a TV series called The Garry Shandling Show. The theme for that show went:

                      Title: "It's Garry Shandling's Theme"
                      By: "Joey Carbone, Garry Shandling, and Alan Zweibel"

                      This is the theme to Garry's Show,
                      The theme to Garry's show.
                      Garry called me up and asked if I would write his theme song.
                      I'm almost halfway finished,
                      How do you like it so far,
                      How do you like the theme to Garry's Show?

                      This is the theme to Garry's Show,
                      The opening theme to Garry's show.
                      This is the music that you hear as you watch the credits.
                      We're almost to the part of where I start to whistle.
                      Then we'll watch "It's Garry Shandling's Show".

                      This was the theme to Garry Shandling's show.

                      Sung by Randy Newman, apparently. The song words were found on this webpage and this one also had information about the show (and about the later Larry Sanders Show).
                      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                      • Originally posted by Peter Murray:
                        Originally posted by wildflower44:
                        PM, I can't see you getting a santa hat on Semi's avie. It just won't work. . . Or Chani's for that matter. Sunstar's could be interesting with a santa hat. . .
                        It sounds as if you didn't see them - if you click on the names, the redrawn ones will open. For Semi, I just made an icon with the symbol she has in her avatar. I forget what it means, but I think it might be "Semi".
                        Oh... you made one for me? whoops 0.o I didn't realize, I went and made one for myself...

                        ...that's supposed to be a christmas tree ornament; not sure if you can tell. It looks a lot better in the bigger/un-jpeg version... @.@

                        (BTW, the symbol on my avie is my chinese name, "mei" from "mei gue" which means "rose"--as in the flower, not the action XD)

                        [edit] graah, my bandwidth is exceeded >.< oh well, never mind... it's also here, if you really want to see.


                        • yay my first day off work in like a week - and I'm not even full time. I keep getting called in and asked to work cos other people call in sick, or we're busier than they thought. But I can't hang around here all day cause I'm going into the city...

                          Gibby: I growl at those who have managed to get a copy of the Little Mermaid on DVD... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... its not fair

                          hmmm.. I have this sudden urge to poke someone or whack someone... must come from not having done fencing for five whole weeks i miss whacking people.

                          Yay! I am getting an iPod for Christmas *plots what she can call her playlists*

                          *feels loved* I take it you liked the Christmasitititised avi gryph

                          ...yay??? there's a JP4 in the running ... oh no, but if Sam Neill returns as Alan Grant I will definitely go to see it... I haven't missed one yet.

                          Gah... you northern hemispherians talking about snow... It was like 39 degrees yesterday here... thats in celcius by the way. I needed to buy two drinks on my lunch break - one for lunch and another to walk across the carpark to get to the canteen but today looks over cast so thats good


                          • It's -4 degrees in Celcius (just for alla) and there still is no snow! *screams!*

                            *mouth drops to floor* I feel like strangling all who live in Austrailia! 35 degrees celcius is 95 degrees!!! 95 DEGREES! AHHHHHHHHH! MY HOUSE ISN'T THAT WARM IT'S LIKE 60 IN MY HOUSE AND YOU HAVE 95 NOT FAIRNOTFAIRNOTFAIR!

                            *cough* ahem. Sorry for my little rant there...
                            penguins will rule the world.


                            • It's 26 degrees fahrenheit here. I never can remember how to spell that... I wish it would snow more. It didn't even cover the grass yesterday. Eek. My money is leaving me! I'm not going to have any left over for the D.C. trip! *sighs* It's all for a good cause. FOOD! Lots and lots of junk food tomorrow. *bounces around* Lovely, my crazy dog is barking. *clutches head* She has a very loud bark for such a little dog.
                              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                              • I love my avie! Ahhhh, and I love Spot with... is that a tumbleweed lurking underneath him? Dun dun dun.

                                Z, seriously, warm weather isn't all it's made up to be.

                                *Bad mood* After repeatedly jumping to the top of a room and then falling all the way to the bottom, I wasn't so happy anymore. Rah rah rah!!! ARGGG. Well, I only have one more artifact to find, and then I can get into the impact crater... *deep breath* *exhale* The last artifact is far enough away from where I am to drive me mad.
                                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

