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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I loooooooove the Killers. I saw them live this summer. It was at a summer concert (my first real concert,fun!! ) put on by a local radio station. They're very good though. Recently saw the Mr. Brightside video, I had seen the UK one back in early summer but the American one is totally different. both very cool though.

    The Outsiders is a good book. I read it in school a few years back. Saw the movie too. I liked 'em both.

    wow, straight line=arc... completely lost still on this triangle thing. I think I will refrain from even attempting to understand it at this point.

    Ha, I watched the way old Power Rangers today. The good ol' original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. I remember they were on when I was about 5 and I fell in love. We had an episode of it, and my cousin who's 4 loves Power Rangers (whatever group they're on now, I lost track after Ninjas probably and the original characters all changed). Anyways, we were babysitting him and my other younger cousin today who's almost 1 and 1/2 (aww. ). Anyways, he wanted to watch Power Rangers over and over so that's what happened. Only he was playing at the same time so we weren't really watching... Go Go Power Rangers!!

    sorry, but this is the Topic of Great Randomness after all. so all things random.

    I saw Meet the Fockers today. heh. Good movie.
    Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

    "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
    -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


    • hey Lisa, sorry I left the chat so ubrubtly. The server crashed or something and then my computer did too.

      OMG! Gryph thank you soo much for pointing out to me! They now have the extended PotO soundtrack on there . Do you know what the restrictions on downloading are? Or do you just use it to listen to songs? One of my friends wants to download a few things. One of them being the PotO soundtrack.

      Power Rangers? I remember when that came out. Hey Abby, who was your favourite? I always liked the green one. Or Jason (wasn't that the red one's name?) . I think they're up to some space one or something... or that was what the last ep that I watched was.

      *sigh* I am bored. And listening to the PotO soundtrack - the songs that I don't have. Someone just got hanged by the Phantom.

      Gah! I'm trying to work out a timetable for Uni - its soo hard. Everything keeps clashing and one of my chem lectures is on at the same time as a maths one, which only occurs once a week... AAHHH!!! If anyone is so bored that they want to give it a go, just tell me and I'll send you a copy of the time table that I have to work off... AHHHHHHHHH!!!

      Gryph plugged
      You'll have to join VGDawn, then. Dawn of the Conqueror's Age It's about to have a new plotline, so go ahead and apply without worrying about that.
      Heh. Watch out for Gryph, Ni. She always gets people to join VGDawn. There are only a few people here that aren't members. It even became a second 'home' to us when there was a problem with these boards.
      A new plot you say Gryph? Maybe I can join in again then... I kinda lost track of what everyone was doing. Gi'us a hoy when it changes, k? And I'll come up with a new charrie.

      Hmmmmn... Mission Impossible is on next. I don't know wheter to be happy about it or what. *shrugs* there's nothing else on I think *channel surfs* nope... touchy feely something or other and the tennis... Mission Impossible it is.

      I will leave you then...



      • I used to lurrrve dark chocolate. Now I can't stand it *sigh*#

        I've got a possible three RP's I might join now that'll help my sheer and utter boredom. Don't really know why I'm bored, there must be loads of things around to do 'cause other people aren't bored all the time, but I can't seem to think of any!

        I used to have a cat but last year she went misssing she was very old though. It was really awful - she hardly ventured out of the house much but she'd gone out in the morning and I hadn't seen her all day. And there I was with my parents away, and a friend round for the night, and though I kept going and calling her she never came home again It's so horrible when your pets die...(or get away) *huggles Rad*

        My flatmate is going to see The Killer's next week, I'd never heard of them til I came up to university, now I love 'em!
        ~~ a.k.a Knight of Ni! ~~


        • OMG I love the old Rangers! I don't care if it's a kids show, I LOVE IT. My mom never let me watch it though (big surprise, right?) I did sneak in a few episodes though. Actually, she did let me watch it once, when I was 9. It was b/c my Grandpa had cancer and my mom was taking care of him for awhile. Power Rangers came on and she let me watch it "just this once" kinda thing. I really liked the originals, when they had Trini (the yellow one that was asian). I saw some random ones, up to when they made that blond girl the pink Ranger. I don't remember what exactly happened to Kimberly. I do remember seeing an eppie where they got turned into little kids. Also, Recently I saw part of a Dino thunder eppie (or soemthing like that) and they had the Green/White ranger guy in it, and he was like their leader or was hard to tell b/c my older sis was telling me how stupid I was and turned off the TV. My fave ranger was always Kimberly, the pink ranger. And not b/c she was pink b/c I never really did like that color very much. My younger sis liked Trini, the Yellow Ranger. Out of the boys, I can't remember who I liked, but the Green/white ranger was cute

          you can send me the timetable Alla! I'll try to help


          • Your right Rad things go so fast around here... I really need to keep up with all of this... It becomes very confusing...

            Hey two questions what happened to gryphon and what is with all the foundations around here?

            Well I have exams next week... so that sucks and such... i do not want to study but I have to. Oh well... I can live with a few days off from school and two formal exams.

            ^^ Dai all!
            [i]Fairest and Fallen Greeting and Defiance[i]


            • Originally posted by Mentall Penguin:
              Hey two questions what happened to gryphon and what is with all the foundations around here?
              1) Gryphon has just told me in chat she is posting here.
              2) The foundations... just roll with it and go with the flow. (Not that I'm mising my metaphors here or anything.. but Shakespeare did it loads, so why shouldn't I?)
              "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


              • PM: Gryphon: What sort of avi would be good for sharky, though?
                "I'm sane, I tell you!" backed by a shark. With a lot of nonsense in smaller text.

                Alla, I haven't downloaded any from there, so I don't know anything about it. My brother has asked to, but he hasn't yet. I just listen to a few or point out a few good songs to people.

                Heh. Watch out for Gryph, Ni. She always gets people to join VGDawn. There are only a few people here that aren't members. It even became a second 'home' to us when there was a problem with these boards.
                A new plot you say Gryph? Maybe I can join in again then... I kinda lost track of what everyone was doing. Gi'us a hoy when it changes, k? And I'll come up with a new charrie.
                Gi'us a hoy? Give us a hoy? hoy? ???

                Nius, that's what happened to Orange Kitty. I never talked about him or Grey Monster. They were two cats who used to live on our front porch. Even though they were both male, they were like best friends, or at least Grey Monster was like a grandpa to the little kitten. Every morning before school, I'd step outside, and he'd come running up to the door to be pet and played with. He was such a scaredy cat, though, and sometimes we got him to come in, but if anyone moved to fast or if anyone came in through the door, he'd bolt. Grey Monster was a gross cat with flees and scabbed wounds from where he'd rub at the flees. His fur was a mess, but he loved pets. OK visited us nearly everyday and we were going to adopt him, but then he went an entire day without seeing us. Then the next and next until it had been months. It was a rainy day, too. I remember. GM stopped coming to our house a little before that.

                Hey two questions what happened to gryphon and what is with all the foundations around here?
                Something happened to me? The foundations... They're Sharky, Nita, and Fox's fault.

                Half Life 2 rocks my socks.

                Gryphon *yawn*
                Gryphon it's cold this morning
                Gryphon it's cold every morning this week
                Wilf it's snowing here
                Gryphon yup
                Gryphon here too, but the flakes are pretty small
                Wilf whereabouts is here for you?
                Gryphon somewhere east coast?
                Wilf aren't you sure?
                Gryphon east coastish
                Wilf which country?
                Gryphon america?
                Gryphon america.
                Wilf Gryphon... why are you so unsure about where you live?
                Gryphon sharky says i don't say my age or location because i can't remember
                [Add adds;]
                Wilf must be true then
                Wilf which state?
                Gryphon that i won't say
                Wilf why?
                Wilf actually... do you live in DC?
                Gryphon ...
                Wilf ok, Gryphon is from DC
                Gryphon XD
                Gryphon i haven't worken up yet
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • Wheeee....we have lots of snow here!

                  Uh oh dinner's ready so I have to go but I'll say this first:
                  Last night at rehearsal we blocked Innkeeper's Song, which is where we're all in an Inn drunkenly singing. So we had to pretend to be drunk, obviously, and I talked to my friend on the phone when I got home and she asked me if I was going to pretend to be hungover the next morning? I love my friend.
                  "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                  There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                  And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                  What could mean more than this?"
                  --Bright Eyes


                  • we don't get snow here. Usually every year or so we try to go up to the mountains and stay for a few days so we can have some snow though.

                    Ah yeah, the pink ranger, Kimberly, was my favorite!! my sister liked the yellow ranger, Trini. I loved Kimberly though cos she did all that gymnastics stuff. The green/white ranger was Tommy. Jason was the red ranger, Zach was the black ranger, and Billy was the blue ranger. I don't remember about all the replacements. I vaguely remember the episode where they're all little though...

                    woohoo, going to the beach tomorrow!!
                    Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

                    "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
                    -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


                    • Originally posted by EWizard11:
                      Wheeee....we have lots of snow here!

                      Last night at rehearsal we blocked Innkeeper's Song, which is where we're all in an Inn drunkenly singing. So we had to pretend to be drunk, obviously, and I talked to my friend on the phone when I got home and she asked me if I was going to pretend to be hungover the next morning? I love my friend.
                      Hey thats awesome! Did you do it?

                      SNOW! AHHH you guys need to come here for a bit of sun I think! Ohk. Its starting to get stormy int he afternoon, but thats good at the moment. We need the rain. Its also around 30deg.C in the shade at the moment.

                      Gryph didn't understand:
                      Gi'us a hoy? Give us a hoy? hoy? ???
                      You got the first bit right. hoy:
                      (n) a call - "give us a hoy". I'm lazy when I say that. I always shorten it to gi'us. So yeah. Essentially, just tell me when it happens, and I'll either reintro my charries or come up with some new ones.

                      Yay! The LifeLine Bookfest is on again in Brissie! I think I'll go in again tomorrow. There's all sorts of stuff there. Its great!

                      Hey! The Aussies are caning Pakistan in the cricket! YAYAY! c'mon Aussie! For anyone that understands this, we got Pakistan out for 164 and we're none (out) for fifty runs at the same time that they were two for thrity-four! Make that 52 runs to us .

                      UPDATE ON THE CRICKET: We Won! C'mon Clarkie! Clark got a century! Yay!

                      *listens to PotO soundtrack from mp3search* This is like the entire storyline, minus the visuals its awesome!

                      i gotta go now... mum wants me to tidy my room... I don't know what she has against a messy room. I always know whereeverything is in a messy room!



                      • Yay! I love end-of-the-semester long-weekends! No homework! Woohoo!
                        We got tons of snow at my house and there was the blizzard warning and everything! Actually, the blizzard warning canceled my one-act play competition yesterday, so I had one of my friends over at my house ('cause the wind wasn't even blowing and the roads weren't bad at all, so I didn't have to worry about driving her home and stuff).
                        Yay! Snoball this week! Snoball, by the way, is like Homecoming, except for basketball instead of football. It'll be fun; we have some pretty good dress-up days and one of my friends was crowned Princess. Also, one of my teachers decided to have a snowman/creature building contest and she'll buy the winning group a gallon of icecream and provide toppings too! Since my friend and I were bored, we decided to make something yesterday for the contest; this is what we ended up making:
                        It's supposed to be a dragon, but it looks more like an alligator. My friend deemed it Tragdar the Combustionator (like Trogdor the Burninator from
                        Ok, that's all I have for randomness today.
                        Member of the Tumbleweeds of the World Foundation. Beware the Tumbleweed Stampede! :bouncegrin:
                        "Where shall wisdom be found, and where is the place of understanding? If I knew, I'd walk over and stand there." Roger Zelazny


                        • I hate power rangers...have you ever noticed that the yellow ranger is always different? Anyways...

                          it's snowing here too. We had a snow day a few days ago. I have to do algebra though so I'm tired...(i've been studying all day and yesterday.)
                          I don't like snow...or MN. I'm coming to Austrailia.
                          penguins will rule the world.


                          • Not that I've been in the convo much. But... I hate power rangers too!!! They scared me when I was little, and they still annoy me now. Anyone who likes them, I respect you totally. Maybe you see them differently than I do... But Zgirl... I totally agree with you.
                            Yes, tis snowing here, 36 in. of snow outside my house, and my dads AND moms cars are covered. Wow, this storm ROCKS!!!
                            PRAYING FOR A SNOW DAY!!!
                            Member of the DDFQOTW foundation

                            Forever and Always


                            • Originally posted by Zgirl:
                              I don't like snow...or MN. I'm coming to Austrailia.
                              Good idea. Come to wonderful 'sunny' Australia! Its raining here at the moment, or in Brisbane anyway, and is thirty odd degrees in the shade outside, plus its humid!

                              AHHHH! I'm still trying to work out my uni timetable. You'd think that they would make sure that there wasn't any clashes between maths and chemistry, wouldn't you? Sheesh... ohh weell.



                              • AAAAHHHH this comp is acting up and won't let me onto MSN or Yahoo messenger!!! *curses comp* it's so annoying...and then I have a bit of homework to do today that I really don't want to's cold outside and it snowed a teenie bit but not nearly enough to make a difference. I have been able to talk to Moonsong a little bit (those of you who might remember her).
                                Stupid comp...

