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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I have some catching up to do.

    Gryph said, in her newbie thing:
    "Sharkish, sharky, mkj, jaws: Sharklord" also add Ed to the list of nicknames
    other additions:
    RC: me (Gryph started it)
    Nella: Leah
    MP: Mentall Penguin (sorry if I misspelled)
    Ezra: wizardsrreal
    FOOMCL: Falling out of my chair laughing (by me)
    FOOMCROFTLMAO: a combo of FOOMCL and ROTFLMAO (by Alla)

    As for the part of the chat with Art and Ed that Gryph posted:FOOMCLROTFLMAO
    *reads up some more before posting further*
    Oh and Ed I know how old Gryph is Or at least I used to...she might be a year older by now, hehe
    I'm class of 2004!
    Hey PM did you actually join VGDawn???
    Hehehe I don't have to start school until next Wednesday, which would be the...12th. I have to go back to school on Sunday, but I can just laze around and work for a few days. (Notice I put my job in the laze around catagory )
    Stress Relievers:
    -the Zen mode of DM2 on neopets
    -the YW chatroom
    Hehe hey Gryph, my mom gets mad if I say Dang, and if I say suck she gets really mad. I have to watch myself, b/c at school and stuff I use the stronger version of dang a lot, as well as a few others...
    And it's so funny when teachers cuss. My comp teacher said the S word once when she forgot something important and she had to run and get it.
    I always used to go to private school (private Christian school), and I was homeschooled for 2 non-consecutive years. I got to go to public school for most of high school (except 10th grade. I went to a private christian school but it was too expensive so I only went one year). Now I'm in a private "Christian" college. It's Baptist but they don't really care, just everyone has to take a Bible class at some point.
    Hey BiW, I used to want to practice witchcraft, but it's too complicated and conspicuous in my opinion. I prefer to use whatever "natural" powers I amy have...don't ask, it's hard to explain...and besides my mom would so kill me if she even THOUGHT I was doing anything like that. She'd kill me if she knew I was on this site b/c she says that YW is witchcraft.
    Oh and BTW I HATE Harry Potter.
    Ok, caught up now. I think this is a bit long so I'll just post this. I don't really know what else to say anyway...oh yeah, I finally got Enter the Matrix for XBox!!! I've wanted to play that for so long. Don't you just hate the parts where the codes don't help? (for example, when Niobe is driving the car, the car doesn't have infinite health so if it crashes around too much it's game over) Oooh that annoys me. But I still like it anyway. I want to maybe play it sometime today but I'm kinda busy. I got an MP3 player for Christmas and I'm trying to get some songs on it but things keep messing up. And then I tried to do something to my jumpdrive and I ended up screwing up the secure least I backed up all the files beforehand, otherwise I would be so extremely mad b/c that part has ALL of my stories except deleted ones and the newest ones (the newest ones are on my poor old laptop). Also, I have to clean the kitchen (DANG WASHING DISHES) and pull out all the stupid Christmas boxes to put stuff away in. I don't even really know where my mom put the Christmas boxes...anyway, G2G for now, TTYL and Dai'stiho!


    • Maricon means ***... gay man. ;D

      I'm in a private christian jesuit school that's full of rich hijos-de-su-madre.

      And curses and 'bad words' are heard all day being shouted about. (-.-)
      Comradely, Diego

      Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
      "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

      "Be a real


      • grrrr... I is sick. Sick is bad. Music make me feel better....

        Rad said:
        Hey BiW, I used to want to practice witchcraft, but it's too complicated and conspicuous in my opinion. I prefer to use whatever "natural" powers I amy have...don't ask, it's hard to explain...and besides my mom would so kill me if she even THOUGHT I was doing anything like that. She'd kill me if she knew I was on this site b/c she says that YW is witchcraft.
        Oh and BTW I HATE Harry Potter.
        hehe. my mom thinks I'm rather strange, being into all this magic and witchcraft stuff, but she lets me do it. Even if she didn't want me to, well that's too bad because she can't stop me. You don't like Harry Potter??? How could you not?
        Reality is for those who lack imagination.


        • Did anyone see Kli's newbie thread? It's clean and covers a lot.

          Gah, I wish you could help me. If we had homework with a lot of questions on it... but my problem is notes and studying. Sometimes two wrong answers could be the fine line between a Continental Divide and a Fall Line (the caps I'm unsure about. In fact, I don't think they belong). My history class has a lot of other stuff mixed in like Geography and things like that.

          I feel like crap. My head feels like it's about to explode, my nose is runny, I ache, and I can't tell if I'm too hot or too cold. Meh. I hate this... I think my mom has the same thing, only, she'll go to work anyway. I'm sure she'd've made me go to school. It wouldn't have helped any even with midterms so close -- I can't concentrate and I can't do homework. Going to school would be pointless, and I'd only get worse.

          Angel Star, I can toss out a few topics for you; they're always popping up at AG2 were battles over religion and such are allowed.
          Animal Sentience (We got into a huge war over this, and yes, Belial was involved)

          I know what you mean, Angel_Star. I guess I'm a lot better than I used to be about talking in front of crowds and that, but I still panic the day (or week) before I have to do something in front of a room full of people that I'm not familiar with.

          Katas are different when you do them in front of a crowd because you loose yourself in the movements.

          We know who you are, PM!

          Hah. Last year in art class, profanity was absolutely forbidden. Then she came back from being sick and commented that she had, "Stuff and S coming out of her nose."

          Don't you just hate the parts where the codes don't help?
          Cheater. I never cheat.

          Well, maybe I do dig around in walkthroughs a bit much...

          And my internet connection failed!! Ahhhhhhhhhh. I'll have to save this post and submit it later. I'm just thankful I clicked refresh before submiting.
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • Gryphon said:
            We know who you are, PM!
            After posting here for about eight months, and all that teasing I've been doing, I should hope so .

            Christmas is over, so I dug out an old picture of a Lego figure that looks like me (actually, it's been produced in a 3D graphics program, but Lego do make figures like this).
            Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


            • Originally posted by Gryphon:
              Did anyone see Kli's newbie thread? It's clean and covers a lot.
              Me! Me!! Oh. Wait. I wrote it. Never mind. I figured we'd had so many newbies, it might be nice to make basic rules easier to find. Was wondering, though, if we should also start a Books FAQ thing: y'know, when's the new one coming out, who's the guy in the bar, what are these feline wizard books, etc. etc. Any ideas?
              Originally posted by Agent M:
              This is kinda random, but that's what this topic is for so... I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool if DD had a convention type thing that was invitation only or something and we could all go there and meet?
              How 'bout a gathering inside a Worldcon? I'm not planning on 2005 (Glasgow), but 2006 is in Los Angeles, and I gather that DD usually attends. I know, I know. I'm the only con-goer on the board (grumble).
              New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


              • :P I'm in Europe the month before Worldcon... it's always a month before...
                We need to put arrows pointing to the newbie topic, newbies can choose the oddest places to post their first posts...
                "hijos-de-su-madre" lol, i know what that one means...
                "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                "I could live


                • Hey everyone!
                  I'm back...temporarily. Basically, I'll pop in every once and a while until hw builds up and I sufficate under pounds of paper!!!
                  I went to Italy over winter break (and read YW on the plain to make things go faster; a good read to go with a great trip!).
                  So...can anyone update me on like...six months worth of stuff that I've missed?
                  A physics geek
                  And proud of it...

                  Loyal reader and Young Wizards books, great lover of Moon Cakes, and engineering feminista...


                  • Italy??? U lucky duck!!!!!!!!!!! *huggles* *tries to think of what has happened* I dunno... lol, i haven't been posting in TOGR as much...
                    "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                    "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                    "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                    "I could live


                    • So how are the Wives... well then now that I have that off of my chest... So this is the topic of great randomness is there any real thing to this or do you just go posting random things... because that is my specialty So how short do the post tend to be in here? I hope they aren't short. Also how does DD pay for all of this... does she pay per post or per topic or what?

                      Well to make this even more random I would like to give special thanks to the creater of this forum for she has had a great fortune in creating this fantastic forum. GO LEE!!!

                      <span class="ev_code_RED">(this part is only for those canadians who love hockey)</span>
                      Wow that could be like go LEAFS go... Stupid hockey is suspended though... so any insight on this post just reply or don't it is the topic of great randomness so i thought that I would add to its randomness.
                      [i]Fairest and Fallen Greeting and Defiance[i]


                      • Well nita is absent again. I'm starting to think that she got abducted by aleins and then they disected her and didn't put her brain back in so she forgot about us! Yeah.... Im bored.

                        "This was all caused by neuclear weapons. Those stupid neuclear weapons. Then there was a power failuer which made the Failsafe on the weapons fail. Then the weapons killed the people who rose form the dead 12 hours later to feast on human flesh. Then a paristite virus came and made everyone sick. Then a Giant meatior hit and killed every one. Then the new alein bacteria killed off the parisite bacteria in a massive Bacteria on bacteria battle. But it dosen't infect us because it only infects other bacteria."

                        I'm so paroniod!
                        "Free is Free" -Dain
                        Founder of the Why So Many Foundations Foundation (WSMFF)

                        This a picture of Doonut. A character from Red vs. Blue. My favorite web show.

                        : Doonut and Sarg siting under a jeep :
                        Doonut:"Hey sarg! What's that metal thing th


                        • Welcome Mentall Penguin (how oddly appropriate of a name...heh.)! DD pays for these forums basically...I guess it's by the post. Anyway, it mean that no one-liners/double posts/etc. are allowed. And all that jazz (I watched Chicago a week ago). Visit the n00b threads for the full list of everything. Enjoy the randomness in the TOGR, and if you have something random to say but don't want to make a new topic, feel free to post it here.

                          FIREWITCH! *tacklehuggles*

                          M, are you in eighth grade? (I'm sure I've asked you this before. Forgive me ) Eighth graders rule!!!!
                          "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                          There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                          And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                          What could mean more than this?"
                          --Bright Eyes


                          • Cons? I go to cons. Only anime cons though.

                            Hockey? The Knights rock. That there's been no season means at least the junior hockey league gets some attention. . . go Knights. . .


                            • Wow I had deja vu reading your post Ella.

                              I LOVE PIZZA! My sis took her drivers test today but she said she failed. My mom was bringing home pizza and I thought something was a bit off...well it turns out she passed after all, the little rat. Anyhow I got some sausage pizza out of it

                              I was going to go visit my old high school tomorrow (my sis still goes there) but I decided not to. I don't want to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning just to have a bunch of people ask me the same questions about school. I hate talking about school. It's going fine and that's all there is to say about it!!


                              • Yeppers! Eight Grade, YEAH!!!! Ella created this forum
                                la dee da... *bored*
                                "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                                "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                                "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                                "I could live

