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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Just like to let everyone know I'm gonna be gone for a couple days. So remember, no posting.

    I really hate to put a damper on the Christmas spirit, but I'd just like everyone to have a moment of silence, whenever you read this, for the (at last count) 22,000 people killed in the earthquake and subsequent tsunamis in southeast Asia yesterday (December 26, 2004). Please support orgainizations such as the Red Cross/Red Crescent in your area that are providing aid for the upwards of a million people whose homes have been destroyed. Please keep both the dead and the living in your thoughts during this time of crisis.
    "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
    There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
    And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
    What could mean more than this?"
    --Bright Eyes


    • Hey ppls! its been a while since I have posted...

      Ella! *huggles* Nice to see ya again! lol, like were nto gonna post. Yes, I have had my moment of silence for all these people. I always do support those oragnizations and I hope all fo you do to!

      I AM SO SUPRISED AT YALL! *is time for Neets to give a lecture* Yall havent been posting! I remember wehn I first started posting here in the togr, way back on page 100 smthn, that I couldent go one day without 3 pages being posted! Sure, it got on my nerves, btu it was nice seeing all those posts! I WANT TO SEE MORE OF EM!

      Ah, my Christmas was certainly memorable! I will nto bore you for too long.. We drove down to Arkansas, as tradition in my family, to my grandparents house. I dunno btu for us we got abotu 3 inches of snow in Texas. In Arkansas they got about 4. All the roads ended up freezing, all ice. Anyways, we got SO close to my grandparent house then there was a TON of traffic. Drives that should only take 2 hours took 12! Litteraly! So we pulled to a motel and got a room. That was chaos its self. 3 dogs and 6 ppl in one room. It was interisitng. The next morning our room caught fire. Almost. The heater started to spark. Smoke everywhere. We got an ENTIRE 5 dollars off our bill! Nice, huh? But we ended up making it to my grandparents house and it was all good. I got a ton of cool stuff! And I bought some CD's with my money. Nickleback, Papa Roach, and Three Doors Down.

      Now that im done boreing you with my story I will move on.

      I SO DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE WICCAN BIW! I want to take a better look at it. Buuuuut, most of yall knowing my parents, would like ban me from every book having to do with witchcraft and ban me form this site. So I had better not. I think I will still pick up a book about it one day...

      Hot Topic is pretty cool. I dont shop there though. Every single one of my friends do though.

      I am gonna get Fable with my money for Christmas! Have yall heard of it? Its an RPG for xbox. Yall shoudl really look at it if you havent. ITS GONNA BE FREKIN AWESOME!

      Alright, my brother wants to get on so I gatsta go. I will post again tomorrow. Bye bye!
      CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

      Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


      • I am not even going to attempt to read the 20 pages I have missed.

        Just wanted to let everyone know that I am still alive. I have just been so busy with family and work. Life is good... Christmas was good. We are all so good.

        Love to all.

        -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
        The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
        I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


        • Dai Stiho - I am fairly new. I also have a gaian account, but no one seems to like the Young Wizards series, much less even heard of it.


          • "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


            • Dai, Umi!! Don't let Gibby fool you, most of us aren't as sane as that. But don't let it scare you XD

              I have a Gaia account, too, but I never use it (except for doing art contests and the like).

              Umm... Oh. Be sure to visit the newbie forum... which is mostly where the oldbies posted stuff that they thought the newbies should know... and other stuff, because no one ever stays on topic here (which is why this topic was created).


              • Note: This Post is the 7000th in the Topic of Great Randomness!


                Oh, I can remember back when the good old Monster had only 6000 posts. Ah, the good old days.

                So thats not that impressive, but who cares?

                And hello Umi, welcome to the forums of Young Wizards and Insanity. But mostly Insanity.
                "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


                • I can remember when this was STARTED. ::manaical laughter::

                  Hey everybody guess what? Today i pre-ordered Hp#6!1 it's 40% off if you pre-oder it from borders now. i don't know how long it will last, though. Hey, i like 40% off $30. that's always a nice thingus.

                  PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                  Follow the bouncing poot


                  • AAAAAAAHHHHHHH
                    *Running, screaming, panicking, dieing*
                    I haven't posted in like, four days! *Dies*
                    Anyway. . .MERRY CHRISTMAS EVEN THOUGH IT'S REALLY LATE FOR THAT I DON'T CARE!!! *Bouncing* I got YW books for Christmas! And a lot of socks! And a CD player! And Celtic music, and music from the Harry Potter movies which means it has music from all the movies but it's not the soundtracks for any of them because they cut half the songs out and they CUT DOUBLE TROUBLE OUT OF THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN ONE EXCUSE ME WHILE I SCREAM SOME MORE ARGH *DIES*. AND RUNON SENTANCE OF DOOM. Ack. Well, the Harry Potter music was actually for my birthday. *Bounces* Same day! *Bouncing* And I had cake, and ice cream, and SUGAR. And yesterday we saw Elf! *Bounces some more* Buddy sounded a lot like Gryphon- the- roleplay- charrie- cat with the SUGAR (Well, Gryphon- the- human does the SUGAR thing too ) and the "How was school? Did you like it? Do you have a lot of friends at school? Do you have a best friend? Do you-" thing. *Bounces*

                    *Bouncing* YAY NEW MEMBER PERSON DAI!!!! HI!!!! *Tacks large sign saying *Beware of penguin army* to close by wall*

                    The Welcome Song!!!
                    WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME
                    WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME
                    WECLOME WELCOME WELCOME
                    HI!!!!!!!!!! *BOING*

                    [Brought to you by the little blue demons who invade your houses at night to steal your socks, A.K.A. wildflower and an army of penguins.]


                    • I'm going over to my friend's house for New years!!!! my friend has 2 sisters, one older and one younger. i am really bored today!! nothing to do.
                      Dai stiho cousins


                      • I'm babysitting New Years just thoguht I'd share and be random!
                        "We pray for our sorrows to end,
                        and hope that our hearts will blend.
                        Now I will step forward to realize this wish.
                        And who knows:
                        starting a new journey may not be so hard
                        or maybe it has already begun.
                        There are many worlds,
                        but they


                        • Originally posted by Peter Murray:
                          My sister is coming round tomorrow to give me a lift to her house, so I'll vanish until after Christmas. Not sure when I'll be back here.
                          Apparently the answer to that is: December 28th.

                          I'm back! Yay! My sister gave me a widescreen TV (my old TV was about 20 years old; it used to be our mother's, and it wasn't working too well any more). And you've added another three pages to the TOGR, which I suppose isn't too bad; it's less than a page a day. Big catch-up post:

                          Caitlin said, in shock:
                          hey, my firend emily gave me (pretty much) the shock of the month. did you guys know that diane writes slash? i (quite literally) fell over when she sent me the link.
                          What's this about? The Door books? I'm not sure they can be called slash.
                          Ella squealed excitedly:
                          Ohmygodohmygodohmygod they're making a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie!!!! I can't believe it! I saw the trailer last night. And it's weird because I'm reading the books now: I'm on Life, the Universe, and Everything.
                          They've been "making" it for a while, but it looks as if they really are now. I can't decide about the stills of Marvin I've seen. (With my bandwidth, I'm not going to try to view the trailer.) Either it's a perfect design for him, or... it's a Disney-cute version of Marvin. (Oh no. I just had the dreadful thought of Marvin singing a cute Disney song.)
                          M enthused:
                          heeheehee, SPACE PEN!!!! Anyone remember Nita's space pen? I got a space pen But it turns out it doesn't write on butter... lol.
                          Well, it's the first step...
                          Oh, but it can't be as good as Nita's pen, then .
                          Umi Sagara said:
                          Dai Stiho - I am fairly new. I also have a gaian account, but no one seems to like the Young Wizards series, much less even heard of it.
                          Hi! Here we've all heard of them, and like them . And, if you can get into chat, there are online chats with DD herself!
                          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                          • Umi Sagara said:
                            Dai Stiho - I am fairly new. I also have a gaian account, but no one seems to like the Young Wizards series, much less even heard of it.
                            I have a gaian account to....I just hardly ever go into the book topic...
                            "We pray for our sorrows to end,
                            and hope that our hearts will blend.
                            Now I will step forward to realize this wish.
                            And who knows:
                            starting a new journey may not be so hard
                            or maybe it has already begun.
                            There are many worlds,
                            but they


                            • Originally posted by Peter Murray:
                              What's this about? The Door books? I'm not sure they can be called slash.
                              Naw, these were like,say, um... Harry/Draco thinguses. more like fan fics than anythingus else. at least, that's what they looked like...i shall have to get that link back from emily...

                              PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                              Follow the bouncing poot


                              • Saided by nita:
                                I SO DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE WICCAN BIW! I want to take a better look at it. Buuuuut, most of yall knowing my parents, would like ban me from every book having to do with witchcraft and ban me form this site. So I had better not. I think I will still pick up a book about it one day...
                                Yeah.... I'm technically not really wiccan yet, I'm just sorta starting out, and I'm more into dragon magic anyway... My mom thinks I'm insane for being into this kinda stuff, but hey, she's the one who bought the books for me, so I guess she doesn't mind too much.

                                I'm BORED.Hmmmm.........

                                I'M BORED! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *dies*
                                Reality is for those who lack imagination.

