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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • dragon magic is awesome. it's the awesomest thing ever. ever. yeah. (well, other than druid "magic")

    PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
    Follow the bouncing poot


    • TOGR has eaten me... huge.

      Yahoo is saying pver 55,000 have died.

      Nita? A wicca? In a Christian family? Nooo

      I've lived in Florida. Ooo

      Umi Sagara! Welcome! I'm typing short, short lines because my fingers are about to freeze off. *shivers* You'd think we don't have heat.

      I'm _not_ a cat!

      6. Hand made quilt (from my Grandmother (known in my family as Nana))
      --My grandmother (Nana) loves to make stuff. And last year, she asked us what we wanted. I said that I wanted something to help keep me worm during the night (it gets cold here when it wants too). The quilt is green, in the war cameflosh (could not find the correct spelling, do not patronize me for this).
      *looks at Doctor Who scarf* My grandma makes stuff for me too! Really, though, the gifts you didn't ask for are the best presents.

      *is an icecube*

      Insanity? Weeeeeeeooooooooooooo


      Opps, there's another page to plow through, and i'm in the chat where Sharky is in a headlock, z is being defined as 'Combative in nature; belligerent. See Synonyms at belligerent,' and out aussie just popped in. *waives to alla*

      I'm not a cat. No.

      Wow, what our newbie must be thinking of us... *cautisouly backs away from wildflower*

      WRR. Short Post. Lack of Caps. Sentenced to year in Poot's stomach.

      Poot: *chomp*

      PM is back! You there! Go join VGDawn.

      I'm BORED.Hmmmm.........


      BiW's on drugs.
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • Nah, Gryph, I don't think Gibbs was talking about you...

        ...Wicca is interesting... I always thought its golden rule (or whatever it was... that "and it harm none, do what thou will" statement?) was the morality-base that seemed to make the most sense out of all the religions I've ever examined (I'm an athiest, meself).

        Caitlin: are you sure they were written by DD, then? As I understand it, she swore never to read HP for fear of getting into an idea-theft war with JKR...


        • Originally posted by semiramis:
          ...Wicca is interesting... I always thought its golden rule (or whatever it was... that "and it harm none, do what thou will" statement?) was the morality-base that seemed to make the most sense out of all the religions I've ever examined (I'm an athiest, meself).
          Athy, athier, athiest!

          Nitpick: It's "an it harm none, do what thou will", not "and". "An" is an archaic form of "if" or "and if" according to E.R. Burroughs used it a lot, I remember. (See Kit's second created world .)
          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


          • Originally posted by Peter Murray:
            They've been "making" it for a while, but it looks as if they really are now. I can't decide about the stills of Marvin I've seen. (With my bandwidth, I'm not going to try to view the trailer.) Either it's a perfect design for him, or... it's a Disney-cute version of Marvin. (Oh no. I just had the dreadful thought of Marvin singing a cute Disney song.)
            I could never imagine Marvin singing a disney song... Monty Python perhaps, but never disney... *imagines marvin's voice*
            Always look on the bright side of life...

            Ok, just a warning to all of you who are slightly susceptable to getting songs stuck in your head - watch out for The Phantom of the Opera. I saw it yesterday and the music is still stuck in my head! But its veryveryveryveryveryveryvery good. Its the first time I have seen anything like it... I knew the story, but yeah.

            I have got my hair cut! Its like half the length that it was before and I keep brushing my shoulders cos I forget that its not that long...

            *looks at Doctor Who scarf* My grandma makes stuff for me too! Really, though, the gifts you didn't ask for are the best presents.
            You have a Doctor Who scarf? Or you want one? All this talk of Dr. Who on the other thread got me started watching it... Now I'm watching it instead of reruns of the Simpsons ... The scarf is awesome though.

            WARNING TO NEWBIES: I 'control' the Tumbleweeds - something that you will meet in chat if you ever get there. The only tumbleweed that I do not control is Wildflower - watch out for her. I am also the resident Aussie on the boards so if you need any help in translating what I say try here

            well I must go... Doctor who is on in a bit (see what you guys have done to me!)...

            Catch ya later mates!!!



            • An is archaic for if? *takes notes* PM knows everything!

              My grandma made me a Doctor Who scarf. That's the side of the family that also has a lot of anime/manga people and the cute little cousin. I also have a Tardus (right?) shirt from my dad. I've seen a bit of what I think was a DW movie, and seconds of one episode. I have read a lot of the books, though.

              We're hitting the newbies with wayyy too many injokes at once. Well, I'll go ahead and go through an explanation of what we've been talking about.

              If you're a thoroughly confused newbie, read the following
              Poot: he's this forum's demon who 'influences' people to post short posts and then eats them afterwards. Poot has nothing to do with DD's book series, so you'll find no answers there. He is batlike and a little blueish, and he has a few fanpics of him, too, by Semi and Amber.
              Sugar: Well, it's very popular to some of the members, and you'll frequently find a few bouncing off windows or sliding up and down scrollbars. Hypernessss.......
              Doctor Who: TV show that's (how old?) and has this guy in it. In one of his lives, he has a multicolored scarf.
              Tumbleweeds: They are tumbleweeds and they've invaded the forums with the help of Alla.
              Lala: Alla typoed
              Skitty: Obselete - I KEEL YOU if you use it too much
              Cat: I'm not a cat. Honestly.
              VGDawn: JOIN JOIN JOIN -- It's the best roleplay ever *ducks Art and Caitlin*. No, really! If you love to write at all, this is a great place for you.
              DD: Diane Duane, you sillies!
              Stealing of the Socks: Tradition started by BiW (Beleiver in Wizardry)
              Rocks my socks: really really cool/good/great/awesome.
              S': It is (s'mine, s'not, s'great)
              Izza: it is a (Izza cat, izza spaz, izza gryphon)
              PM: Peter Murray
              WRR: Wizardsrreal
              Gryph: Gryphon
              M: Agent M
              Z: Zgirl
              Lissa: Melissa
              wf: Wildflower
              Sharkish, sharky, mkj, jaws: Sharklord
              TOP: TurtleObsessedPerson
              DG: Dead Grass (see YW member play)
              GN: Grass' Neighbors (see YW member play)
              DG + GN vs. TWoD: War of the grass vs Tumbleweeds of Doom for world domination

              Heyyy, lookit all this. Newbie guide right here!
              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


              • Gryph said:
                BiW is on drugs.
                Unless you count sugar as a drug, NO I AM NOT.

                Gryph also said:
                Nita? A wicca? In a Christian family? Nooo
                I'm wiccan and my family is Christian. So far, no problems there. Well, my mom thinks I'm rather strange, but other than that she's fine with it.

                Hey Umi Sagara! I'm BiW!!!! WELCOME!

                iwb..........HAHA! I'm strange.....

                I'm so bored. *bounces around the room*......stil bored...
                Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                • Which Nita?
                  YW NEETS!? I don't think so, are you guys talking about Nita from Texas? Ugh I must sound like a total dumb jerk. But I'm too lazy and confused to find the answer to this.

                  biw said
                  unless you count sugar as a drug, NO I AM NOT.

                  Ok, my mums not here right now, but I'll ask her if sugar cane has any thing to do with drugs. She would know.

                  Member of the DDFQOTW foundation

                  Forever and Always


                  • Alla said:
                    I could never imagine Marvin singing a disney song... Monty Python perhaps, but never disney... *imagines marvin's voice*
                    Always look on the bright side of life...
                    That's the problem - suppose they make him sing something typically Disney?
                    And Gryphon meowed:
                    An is archaic for if? *takes notes* PM knows everything!
                    I knew that.

                    And it's TARDIS - Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.
                    PM is not just my initials, it's also the initials of Peter Morwood, DD's husband, so it's a potentially confusing abbreviation.

                    Leah/Nella... oh, never mind, I just answered you in chat.
                    Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                    • Addition to the newbie guide:
                      Art (or Arty): Me, Artemis Wolfang
                      RP: Role-Play
                      YW: Young Wizards (the series)
                      WS: WorldSoul, an Avidgamers YW RP
                      Playroom: Another Avidgamers YW RP
                      "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
                      "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


                      • semiramis' original verbage:
                        Caitlin: are you sure they were written by DD, then? As I understand it, she swore never to read HP for fear of getting into an idea-theft war with JKR...
                        hp slash is the current fixation of all of my friends. it was the first example that came to mind. the 'like' in that sentence(s) denoted a simile, not like as a useless word. come to think of it, what's the name for a useless owrd in a sentence? i can't remember. tui knows! hey, tui!!!! what's the name for a useless word in a sentence?!?!?

                        gryph, you didn't duck far enough. :: pelts with m&m's::

                        ya know, the latest discussion about our respective religions would DEFINITELY cause cyber patrol to block the forums (like the playroom ) and would probably cause my mother to take my fantasy books away (she threatened to do that once before, when i first really started to get in to fantasy frechman year... waaay back when i joined the forums)

                        PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                        Follow the bouncing poot


                        • Originally posted by Umi Sagara:
                          Dai Stiho - I am fairly new. I also have a gaian account, but no one seems to like the Young Wizards series, much less even heard of it.
                          I see what you mean about people hearing about it!! Like nobody knows about it exept for my friend and her sisters, and a couple of my friends at school, but only because I read at lunch and thay are all like, "hay its a new one!" then i would be like, " yup!" because i read all (7) of them in a month!

                          but everyone here likes them i assume because if they didn't then they wouldn't be here!!
                          Dai stiho cousins


                          • Nita from Texas, not Nita from books.

                            Actually, because sugar causes hyperness, yes, it is a drug. It's not illegal, and it's not deadly. Unless you take it in very large doses and get no exersice.

                            PM is not just my initials, it's also the initials of Peter Morwood, DD's husband, so it's a potentially confusing abbreviation.
                            And Prime Minister!
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • And PM also stands for Private Message.

                              Hey Gryphon... nice hat! So... well... since no one replied to me I will assume that ya all had a great time without me. lol Good. I just don't have much time anymore. I am sad about that, but hey... so it goes. I have had somewhere to go every day for the last 2 weeks now. One of these days I will get to actually stay home a day. I am hoping for tomorrow... I need some quiet time.

                              My boss at work talked me into playing an online game with him and hundreds of other people. I am a bit obsessed with it. lol I also have an online journal that I have written in every day for 2 months now. I have like 5 pages now I think. *chuckle* It doesn't leave me much time for HTML programming or writing my book... but well... those are probably hobbies and I will have to give them up for a while... and go back to them later.

                              Anyhows... hey to all of you and much love and *huggles* and all of that.
                              -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                              The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                              I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                              • Well, we're probably more likely to mention DD's husband than any Prime Minister, but Private Messages have been confusing me since I first started posting here.

                                Aw, Chani replaced her swirly.
                                Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.

