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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I hope things work out for you callahan and your friend comes back.

    Dain, it seems to me that your signature is a tad on the long side. By my count it is thirteen lines and I believe the limit is 6 or so. I'm probably even pusing it with my own.

    Speaking of that, I put my version of the oath back in my siggy (see below).
    "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


    • Wow. many unfortunate things happening today huh?

      *huggles callahan*

      *huggles artemis* Did that person get busted for having pot in his jacket? My mom would've yelled at me before saying it smelled like pot in here. That is gross...
      penguins will rule the world.


      • No, he did not... unfortunately. I really wish he did, though... *sigh*
        "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
        "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


        • Dain stop whining for a while, damnit.
          Comradely, Diego

          Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
          "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

          "Be a real


          • Folks,

            Apologies for the brief outbreak of other topics in this area. I've now got it correctly locked down (I think) so that it should be impossible for any new topics to be created in the TOGR's forum area.
            Lee / Forum Administrator


            • Thanks Lee! I didn't think anyone was supposed to make other topics...anyway.

              I don't want to go to classes tomorrow...why can't it just snow? It's supposed to get as high as 68F out this week, but by Friday it will cool down to like 35F. *dies* It might snow over the weekend, but that won't do me any good.
              I have the rest of the day to myself, then my roomie comes home tonight. At least I get to work this afternoon so I won't be extremely bored.


              • Thanx you guys... They found her with the guy. She's unhurt and we found she went with her own free will. She met him on the internet. I bet her mother gave her a really long lecture...

                Yea well thanx again.
                From your friendly neighborhood wizard, Poliester.


                • Pot's normal. Get over it. . .

                  Besides that, heck, I know druggies and drunkards, and they can be a heck of a lot nicer to hang out with than the smart kids. I think at least the quarter of my school does pot. I could care less. I mean, teachers make this big deal, y'know, about how druggies are all bad and stuff, and how they're going to peer pressure you into doing drugs, but frankly, it's more like "Hey, want a joint?" "Nah, not really. I'm not into that sorta thing." "Oh, okay, that's cool." It's not like they gang up on you or anything. . . They're just people too.

                  I get angry at teachers that make this big deal out of doing drugs and how people are going to force you into it and crap like that. That's crap. The only person that chooses if you do drugs is yourself- your fear of not fitting in, your position on Maslow's pyramid. I chose not to. The druggies are cool with it. A lot of people do things "to fit in." Look at the clothes you wear, the people you hang out with, and then ask, "Is this really me?" The answer can be yes, because personality is changeable. Or, deep down, it can be no. LIke how I act all happy and hyperactive, but really am miserable. The happy side is as much a part of me as it is an act.

                  Most of my friends are just drunks. Frankly, drunks are a heck of a lot more dangerous than potheads. Potheads might get high and not know what they're doing, but generally they're pretty harmless. Drunks can get angry and pick fights, and then they don't care if they get hurt, they just have to win.

                  I don't care what people do with themselves. Who am I to judge druggies and drunks? I'm the obsessed overachiever, and I do that for the same reason they do drugs and drink. To belong somewhere and feel special. I don't feel that I have a right to judge people who do drugs or drink. I don't feel anyone does. And if someone does. . . thanks for taking someone one inch closer to the edge.

                  This rant is getting long. But the edge thing reminds me of something else. You know, suicide is a comforting thought. It's the final step on a cliff face. . . to know that you control whether or not you want to go on is a very comforting thing, especially when you feel overwhelmed or alone.

                  that was a long rant. And I probably said a bunch of things I shouldn't have. I probably showed what a horrible person I was. And I don't especially care.

                  Don't drink and drive though. Drinking and driving = bad.


                    Comradely, Diego

                    Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                    "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                    "Be a real


                    • What's with the picture? It's stupid from my point of veiw. And if you plan to big a big bad guy deigo, you might want to post a little more often. and do something more useful than killing your own men. *hmmf*

                      Anyway, i'm glad that your freind came back. (Nita you better not let your parents see that post or they will go nuts!)

                      I am so smart! (I think) I disarmed the virus on my compy. My mom wanted me to show her how ai did it and when she walked away she had this "WTF did he just say" look on her face.

                      I must thankies nita muchly. She saved me from haveing a detention after school. (New program "Math Matters". It's where if you dont complete the assignment you ahve to spend an hour after school re-doing it.)
                      "Free is Free" -Dain
                      Founder of the Why So Many Foundations Foundation (WSMFF)

                      This a picture of Doonut. A character from Red vs. Blue. My favorite web show.

                      : Doonut and Sarg siting under a jeep :
                      Doonut:"Hey sarg! What's that metal thing th


                      • Classes started today, and the actually weren't all that bad. I had stastics in the morning and an english writing class this afternoon, and I just got done with a web design class. I'm using a Mac right now! The web design class uses them. I only ever used a Mac once, and it's kinda strange...anyway, I have a bit of homework for Friday...I hate it when teachers give HW on the first day of class...but since they're only semster classes, I guess I see why they do it b/c there's not a whole lot of time to get through a whole course. It still sucks though. After I get the hang of this comp I'm going to dinner with my roomie. TTYL!


                        • Happy that your friend came back! What happened to the guy??
                          *grr to Poot*
                          "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                          "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                          "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                          "I could live


                          • I agree with Aurora on everything.

                            I've been gone, and togr has only been creeping. I have a lot of issues to talk about, and my homework rush has come to temporary stop. I still have two huge assignments left to do, one of which I feel like I have no will about, and I might just blow it off. The other is for health, and I'm hurting bad in health. Kinda. Actually, after a few near-failed tests and assignments, I think I've still managed to pull it off in the A-B range. Shocking to me. The other assignment is in Creative Writing and it'll probably kill me to miss even one. I have 100, near 100 for all of my projects in that class, but I have only so many projects. It'll be death to me. *sigh* I really need to study vocab for language arts. I don't know any of it, and right now is the time to learn. History is even scarier.

                            We've been starting our midterms early in Creative Writing. Midterms for Creative Writing will be on Friday of next week, but we've started working on it on Monday. The goal is to write a poem, paint a picture with the poem on it, and then write an essay about the picture and the poem. My poem is "Lies can tear a person apart/ more than the undeniable truth/ when you're being attacked by a pack of wolves." Yesterday and today, Partner wasn't at school so I went ahead and worked on it. I'd rather she were here; it wouldn't be that great to go off on a tangent she can't relate to in this project if we have to write an essay on it, and I'm not doing the picture, poem, and essay, though I'll do part of the essay. There are [will be] wolves coming in from the borders, and a wounded angel will be in the center of the picture with blood and bloodied feathers all around. The first two 'lines' will be at the top of the picture, and the last at the bottom. I have no idea how I'll draw the angel, but the wolves are great, and I wish I could take a picture of it.

                            The teacher bought canvases and paints for all of the groups, and it feels great to paint like this. I want to get canvases and paints and paint at home.

                            Material craving is what it feels like.

                            I think next semester begins as soon as finals end. *sigh* It feels like my schedule will be changed around completely, what with all the half semesters I had. I actually have the same teacher for Geo as I do for Phys now, but the room number is different. Lesse, Geo, Computer Graphics, and Chem are the new courses. I guess that's not so bad -- the majority of my schedule isn't made up of half-semesters.

                            There's a lot more to talk about, but I can't just now.

                            Diego, I can't see your picture.
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • Mac's are a lot quicker and nicer than Windows. Wow, the picture won't load for me. Strange huh?

                              Anyways I picked out my classes for 8th grade. I hope I get into the ones I want. Multimedia Productions, (making movies.) And Exploring Theatre, (doing skits.) Then creative writing and choir. I shouldn't have picked creative writing because there's probably a lot of homework involved...
                              penguins will rule the world.


                              • *Stabs notpostingeverness* Hi, I'm alive.

                                450 X 600 is too big for an avie, isn't it? (I know already. Someone needs to tell Requiel, you should see his profile...) Meep.

                                Wow, scary about your friend callahan. I'm glad she's okay...

                                I've been stabbing things a lot...*Stabs chat, because it keeps kicking me out and if it does this on the 15th at the DD chat...stabs again*

                                I can see Diego's picture, I'm just not going to comment on it....

                                I saw the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack in a store a few days ago and (Small voice) Didn't get it Alla please don't kill me *Ducks Alla*.

