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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • *Random Question* how do you post drawings on deviantart?

    Never mind, I figured it out. Anyways I made a deviantart account, (I finally got a scanner.) My drawing notebook is at school so I only have 1 quick sketch though of Nita in the library colored with a paint program. (I know. I need a tablet.)
    My Deviantart
    penguins will rule the world.


    • *Drags M out of BiW's hole*
      I post when I don't have anything to say. . .I comment on other people's posts without contributing anything new to the conversation. . .
      Oh, and when you have absolutely nothing else to do, click the find button and type in something completely random, and it'll come up with results. Then you can quote one of the ancient posts and drive Gryph insane. Well, more insane.
      Or you could just sing. . .

      This is the theme to Garry's Show,
      The theme to Garry's show.
      Garry called me up and asked if I would write his theme song.
      I'm almost halfway finished,
      How do you like it so far,
      How do you like the theme to Garry's Show?

      This is the theme to Garry's Show,
      The opening theme to Garry's show.
      This is the music that you hear as you watch the credits.
      We're almost to the part of where I start to whistle.
      Then we'll watch "It's Garry Shandling's Show".

      This was the theme to Garry Shandling's show.

      That's great. . .Oh my gosh. . .

      <span class="ev_code_green">OOo</span><span class="ev_code_red">OoO</span> <span class="ev_code_purple">Lookit</span> <span class="ev_code_pink">what </span><span class="ev_code_green">I can </span><span class="ev_code_blue">do. . .</span>
      <span class="ev_code_yellow">I like colors. They're fun. . .</span>

      Pretty new avie Semi! (Or it would be if I could see it) I went to the link though.


      Okay. . .Merry Christmas, everyone!

      The Mad, Completely Insane, Really Crazy, Slightly Pointless Typo-Ridden Adventures of Penguin Woman and Mr.Eggnog (Genie)

      ". . .Penguins like being wet, so you should too, right? Why do you-"
      Penguin Woman cut her off again. "Look, I'm on a mission to save Iz from Mr. Eggnog's insanity. If you want to come, you'll have to be quiet."
      ". . ." said Gryphon. "What's a quiet?"
      Penguin Woman slapped her forehead. "I don't have time for this." She tried, again, to walk out the door.
      The girl who had popped out from the toblerone wings started following her. "Hi!" she said. "I'm Z! We're all crazy. . .but Sharky is the craziest. . .oh and we're random too, did I mention?"
      "Um. . .maybe. . .I think so. . .or not. . ." said Penguin Woman ellipses-ly.
      Since the chocolate had dissapeared, everyone had been listening to Penguin Woman's conversation. They decided to come, and help her defeat the insanity of the POOFing Genie. . .

      High in a tower of the castle, Sharky was plotting. (Cue evil music with dark laugh in the background; screen goes black)

      Penguin Woman and her newly assembled army of maniacs (Maniacs can climb stairs, unlike penguins) made for the door. Starting down the stairs, someone had the idea that they should start singing. Because no one could decide what to sing, they ended up traipsing down the stairs singing God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs at the tops of their voices.
      Upon reaching the bottom, several more people joined them, including an AOP (Anime Obsessed Person) yelling at the penguins in Japanese, an Angel who was also the Queen of Nonsensical, A pyramid/vampire (Closely followed by a ghost), and a smashed egg wih new-looking South Park hair (Who was handing out santa hats to everyone while watching a Potter Puppet Pals DVD).
      Everyone kind of gave up on God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs when BiW started playing the llama song.. Penguin Woman sighed, thinking maybe they could get rid of Genie by doing nothing other than playing the llama song at him.

      Um. . .Z, your link is telling me the site doesn't exist.


      • YAY! I like my random part. Sorry for some reason YW is blocking the link. they don't like me to spell huggles with a z and the end for some reason. Maybe it spells a bad word. But anyways, they bleep it out so it doesn't work...hmmm. I'll fix it sometime.
        penguins will rule the world.


        • Originally posted by Rad:
          I like this avvie...did you do it PM?
          Um... oh, yeah, I did. Can't remember any more .
          M said:
          HellO!!!! I'm still alive!! And you're all so christmassy...
          Oh! So you are. Why don't you have a Christmas avie? They're fun to redraw.
          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


          • omg you guys..... this MADE MY WEEK:

            It's official:

            July 16th, 2004
            <span class="ev_code_GREEN">Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince</span>
            is actually coming. REALLY.

            for more info:

            Whoo and hoo, whoo and hoo!
            (But I'm more excited about Wizards at War.. and for some reason, I don't find that one odd.... hm....)

            PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
            Follow the bouncing poot


            • *tackles* I KNOW! AIN'T IT WONDERFUL?! *bounces around* I LOVE THESE SORTS OF ANNOUNCEMENTS!!! Anywho, I think I failed both my tests today... *shrugs* But I got most of the candy from the pinata in Spanish class! :P YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
              "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


              • Yay! That's a day before my friends birthday! Good present idea huh? Congrats Caitlin *huggles* post #100.

                Artemis' avie cracks me up...

                I changed my deviant because YW bleeped it out. (It took me a long time to find out why...)

                I don't have any pics though because I left my notebook at school.
                penguins will rule the world.


                • *Scans Yahoo! news* What's this about Male Fish Growing Eggs...? And it's causes by pollution! Ewww. The water is causing the fish to grow eggs in places and

                  "The Potomac River is the main source of drinking water for the Washington metropolitan area and many upstream communities. It provides about 75 percent of the water supply to the 3.6 million residents of Washington and its Maryland and Virginia suburbs. "


                  "These pollutants are often found in very low concentrations, so until recently no equipment could detect them. But the first nationwide survey, in 1999 and 2000, found hormones in about 37 percent of streams tested. "

                  That's over a third!

                  It's the last three letters in huggles that the forum doesn't like.

                  I wish I could scan...

                  Off t'be killed by homework, the evil homework from Iz
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • i knew there was a reson i signed up for thiose annoying hp update emails.... every once in a while they yeild summat intersting. like today!

                    pinata candy is really, really good. ::stomach growls::

                    we need to get kit, nita & s'ree working on the potomac river...

                    PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                    Follow the bouncing poot


                    • hey... could someone christmatize/show me how to my avie???? i feel sorta out of place...
                      PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                      Follow the bouncing poot


                      • Hmm, my avi was going to be Christamtized but I want something that I can use year around. Currently, I am searching so this one will be a temp. I hired it from an agency. Nice, huh? hehe, I crack myself up!

                        So, hows everyone doing? I WANT SNOW TOO! LUCKYLUCKY GRYPH, WF, AND EGGNOG!

                        lmao, nice story Wf! But I think I missed the beggining of it.. hmmm...

                        *goes to sleep*

                        Jeez, im tired. Plus there isnt anyone in chat! AT ALL! Is there another chat somewhere I missed? Ah well

                        Sssssooooossss, whats everyone doing for Christmas? I always wonder cause it seems I do things alllot diffrent from other ppls.

                        HEY I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING! This is my first Christmas here! YAY!

                        Well, I will post laters everyone! ttyl! luff yall!
                        CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                        Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                        • Hee hee, this is my 3rd Christmas here. God I'm old...

                          *grr* Can be excused for my one liner? Just cuz you all love me so much?
                          "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                          "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                          "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                          "I could live


                          • This is my third Christmas here Marnie (just for old times' sake? ) we are old!

                            Ach, Caitlin (did I just say Ach?) you beat me to the announcement! Anyway, I'm soooo excited. But I'm also worried, because JK's said she's killing off a main character again this book. I wonder if it'll be a more main-y character than (don't look if you haven't read the fifth book!) <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Sirius</span>? As in, Ron or Hermione? I'm guessing Lupin, maybe. I don't think Dumbledore will die until the seventh book (but I think he is eventually going to die, in the time frame of the books), and I'm desperately hoping it's not Ron or wouldn't be the same without Ron or Hermione. It makes me sad just thinking about it! And I don't think it'll be Malfoy either.

                            Enough of that. I saw the Series of Unfortunate Events movie today. It was pretty good. My friend was kind of upset on how they changed the order of events around a little, but I think it needed to be that way in order to tie the whole movie together. I do think it was a little weird that <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Mr. Poe would be gullible enough to think that Count Olaf would be nice because he "saved" Klaus from "drowning". I mean, he's gullible, but surely not THAT gullible</span>. And the whole movie had a bit of a frantic feel to it. It felt like it was dragging on so that they could get in everything. Wait, it was also a bit strange how <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Klaus burned the marriage paper with that giant glass thing</span>.

                            Also, I saw Down With Love at my friend's house last night. It was so cute! I really liked it.
                            "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                            There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                            And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                            What could mean more than this?"
                            --Bright Eyes



                              Nita: It's my first Christmas here too!! *Bouncing* FOURMOREDAYS. . .
                              Actually the snow's mostly melted now. But it was here all day yesterday, and this morning!

                              Thanks, about the story. I'm going to post all of it in the Skits/Stories topic. *Goes to do so* For people who missed the first part, or parts in the middle, or just missed the whole thing.

                              Man you people have been here FOREVER. *Dies laughing* I'd forgotten about the marniebrown1 thing. . .

                              MY LIBRARY GOT WH FINALLY!!!!!!

                              MERI KURISUMASU!!!!


                              • ::feels special because she was the first one to break the MAJOR news:: ::spazzes out over news again::

                                i've noticed someting..... all the good movies always come out at once. the same appears to be true for books (WAW July 1, HP#6 July 16th) i wonder why....

                                this is my third christmas here too. wowowowow. i joined a really long time ago. now i feel old-ish. only ish, though. oyu guys, it's been fun. remember back when we had the massive m&m spewing war? or the tui/(was it?) agent m posting war to see who could hit 1000 first??? good itmes, good times. ::is in a reminiscing mood::

                                i've been tackled by eight people since telling everyone i know the news (the rest of the tally: 6 hugs, 4 kisses, 3 very incoherent actions, 1 grenfletz, and a partridge in a pear tree- seriously, my friend has an extra one left over from the w*nch (not sure if that would be censored or not, so i did it myself) auction)

                                I LOVE being the bearer of good news...

                                PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                                Follow the bouncing poot

