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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • (In defence of Christianity at large.) *sigh/snicker* That is an extremely fundamentalist group which is extremely far from the holdings of other Christians. (except other fundamentalists. Btw, I don't mean to be disrespectfull or anything--everyone's entitled to their own opinion.) But, yeah. Most non-fundamentalist groups have no problem with evolution. A priest teaches the subject at my school.

    *feels bad for alla's sore throat*

    Happy B-Day, Tui!

    Yeah, all that's really late, but I've been swamped. And now I've got to write and memorize a speech in ONE WEEKEND AND usher for the play (which means being there an hour early) and I can't speak worth anything. *sigh*

    +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
    +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


    • I don't like people who are convinced that what they say about religion is automatically right. (Not saying that to anyone on here.) The Bible says God made us unique...that means we all have our OWN talents. (Hehe. I just remembered--my siggy. ) But my dad was/is always right when it comes to religion, at least from his perspective, so we HAD to go to church EVERY Sunday, even if one of us was sick. My thought is this: If you go to church every Sunday, but don't want to and have a hard time even understanding what they're saying, then you need to think about why you're going there. Is it because you feel obligated to, or is it your time to socialize, or some other reason. If you don't find a good reason, then you should try somewhere else. If you feel a connection, or are really happy because you know you're closer to God, then that's a good place for you to be. My mom understands that, even if my dad doesn't. Which is why I'm glad he left.

      I'm not saying that most Catholics/Christians are like that. Far from it. Most people are just normal people.

      And specifically about the Creation fair thing--at least they're letting the kids decide for themselves whether it was God or nature, and not forcing their own opinion on them. But then again, I don't see any awards for people who proved it WASN'T God...

      *groans* It's about 30 degrees farenheit here, and I'm so cold. I'm so jealous because some kids in my grade got to go on the Science feild trip to Florida.'s like 70 degrees there. But it cost like over $1000 dollars to go.
      Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
      "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
      "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


      • I'M ALIVE!! (Am I ever!)

        I was gone for so long because of the show. It's over now, and I'm sad about that, but it was one of the most amazing, incredible, unbelievable experiences of my life. I still have another week of exams at my school before spring break, so I won't be able to fully catch up until after that's over, but I thought I'd check in, see how everything is, post so you know I'm not dead. So, hi!
        "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
        There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
        And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
        What could mean more than this?"
        --Bright Eyes


        • You guys added entries? Show!

          And Sharky, thanks, but it's not my brithday 'til July. Unfortunately (because that's my 18th. Legal, legal, legal, legal...)

          Most people are just normal people.
          I'll drink to that.

          And Ella! *tacklehugs* I'm so glad the show was good... and it's awesome to hear from you, good luck with exams!
          Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


          • [IMG:top]nita and kit late night study[/IMG]
            oppps my picture of nita and kit didn't come out right . DARN!

            [edited to consolidate one-liners. luv2read, you need to use a URL to the picture file between the IMG tags. The board can't understand a file on your computer, unless it's web-served. --kli]
            Darth Vader is my idol


            • I agree with Tui. If you need proof that women are not all made for homemaking, you can look at me too.

              - Needles like to hurt me.
              - Cleaning things like to hurt me.
              - Laundry baskets hurt me.
              - Washing machines hate me.
              - The stove REALLY likes to hurt me.
              - To date, I can only make three things: Toast, Soup, and TV Dinners.
              - Little children scare the crap out of me.

              and there are others, including "I can beat up boys and I do it often." and "I'm smarter than most guys I know." and stuff like that. ^^

              That site is so stupid it's funny. Now, the book I read on gender roles was at least intellectual, even if a lot of the points were really silly. Like the viewpoint on how feminism is against men and stuff. . . the guy basically tried to show that boys weren't doing well in school because there were girls in school. Something about how girls in school ruins boys self-esteem and makes it hard for boys to learn and stuff like that. . . I returned the book, but the point was sort of silly.

              Even more amusing, a pro-feminism viewpoint used a very similar point, only they made it sound smarter through saying the school system was too adversarial, and girls don't do well in an adversarial system. *shrug* Even though I'm a feminist myself, I think both points were stupid. It was an interesting book though.


              • Well, I had my horse show today. We left the house around 11:15, got there around 12:20, and just sat watching for three or four hours. Then I warmed up on Whinnie. *sigh* That mare is crazy. She wouldn't listen to me at all. In the first class, I got fourth out of five. After that, I kind of wandered around and waited some more. Surprisingly, the day went by really quickly. Then it was time to show again. On Whinnie. While I was riding her in the warmup ring, or whatever it is, she broke out into a canter, which she was NOT supposed to do. I'm just grateful I didn't fall off and break my neck. In the second show, I got third out of fourth. For my first show, I guess that's not too bad. And I only ride every other week most of the time. I didn't get home till after 7:00 pm. I'm about to fall asleep. *wanders off to clean up*
                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                • Originally posted by Aurora:
                  I agree with Tui. If you need proof that women are not all made for homemaking, you can look at me too.

                  - Needles like to hurt me.
                  - Cleaning things like to hurt me.
                  - Laundry baskets hurt me.
                  - Washing machines hate me.
                  - The stove REALLY likes to hurt me.
                  - To date, I can only make three things: Toast, Soup, and TV Dinners.
                  - Little children scare the crap out of me.

                  and there are others, including "I can beat up boys and I do it often." and "I'm smarter than most guys I know." and stuff like that. ^^
                  I'm sorry but that post made me laugh so hard. It reminds me of my time in home ec. (or FACS,)everything hurt me. Ecspecially stoves and needles.
                  Anyways I haven't posted in a while, it's kind of nice to post in the TOGR now though...(oh you must understand that a while means 3 days or so to me a month means forever.)
                  OMG! I saw the school play yesterday. It was really REALLY GOOD. It was called the Lady Pirates of Captain Bree. My little brother even liked it he didn't read or take out his gameboy once! *bravo to the students who performed it* Anyways there was this one scene, where the Captain of the British ship and Captain Bree from the pirate ship were singing to each other. and then this ballerina comes out of nowhere! My brothers intake on it was, "In a NORMAL play they would've kissed, but in this play they had a BALLERINA!" OMG it was so funny.
                  penguins will rule the world.


                  • Congrats, Angel Star!

                    What show, Ella?

                    I know what you mean about not being cut out for housework. I've burnt rice. Rice that was boiling. The only things I can cook are potatos and pancakes. I can do laundry, but I don't WANT to.

                    Oooohh. They released the cover for HP6! That's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! Yayness!

                    There was something else I wanted to say...I just can't remember.
                    Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                    "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                    "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                    • About a half hour ago, I just sat down and typed a huuuge letter to a bunch of friends. I typed it up in notepad, and when I paste it into word, it's well over a page long. It has 5,176 characters and 961 words. Here, I'll just type all of what Word Count says.
                      Pages 2
                      Words 961
                      Characters (no spaces) 4,139
                      Characters (with spaces) 5,176
                      Paragraphs 11
                      Lines 63

                      It felt great to say all of that in an e-mail. Maybe I'll copy it into my journal. The journal with... I think that might be only its 14th entry. The first entry was in April or earlier of last year. So think of the gaps in time.. XD

                      Now to reply to the togr.

                      But then again, I don't see any awards for people who proved it WASN'T God...
                      That and they shot down a few people's from a different relgion because of a few 'bibilogical errors'. It's the site I blame. Actually it's 80 in Florida. I scrolled down to the bottom of the Yahoo home page where it lists the temperature.

                      Little children don't scare the crap out of me. I can stand them, but I don't know how to deal with them if they get clingy. Gah. And it's so funny when they fall down and start to cry!

                      *yawn* Too late for me. G'night!
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • I completely support the creation theories that say balh blah blah evolution blah blah blah

                        I don't have anything against religion... really... nothing at all. I just can't accept it and believe in it without something...

                        On another note, sorry I've been lurking a lot lately; it just seems that I have nothing to say or maybe that what I want to say is too controversial or offensive, sorry about that...
                        Hearts will never be practical, until they are made unbreakable.
                        "They smelled nice,"said Ponch"but smell isn't everything"
                        Check out the Encounters topic in Chatter II<<<If it's still there. Jeez. Long time guys.


                        • I'm soooooo bored. I could go to bed...but I don't wanna. It's only 11:15, and it's a Saturday. Grr.

                          I'm not good with my siblings all the time. I mean, other little kids, I get along with. But once I get to know them, I'll lose my temper and start shouting. They drive me insane. And I can't even sew using a sewing machine. When I try to cook, I burn myself. I have several scars on my arms to prove it. I even burn myself doing laundry. I was ironing one day, and being my bright self I tried to reach my hand around the iron to pick it up. I now have a scar on my wrist that looks like I cut myself.

                          Speaking of getting hurt, my cat is evil. I was petting her today, and I guess I hurt her paws or something b/c then she started trying to eat my hand. Really. She was biting it and scratching it and meowing at it...I still have the marks! She even made me bleed she bit me so hard. *pouts*
                          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                          • My day just got a little brighter. This was an email I sent to my english teacher about this speech that I'm supposed to do on monday. [Names have been altered because I said so.]

                            Mrs. F, I was thinking about it and I want to slightly tweak my speech topic from Mandatory college education to Government funded colleges which are free. Nothing big, just wanted to let you know. Of course, you probably won't read this 'till Monday, anyway, so there really isn't much point to me telling you now, is there? But anyway, I just wanted to give some sort of heads up. I don't think the minor change will be much of a problem.

                            ...and remember, the amount of A's given to students is directly proportional to a teacher's happiness.


                            This was Mrs. F's response:

                            You are clinicaly insane and you owe me your first born child. Do whatever to the speech....


                            I'm dead serious. BUT THIS PROVES NOTHING!! I'm still SANE!!!

                            +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                            +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


                            • I opened up the door this morning to let Sparkle in. The air smelled great, like real spring. I stood in the doorway for a moment, just breathing it in. I love it! Fall has this crisp smell to it like ice, like Winter.

                              Summer smells like ozone.

                              I had pancakes! There's something special about them. They're happy. I said to my mom, "If I make pancakes, will you help me?" Mom said yeah, so I got the recipe out and a few of the ingredients with mom helping. By the end, I was sitting at the table, reading Sunday comics while mom poured the mix onto a pain, muttering, "If I make pancakes, will you help me?"

                              Sharky, I dunno if you noticed, but I mentioned in chat that if college were mandatory, the government would have no choice but to pay for it.

                              Sharky['s teacher]:
                              You are clinicaly insane and you owe me your first born child. Do whatever to the speech....
                              Ahahaha! *topples over the back of the chair, laughing so hard* I'm gonna die...
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • Gryphon:
                                I'm gonna die...
                                Hummph. That's what you get for laughing. And yes, I know that if it were mandatory, the government would have to fund it. But I decided to make it not mandatory, but still have government funded colleges. This way we don't get all these people who are educated, but have do jobs which don't take any of the skills they learned. Plus, the cost could be reduced because only finacially qualified people could be in the free colleges.

                                How did I know Skitty would be the first on the scene to comment on this?

                                +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                                +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)

