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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I know, but I felt really bad, Gryph... XD I kinda had to do it to make myself feel better... :P I tried, at least.

    Oh! I found my Final Fantasy Tactics Advance! *runs around in circles, giggling*
    "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
    "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair



      You guys are just so, like, last year, you know... - cept for PM, Wilf and Tui (i think thats all. Poke me if I've forgotten anyone)

      I'm going on holidays tomorrow, so I won't be around that much. I'm gonna try and get to an internet cafe sometimes, but I probably won't catch you guys in chat

      oh well.. the wonders of sleep deprivation... ... Anyways I must go and pack. Farewell, and once again...




      • WHEEE! It'a almost one in the morning! HAPPY NEW YEARS PEOLES! *huggles* I'm like, not tired. Dat is bad. *bounces around the house* yeah whatever. G'night peoples!
        Reality is for those who lack imagination.


        • *Reads Gryphon's linked-to Forum at AG*

          I don't do that, do I? *pauses to think about it* Well, I don't post _that_ long...


          *Remembers that at least half of The Blighting topic is his.*

          Hey Gryph, do you think I usually post too long, y'know I could cut it down if you think I would help the drag... Just wondering...

          HAPPY NEW YEAR, ALL!!!

          +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
          +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


          • BiW:
            Soooo... Has anyone ever put a piece of tape on the bottom of a kitty cat's paw?
            Hehehe. And in their fur. Actually, when I was a lot younger and Canyon was our only cat, I wanted to see if she liked bananas. Because she wouldn't eat a banana slice, I stuck several in her fur so she'd be forced to lick it to clean herself eventually.

            Actually, Sharky, the biggest point of his post was that character is what makes a post, not the setting. The length of a post is only bad if you go into insane detail, and I'll show you a few posts from another roleplay that I'm in. They'll give you a perfect example of what not to do. Other than that, I love reading your posts. Setting & mass of characters -- you can't avoid that in the Army of Winds topic.

            It's just that I can't help but notice that when I copy posts into a word file to print, only Sharky and Naeva's posts cover nearly a full page every time at font size 10. It's Naeva who posts too much and doesn't give people a time to reply to each action.

            Ah, Sharky, I posted a paragraph in another topic several days ago that I meant to post here. Anyway, I moved a lot of forums to Archives, added Dain's Oul section, typed up a new front along with an inspirational essay that I wish had been on topic for my homework, and a poem for VGDawn just cuz I was bored and felt like making things rhyme. S'all typed up and waiting for the war to end.

            They feel like poems more if they rhyme, you see.

            sharklord How old's your brother?
            Gryphon a few years younger than me
            sharklord And how old is he?
            sharklord I'd say...12?
            sharklord right?
            Gryphon and if i said yes, that would make me...?
            Gryphon 15? 17?
            sharklord Oh, Gryphon, gryphon. This isn't about _you!_
            sharklord It's about me. Triagulating your age.
            sharklord WAIT! Don't read that!
            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            • Originally posted by alla:
              You guys are just so, like, last year, you know... - cept for PM, Wilf and Tui (i think thats all. Poke me if I've forgotten anyone)
              Better to be last year than next year... because then things go weird.
              Gryphon, I think you are being very crual to yoru cat. If she doesn't want banananana, then you shouldn't force her to eat it. For all you know, the modern domestic cat may have evolved to have a deep loathing of bana becauseit mgiht deadly poisonous...

              2005 already? Seems only yesterday it was 2004...
              "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


              • Bananas are goooood! I like bananas! Eh he, poor kitty. At TOP's house, we were blowing bubbles in her kittie's face and she was going crazy trying to catch them. It was funny.
                Reality is for those who lack imagination.



                  Gryph, sharky just likes finding out your age so he can tease you about not having a cell phone and being younger than him.

                  My friends dog has duck (sp?) tape on his paw because he has a bruise there, he's constantly trying to take it off, it's really sad.
                  penguins will rule the world.


                  • *sticks tongue out at Z* Hah! 2010... Unless I'm older thank Sharky.

                    Poor dog.

                    Shoot, I thought I'd have more to reply to than this, but I guess not. Anyway, I showed Sharky a few examples of what shouldn't be posted, and that solved his problems; his posts are fine.
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • Originally posted by BelieverInWizardry:
                      Soooo... Has anyone ever put a piece of tape on the bottom of a kitty cat's paw?

                      Bananas are goooood! I like bananas! Eh he, poor kitty. At TOP's house, we were blowing bubbles in her kittie's face and she was going crazy trying to catch them. It was funny.
                      Forget stickytape... contact (you know the stuff you cover books with) works much much much better and you can even lay it on the floor so that the cat doesn't associate this annoying stickything with you. ...
                      Hehe... my cats are afraid of bubbles . They run away from them.

                      yay! I should be going fishing tomorrow .. if the weather is good, and if we decide to put the boat in... anyways...

                      *hums POTO songs* another two days and i'll've had these stuck in my head for a week But they're awesome. For anyone who hasn't seen (or has), here are a few clips from it:

                      whole collection of links to trailers and clips .

                      I am going to go and watch them - again - now!



                      • Originally posted by Peter Murray:
                        Well, we're probably more likely to mention DD's husband than any Prime Minister, but Private Messages have been confusing me since I first started posting here.

                        Aw, Chani replaced her swirly.
                        lol And so I have. I kinda didn't recognize myself on here... the swirly looks better on a dark background. But I love the little purple elf girl... so it will have to do until I find something better. lol

                        I love your avie... nice tree!

                        Chani's new avie DEFINATELY looks like a shark.
                        Okay Sharklord... not exactly what I was going for there. lol

                        Awww thanks Z... I like her too. lol *huggles* long time no see my girl!

                        Leah: No.. didn't draw my avie.. just found it somewhere.. I forget.. it has been a while.

                        Hey Ella, do you think that I could officially consider myself an oldbie? I mean, I have been here 8 months now. I mean really... 8 months.. wow... didn't realize it had been that long.

                        HAPPY NEW YEAR YW FOLKS! Wow... I don't know if I have ever yelled on this forum or not. lol Well, I still wish all of you guys a great new year.
                        -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                        The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                        I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                        • *Bouncing* EEE. I keep forgetting to post this conversation me and my mom had a few nights ago. . . s'FUNNY. [/bouncing][/notatumbleweed]

                          (In my room)
                          (Mom just came in and said good night)
                          MOM: (Leans over bed to look at bulletin board: Notices Sker'ret and Filif fanart) "What's THAT?!"
                          (Leans closer to see pictures, labled in awful handwriting) "-Skerret and Feeleef."
                          ME: "Oh! That's Sker'ret and Filif. They're from the Young Wizards series."
                          MOM: " Ok-ay. .."
                          MOM: *Points at Filif* "Are those it's eyes?"
                          ME: "What, the berries? Yes."
                          MOM: "Right. . ." (Starts walking out of room)
                          ME: *Points at Sker'ret* See? he's a Rirhait."
                          MOM: "I would've thought he should've been a Commonhate. . ."
                          ME: *Laugh* "He's a Rirhait. Not Rarehate. . ."
                          MOM: Uh, well, okay. . .goodnight!"
                          ME: "Goodnight. . ."

                          She doesn't like centepedes. . .
                          And in Sker'ret's name I pronounce the '. Don't ask how. I have no idea.


                          • Originally posted by wildflower44:
                            *Bouncing* [/bouncing][/notatumbleweed]
                            Uh, Wildflower, you are aware, are you not that you just stated you were a tumbleweed in that "code". / means end, so technically you were saying with [/notatumbleweed] that you are ending not being a tumbleweed, WHICH MAKES YOU ONE!!! muahahahaha!!!!

                            ... the power of the music of the night...

                            helllllp me... It's nearly been a week of listening to pretty much nothing but that and I still haven't got sick of it! oh well *sets Spot playing it again*

                            ... Think of me, Think of me fondly, when we've said good bye...

                            *skips a few tracks*

                            Down once more to the dungeons of my black dispair...

                            anyone who can complete the songs (without looking the words up on the net) gets a virtual toblerone



                            • *grins* That's like me and my Les Miserables soundtrack...I just can't get enough...

                              Chani....mmm...perhaps a midbie? Hehe...I can consider myself an oldbie because I *think* I'm the member who's been around longest who still posts. I've been here since June 2002 so that's...two and a half years. Wow...But it doesn't really matter anyway. Members are members are members. I just like to reminisce about the "old days".

                              Class of 2009, Z! Hahaha...four more years! (Oh God...I sounded like a Bush supporter there for a second... )
                              "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                              There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                              And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                              What could mean more than this?"
                              --Bright Eyes


                              • Originally posted by alla:
                                You guys are just so, like, last year, you know... - cept for PM, Wilf and Tui (i think thats all. Poke me if I've forgotten anyone)
                                :: pokes alla and stamps foot::

                                (to avoid a one-liner) I am not a last year. harumph. ::acts offended: it's ookay, really. i disappear enough....

                                CLASS OF 2006. ONLY 6 1/2 MARKING PERIODS TO GO IN HIGH SCHOOL. (and i'll be glad to get away from the drama.)

                                PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                                Follow the bouncing poot

