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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Happy New Year! I went shopping, 'cause I got lots of gift cards. Lesse...I bought three books, a shirt, a necklace and earrings, a little carousel horsie ornament that was 70% off, and some hair stuff. It was astonishingly cheap. Except for the books. *sigh* I wish books didn't cost so much. *bounces* I stayed up last night, but I wasn't watching tv. I was watching a movie that lasted till 12:06, and I was mad when I noticed the time. Heh. My band teacher is going to kill me. I haven't practiced since the break began...
    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


    • Originally posted by Caitlin:

      :: pokes alla and stamps foot::

      (to avoid a one-liner) I am not a last year. harumph. ::acts offended: it's ookay, really. i disappear enough....
      You guys were all 'last year' when I posted, except for Tui who is three hours infront of me... and anyone from the UK, who had changed by the time I got around to posting it...

      hehehehe... music practice *wonders about getting her clarinet out again..* nah... its not that much fun unless you're playing in a group... ohh weeelll...

      Wildflower is now a tumbleweed... she admitted to it in the chat!


      • The Cat (Gryphon) said:
        Other than that, I love reading your posts.
        There are several ways I can respond to this...

        ~Wow, Gryphon, I didn't even think I could write at all. It really means a lot to have someone as important as you thinking I'm not that bad at it.

        ~*is pleased, the subliminial mind con--You're still reading this? Uhh...just go with the first answer.*

        ~"Pack your bags, kids, Sharky's going on an EGO TRIP!!"

        No, really, thanks for the good review.

        My posts don't cover a whol--oh, nevermind, they do. Will you look at that...

        That chat excerpt is OUT OF CONTEXT!!

        Is it my fault if I know what your avie _really_ looks like, Chani? I know what the true meaning the picture is.

        +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
        +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


        • I don't get how you people see the things you see in Chani's avie.... Sharky sees a shark, wf sees a penguin.... You people are insane!

          LALALA. I'm bored. I really want this. It's so PRETTY.... *stares longingly at the screen. BiW knows what she wants for her birthday, yesh she does...

          I went roller blading today and it was so much fun! I only fell twice! Which was actually pretty amazing considering I usually use skates, but today I used blades.... Anywho, it was fun nonetheless.
          Reality is for those who lack imagination.


          • You know, it's odd, but I suddenly realized that I think of BiW as "byew" in my head.



            *waves at byew*

            Hi Byew!


            • POTO... ahahaha

              Sharky if you've been looking at the AG2 forums (you said you joined), I've been locked in a screaming fight in multiple topics with this one other member. He's an idiot, and he won't admit it. ARRR. Really, I'm not rubbing it in to him -- it's just that he tries to debate with us and keeps up his 'i'm perfect' act when we've all proved him wrong with hard facts.

              15 months... Wow.

              Tell us, Ella, your months, and we'll all stare in awe.

              Okay, for Alla and people in chat that I left... my ranger remains unchanged. We ran down a hallway and tried to push a statue of Bast (we're in some pharoah's pyramid) without realized that there was a pit right in front. The paladin and Theif fell through and battle with a couple of minotaurs. Which, if my ranger could be safely untied (he's still set on killing my borther's monk), my ranger could attack with four twelve sided dice per turn. That rocks, by the way. Everyone else only gets one die, and they're all sixes, 'cept for my brother's guy's one weapon, which I think is an eight sided die plus a few bonus points. Found 4500 electrum peices (awesome! What with the gems we stole off the statue (without the paladin knowing, mind) and this, if we make it out alive, we'd be rich).

              As for Half Life... I seriously suggest looking into this if you're into any video games.

              Wildflowe is also a wannabe-grass tumbleweed, and she asked to side with DG + GD, who promptly ate her, the TWoD's enemies.

              *beams at Sharky*

              Y'know what, Chani's avie is an elfish with flowy hair. And that's that.

              Roller blading is awesome! I used to go all the time, but we haven't been in forever. I remember when I first started, I only had two ways of stopping, and they were to a) crash into a wall or b) fall down. It feels great to rock past everyone, but... how long has it been?
              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


              • "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


                • I would've edited my previous post, but Gibby replied, and I have this to say.

                  Quack from AG2 forums:
                  ^-^ *adds ValorGryphon to cool list* All the posts I've read of yours are completely awesome. Muah ha ha.
                  Suddenly I feel great. And that reply followed one of my posts that ended like this:

                  "*shoves Belial through a paper shredder*
                  Just so you know, you talk funny and you look like a cat scat.
                  *ducks & runs for cover*"

                  Yeah, Belial was driving me mad. I couldn't resist.

                  Heyy, Gibby. I always love to see you post here. I'm in such a great mood that
                  EVERYBODY ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!!!!
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • *snickers* At first I thought you were calling someone a quack. Then I remembered that someone named _himself_ quack. And I assume that the yelling match was against everyone's pal Belial? Speaking of which:

                    Said the Gryphon:
                    Suddenly I feel great.
                    I believe there should be a comma after "suddenly." Furthermore "great" is a weak adjective and should never be used in this way. Replace it with "excellent" or "superb." Now.

                    What is up with this guy? Since when does everyone have to use formal English in casual forums and roleplay? I could if I wanted, but what's the point?

                    *Likes having someone to rant about.*

                    +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                    +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


                    • Belial created that topic so that he could challenge 'people who make fun of other people becuase of their grammar' to see if they really did know anything or not. I thought his topic was stupid and commented as much. He's calling people 'its,' and who'll come there to be rediculed? AJRKLAJR WIOPHWRJIOH!!!!!!!!!

                      I mean, what the heck? What's his goal? Also, he's going through every line of mine, 'correcting' it, and he denies my corrections. He claims perfect everything! I know grammar is a really sad topic to rant about, but nevermind that. Belial should rot. He should also rot because his opinions clash with mine in every topic and he covers up with, 'but I say things for an argument.' Then we all tear him to shreds, because he's as narrow as can be.


                      *huggles members* There's no one here I want to rip to shreds. <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Well, maybe I want to tear 'plague' to shreds, but I think she's getting better after repeated corrections (yes, I did yell at her again).</span>


                      I still haven't done a single thing about my essay. I'll write it all today and fix it all tomorrow; I work better on homework with days that I do have school. I guess I feel a little more presured to do things, and, being a procrastinator, that's something I need...

                      In another topic, not on grammar. Here are the last few posts:

                      (Quoting Gryphon I don't know, dog_lover. I think what Belial is trying to get across is that, because we can't do everything, we should do nothing, and the fact that somethings are impossible makes apathy for everything excusable.[He ommited this bit of my post: Which is why I completely disagree with Belial.]

                      Well said! Apathy is bliss. The alternative is unimaginable. I do not need and I do not want to worry about the apocalyptic scale and excess of the things that humans have done to each other. I believe that the best way to live life is to live realistically and hedonistically. Because of this, I do not waste my time getting depressed about the destruction of thousands of homes and loss of hundreds of thousands of lives because of a gigantic earthquake that caused a gigantic wave.

                      Longitude & Latitude:
                      I love the world. The world is full of bad things, but it is also full of good things. If I were to hate it in its entirety, what could I love?


                      That's sick and shallow. Go rot, Belial; it doesn't take any effort, and you wouldn't be hurting anyone which allows my tortured soul to rest its fury over you for more than a few breif moments.

                      I HATE BELIAL.
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • Happy New Year everyone!

                        Guess what!? It rained here last night! That may not seem very extrodinary, but when you consider it's Minnesota + January that should equal snow, but no! It gets even better! The rain froze and is now a 3/4 inch sheet of ice covering my driveway and the road! I went outside to try going sliding, but my dad told me to stop so I wouldn't fall and split my head open or something. So, I grabbed my camera and took some pictures instead. They're really pretty cause everything is covered in a layer of ice.

                        Actually, here be a picture of my driveway/skating rink, which is gradually depleting since my dad, mom, and bro are all outside right now hacking it off (yep, I'm being a lazy-bum and staying inside posting on the internet ).
                        My Iced-Over Driveway
                        I know iced roads are actually very bad (much emphasis on the very bad; I've driven on them- not fun), but only a real dipstick would be out there today and if they're true Minnesotans they should know better.

                        Go Class of '06! One more year until freedom...well, sort-of.

                        lol, poor Gryph. Don't let some conceded jerk on the internet get to you; that's what he/she probably wants anyway- getting you mad (like a negative attention sort-of-thing).

                        Ack. I don't want to go to school tomorrow; it be evil, especially since I have to take a couple of tests.

                        My space-bar is being evil.

                        Well, I can't think of anything more to post and I have to start studying. Talk to you all later!
                        Member of the Tumbleweeds of the World Foundation. Beware the Tumbleweed Stampede! :bouncegrin:
                        "Where shall wisdom be found, and where is the place of understanding? If I knew, I'd walk over and stand there." Roger Zelazny


                        • Aren't our chats great? I turned a bit of this one into a story:

                          A group of four people are all sitting in a chat room.
                          "Crackers are good," said Tel.
                          "In fact, I think I'll go get some more." Tel stands up, walks out, and returns with crackers. No one did anything while she was gone, except for WF who laughed out loud. "Back. Crackers."
                          Gryphon laughed out loud.
                          "Mmmm," said PM.
                          Wildflower tackles Tel's crackers. "No, they're mine!" says Tel.
                          "Can I have some crackers?" Gryphon begs.
                          "Ok... I guess... you can have the yucky rectangle ones that taste like the stuff you put in soup."
                          "They're good!"
                          Gryphon crushes hers to bits, while commenting that it's fun.
                          "I like the Ritz type crackers; those are yummy," said Tel.
                          "She didn't want to eat them, just crush them," said PM.
                          Wildflower types away, writing about her fish-hungry, insane penguin. "When I'm not talking, I'll be working on this."
                          "Crackers are inspirational!" Wildflower does her puppy eyes on Tel.
                          "Ok, you can have the yucky rectangle ones too."
                          "Oh all right."
                          "Then I can keep all the yummy round crackers to myself!" Tel breaks up with a lot of insane laughter, then she grins.
                          "Ritz crackers are good for pizzas," says Gryphon, her mind elsewhere.
                          "Okay, I have it written out. Is that it?" Wildflower asks, just finishing her topic. "I just need a title."
                          "They're quite good for just eating. Unless you're supposed to avoid salt. Quest for Fish," PM recommends for a title.
                          "Right..." Says wildflower. "With a sidenote at top: PM's title, not mine; I was going to name it The Fishmonger's Stall."
                          "Call it that, then. It was just a suggestion."
                          "Argh. Oh all right," WF says reluctantly.
                          "Yep." Gryphon's reply was a little delayed, but nevermind that.
                          "Okay, no sidenotes or anything... Meef. Here goes. Okay, I just copy and pasted it, just in case. Netscape wouldn't let me apply; I had to do it in IE. I'm hoping it lets me post," Wildflower says, submitting her topic.
                          "Yeah, good in case it times you out," says Gryphon.
                          "It worked!" WF beamed.
                          "I'll go look at it." Gryph opens up a separate window to The Fishmonger's Stall with Raphaella the penguin.
                          "This is fun. Join, PM!" Wildflower says. PM doesn't comment. Gryphon asks him to join also, and PM starts to whistle very suspisciously.
                          "Hey, I'm just about to start building the fighters for these launch bays," he says, and Gryph tells him to build them on VGDawn.
                          "That'd be worse anachronism than pizza!"
                          "We will rebuld them from the start..." says Gryphon, breaking out into a Hoobastank song.
                          "Now I get to yell at people to join too, because I finally posted, and it's FUN!"
                          Gryphon and WF both start grinning.
                          "Thank you for bugging me to join every post/chat!"
                          Wildflower whacks her computer, and Gryphon huggles her. She huggles back. Tel seems to have dissapeared out of the picture. PM adds two fighters to his scene.
                          "'Forests are big places with lots of strees and other stuff,'" WF quotes from somewhere.
                          "Wazzat from?" Gryph asks.
                          "It's the description for the Forests forum," WF said, laughing.
                          "Oh. Maybe I should change some of them."
                          "Um. That might be kind of good..."
                          PM smiles innocently. "What's the description for the Ocean? 'Big, wet, full of fish?"

                          And so now I guess I ought to reply to WF's topic.

                          Heyy, I can see trees! Tel's front looks really pretty.

                          Actually, it's really fun yelling at Belial. I hunt down his topics just to battle them.


                          More later:
                          Art sits on Gryphon's head. "You have a wolf on your head," says Art while WF dot-dot-dots her. "What are you going to do?"
                          "I'm slowly being squished to death," says Gryphon hopelesssly. Art gets off, Gryphon beams, and then Art licks her face.
                          "Puppy..." WF is on another planet.
                          "Guh... wolfy breath." Gryphon is still grinning. Art smiles.
                          "Funfun," says wildflower.
                          "Alalalala," Gryphon spazzes, and then yawns.
                          Art switches back and forth from human form to wolf form. "This would make an interesting story."
                          "You should be feeling lucky right about now, Gryph," says wildflower, trailing off.
                          PM moves his fighters around so that they fit into the launch bays.
                          "Why, what?" Gryphon wonders.
                          "I would be posting Happy New Year in all caps in Japanese, but it would star half of it out. Blah."
                          Gryphon cheers.
                          PM reads the list of species at VGDawn, then comments that there aren't very many.
                          "Read the other one. There are two," says wildflower. "The other one has two."
                          "I like Japanese," says Art.
                          "Where's the other one?"
                          "No, I never finished it. You could finish it...?" Gryph asks PM hopefully.
                          "Me too. Gryph says it makes her head hurt," WF says in reply to Art.
                          "I confused my keyboard -- it now lets me type Romanji and turns it into Japanese characters."
                          "Hehe," says wildflower.
                          "So if I type arigatou, it turns into [funny characters] - if you can see that."
                          "EEEE! I wanna do that. How did you do that? Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Art pleads.

                          I gtg
                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • I've been gone so long im not even going to try to read the posts. I do however have a ryme thing of my own for christmas. (Little late i know but oh well.)

                            'Twas the feast of Great-Winter
                            And all through the land
                            All the races were running
                            With snowballs in hand.

                            The cooks were all frantic
                            And for those "in the know"
                            Swoops and owls were crashing
                            Like new-fallen snow.

                            Cookies and eggnog
                            Were consumed by all
                            As the snowballs flew freely
                            And drunks smashed into walls.

                            May your feast of Great-Winter
                            Be one merry and bright
                            And from all here at Young Wizards
                            We wish you a fun night!
                            "Free is Free" -Dain
                            Founder of the Why So Many Foundations Foundation (WSMFF)

                            This a picture of Doonut. A character from Red vs. Blue. My favorite web show.

                            : Doonut and Sarg siting under a jeep :
                            Doonut:"Hey sarg! What's that metal thing th


                            • I'm not in the story! *wails and cries*
                              Comradely, Diego

                              Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                              "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                              "Be a real


                              • For a start, I'm using a Macintosh. Apple's OS X includes Japanese keyboard drivers, and that was what happened when I used the Katakana one. Windows may have something equivalent, but I don't know what it is.

                                Artemis left chat not long after asking, so I couldn't answer her there.

                                Oh, and I meant Romaji, not Romanji.
                                Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.

