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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Guys, just warning you (I don't know why, but I am) Chime has just invented the mutant tumbleweed, symbolised by . It wasn't me, I swear!

    *returns to watching RotJ*



    • Dai Stiho Umi!!

      oh thanks Z, you can find cool pictures similar to my avie at if you want to make your own, but i got mine in a livejournal group thingy.
      wow....7000 posts *grins and shakes head*
      "She leaped off the table and tore into the living room. There was a brief sound of scrabbling, and then from the living room, Kit said, "Uh, Annie, your cat just went up the chimney..."
      Dai Stiho:grin&bounce:


      • PM, I wasn't rubbing it in that you weren't at VGDawn at the chat; Sharky was helping me create a new topic to get the war going, and I didn't have a lot of time to explain. And, by the shout box, it looks like Sharky fell asleep while it was open.

        My hat was made by Alla [lala]!

        Heyyy, KsSkk8er joined before I did. Oooo. 17 days before I did.
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • Yep I did. Sorry guys. I just got so tired... I forgot I even had the thing open. I finished the War topic thing for you, Gryph. All that creative writing is definately worth at least one segment of story. So, don't plague me too much for one just now.

          PM, she was rubbing it in. *dodges swipe.* Woah, nice kitty...

          I wonder if DD ever reads this and wonders if we're her craziest fans or of there are even more frightening examples out there in the great beyond.

          Chani's new avie DEFINATELY looks like a shark.

          PM also stands for "not AM," and permanent marker, and personal microphone...

          +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
          +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


          • The "not AM" would be "Post. . .something". *Goes to find dictionary* Lesse. . .
            "Post meridian, a.
            of or occuring in the after noon, of after the sun has crossed the meridian; as, postmeridian sleep.

            Post meridiem, [L.] after noon."
            Huh. . .

            Chani's new avie doesn't even look like a penguin, let alone a shark. . .I like it though.

            Alla. . .
            . . .
            doesn't look like a mutant tumbleweed. I found a mutant tumbleweed in my fridge, remember?

            Hmm. I'm bored too. . .

            . . .


            . . .


            . . .


            . . .
            Yup,I'm bored.

            I joined VGDawn, finally! My charrie's a penguin. . . I haven't posted yet though. I'm going to soon. . .just like I joined, 'soon'. . .


            • OMG chani, that's such a pretty avie. And it does NOT look like a shark!

              Haha, mjk, you guys should do that with the word bored. it'd take longer and give you something to do.

              I gtg. sry for the short post.
              penguins will rule the world.


              • Heyy all,

                Yeah Chani, your avie looks sooooooo gorgeous! Where did u get it?! Did you draw it or somthing!?
                Wow... I can't post much longer. But Alla, are you against the mutant tumbleweed, or are you for it? lol... the question: a-mutant tumble weed? pro-mutant tumble weed?
                Well, I got to go.
                Dai'stiho cousins!

                member of the DDFQOTW foundation
                member of the AAOFEFTTOTWFC foundation... though I dont know what that stands for, I should because I was there when you guys made it. Whoops I forgot somthing again. Hehehe.
                Forever and always


                • I dunno Nella... TW and TWoD already have their enemies in Gryph's DG and GN, but it is tempting that ... *trails off* hehe, it can be the Phantom of the Tumbleweeds ... hehe - yes I am listening to the POTO soundtrack - again! Hey that means that it can sing.. muahahahahahahahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... hmmm... that means it has to have a mask of some sort on... *looks through the smilies* ah, here we go... . There!

                  anyways I go on holidays in a couple of days which means I won't be around too much. I'll try to get into a internet cafe every couple of days, but I dunno if I'll get on early enough to catch you guys in chat ... I'll keep up with TOGR anyways.


                  • Heh. Our chats are wonderful.

                    Artemis Wolfang ...Gryph, I feel really bad about yesterday.
                    sharklord And you were worried.
                    sharklord What happened yesterday?
                    Artemis Wolfang Well, DUH... XD
                    Gryphon what bit of yesterday?
                    Artemis Wolfang I called Gryph a boy...
                    Artemis Wolfang I still feel horrible.
                    sharklord *Falls out of chair*
                    Gryphon art, i'm laughing
                    Gryphon really, i don't mind being called a boy
                    sharklord *has to get oxygen IV*
                    Gryphon (though i'd rather be called a girl)
                    Artemis Wolfang ^^;
                    sharklord (and I'd rather be called sane. We can't always have what we want.)
                    Gryphon *eyeroll)
                    Gryphon of course, one is true and the other isn;t
                    Artemis Wolfang ...I'd rather have some sort of peace around here.
                    sharklord You ARE a boy?!


                    Gryphon i thinkyou need a tnewfa onare
                    Agent M tnewfa onare?
                    Agent M what language are u speakng Gryph?
                    Gryphon tyspifjh
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • *yawn* I just got back from babysitting. *props eyes open with toothpicks* I was really hyper, but now I'm dead. Those two little kids were, while not exactly a nightmare, exhausting. The boy would not get ready for bed, and the girl was tired, and when you're two, that means your cranky and fussy. So, when Ben took some little game pieces from her, she started crying. *sigh* Well, they finally went to be about 7:30 for Allie and 8:30 for Ben. They fall asleep quickly. *sighs in relief* Heh, at least I get payed pretty well. I love those kids, anyways.
                      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                      • hey you guys... just from what i've noticed in who still posts around here, i think it is kinda safe to declare this the second (or third, depending on how long you've been around) age of the fourms. power to those who remember when the chats were started, or the "new" formu layout went into effect, or when the TOGR started, or the playroom was started. and even more props if you remember "Young Wizards" the orginonal forums rpg! dear god' it seems like so long hwen it really hasn't been that long at all. jinkys.

                        PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                        Follow the bouncing poot


                        • ...Hello... I'm bored here. I'm working on icons... was in the chat, said hello to you, Gryph, but you didn't answer... I got something for you... it's badly made, but...


                          'K... thanks. Gonna go now...
                          "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
                          "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


                          • Oldbies rule!

                            It's New Year's Eve Day. Happy 2005!

                            *beats Poot with baseball bat*
                            "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                            There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                            And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                            What could mean more than this?"
                            --Bright Eyes


                            • The heart of roleplaying!

                              Writers and Roleplayers

                              I skimmed through AG's own forum and I'm glad I caught this topic. I bookmarked it, and I'll post the link wherever I go.

                              *huggles art* You're my favorite werewolf, and I was never mad at you.

                              Happy New Year's Eve. Meh.
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • HEYY EVERYONE! HAPPY NEW YEARS! I is happy. TOP had this pre New Years sleepover party and it was FUN! There were only a couple of people there and It was so much fun! We were all doing each other hair, and nails, and make up and stuff. It was soo much fun. Although rather weird at one point. TOP totally messed up this one person's makeup. It was so funny, she had loser written down her face in eyeliner, and TOP looked like a dog/rudolph with the way we did her hair and makeup. I wouldn't let anyone do me though. IT WAS FUN! *dies from talking too fast* I have pretty sparkly pink nails now... Ooooo purty sparklies....

                                Soooo... Has anyone ever put a piece of tape on the bottom of a kitty cat's paw?
                                Reality is for those who lack imagination.

