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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • wow you guys went nuts with the posting i don't look at it for a couple of days and all of a sudden I have like four pages to read

    *goes to read the top ten thingys list* Hey cool I will post my thoughts about them in that thread...

    Hmmm... holidays are soooo boring I have dun nothing but swim, read, swim, get sunburnt, swim a bit more and watch TV. I find out what Uni I get into in a few days though, so that ought to be good.

    Are you guys back at school now? If you are, I hope you are having fun.

    *sigh* I am brain dead at the moment. I can't think of anything more to write, so I guess that I will finish this off. I will try to be around tomorrow for the chat party, but I can't promise anything




    • Art: Hey, I hope you're okay. If you need to talk, feel free to PM (not Peter Murray, but Private Message) me.

      All-State was tiring. We sat in hard chairs in a blistering auditorium under stage lights (anyone who has ever performed on a stage knows how those are) and sang for 3 1/2 hours. The all-day rehearsals are in February and we miss two days of school to sing from 9 to 4:30. Now that's gonna be a stretch. *gets tired just thinking about it*
      "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
      There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
      And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
      What could mean more than this?"
      --Bright Eyes


      • -=This is an important message for all who have a site that assoiates with avidgamers.=-


        Reason: One of my neighbors found out how to sign up for the sites. He got on VGdawn and almost ruined the whole roleplay. I reported to gryphon and she removed him and saved VGdawn. His email address is Dont allow him in. or kick him out if he is in. I am asking this as a major favor. He says he has found a new site made by someone named raven. I am guessing this is the same raven from VGdawn.

        Just how bad is he realy?: He went and almost screwed up the Vgdawn war with a three line post! That's how bad he is.

        <span class="ev_code_RED">Again, Please do not let him join any of your sites. I am asking this as a big favor.</span>
        "Free is Free" -Dain
        Founder of the Why So Many Foundations Foundation (WSMFF)

        This a picture of Doonut. A character from Red vs. Blue. My favorite web show.

        : Doonut and Sarg siting under a jeep :
        Doonut:"Hey sarg! What's that metal thing th


        • My life is close to over people and I'm close to cracking. The reason for it is serious, I warn the squeemish and the meak to leave imideatly for this announcment made me soooooo sad and the reason for it is AWFUL!!!
          I CAN'T MAKE IT TO THE DD CHAT ON THE 15TH. AHHHHH omg I'm soooooooooooooo sad.
          Just, anyone, tell DD that...
          I can't go to the chat because my mom is making me go to a bat-mitzvah and I would sooo miss it even though I've already spent over $100 on a dress for it and I would SO miss out if I didn't go. But I would skip it just to say hi because DD is SO much cooler that some Bat-mitzvah where all the boys are straight jacketed in Armani and Gucci tuxidos, and all the girls are having trouble breathing and walking because their way too expensive dresses are two sizes too small and their 6 in heals are giving them blisters from toe to heal.
          Ugh I'm misrable because of it, but I may as well wish you all a fun chat with DD and i hope one of you guys keeps the covo of it since I'd really like to read it and I know that Alla prob can't make it either and I'm sure that she w ould like to read the convo. Well, in any case...
          "DAI'STIHO DD!! Hope you had a good holliday!" Would be nice if somone made sure that message got all the way...
          Gonna go...
          Dai'stiho yall...
          Member of the DDFQOTW foundation.

          Forever and Always


          • Ugh. Yeah, if anyone does get a transcript, I'd like to read it too. For the usual reason: I can't get into chat. *is dangerously close to saying some very naughty words*

            Dain: Eesh. A three-line post? I can't imagine what he wrote...

            *goes into despairing chat-less coma*
            "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
            There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
            And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
            What could mean more than this?"
            --Bright Eyes


            • Did you ask lee to help you with your chat problem ella?

              Lea, there are SO many DD chats, you're bound to miss a few. I've only been to 2.
              I've never been to a Bat-Mitvah.

              Okay. I need to convince my mom to let me go to the school dance. Again my parents are anti-boys. (not that i have a date or anything.)
              penguins will rule the world.


              • I probably have to go to school tomorrow... *screams into the sky* PLEASE, POWERS, MAKE IT SNOW!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem... I wish it would snow... I hate school.

                Did anyone else get snow yet? I would be so lucky if it didn't rain. STUPID NORTHWEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... yea...

                From your friendly neighborhood wizard, Poliester.


                • I'm finally back at school. YAY FOR INSTANT MESSAGING!!! Anyway, I'm trying to get back into the groove of things. I just went and bought $350 worth of books for school...and I have to pay for them by myself too...ick. My roomie doesn't come back until Tuesday night, so I'm going to be a bit lonely until then. Classes start on Wednesday. (HELP!!!) I need to print up a scedule for that...anyhow, I'll probably be on more often again.


                  • "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


                    • I hate school so I'm not going to mention it again... I'm going to talk about games. Games games games games games games games games. I love Kingdom Hearts. I know most of the characters, but I don't have a ps2. I have the gameboy version, "Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories". I love that game so much; I am already on the last floor of Castle Oblivion. Yea I love that game...

                      My best friend is missing... I need a manual badly... I need to find her. I think she ran off with a guy. She is 13 and I think he's 21, or that's what she kept mentioning. I really need to find her because I care about her a little more than a friend would... Imagine how terrible it would be if a girl (me) is in love with their best friend and the friend is missing... It's terrable and I feel like crap. You guys are so lucky that I can't swear on this website or I'd be cussing him out all through this topic... I would hiss at him, but he's not here... I'll hiss anyway...

                      From your friendly neighborhood wizard, Poliester.


                      • Your friend ran AWAY?! OMG. That's horrible. And she didn't even tell you? Here parents must be frantic by now...I don't think I would run off with a 21 year old guy. Or any guy. (not that anyone would want to run away with me either. i'm too high maitenence.)
                        penguins will rule the world.


                        • That's terrible, you must be under alot of emotional pressure... still, legal actions can be taken against that 21 year old guy...

                          *pats callahan's back*
                          Comradely, Diego

                          Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                          "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                          "Be a real


                          • I don't know what to say callahan... just that I hope you find your friend and that everything will be okay. *lots of huggles*
                            "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                            "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                            "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                            "I could live


                            • Hey deigo. Make your posts longer. AND GET TO VGDAWN! do you know how hard it is to run an evil army with their evil leader still hung in midair. While Jaina and Shalmaketh try to run the whole thing! Sigh. BTW we got you some back up. balverines! Yay!

                              I am bored and i think my computer has a virus. It is called Backdoor.agent i think. It alows other people to use my computer over the internet. Scarey no? They could tare my computer apart in seconds. Ahhh! at least they havent done it yet. Sigh i must try to fix it but my mom expects me to find a little tiny disc in my room. I bet it's in my closet. ... Like i'll ever go in there! I dont know whats in there, It's sad i know.

                              Oh yes, I hope your freind turns up okay callahan. (did i spell that right?) Did she really run away with him? I wonder why. That seems kinda strange to me. I guess that's cause none of that stuff has every happend to me or my freinds (that i know of).
                              "Free is Free" -Dain
                              Founder of the Why So Many Foundations Foundation (WSMFF)

                              This a picture of Doonut. A character from Red vs. Blue. My favorite web show.

                              : Doonut and Sarg siting under a jeep :
                              Doonut:"Hey sarg! What's that metal thing th


                              • I'm so incredibly grossed out right now, you can't even know. I was in acting class, and I sat on this guy's jacket. Apparently, he had pot, because my clothes smelled like it. Later, I was working on the computer, and Mom comes in, and is like: "It smells like pot in here." I had to take a shower and wash my clothes,and now my bathroom smells like pot. I asked her: "Do you think I was doing pot?" And she's like: "I certainly hope not." That's not real encouraging...

                                Just so you know, I would NEVER do pot. I'm not that stupid.
                                "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
                                "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair

