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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Sharky
    Sunstar, are you implying that whenever we want to use a pronoun for you we should call you "it?" Would that mean that when we say things like "I don't get it," we are really saying "I do not undersand Sunstar?" Because I don't get it. Why don't you just let us assume you female until you offer definitive proof otherwise?

    Haha! Let's see you reason your way out of that!
    You have got me there, yes I'm admitting "it" .
    I guess I should stop complaining about gender-based pronouns and shut up. So I will...for awhile .

    Space Pens are very cool!
    I have one of my own and it has 4 different modes (red ink, black ink, pencil, and stylus).

    Oh yeah...
    Merry Christmas Everyone
    "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


    • Uh...the GameBoy SP came like...what, 2,3 years ago?
      Comradely, Diego

      Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
      "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

      "Be a real


      • my mom decided not to cook christmas dinner today. apparantly there were too many people in out house that were comatose (midnight mass WILL do that to ya)

        I got Gone With The Wind and an "I'm on errantry..." hoodie! ( I was psyched) and my aunt gave me a bunch of her old ocncert t's (including an ORIGIONAL rocky horror picture show tee. whoo and hoo! my dad jsut about had a nervy spaz when he saw it, but that's his problem, not mine)

        we did the christmas thingy very early this morning when we got back from masss (1:45-ish) so we could sleep in before we had to go sing mass this morning. 'twas fun opening presents at 2:00 in the morning, i reccomend you try it sometime (uh oh... new fmaily tradition in the making...:: pink panther music plays:: )

        merry chirstmas to all, and to all a good night! ::dances because it's christmas an dthere aren't any annoying realtives at my house to mak eit somewhat less fun that christmas should be::

        PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
        Follow the bouncing poot


        • My uncle gave me a space pen when I graduated. I LOVE IT! I got several things for Christmas, mostly books and DVDs. LOTS of books...and 2 of the Matrix DVD's (I only owned the 2nd one, but now I have all of them...right when I wanted the Ultimate collection too...oh well)

          OMG I didn't know Diane wrote slash...


          • Originally posted by semiramis:
            ....singlet... shorts... and... thongs?? @.@
            Get your mind out of the gutter semi! Thongs are shoes... gah! And it was about 36 degrees celcius yesterday! so yeah! Singlet shorts and thongs were very suitable for the day!

            Ohmygodohmygodohmygod they're making a
            Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie!!!! I can't believe it! I saw the trailer last night. And it's weird because I'm reading the books now: I'm on Life, the Universe, and Everything
            I have only one thing to say to that!


            There's a trailer for it?! *goes searching*

            Z: my neopets username is swashbucklergal - don't ask for an explaination... I had just finished watching POTC, and pirategal was taken... ...

            Hmm... We've made it to 350

            Oh yeah... my iPod is now called Spot


            • Peach would not approve of the Guide.... it says Don't panic, but Peach says:
              "'Look, don't panic yet-'
              'Go ahead! Panic!" screamed Peach from somewhere in the background. 'Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!'
              'Bird,' Carl's voice said, also in the background, 'You're honing for a punch in the beak.'
              'Violence! You want violence, I'll give you violence! No quarter asked or iven! Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead! Don't give up the AWWWK!'
              "Thanks, Carl.'"

              hee... I LOVE the quotes compository in the playroom. It makes getting quotes so easy. (::sees opportuinity for shameless playroom plug:: )the quotes compository has quotes from every book (some more than others) and makes quoting the books extremely easy. And props to Tui, who started it and put almost the whole thingus together. ::raises glass::
              PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
              Follow the bouncing poot


              • I've actually known about the movie for a while. Humph, I wish Ella could join in the chat too. We brought it up a while back.
                Of course. Damn it.

                Hee. Hee.

                There's a trailer for it?! *goes searching*
                Yup. Here.

                Squee! For Christmas I got the Les Miserables Complete Symphonic Recording. That's the whole play! Yes! And--surprise!--my parents finally broke down and bought a DVD player, and the ROTK widescreen DVD! I love my parents! I also got a pink sweater, four books, Aerosmith greatest hits CD, an opal necklace (opal is my birthstone), a Dave Barry 2005 tear-off calendar...I Christmas.
                "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                What could mean more than this?"
                --Bright Eyes


                • I went shopping at the mall of america with my friend today, i have 2 new favorite stores. Ragstock and Hot Topic, at first I thought hot topic was super gothic and kinda 'forbidden' and I shouldn't go in there. But now I see that it's really cool and I'd like to shop there all the time, some of the stuff I'm not crazy about but most of it ROCKS!

                  My mom forbids me to get a cellphone, but I will not listen! I'm getting one!
                  penguins will rule the world.


                  • AHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! YES YES!!!!!!!

                    I have Metroid Prime 2.

                    Cuz I don't know
                    If I can trust you
                    All of the things you have said to me
                    SPINNIN' OUT OF CONTROL
                    OUT OF CONTROL
                    I'M SPINNIN' OUT OF CONTROL
                    OUT OF CONTROL

                    Dad played Halflife 2. It rocks! The graphics- everything. Well, yeah, for the graphics. Everything went crazy as companies tried to produce the best graphic cards just for this game a year ago when it was suposed to come out. It was delayed well over a year. Lesse if I can look for screenshots to show anyone.

                    Ah, a website with tons of screenshots.

                    Half Life 2 Screenshots

                    Make you feel this
                    A blackout
                    Touching new life
                    Face down
                    Set the pace again
                    A blackout
                    Touching new life
                    face down
                    Set the pace again
                    Don't take the fall

                    I love my music!!!
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • I love Hot Topic.
                      I got a guitar for Christmas. YAAAAY!!!!

                      Space Pens Rock. Wish I had one.

                      MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!
                      "She leaped off the table and tore into the living room. There was a brief sound of scrabbling, and then from the living room, Kit said, "Uh, Annie, your cat just went up the chimney..."
                      Dai Stiho:grin&bounce:


                      • Hot Topic rocks It's where I got my nightmare before christmas sweatshirt Skellington!!
                        "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                        "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                        "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                        "I could live


                        • Hey this is a note for all Playroom members:

                          I'm putting the list of those on the list to be deleted in the playroom topic in the web resouces forum. just so ya'll know ;D

                          PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                          Follow the bouncing poot


                          • I got a Nightmare Before Christmas pen for Christmas.


                            I'm so bored. I need to find something to do, or I'll be a slug all day.
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • Skater! (that's what I call KS8er because I'm having trouble spelling her username.) Where did you get your avie? it's so cute!

                              If I can ever get my brother of the PS2 I'd not be bored. I actually just woke up so...
                              penguins will rule the world.


                              • Cool.... I'm gone the ENTIRE weekend and there's only a page more than when I last posted.

                                Christmas was AWESOME! HAHA! I got almost everything I wanted. I got a digital camera, an MP3 player thingy, some other random, the usual clothes from my grandmother..., and book! really cool books! They're like my fav thing ever. One's called if you want to be a witch, and it's an intro to the wiccan lifestyle, (WICCAN AND PROUD OF IT), and another book called Dancing With Dragons, which is basicly about dragon's and their powers and yeah....

                                Anywho, I HOPE ALL YOU GUYS HAD A HAPPY CHRISTMAS!
                                Reality is for those who lack imagination.

