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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Oh, it's not a big problem with the text file. It just refuses to save with the default 8-bit encoding (Western Mac OS Roman it calls it), and... hang on.... I save it as Unicode (UTF-16) instead.

    Ah, so your friend's thing isn't just a Word add-on, then. Ok. I just wondered.

    I got the impression Artemis Wolfang saw the Japanese text, but everyone else just saw squares. Oh well.

    Gryphon: Buying fish from a fishmonger? That's the one that started off in chat, right, and which you mentioned in the chat extracts?
    Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


    • School, the one thing that most people dread, but what they must endure for a better future, a better life later on, for knowledge. Why talk about such things. Depressing topics are already abundant around the world, lets talk about stuff that is happy; like cookies, or bacon.

      With they way things are going around here, school does not start for me till the 12th of January. The strange thing is though, I go to school for three days, then I am off for Marten Luther King Jr. Day on the 17th. Why??? Do not ask me that question, contact my desk clerk with questions and / or comments about such things ((witch will then be lost in a flood of paperwork that will never be recovered and loose value through the year)).

      Short posts / one liners / double posts......what are those??? I do not know the meaning of those particular words strung together in such a way as to form that phrased that has just been mentioned prior to my complement of such wording in a particular post before my own before.

      Fish go pook, pook *poke out mouth in a fishy like face*.

      My puppy has been sleeping quite well during the night. He has woken me up less frequently once he found out that moving around on my waterbed wakes me up. He now picks a place and sleeps the whole night away, except around 6:00 am when my bro gets up. Upon the sound of my bro moving around in his room, my puppy has to get up and start yelping till he is allowed in his room, then he wants to go outside what all puppies need to do after sleeping inside all night. I do not know why I just told you that story; something to say I guess. Anyway, I will talk to you all some other time. I still have all of CSI season #3 to watch. Here I go, 17 hours worth of TV and a lot of popcorn at my side to waist the night away. Here comes the clogged arteries and fat pot belly to come out.
      "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


      • I feel great. I feel GREAT. I have a lot to talk about, but I'll start with homework first. I know I've said this before here, but it feels awesome when you have all of the world to do, and you get it all done it one day. If people give me two week deadlines to a huge project, I'd never do it, but if I had a two day deadline, I'd get it all done in only a couple of hours. It's also funny how it's near impossible to do work on weekends (or holiday breaks), but, when I should be stressed after a day of school, I do great on everything. I need stress in my life and in ways that let me deal with it immediately. I wrote my essay in record time: 10, 20 minutes maybe. It could be around thrity, but I doubt it, and, anyway, I didn't look at my starting time (why would I? ).

        The quality of my essay is debatable (suddenly it has become my fav. word! And if you've been following the Grammar topic at AG2, you might guess why), but nevermind.

        I have a big topic to write about, so, *deep breath,* and I'll try to get my thoughts in order -- Mood: wild.

        So, as I begin, I'll give you a bit more of my background. I pretty much grew up in the south. Actually, I was born in the west and lived there for a long time, but we moved. I guess you could say I grew up in a pretty sheltered area. In fact, it was a terrible crime to say "shut up" to someone. The class would suddenly become silent, and someone might run off to tell the teacher. Serious Christianity had a large influence, too (is it Catholic?). Books like Harry Potter were banned from the school because someone might be upset by the witchcraft theme -- a work of the devil to very serious beleivers, which I know aren't so set across the world.

        We were innocents, all of us. I was over at my best friend's house, and she asked her mom why [female dog] was a bad word because she liked her dog and what was wrong with it that made it a bad word? How old were we... 2nd, 3rd grade maybe? Possibly 4th. At a lunch period one time, we heard that someone was suspended for 'flipping someone the bird.' Neither of us knew what it was, 'cept Rebecca, but she didn't know why, just that it had to do with a finger. At the time, I didn't know which or why or what or anything. So the rest of the lunch period, we wondered over the why's and came up with the idea that someone must've killed a bird with their finger. At dinner, mom asked if I knew any 'bad words,' and I said I knew several, naming their initials. Mom's eyes widened, and she asked me what they were. I listed words like, "stupid, hate, shut up, etc."

        Then we moved. It was... a shock. Almost instantly my brother and I were introduced to all kinds of new things. "Crap" and "suck" are pretty mild here, but they would leave people gasping in shock. Wow, change is a funny thing.

        Yep. I helped WF with her topic-starting, and it turned into the fish monger topic.

        Depressing topics... we'd all like to avoid them, wouldn't we? [no smiley here]

        Gibby isn't guilty of anything short, and we love you for it.

        I could add a bit of the above the my notebook. I'm past the reuirement for pages already. In fact, the teacher changed it from 40 to 30 pages, and I have 34. But I still have more that I want to add.

        Now to posties...
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • Just a link, some guy says he knew about the tsunami before it happened:

          "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
          "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
          "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
          "I could live


          • This is kinda random, but that's what this topic is for so... I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool if DD had a convention type thing that was invitation only or something and we could all go there and meet? Sometime before I think someone mentioned T-shirts with all our screen names on them... lol. That'd be cool... *hint hint nudge nudge*
            "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
            "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
            "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
            "I could live


            • Yeah we were talking about that in the friends topic! (archived now) I was going to go to the fair or Mall of America and get one of those t-shirts that they spray your name onto. (mine would of course say zgirl.)

              Ooo. I liked Gryph's story. (moving thingy.) I couldn't imagine kids not saying things like that. Those are common words. Usually in our school many people call each other f***ers just as a name. Like 'guys'. If someone calls me that I usually give them a look and they apologize but no one gets in trouble for it. And a middle finger is bad but a regular thing...I personally hate the middle finger, some weird kid always flicks me off...(i hate him.)

              I lub M's new avie
              penguins will rule the world.


              • lol, thanks Z, I've become obsessed with skellington since I got a skellington sweatshirt from Hot Topic I think the mall has a place that doesn't spray your name onto the shirt, but they write it on or sew it on or whatever... My friend gave a guy (secret santas, it was random) a shirt that says "Maricon", supposedly that means "ladies' man" but I'm not 100% sure... and she got it from a store at the mall. btw Z, u remember that language camp you told me about last year? What was it called again?
                And about Gryphon's story, it's weird, I go to a catholic school but swear words are almost as common in the jr.high as they are in public schools (i'm not saying that public schools are worse then private schools, just mines catholic and swearing is like *gasp* evil, I actually WANT to go to public school) TONS of guys in my grade are always like f***, ur f***er, I f***ed it up and crap like that. And crap has been common since... I dunno, 3rd or 4th grade. And I've caught teachers saying some words too.... not like I mind or anything, I'm used to it and have even used some words myself, it's hard not to catch on...
                "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                "I could live


                • Originally posted by Gryphon:
                  Books like Harry Potter were banned from the school because someone might be upset by the witchcraft theme
                  No Harry Potter? *dies at the thought* I practice witchcraft... Hehe. My bro would die if we moved somewhere like that... With silly things being known as bad words, he curses all the time. ANywho, izza nice story.

                  I loves your avie M! But you double posted!
                  Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                  • I didn't double post! I posted the tsunami post yesterday so I couldn't edit it! eesh, I HATE banned books, I was gonna do that for my History projuct "Communication, the Key to Understanding" but then I thought about doing what I'm doing now, Jewish Resistance Communication in World War II
                    "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                    "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                    "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                    "I could live



                      My camp was El Lago Del Bosque (spanish). I went to the one on Marine on St. Croix. If you're going tell me which week! It's really fun and I love camp!
                      penguins will rule the world.


                      • Originally posted by Agent M:
                        I think the mall has a place that doesn't spray your name onto the shirt, but they write it on or sew it on or whatever... My friend gave a guy (secret santas, it was random) a shirt that says "Maricon", supposedly that means "ladies' man" but I'm not 100% sure... and she got it from a store at the mall.
                        Hmmm. A kid I went to school with was Spanish. Another kid was asking him how to say various insults, and I remember that being one of them. *looks at Chime's censorship* uh, it was something like "gay man", if I'm remembering it correctly, rather than "ladies' man".

                        There were no Harry Potter books in the library at my school! Well, duh... I left school in 1976 . JKR was still at her school then!
                        Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                        • lol, i think i heard that.... But my spanish teacher told us it was ladies man, *shrug* I don't trust her. Diego? what's it mean?
                          Thanks Z!
                          "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                          "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                          "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                          "I could live


                          • I scribbled this into my notebook, and it happened a few days ago:

                            As we pulled into the new dojo's parking lot, I thought of how long it had been since I got come to a karate class. Over the winter break, people had been working on getting the new dojo repaired and set up, and they've been moving equipment from the old place to the new location. I had helped out for a few hours.
                            It had actually opened yesterday, but I had too much homework to come (also the reason I missed a day here).
                            I got out of the car with my backpack over a shoulder, and my mom followed behind. I opened the door and entered to see a room full of blackbelts all crowded around a tv watching the "Karate Kid."
                            "We have cable," Mike explained.

                            I got a C on my history test. RAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH. The midterms are in a few weeks, and I'm about to freak. I feel like I'll fail. Remind me to study in math -- if I don't, I know I'll overlook something, and that's always why I fail math tests; there's something I thought I knew, but I didn't.

                            I also get points off from stupid mmistakes like 4x3=16.

                            Hehe. Karate Kid. By the way, (I think it's called 'The Crane') really hurts...
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • Gryphon? A C? Lemme help you in History, I LOVE history And I love my History Day topic and I'm actually enjoying writing my paper... I'm in a REALLY good mood today, don't ask me why. Probly cuz it's wednesday... I like wednesdays...
                              Kill me now, high school testing next week!!! *good mood goes out the window* It's THREE AND A HALF HOURS!! That's like SATs or something!!!!!! *runs around screaming* Ok, I'm done now.... *becomes insanely happy*
                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                              "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                              "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                              "I could live


                              • Hehe. I'm no good at history. *shakes head* I just can't remember the stuff. We have to write a research paper for L.A. It has to over a controversial topic where you take a side and persuade others to your opinion. *sigh* I don't think it will be to hard, but I don't have a topic yet. That's the hardest part for me. I had to present my science fair project/piece of junk today. *shudder* I absolutely despise talking in front of the class. I mean, people think it's strange when they even hear me, unless it's my friends. *grin* I talk a lot, but only to my friends. Otherwise, I'm a mouse. Hehe. I didn't even want to see my grade on that. Well, at least the grading part is over, but we've still got the thing with the judges. That thing takes FOREVER. What a waste of time. I try to read, but with that much noise it's hard.
                                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is

